Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in |
"Iris Oifigiúil" of 7th March, 2014. |
I, MICHAEL NOONAN, Minister for Finance, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 67 (5) of the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010 (No. 36 of 2010), hereby make the following order: |
1. (1) This Order may be cited as the General Government Secured Borrowings Order 2014. |
(2) This order comes into operation on 14 March 2014. |
2. The bodies listed in the schedule are prescribed for the purposes of Section 67 of the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010 (No. 36 of 2010). |
3. This Order supersedes the General Government Secured Borrowings Order 2011 (No. 40 of 2011). |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, |
5 March 2014. |
Minister for Finance. |
Schedule |
(a) Central Government |
(i) Departments of State |
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine |
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht |
Department of Children and Youth Affairs |
Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources |
Department of Defence |
Department of Education and Skills |
Department of Environment, Community and Local Government |
Department of Finance |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
Department of Health |
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation |
Department of Justice and Equality |
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform |
Department of Social Protection |
Department of the Taoiseach |
Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport |
(ii) Additional Votes |
The President’s Establishment |
Office of the Attorney General |
Central Statistics Office |
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General |
Office of the Appeals Commissioners (for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts) |
Office of the Revenue Commissioners |
Office of Public Works |
State Laboratory |
Secret Service |
Chief State Solicitor’s Office (a component part of the Office of the Attorney General) |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions |
Valuation Office |
Public Appointments Service |
Office of the Commission for Public Service Appointments |
Office of the Ombudsman |
National Gallery |
Garda Síochána |
Irish Prison Service |
Courts Service |
Property Registration Authority |
Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland |
International Co-operation (Official Development Assistance, accounted for by the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade) |
Health Services Executive |
Army Pensions |
Superannuation and Retired Allowances |
(b) Other Non-market Agencies included in Central Government Sector |
(i) General |
An Bord Pleanála |
Pobal |
Bord Bia |
Failte Ireland |
Bord Iascaigh Mhara |
Inland Fisheries Ireland |
Data Protection Commissioner |
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
Enterprise Ireland |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Equality Authority |
Food Safety Authority of Ireland |
Forfás |
Grangegorman Development Agency |
Health and Safety Authority |
Health Service Executive |
Higher Education Authority |
Horse Racing Ireland |
Housing Finance Agency |
IDA Ireland |
Irish Film Board |
Irish Rail |
Irish Research Council |
Irish Sports Council |
Irish Water Safety |
Labour Relations Commission |
Law Reform Commission |
Legal Aid Board |
Marine Institute |
National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) |
National Oil Reserve Agency |
National Roads Authority |
National Standards Authority of Ireland |
National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) |
National Economic and Social Development Office |
National Sports Campus Development Authority |
Quality and Qualifications Ireland |
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland |
Railway Procurement Agency (RPA) |
Sea Fisheries Protection Authority |
Teagasc |
Teaching Council |
The Arts Council (An Chomhairle Ealaíon) |
Udaras Na Gaeltachta |
National Disability Authority |
Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ) |
TG4 |
Voluntary Hospitals |
Voluntary Secondary Schools (non-fee-charging) |
Community Schools |
Comprehensive Schools |
Primary Schools (non-fee-charging) |
1 Fee-charging schools are classified into the General Government Sector where fee-income covers less than 50% of their operating costs (pay, purchases of goods and services and depreciation) |
Western Development Commission |
(ii) Institutes of Technology and other similar institutions |
Athlone Institute of Technology, |
Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, |
Institute of Technology Carlow, |
Cork Institute of Technology, |
Dublin Institute of Technology |
Dundalk Institute of Technology, |
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology, |
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, |
Letterkenny Institute of Technology, |
Limerick Institute of Technology, |
Institute of Technology Sligo, |
Institute of Technology Tallaght, |
Institute of Technology Tralee, |
Waterford Institute of Technology. |
(iii) Education and Training Boards |
City of Dublin Education and Training Board |
Donegal Education and Training Board |
Kerry Education and Training Board |
Cork Education and Training Board |
Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board |
Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board |
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board |
Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board |
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board |
Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board |
Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board |
Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board |
Louth and Meath Education and Training Board |
Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board |
Tipperary Education and Training Board |
Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board |
(c) Extra Budgetary Funds included in Central Government Sector |
Adult Education Organisations Fund |
Bank Guarantee Scheme Fund |
Bilateral and Other Aid Fund |
Capital Service Redemption Account (CSRA) |
Ciste Na Gaeilge |
Carbon Fund |
Department Of Education Scholarship Fund |
Dormant Accounts Fund |
Fishery Harbour Centres Fund |
Fund For Cultural, Scientific Etc. Organisations |
Fund for Organisations Promoting Ireland as An Educational Centre |
Garda Siochána Reward Fund |
Horse and Greyhound Racing Fund |
Intestate Estates Fund Deposit Account |
Local Authority Library and Archive Service |
Local Government (Equalisation) Fund |
Local Loans Fund |
National Lottery Suspense Account |
National Pensions Reserve Fund |
National Training Fund |
Plastic Bag/Ground Fill Levy Fund |
Post Office Savings Bank Fund |
Programme for Peace and Reconciliation |
Provision and Renovation of Swimming Pools |
Rent and Interest Account No. 3 |
Restricted Licences Conversion Fund |
Residential Institutions Redress Scheme |
Residential Institutions Education Fund |
Scientific and Technological Education (Investment) Fund |
Small Savings Reserve Fund (SSRF) |
Social Insurance Fund |
Special Account for Compensation of Hep C |
Sundry Monies Deposit Account |
Voluntary Housing Scheme |
Western Investment Fund |
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) |
The purpose of this Order is to prescribe the persons and bodies subject to the provisions of Section 67 of the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010 , which provides that secured borrowing by the prescribed persons and bodies requires the consent of the Minister for Finance. |
1 Fee-charging schools are classified into the General Government Sector where fee-income covers less than 50% of their operating costs (pay, purchases of goods and services and depreciation) |