Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in |
"Iris Oifigiúil" of 24th April, 2015. |
I, RICHARD BRUTON, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by sections 12 , 22 (2), 23 (2), 35 (5), 36 (2), 39 (1), 50 (3), 59 (1), 60 (2), 63 , 70 (7), 90 (1), 90 (3), 90 (4), 93 (3), 116 (1), 140 (2), 142 (4)(a), 149 (8) and (9), 150 (2)(b) and (10), 152 (3), 173 (6), 216 (6), 288 (4), 346 (2)(b), 385 (2)(b), 392 (1)(b), 409 (3), 409 (4)(a) and (b), 409 (8), 411 (2), 413 (2), 416 (4), 430 (3), 436 (2), 441 (2), 470 (1)(b), 494 (1)(b), 531 (1), 731 (1)(d), 732 (2)(b), 732 (4), 737 (1)(b), 812 (1), 971 (1)(c), 1010 (2) and (3), 1040 (7), 1021 (9), 1180 (1)(c), 1285 (1)(b) and 4(c), 1296 (1)(a), 1297 (2)(a), 1299 (2)(a), 1302 (2) and (3), 1303 (1), 1304 and 1305 of the Companies Act 2014 (No. 38 of 2014) hereby make the following regulations: |
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Companies Act 2014 (Forms) Regulations 2015. |
(2) These Regulations shall come into operation on 1 June 2015. |
2. In these Regulations- |
"Act of 2014" means the Companies Act 2014 (No. 38 of 2014). |
3. The form set out in Part 1 of the Schedule (Form A1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 22(2) of the Act of 2014. |
4. The form set out in Part 2 of the Schedule (Form B74) is prescribed for the purposes of section 23(2) and 150(2)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
5. The form set out in Part 3 of the Schedule (Form B77) is prescribed for the purposes of section 35(5) and 36(2) of the Act of 2014. |
6. The form set out in Part 4 of the Schedule (Form B46) is prescribed for the purposes of section 39(1) of the Act of 2014. |
7. The form set out in Part 5 of the Schedule (Form B2) is prescribed for the purposes of section 50(3) of the Act of 2014. |
8. The form set out in Part 6 of the Schedule (Form N1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 59(1) and 60(2)(c) of the Act of 2014. |
9. The form set out in Part 7 of the Schedule (Form N2) is prescribed for the purposes of section 63(3) of the Act of 2014. |
10. The form set out in Part 8 of the Schedule (Form B5) is prescribed for the purposes of section 70(7) and 1021(9) of the Act of 2014. |
11. The form set out in Part 9 of the Schedule (Form B11) is prescribed for the purposes of section 90(1) of the Act of 2014. |
12. The form set out in Part 10 of the Schedule (Form B12) is prescribed for the purposes of section 90(3) of the Act of 2014. |
13. The form set out in Part 11 of the Schedule (Form B13) is prescribed for the purposes of section 90(4) of the Act of 2014. |
14. The form set out in Part 12 of the Schedule (Form B4) is prescribed for the purposes of section 93(3) of the Act of 2014. |
15. The form set out in Part 13 of the Schedule (Form H5) is prescribed for the purposes of section 116(1) of the Act of 2014. |
16. The form set out in Part 14 of the Schedule (Form B67) is prescribed for the purposes of section 140(2) of the Act of 2014. |
17. The form set out in Part 15 of the Schedule (Form B68) is prescribed for the purposes of section 142(4)(a) of the Act of 2014. |
18. The form set out in Part 16 of the Schedule (Form B10) is prescribed for the purposes of section 149(8) of the Act of 2014. |
19. The form set out in Part 17 of the Schedule (Form B10A) is prescribed for the purposes of section 149(9) of the Act of 2014. |
20. The form set out in Part 18 of the Schedule (Form B74A) is prescribed for the purposes of section 150(1) and (10) of the Act of 2014. |
21. The form set out in Part 19 of the Schedule (Form B69) is prescribed for the purposes of section 152(3) of the Act of 2014. |
22. The form set out in Part 20 of the Schedule (Form B42A) is prescribed for the purposes of section 173(6) of the Act of 2014. |
23. The form set out in Part 21 of the Schedule (Form B3) is prescribed for the purposes of section 216(6) of the Act of 2014. |
24. The form set out in Part 22 of the Schedule (Form B83) is prescribed for the purposes of section 228(4) of the Act of 2014. |
25. The form set out in Part 23 of the Schedule (Form B1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 343(4) of the Act of 2014. |
26. The form set out in Part 24 of the Schedule (Form B73) is prescribed for the purposes of section 346(2)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
27. The form set out in Part 25 of the Schedule (Form H3) is prescribed for the purposes of subsection 385(2)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
28. The form set out in Part 26 of the Schedule (Form H4) is prescribed for the purposes of section 392(1)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
29. The form set out in Part 27 of the Schedule (Form C1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(3) of the Act of 2014. |
30. The form set out in Part 28 of the Schedule (Form C1A) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(4)(a) of the Act of 2014. |
31. The form set out in Part 29 of the Schedule (Form C1B) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(4)(b) of section 409 of the Act of 2014. |
32. The form set out in Part 30 of the Schedule (Form C17) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(8) of the Act of 2014. |
33. The form set out in Part 31 of the Schedule (Form C3) is prescribed for the purposes of section 411(2) of the Act of 2014. |
34. The form set out in Part 32 of the Schedule (Form C10) is prescribed for the purposes of section 413(2) of the Act of 2014. |
35. The form set out in Part 33 of the Schedule (Form C6) is prescribed for the purposes of section 416(4) of the Act of 2014. |
36. The form set out in Part 34 of the Schedule (Form C7) is prescribed for the purposes of section 416(4) of the Act of 2014. |
37. The form set out in Part 35 of the Schedule (Form E9) is prescribed for the purposes of section 430(3) and 441(2)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
38. The form set out in Part 36 of the Schedule (Form E8) is prescribed for the purposes of section 436(1) of the Act of 2014. |
39. The form set out in Part 37 of the Schedule (Form E11) is prescribed for the purposes of section 436(2) of the Act of 2014. |
40. The form set out in Part 38 of the Schedule (Form DM1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 470(1)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
41. The form set out in Part 39 of the Schedule (Form DV1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 494(1)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
42. The form set out in Part 40 of the Schedule (Form E24) is prescribed for the purposes of section 531(1) of the Act of 2014. |
43. The form set out in Part 41 of the Schedule (Form H15) is prescribed for the purposes of section 731(1)(d) of the Act of 2014. |
44. The form set out in Part 42 of the Schedule (Form H16) is prescribed for the purposes of section 732(2)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
45. The form set out in Part 43 of the Schedule (Form H17) is prescribed for the purposes of section 732(4) of the Act of 2014. |
46. The form set out in Part 44 of the Schedule (Form H1) is prescribed for the purposes of section 737(1)(b) of the Act of 2014. |
47. The form set out in Part 45 of the Schedule (Form H2) is prescribed for the purposes of section 812(1) of the Act of 2014. |
48. The form set out in Part 46 of the Schedule (Form G5) is prescribed for the purposes of section 971(1)(c) and 1180(1)(c) of the Act of 2014. |
49. The form set out in Part 47 of the Schedule (Form A4) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1010(2) and (3) of the Act of 2014. |
50. The form set out in Part 48 of the Schedule (Form D10) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1040(7) of the Act of 2014. |
51. The form set out in Part 49 of the Schedule (Form D20) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1285(1)(b) and 4(c) of the Act of 2014. |
52. The form set out in Part 50 of the Schedule (Form D6) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1296(1)(a) of the Act of 2014. |
53. The form set out in Part 51 of the Schedule (Form D6C) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1297(2)(a) of the Act of 2014. |
54. The form set out in Part 52 of the Schedule (Form D6D) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1299(2)(a) of the Act of 2014. |
55. The form set out in Part 53 of the Schedule (Form F8) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(3) as applied by section 1301(4) of the Act of 2014. |
56. The form set out in Part 54 of the Schedule (Form F8A) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(4)(a) as applied by section 1301(4) of the Act of 2014. |
57. The form set out in Part 55 of the Schedule (Form F8B) is prescribed for the purposes of section 409(4)(b) as applied by section 1301(4) of the Act of 2014. |
58. The form set out in Part 56 of the Schedule (Form F9) is prescribed for the purposes of section 411(2) as applied by section 1301(4) of the Act of 2014. |
59. The form set out in Part 57 of the Schedule (Form F12) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302(2) of the Act of 2014. |
60. The form set out in Part 58 of the Schedule (Form F2) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302(3)(a) and (b) and 1304(3) of the Act of 2014. |
61. The form set out in Part 59 of the Schedule (Form F3) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302(3)(c) and 1304(3) of the Act of 2014. |
62. The form set out in Part 60 of the Schedule (Form F4) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302(3)(d) and 1304(3) of the Act of 2014. |
63. The form set out in Part 61 of the Schedule (Form F14) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302(3)(e) and (f) and section 1304(3)(b) and (c) of the Act of 2014. |
64. The form set out in Part 62 of the Schedule (Form F7) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1303(1) and 1305(1) of the Act of 2014. |
65. The form set out in Part 63 of the Schedule (Form F13) is prescribed for the purposes of section 1302 as applied by section 1304 (1) of the Act of 2014. |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, |
17 April 2015. |
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. |
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) |
The purpose of these Regulations is to prescribe the forms to be used for the purposes of certain provisions of the Companies Act 2014 . |