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Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
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“Iris Oifigiúil” of 9th March, 2018.
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I, SHANE ROSS, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by
sections 34
of the
Road Traffic Act 2010
(No. 25 of 2010) (as adapted by the Transport (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister) Order 2011 (
S.I. No. 141 of 2011
)), and after consultation with the Minister for Justice and Equality hereby make the following regulations:
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1. These Regulations may be cited as the Road Traffic Act 2010 (Part 3) (Fixed Charge Offences) (Amendment) Regulations 2018.
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2. These Regulations come into operation on 1 March 2018.
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3. In these Regulations “Principal Regulations” means the
Road Traffic Act 2010
(Part 3) (Fixed Charge Offences) Regulations 2017 (
S.I. No. 244 of 2017
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4. Regulation 4 of the Principal Regulations is amended by the substitution of “Schedules 1 to 5” for “Schedules 1 to 4”.
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5. Regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations is amended—
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(a) in paragraph (c) by the deletion of “and”,
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(b) in paragraph (d) by the substitution of “Schedule 4, and” for “Schedule 4.”, and
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(c) by the insertion of the following paragraph after paragraph (d):
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“(e) €150 in respect of an offence mentioned in Schedule 5.”.
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6. The Table in Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Principal Regulations is amended—
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(a) in the column entitled ‘Article’ by the deletion of “44(1)”, and
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(b) in the column entitled ‘Description of Contravention’ by the deletion of “Stopping or parking a vehicle in a disabled person’s parking bay without a permit”.
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7. The Principal Regulations are amended by the insertion of the following Schedule after Schedule 4:
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“Schedule 5
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Regulation 5(e)
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€150 fixed charge
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An offence under section 35(5) of the Act of 1994 consisting of a contravention of Regulation 44(1) of the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations 1997 by stopping or parking a vehicle in a disabled person’s parking bay without a disabled person’s parking permit.”.
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GIVEN under my Official Seal,
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27 February 2018.
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Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport.
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(This note is not part of the instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)
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These Regulations increase the fixed charge for parking in a disabled bay without displaying a valid permit.