Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in |
"Iris Oifigiúil" of 11th November, 2011. |
I, ALAN SHATTER, Minister for Justice and Equality, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (No. 26 of 1956) (as adapted by the Justice and Law Reform (Alteration of Name of Department and Title of Minister Order 2011 ( S.I. No. 138 of 2011 )), with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, hereby make the following regulations: |
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Regulations 2011. |
(2) These Regulations come into operation on 10 November 2011. |
2. The following are revoked: |
(a) the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Regulations 1956 ( S.I. No. 216 of 1956 ); |
(b) the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Regulations 2002 ( S.I. No. 567 of 2002 ); |
(c) the Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Fees) Regulations 2008 ( S.I. No. 294 of 2008 ); |
(d) the Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Amendment) Regulations 2011 ( S.I. No. 284 of 2011 ). |
3. In these Regulations, save where the context otherwise requires- |
"Act of 1956" means the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 (No. 26 of 1956); |
"Act of 1986" means the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1986 (No. 23 of 1986); |
"Act of 2001" means the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 2001 (No. 15 of 2001); |
"Act of 2004" means the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 2004 (No. 38 of 2004); |
"Act of 2011" means the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2011 (No. 23 of 2011); |
"surviving civil partner" has the same meaning as it has in the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 (No. 24 of 2010). |
4. A declaration of citizenship made by a person under section 6(5) (as amended by section 3(1) of the Act of 2001) of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 1 in the Schedule. |
5. A certificate of naturalisation granted to a person of full age under section 15 (as amended by section 33(b) of the Act of 2011), 15A (as amended by section 33(c) of the Act of 2011) or 16 (as amended by section 33(d) of the Act of 2011) of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 2 in the Schedule. |
6. A certificate of naturalisation granted to a minor under section 15 (as amended by Section 33(b) of the Act 2011) or 16 of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 3 in the Schedule. |
7. A notice of the issue of a certificate of naturalisation under section 18(2) of the Act of 1956 published in Iris Oifigiúil shall be in Form 4 in the Schedule. |
8. An annual registration and declaration of intention to retain Irish citizenship under section 19(1)(c) (as amended by section 8(c) of the Act of 2001) of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 5 in the Schedule and shall be left with, or sent by registered post to, the Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin or the head of an Irish diplomatic mission or consular office. |
9. (1) A declaration of fidelity to the nation and loyalty to the State under section 15(1)(e) (as amended by section 33(b) of the Act of 2011), or 15A (1)(h) (as amended by section 33(c) of the Act of 2011) of the Act of 1956 shall- |
(a) where made in a citizenship ceremony or such other manner as the Minister, for special reasons, allows, be in Form 6 in the Schedule, and |
(b) where made before a judge of the District Court in open court, be in Form 7 in the Schedule. |
10. An application for a certificate of naturalisation under section 17 (as amended by section 33(e) of the Act of 2011) of the Act of 1956 shall- |
(a) if made by a person of full age, be in Form 8 in the Schedule, |
(b) if made by a naturalised Irish citizen acting on behalf of his or her minor child, be in Form 9 in the Schedule, |
(c) if made by a parent or guardian acting on behalf of a minor of Irish descent or Irish associations, be in Form 10 in the Schedule, and |
(d) if made by a parent or guardian of, or person who is in loco parentis to, a minor born in the State who did not at birth have an entitlement to Irish citizenship under section 6A (inserted by section 4 of the Act of 2004) of the Act of 1956, be in Form 11 in the Schedule. |
11. (1) The notice of the Minister's intention to revoke a certificate of naturalisation under section 19(2) of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 12 in the Schedule and shall be served personally on the person concerned or sent to him or her by registered post not less than 3 months before the date of the intended revocation. |
(2) An application for an inquiry under section 19(2) of the Act of 1956 shall be made by letter left with, or sent by registered post to, the Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin. |
12. A declaration of alienage under section 21(1) (as amended by section 7 of the Act of 1986) of the Act of 1956 shall be in Form 13 in the Schedule and shall be left with, or sent by registered post to, the Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin. |
13. (1) The following fees shall be paid by the applicant: |
(a) on the making of an application for a certificate of naturalisation, a fee of €175; |
(b) subject to paragraph (2), on the issue of a certificate of naturalisation: |
(i) where the application is made on behalf of a minor, a fee of €200; |
(ii) where the application is made by a widow or widower whose spouse was, immediately before death, an Irish citizen, and who has not, subsequent to the spouse's death, remarried or entered into a civil partnership or become a naturalised citizen of a state other than the State, a fee of €200 |
(iii) where the application is made by a person who is the surviving civil partner of a person who was, immediately before death, an Irish citizen, and who has not, subsequent to the civil partner's death, entered into a new civil partnership or married or become a naturalised citizen of a state other than the State, a fee of €200; |
(iv) in the case of all other applications, a fee of €950. |
(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (b) of paragraph (1), the fee payable under that subparagraph shall be nil, if the application for the certificate concerned is made by or on behalf of a- |
(a) person to whom section 16(1)(g) (inserted by section 5 of the Act of 1986) of the Act of 1956 applies, or |
(b) programme refugee within the meaning of section 24 (1) of the Refugee Act 1996 (No. 17 of 1996). |
14. A declaration under section 6(5) (as amended by section 3(1) of the Act of 2001), 19(1)(c) (as amended by section 8(c) of the Act of 2001) or 21(1) (as amended by section 7 of the Act of 1986) of the Act of 1956 shall- |
(a) if made in the territory of the State, be made before one of the following persons recognised or acting as such within the State: |
(i) a notary public; |
(ii) a commissioner for oaths; |
(iii) a peace commissioner; |
(iv) a minister of religion stating his or her denomination and address of place of worship; |
(v) a member of Dáil Éireann or Seanad Éireann or a member of the European Parliament for a constituency within the State; |
(vi) a member of a local authority within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2001 (No. 37 of 2001); |
(vii) a barrister or solicitor; |
(viii) a registered medical practitioner within the meaning of section 2 (as amended by section 2 of the Medical Practitioners (Amendment) Act 2011 (No. 12 of 2011)) of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 ; |
(ix) a qualified teacher who is a member of the teaching staff of a primary or secondary school or a third level institution, |
and |
(b) if made in any place other than the territory of the State, be made before one of the following persons: |
(i) a person to whom section 5 of the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Provision of Services) Act 1993 (No. 33 of 1993) applies; |
(ii) a notary public; |
(iii) any person who is, by the law of the country in which the declaration is made, a commissioner for oaths or other person authorised to take affidavits and for that purpose to administer oaths. |
FORM 1 |
I,.............. [Name in full] |
of.............. [Current address] |
[born (please insert your name at birth if different from above) ..............].* |
at............................................................ [place of birth], a place in the island of Ireland, its islands and seas, on................................. (date), having previously lodged a declaration of alienage under section 21 of the above Act [in the name (please insert your name as given on your declaration of alienage if different from above)..............................................]*, hereby declare myself to be an Irish citizen. |
Signature............................................................... |
(Mr. / Mrs. / Ms.) |
Date....................................................................... |
Declared and subscribed before me ..............................[name in capitals] a** .....[insert qualification] by.............................[name of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by............... who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of: |
passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of . [issuing state], which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or national identity card no. ..[identity card number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of [issuing state], which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA agreement |
At.....................................[place of signature] of.........[date] |
Signature of witness:.............................................. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............................................. |
Address of witness:.............................................. |
Day-time telephone number:.............................................. |
FORM 2 |
Certificate No.................... |
WHEREAS the under-mentioned applicant has duly applied to the Minister for Justice and Equality for a certificate of naturalisation and has supplied the particulars set out hereunder and has satisfied the Minister that the statutory conditions in relation to the grant of a certificate of naturalisation to him/her have been fulfilled: |
NOW, the Minister for Justice and Equality in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , grants to the applicant this certificate of naturalisation whereby as from the date hereof the applicant becomes an Irish citizen. |
Name in full.............. |
Address.............. |
Place of birth.............. |
Date of birth.............. |
[Country of] Previous nationality.............. |
|| of ....................................20...... |
______________[Minister for Justice and Equality] [Officerauthorised to authenticate orders and instruments] |
FORM 3 |
Certificate No............. |
WHEREAS..............being the parent/guardian |
of.............., a minor to whom the |
under-mentioned particulars relate, has applied to the Minister for Justice and Equality for the issue of a certificate of naturalisation to the minor: |
NOW, the Minister for Justice and Equality in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , grants to the minor this certificate of naturalisation whereby as from the date hereof the minor becomes an Irish citizen. |
Name in full.............. |
Address.............. |
Place of birth.............. |
Date of birth.............. |
[Country of] Previous nationality.............. |
|| of ....................................20...... |
______________[Minister for Justice and Equality] [Officerauthorised to authenticate orders and instruments] |
FORM 4 |
The Minister for Justice and Equality has granted the following certificate(s) of naturalisation: |
Name / Address / Date of certificate / Whether person was of full age or a minor |
Department of Justice and Equality |
.....................................................20........ |
FORM 5 |
I,..............[name in full] |
to whom the under-mentioned particulars relate, hereby declare my intention to retain my Irish citizenship. |
Signature.............. |
Address.............. |
Date.............. |
Declared and subscribed before me.........................................[name in capitals] a* ..[insert qualification] by..............[name of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by.............. who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the Irish State |
At.....................................[place of signature] of..............[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
Number of certificate of naturalisation.............. |
Date of issue of certificate of naturalisation.............. |
Date of commencement of residence outside Ireland.............. |
Date and place of last declaration, if any.............. |
FORM 6 |
I,.............. |
(name in full) |
of.............. |
having applied to the Minister for Justice and Equality for a certificate of naturalisation, hereby solemnly declare my fidelity to the Irish nation and my loyalty to the State. |
Signature.............. |
Date.............. |
Declared and subscribed before me by the above-named person. |
Signature.............. |
Person authorised by the Minister for Justice and Equality to witness declarations of fidelity to the Irish nation and loyalty to the State. |
Date............................................................... |
FORM 7 |
I,.............. |
(name in full) |
of.............. |
having applied to the Minister for Justice and Equality for a certificate of naturalisation, hereby solemnly declare my fidelity to the Irish nation and my loyalty to the State. |
Signature.............. |
Date.............. |
*Declared and subscribed before me in open court by the above-named person. |
Signature.............. |
Judge of the District Court. |
Date.............. |
*Endorsement if declaration made in open court. |
FORM 8 |
Please note before completing the form: |
Ensure that the information you provide is true and correct. Section 29A of The Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , as amended, provides that a person who knowingly or recklessly makes a declaration under this Act, or a statement for the purposes of any application under this Act that is false or misleading in any material respect, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €3,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both, or on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding €50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or to both. |
A certificate of naturalisation may be revoked if the certificate was procured by fraud, misrepresentation, (whether innocent or fraudulent), or concealment of material facts or circumstances. |
1. Name |
1. 1 Current given/first name(s):.............. |
1. 2 Current family/last name:.............. |
1. 3 Previous name(s):.............. |
1. 4 Reason for change:.............. |
1. 5 Date of change to present name:.............. |
2. Identification |
2. 1 Place of birth:.............. |
2. 2 Country of birth:.............. |
2. 3 Date of birth:.............. |
2. 4 Gender: male / female |
2. 5 Present nationality:.............. |
2. 6 Your PPS number:.............. |
(If a personal public service number has been allocated to you) |
2. 7 Your GNIB number:.............. |
2. 8 Your Person Identity number:.............. |
3. Residential address |
3. 1 Present address:.............. |
3. 2 Email address:.............. |
3. 3 Daytime telephone number:.............. |
3. 4 Evening telephone number:.............. |
3. 5 Mobile number:.............. |
4. Previous addresses |
Please provide details of all of your previous addresses for the past 9 years, both in the State and abroad, starting with the most recent one: |
Address............................... Country..................... From................ To................ |
5. Residency permissions |
5. 1 Date of arrival in Ireland:.............................................. |
5. 2 Passport number:.............................................. |
5. 3 Statutory residency conditions are prescribed in Section 15 and Section 15A of the 1956 Act and compliance with these conditions is assessed on the basis of your legal reckonable residence immediately prior to the date of application i.e. the date you sign the statutory declaration at the end of this form. |
A residency calculator is provided on the citizenship section at as a guide to assist you in checking if you satisfy the statutory conditions for residency. You should enter your permissions as evidenced in your passport and verify that you satisfy residency requirements. |
Please print a copy of the report and include it with your application or, alternatively, please provide details of ALL of your residency stamps in the nine years prior to the date of this application below: |
Stamp valid from.......... Stamp valid to........... Stamp type............ Total days................ |
5. 4 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application for the purposes of study- Yes / No |
If any of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application was for study purposes please complete the details below: |
From........... To........... Name and address of school/college/university...................... |
5. 5 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application spent as an asylum seeker? Yes / No |
If any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application was spent as an asylum seeker please complete the details below: |
From........... To............. Outcome............. Reference number.................. |
6. Residence following naturalisation |
6. 1 Do you intend, following naturalisation, to have your usual or principal place of residence in the State? Yes / No |
6. 2 If you are married to or are the civil partner of an Irish citizen, do you intend, following naturalisation, to have your usual or principal residence in the island of Ireland? Yes / No / Not applicable |
6. 3 If you answered 'No' to question 6.1 or 6.2 please indicate your intended country of residence following naturalisation:................................................. |
7. Status |
7. 1 Give your current status: |
Single / Married / Separated / Divorced / Widow(er) / Civil Partner |
7. 2 Are you the widow / widower or were you the civil partner of a deceased person who at date of death was an Irish citizen? Yes / No |
7. 3 Have you, since the date of death of your Irish spouse / civil partner, acquired the nationality of another country? Yes / No |
7. 4 Have you, since the date of death of your Irish spouse / civil partner, married or become the civil partner of another person? Yes / No |
8. Family details |
8. 1 Please complete the details below in full in respect of your mother and father and spouse / civil partner (if applicable): |
Name..................... Birth last name (if different)....................... Date of birth............. Place and country of birth.............. Present nationality................. |
8. 2 Please complete the details below in respect of your children: |
Name.................... Gender.......... Childs place of residence...................... Date of birth......... |
Place & country of birth.............. Present nationality....................... |
9. Means of support |
9. 1 Are you: |
Employed / Self-employed / Retired / Studying / Unemployed / Other |
9. 2 If you are in employment please give the name and address of your employer or if you are self employed, a partner or a director of a company please give the name and address used for business:............................................. |
9. 3 Have you been in receipt of a social assistance payment or other State support in the past 3 years? Yes / No |
9. 4 If you answered 'Yes' to Q9.3 please give: |
Type of payment/support............ From............. To.............. Reason for obtaining social welfare support: . |
9. 5 Details of your employment(s), if any, in the past 5 years: |
Date From:. Date To:.. Job/Role:.............. Employer:................................................... |
10. Previous applications |
10. 1 Have you applied for Irish citizenship before? Yes / No |
If you answered 'Yes' to question 10.1 please give: |
10. 2 Date of application:.............................................. |
10. 3 Application reference number:.............................................. |
11. Background |
11. 1 Have you ever committed any offences against the laws of Ireland or any overseas country? |
Yes / No |
11. 2 Do you have any convictions in the State or any other country (including traffic offences) or any civil judgements made against you? Yes / No |
If you answered 'Yes' to question 11.1 and/or 11.2 above please answer questions 11.3 to 11.5. If more than one instance provide details in the additional details section below. |
11. 3 Date of conviction or judgement:.............. |
11. 4 Place where conviction or judgement took place:.............. |
11. 5 Outcome:.............. |
11. 6 Have you ever been charged / indicted, inside or outside the State, with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court? Yes / No |
11. 7 Are you, or have you been, the subject of an investigation in Ireland by An Garda Síochána (Irish police)? Yes / No |
11. 8 Have you ever been involved in, or been suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Yes / No |
11. 9 Have you ever been associated with, been a member of, or given support, including financial support, to a terrorist organisation, or been involved in, supported, financially or otherwise, or encouraged terrorist activities? Yes / No |
11. 10 Have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to commit terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Yes / No |
11. 11 Have you engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character? Yes / No |
If you answered 'Yes' to any of the questions 11.6 to 11.11 please provide details in the additional details section below. You may also use this section to give details in relation to questions 11.1 - 11.5. |
Additional details:.............. |
12. Application based on Irish associations |
12. 1 If your application is based on your Irish descent or Irish associations, please give details below: |
Details:.............. |
13 Application based on marriage to or civil partnership with an Irish citizen |
13. 1 Is your application based on your marriage to an Irish citizen? Yes / No |
13. 2 Is your application based on being the civil partner of an Irish citizen? Yes / No |
If you are married to, or are the civil partner of, an Irish citizen please complete the additional questions below: |
13. 3 Date of marriage/registration of civil partnership:.............. |
13. 4 Place and country of marriage/civil partnership:.............. |
13. 5 Spouse/civil partner is an Irish citizen by: |
Birth / Descent / Naturalisation / Post nuptial declaration / Honorary |
Your spouse or civil partner must complete the applicable Section 15A declaration at the back of this form in the presence of an approved witness on or after the date you sign the Statutory Declaration. |
14. References |
14. 1 Please supply three references from Irish citizens with the following details: |
Name of referee 1.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant.............. |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee...................... Contact number of referee..................... |
Name of referee 2.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant................................ |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee.............. Contact number of referee..................... |
Name of referee 3.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant................................. |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee.............. Contact number of referee..................... |
I,......................................[full name of applicant], do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars stated in this application are true; and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 , as amended by the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 . |
Signed:..................................................... Date:...................................................... |
Declared before me..........[name of witness in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [solicitor] [peace commissioner] [person authorised by................ [insert authorising statutory provision] to take and receive statutory declarations] by.............[name of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by.............. who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of: |
passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of . [issuing state], which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or national identity card no. ..[identity card number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of [issuing state], which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA agreement |
Or aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ..[passport number] issued on .[date of issue] by the authorities of ..[issuing state],which is an authority recognised by the Irish government |
Or refugee travel document no. ..[document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality |
Or travel document (other than refugee travel document) [document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality]. |
At..............[place of signature] of..................[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
I [Full name of spouse of applicant] do solemnly and sincerely declare that I married [Name of applicant] who was born on the [Date of Birth] at [Place of birth]in [Country of birth] a national of [Country] on the [Date of marriage] at [Place of marriage] in [Country of marriage], that we are living together as husband and wife, that our marriage is subsisting and that no proceedings for divorce or annulment or dissolution of this marriage have been commenced, or are about to be commenced, in any court of law and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 , as amended by the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 . |
Signature of Irish citizen:.............. |
Date of declaration:.............. |
Current address:.............. |
Name at birth if different:.............. |
Date of birth and place of birth:.............. |
Passport number:.............. |
Declared before me .................................[name of witness in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [solicitor] [person authorised by............................[insert authorising statutory provision] to take and receive statutory declarations] by.........................[Irish citizen spouse of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by..............who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of: |
passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of . [issuing state], which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or national identity card no. ..[identity card number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of [issuing state], which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement |
Or aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ..[passport number] issued on |
.[date of issue] by the authorities of ..[issuing state],which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or refugee travel document no. ..[document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality |
Or travel document (other than refugee travel document) [document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality]. |
At..............[place of signature] of.........[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
I [Name of civil partner of applicant] do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am the civil partner of [Name of applicant] who was born on the [Date of Birth] at [Place of birth]in [Country of birth] a national of [Country], as and from [Date of civil partnership],[Name of applicant] and I are parties to a civil partnership registration/ have entered into [specify legal relationship entered into], being a legal relationship of a class that is the subject of an order made under section 5 of the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 , at [Place of civil partnership] in [Country of civil partnership], that we are living together as civil partners, that our civil partnership is subsisting and that no proceedings for the dissolution of, or the grant of a decree of nullity in respect of this civil partnership have been commenced, or are about to be commenced, in any court of law and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938 , as amended by the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 . |
Signature of Irish citizen:.............. |
Date of declaration:.............. |
Current address:.............. |
Name at birth if different:.............. |
Date of birth and place of birth:.............. |
Passport number:.............. |
Declared before me......................................[name of witness in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [solicitor] [person authorised by .......................... [insert authorising statutory provision] to take and receive statutory declarations] by ....................... [Irish citizen civil partner of applicant] [who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by..............who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of: |
passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of . [issuing state], which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or national identity card no. ..[identity card number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of [issuing state], which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement |
Or aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ..[passport number] issued on.[date of issue] by the authorities of ..[issuing state],which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or refugee travel document no. ..[document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality |
Or travel document (other than refugee travel document) [document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality]. |
At..............[place of signature] of.........[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
FORM 9 |
1. Naturalised parents details |
1. 1 Full name:.............. |
1. 2 Date of birth:.............. |
1. 3 Place and country of birth:.............. |
1. 4 Naturalisation certificate number:.............. |
1. 5 Date of naturalisation:.............. |
1. 6 Person Identity Number: |
2. Minors details |
2. 1 Given / first name(s):.............. |
2. 2 Family / last name:.............. |
2. 3 Mothers birth last name:.............. |
2. 4 Place and country of birth:.............. |
2. 5 Date of birth:.............. |
2. 6 Gender: Male / Female |
2. 7 Present nationality:.............. |
2. 8 PPS number:.............. |
(If a personal public service number has been allocated to your child) |
2. 9 Person Identity Number:.............. |
2. 10 Does your minor child have refugee status? Yes / No |
3. Residential address (Parent and Minor) |
3. 1 Present address:.............. |
3. 2 Email address:.............. |
3. 3 Daytime telephone number:.............. |
3. 4 Evening telephone number:.............. |
3. 5 Mobile number:.............. |
4. Residency details (Minor) |
4. 1 Date of arrival in Ireland:.............. |
4. 2 Passport number:.............. |
4. 3 Number of years resident in the State:.............. |
5. Educational details (Minor) |
5. 1 Name of school:.............. |
5. 2 Date of enrolment:.............. |
5. 3 Periods of attendance:.............. |
I,.............................................[Name in full], being the parent of the person to whom the particulars given above relate, hereby apply on his / her behalf to the Minister for Justice and Equality for a certificate of naturalisation. |
Signature of parent:.............. |
Date of application:.............. |
FORM 10 |
1. Parent/Guardians details |
1. 1 Full name of parents:..............[Father]................................... [Mother] |
1. 2 Date of birth of parents:..............[Father]................................... [Mother] |
1. 3 Place and country of birth of parents:..............[Father]................................... [Mother] |
1. 4 Present nationality of parents:..............[Father]................................... [Mother] |
1. 5 Present address of parents:..............[Father]................................... [Mother] |
1. 6 Is the application being made by a parent of guardian? Parent / Guardian |
If the application is being made by a guardian please give: |
1. 7 Full name of guardian |
1. 8 Present address of guardian |
2. Minors details |
2. 1 Given/first name(s) of minor:.............. |
2. 2 Family/last name of minor:.............. |
2. 3 Mothers birth last name:.............. |
2. 4 Place and country of birth of minor:.............. |
2. 5 Date of birth of minor:.............. |
2. 6 Gender of minor: Male / Female |
2. 7 Present nationality of minor:.............. |
2. 8 PPS number:.............. |
(If a personal public service number has been allocated to your child) |
2. 9 Person Identity Number:.............. |
2. 10 Date of arrival in Ireland of minor:.............. |
2. 11 Does your minor child have refugee status? Yes / No |
3. Educational details (Minor) |
3. 1 Name of school:.............. |
3. 2 Date of enrolment:.............. |
3. 3 Periods of attendance:.............. |
4. Details of Irish descent or Irish associations being claimed (Minor) |
4. 1 Particulars of Irish descent or Irish associations:.............. |
I,.............................................[Name in full], being the parent or guardian of the person to whom the particulars given above relate, hereby apply on his / her behalf to the Minister for Justice and Equality for a certificate of naturalisation. |
Signature of parent/guardian:.............. |
Date:.............. |
Person Identity Number: .............. |
Email address:.............. |
Daytime telephone number:.............. |
Evening telephone number:.............. |
Mobile number:.............. |
FORM 11 |
Please note before completing the form: |
Please ensure that the information you provide is true and correct. Section 29A of The Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , as amended, provides that a person who knowingly or recklessly makes a declaration under this Act, or a statement for the purposes of any application under this Act that is false or misleading in any material respect, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €3,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both, or on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding €50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or to both. |
A certificate of naturalisation may be revoked if the certificate was procured by fraud, misrepresentation, (whether innocent or fraudulent), or concealment of material facts or circumstances. |
1. Details of parent/guardian |
1. 1 Current given/first name(s):.............. |
1. 2 Current family/last name:.............. |
1. 3 Previous name(s):.............. |
1. 4 Reason for change:.............. |
1. 5 Date of change to present name:.............. |
1. 6 Place of birth:............... |
1. 7 Country of birth:.............. |
1. 8 Date of birth:.............. |
1. 9 Gender: Male / Female |
1. 10 Present nationality:.............. |
1. 11 Your PPS number:............... |
(If a personal public service number has been allocated to you) |
1. 12 Your GNIB number:............... |
1. 13 Your Person Identity Number:.............. |
2. Details of minor born in the State |
2. 1 Given/first name(s) of minor:.............. |
2. 2 Family/last name of minor:.............. |
2. 3 Full name of Father of minor:.............. |
2. 4 Full name of Mother of minor:.............. |
2. 5 Mothers birth last name:............... |
2. 6 Date of birth of minor:.............. |
2. 7 Gender of minor: Male / Female |
2. 8 PPS number:.............. |
(If a personal public service number has been allocated to your child) |
3. Residential address (parent/guardian and minor) |
3. 1 Present address:.............. |
3. 2 Email address:.............. |
3. 3 Daytime telephone number:.............. |
3. 4 Evening telephone number:.............. |
3. 5 Mobile number:.............. |
4. Previous addresses (parent/guardian and minor) |
Please provide details of your previous addresses for the past 9 years, both in the State and abroad, starting with the most recent one: |
Address.............. Country............... From................. To................. |
5. Residency permissions (parent/guardian) |
5. 1 Date of arrival in Ireland:.............. |
5. 2 Passport number:.............. |
5. 3 Statutory residency conditions are prescribed in Section 15 of the 1956 Act and compliance with these conditions is assessed on the basis of your legal reckonable residence immediately prior to the date of application i.e. the date you sign the statutory declaration at the end of this form. |
A residency calculator is provided on the citizenship section at as a guide to assist you in checking if you satisfy the statutory conditions for residency. You should enter your permissions as evidenced in your passport and verify that you satisfy residency requirements. |
Please print a copy of the result and include it with your application or, alternatively, please provide details below of your residency stamps at and since the birth of your child on whose behalf you are making this application: |
Stamp valid from.......... Stamp valid to......... Stamp type............ Total days................ |
5. 4 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application for the purposes of study? Yes / No |
If any of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application was for study purposes please complete the details below: |
From........... To........... Name and address of school/college/university...................... |
5. 5 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application spent as an asylum seeker? Yes / No |
If any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application was spent as an asylum seeker please complete the details below: |
From........... To............. Outcome............. Reference number.................. |
5a. Residency details for minor born in the State |
5. 6 Has your child been resident in the State since birth? Yes / No |
If no, please give details of all periods of non-residence: |
From........... To.............. Country.................... Reason...................... |
6. Residence following naturalisation of minor |
6. 1 Do you intend to have your usual or principal place of residence in the State following naturalisation? Yes / No |
6. 2 If you answered "No" to question 6.1 please indicate your intended country of residence following naturalisation:........................ |
7. Your parent's details / grandparents of minor |
7. 1 Please give details of your mother and father as follows: |
Name................. Birth last name............... Date of birth........... Place and country of birth.............. Present nationality................... |
8. Means of support (parent/guardian) |
8. 1 Are you: |
Employed / Self-employed / Retired / Studying / Unemployed / Other |
8. 2 If you are in employment, please give the name and address of your employer, or if you are self employed, a partner or a director of a company, please provide the name and address used for business:.............. |
8. 3 Have you been in receipt of a social assistance payment or other State support in the past 3 years? Yes / No |
8. 4 If you answered 'Yes' to Q8.3 please give: |
Type of payment/support............ From............. To.............. Reason for obtaining social welfare support: |
8. 5 Details of your employment(s), if any, in the past 5 years: |
Date From:. Date To:.. Role: Employer:... |
9. Previous applications (parent/guardian and/or minor) |
9. 1 Have you applied for Irish citizenship in your own right before? Yes / No |
If yes, please give: |
9. 2 Date of application:.............. |
9. 3 Application reference number:.............. |
9. 4 Has there been a previous application for naturalisation on behalf of your minor child born in the State? Yes / No |
If yes, please give |
9. 5 Date of application:.............. |
9. 6 Application reference number:.............. |
10. Background (parent/guardian) |
10. 1 Have you ever committed any offences against the laws of Ireland or any overseas country? Yes / No |
10. 2 Do you have any convictions in the State or any other country (including traffic offences) or any civil judgements made against you? Yes / No. |
If you answered 'Yes' to either question above please complete the details below. If more than one instance provide details in the additional details section below. |
10. 3 Date of conviction or judgement:.............. |
10. 4 Place where conviction or judgement took place:.............. |
10. 5 Outcome:.............. |
10. 6 Have you ever been charged / indicted inside or outside the State with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court? Yes / No. |
10. 7 Are you, or have you been, the subject of an investigation in Ireland by An Garda Síochána (Irish police)? Yes / No |
10. 8 Have you ever been involved in, or been suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Yes / No |
10. 9 Have you ever been associated with, been a member of, or given support, including financial support to a terrorist organisation or been involved in, supported, financially or otherwise, or encouraged terrorist activities? Yes / No |
10. 10 Have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to commit terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Yes / No |
10. 11 Have you engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character? Yes / No |
If you answered 'Yes' to any of the questions 10.6 to 10.11 please provide details in the additional details section below. You may also use this section to give details in relation to questions 10.1 - 10.5. |
Additional Details:.............. |
11. References (parent/guardian) |
11. 1 Please supply three references from Irish citizens with the following details: |
Name of referee 1.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant................... |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee.............. Contact number of referee..................... |
Name of referee 2.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant................... |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee............... Contact number of referee..................... |
Name of referee 3.............. Referees address................. Date of birth and country of birth of referee............... Length of time referee has known the applicant................... |
Nature of relationship with applicant: |
Signature of referee.............. Contact number of referee..................... |
I,...............................[Full name of applicant], do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars stated in this application are true and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1938 , as amended by the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008 . |
Signed:................................................................................ Date:........................ |
Declared before me..........[name of witness in capitals] a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths] [peace commissioner] [solicitor] [person authorised by................ [insert authorising statutory provision] to take and receive statutory declarations] by.............[name of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by.............. who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of: |
passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of . [issuing state], which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or national identity card no. ..[identity card number] issued on [date of issue] by the authorities of [issuing state], which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement |
Or aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) ..[passport number] issued on .[date of issue] by the authorities of ..[issuing state],which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government |
Or refugee travel document no. ..[document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality |
Or travel document (other than refugee travel document) [document number] issued on [date of issue] by the Minister for Justice and Equality]. |
At.....................................[place of signature] of.........[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
FORM 12 |
To:........................................................... [name of person to whom the notice is addressed] |
.............. [address] |
The Minister for Justice and Equality granted to you a Certificate of Naturalisation Number........., dated.................., on foot of your application for naturalisation as an Irish citizen dated... |
Under section 19 of the section 19 (1) apply. |
The Minister intends, three months after the date of this notice, to revoke your certificate of naturalisation, being satisfied that the following condition applies: |
[the issue of the certificate was procured by fraud, misrepresentation whether innocent or fraudulent, or concealment of material facts or circumstances,] |
OR |
[you have, by overt act, shown yourself to have failed in your duty of fidelity to the nation and loyalty to the State,] |
OR |
[not being of Irish descent or associations, you have been ordinarily resident outside the State or, in the case of an application for a certificate of naturalisation granted under section 15A, resident outside the island of Ireland (otherwise than in the public service) for a continuous period of seven years and without reasonable excuse have not during that period registered annually in the prescribed manner your name and a declaration of your intention to retain Irish citizenship with an Irish diplomatic mission or consular office or with the Minister,] |
OR |
[you are also, under the law of a country at war with the State, a citizen of that country,] |
OR |
[you have by any voluntary act other than marriage acquired another citizenship.] |
Grounds:.............. |
Right to apply for an enquiry |
You have the right to apply to the Minister for an inquiry under Section 19 (2) of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , as amended, as to the reasons for the intention to revoke set out above in this notice and, should you do so, the Minister will not revoke your Certificate of Naturalisation without first considering the report of the Committee of Inquiry. The Irish Nationality and Citizenship Regulations, 2011, S.I. No. 569 of 2011 , provide, see Regulation 11(2), that an application for such an inquiry shall be made by letter left with, or sent by registered post to, The Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin. |
If you apply to the Minister for an inquiry as to the reasons for the Intention to Revoke your Certificate of Naturalisation in the manner set out above, then the Minister will, under Section 19(3) of the 1956 Act, refer your case to a Committee of Inquiry appointed by the Minister, consisting of a chairman having judicial experience and such other persons as the Minister may think fit. If a Committee of Inquiry is appointed, it will report its findings to the Minister. |
Yours sincerely, |
............... [Name of Official] |
.............. [Date] |
FORM 13 |
I,..............[Name in full] of.............................................[Place of ordinary Residence], |
being of full age/being aged 18 years and upwards, am the person to whom the under-mentioned particulars relate. |
I am about to become a citizen of............................................................................... and for that reason desire to renounce my Irish citizenship. |
Signature.............. |
Date.............. |
Declared and subscribed before me...............[name in capitals] a* ..[insert qualification] by.......[name of applicant] |
[who is personally known to me] |
Or [who was identified to me by............... who is personally known to me] |
Or [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this declaration by the production to me of passport no. . [passport number] issued on [date of issue] by the Irish State |
At.....................................[place of signature] of.........[date] |
Signature of witness:.............. |
Name of witness: (capitals).............. |
Address of witness:.............. |
Day-time telephone number:.............. |
Date of birth.............. |
Place of birth............... |
Whether single/married/widow/widower/civil partner.............. |
If a naturalised citizen, the date of issue of the certificate of naturalisation.............. |
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform consents to the making of the foregoing Regulations. |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, |
9 November 2011. |
Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, |
9 November 2011. |
Minister for Justice and Equality. |
(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) |
The Regulations prescribe the procedure to be followed and the forms to be used by persons who make declarations for the purposes of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 , as amended, or who apply for certificates of naturalisation. They also prescribe the form of certificates of naturalisation which the Minister may grant, the form of notice of intention to revoke a certificate of naturalisation and the form of notice in Irish Oifigiúil of the grant of a certificate of naturalisation. |
Form 1: *delete as appropriate: **A declaration under section 6(5) of the Act |
Form 5: *A declaration under section 19(1)(c) of the Act |
Form 13: *A declaration under section 21(1) of the Act |
shall |
(a) if made in the territory of the State, be made before any of the following persons: |
(i) a notary public, |
(ii) a commissioner for oaths, |
(iii) a peace commissioner, |
(ix) a minister of religion stating his or her denomination and address of place of worship, |
(v) a member of Dáil Éireann or Seanad Éireann or a member of the European Parliament for a constituency within the State, |
(vi) a member of a local authority for the purpose of the Local Government Act 2001 (No. 37 of 2001), |
(vii) a barrister or solicitor, |
(viii) a registered medical practitioner for the purpose of the Medical Practitioners Acts 1978 to 2002, |
(ix) a qualified teacher who is a member of the teaching staff of a primary or secondary school or a third level institution |
and |
(b) if made elsewhere, be made before any of the following persons: |
(i) a person to whom section 5 of the Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Provision of Services) Act 1993 (No. 33 of 1993) applies, namely, the head of an Irish diplomatic mission, a member of the diplomatic staff of an Irish diplomatic mission a career consular officer of Ireland and an honorary consular officer appointed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, |
(ii) a notary public, or |
(iii) any person who is, by the law of the country in which the declaration is made, a commissioner for oaths or other person authorised to take affidavits and for that purpose to administer oaths. |