Item No.
Reference Number
Official Journal (OJ) and, where appropriate, Special Edition (S.E.) Reference
Principal Subject Matter
6 February 1970-“
O.J. L42 of 23.2.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Type approval of Motor vehicles and their trailers
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as amended by 78/315/EEC
21 December 1977
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78
and by 78/547/EEC
12 June 1978
O.J. L168 of 26.6.78
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and amended by 80/1267/EEC
16 December 1980
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80
and corrigendum
O.J. L265 of 19.9.81
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/358/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and amended by 87/403/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L220 of 8.8.87
and amended by 92/53/EEC
18 June 1992
O.J. L225 of 10.8.92
as adapted by 93/81/EEC
29 September 1993
O.J. L264 of 23.10.93
and amended by 95/54/EC
31 October 1995
O.J. L266 of 8.11.95
and amended by 96/27/EEC
20 May 1996
O.J. L169 of 8.7.96
and corrigendum
O.J. L102 of 19.4.97
Type approval of Motor Vehicles and their trailers.
and amended by 96/79/EC
16 December 1996
O.J. L18 of 21.1.97
and amended by 97/27/EC
22 July 1997
O.J. L233 of 25.8.97
and adapted to technical progress by 98/14/EC
6 February 1998
O.J. L91 of 25.3.98
and amended by 98/91/EC
14 December 1998
O.J. L011 of 16.01.99
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/98/EC
15 December 1999
O.J. L9 of 13.1.2000
and amended by 2000/40/EC
26 June 2000
O.J. L203 of 10.8.2000
and amended by 2001/56/EC
27 September 2001
and amended by 2001/85/EC
20 November 2001
O.J. L292/21 of 9.11.2001
O.J. L42 of 13.2.2002
and adapted to technical progress by 2001/92/EC
30 October 2001
and adapted to technical progress by 2001/116/EC
20 December 2001
O.J. L291 of 8.11.2001
O.J. L18 of 21.1.2002
and corrigendum
and amended by 2003/19/EC
21 March 2003
O.J. L103 of 19.4.2002
and corrigendum
O.J. L79 of 26.3.2003
and amended by 2004/3/EC
11 February 2004
O.J. L125 of 21.5.2003
and adapted to technical progress by 2004/104/EC
14 October 2004
O.J. L49 of 19.2.2004
O.J. L337 of 13.11.2004
6 February 1970
O.J. L42 of 23.2.70
S.E. 1970(1)
Sound level and Exhaust systems
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
as adapted to technical progress by 73/350/EEC
7 November 1973
O.J. L321 of 22.11.73
and amended by 77/212/EEC
8 March 1977
O.J. L66 of 12.3.77
and adapted to technical progress by 81/334/EEC
13 April 1981
O.J. L131 of 18.5.81
and by 84/372/EEC
3 July 1984
O.J. L196 of 26.7.84
and amended by 84/424/EEC
3 September 1984
O.J. L238 of 6.9.84
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and amended by 92/97/EEC
10 November 1992
O.J. L371 of 19.12.92
and adapted to technical progress by 96/20/EC
27 March 1996
O.J. L92 of 13.4.96
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/101/EC
15 December 1999
O.J. L334 of 28.12.1999
20 March 1970
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Air Pollution by emissions from Motor Vehicles
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by 74/290/EEC
28 May 1974
O.J. L159 of 15.6.74
and by 77/102/EEC
30 November 1976
O.J. L32 of 3.2.77
and by 78/665/EEC
14 July 1978
O.J. L223 of 14.8.78
and amended by 83/351/EEC
16 June 1983
O.J. L197 of 20.7.83
and by 88/76/EEC
3 December 1987
O.J. L36 of 9.2.88
and by 88/436/EEC
16 June 1988
O.J. L214 of 6.8.88
and corrigendum
O.J. L303 of 8.11.88
and amended by 89/458/EEC
18 July 1989
O.J. L226 of 3.8.89
and corrigendum
O.J. L270 of 19.9.89
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and amended by 91/441/EEC
26 June 1991
O.J. L242 of 30.8.91
and amended by 93/59/EEC
28 June 1993
O.J. L186 of 28.7.93
and amended by 94/12/EC
23 March 1994
O.J. L100 of 19.4.94
and adapted to technical progress by 96/44/EC
1 July 1996
O.J. L210 of 20.8.96
and amended by 96/69/EC
8 October 1996
O.J. L282 of 1.11.96
and amended by 98/69/EC
13 October 1998
O.J. L350 of 28.12.98
and corrigenda
O.J. L104 of 21.4.99
and amended by 98/77/EC
2 October 1998
O.J. L286 of 23.10.98
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/102/EC
15 December 1999
O.J. L334 of 28.12.1999
and amended by 2001/1/EC
22 January 2001
O.J. L 35 of 6.2.2001
and amended by 2001/100/EC
7 December 2001
O.J. L 16 of 18.1.2002
and adapted to technical progress by 2002/80/EC
3 October 2002
O.J. L291 of 28.10.2002
and amended by 2003/76/EC
11 August 2003
O.J. L206 of 15.8.2003
20 March 1970
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Fuel tanks and rear protective devices
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and corrigendum
O.J. L65 of 15.3.79
as adapted to technical progress by 79/490/EEC
18 April 1979
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79
O.J. L188 of 26.7.79
and corrigendum
and amended by 81/333/EEC
13 April 1981
O.J. L131 of 18.5.81
and adapted to technical progress by 97/19/EC
18 April 1997
O.J. L125 of 16.5.97
20 March 2000
O.J. L106 of 3.5.2000
and amended by 2000/8/EC
O.J. L64 of 6.3.2001
and corrigendum
20 March 1970
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Mounting and fixing of rear registration plates
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
8 June 1970
O.J. L133 of 18.6.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Steering equipment
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by 92/62/EEC
2 July 1992
O.J. L199 of 18.7.92
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/7/EC
26 January 1999
O.J. L40 of 13.2.99
27 July 1970
O.J. L176 of 10.8.70
S.E. 1970 (II)
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and adapted to technical progress by 98/90/EC
30 November 1998
O.J. L337 of 12.12.98
and adapted to technical progress by 2001/31/EC
8 May 2001
O.J. L130 of 12.5.2001
27 July 1970
O.J. L176 of 10.8.70
S.E. 1970 (II)
Audible warning devices
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and corrigendum
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
1 March 1971
O.J. L68 of 22.3.71
S.E. 1971 (I)
Rear view mirrors/devices for indirect vision
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
as adapted to technical progress by 79/795/EEC
20 July 1979
O.J. L239 of 22.9.79
and by 85/205/EEC
18 February 1985
O.J. L90 of 29.3.85
as adapted by the Act of Accession
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
- Annex IX
and adapted to technical progress by 86/562/EEC
6 November 1986
O.J. L327 of 22.11.86
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 88/321/EEC
16 May 1988
O.J. L147 of 14.6.88
as last amended by 2003/97/EC and
10 November 2003
O.J. L25, 29.1.2004, p.1
as adapted to technical progress by 2005/27/EC
29 March 2005
O.J. L81 of 30.3.2005, p44
26 July 1971
O.J. L202 of 6.9.71
S.E. 1971 (III)
Braking devices
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
27 March 1972
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by 74/132/EEC
11 February 1974
O.J. L74 of 19.3.74
and by 75/524/EEC
25 July 1975
O.J. L236 of 8.9.75
and corrigendum
O.J. L247 of 23.9.75
and adapted to technical progress by 79/489/EEC
18 April 1979
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79
and corrigendum
O.J. L188 of 26.7.79
and adapted to technical progress by 85/647/EEC
23 December 1985
O.J. L380 of 31.12.85
and by 88/194/EEC
24 March 1988
O.J. L92 of 9.4.88
and by 91/422/EEC
15 July 1991
O.J. L233 of 22.8.91
and adapted to technical progress by 98/12/EC
27 January 1998
O.J. L81 of 18.3.98
and adapted to technical progress by 2002/78/EC
1 October 2002
O.J. L267 of 4.10.2002
20 June 1972
O.J. L152 of 6.7.72
S.E. 1972 (II)
Suppression of radio interference
as adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and adapted to technical progress by 95/54/EC
31 October 1995
O.J. L266 of 8.11.95
and adapted to technical progress by 2004/104/EC
14 October 2004
O.J. L337 of 13.11.2004
2 August 1972
O.J. L190 of 20.8.72
S.E. 1972 (III)
Emission of Pollutants from diesel engines for use in motor vehicles
and corrigendum
O.J. L299 of 23.11.77
as adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and adapted to technical progress by 97/20/EC
18 April 1997
O.J. L125 of 16.5.97
and adapted to technical progress by 2005/21/EC
7 March 2005
O.J. L61 of 8.3.2005
17 December 1973
O.J. L38 of 11.2.74
Certain interior fittings
and corrigendum
O.J. L53 of 25.2.77
as adapted to technical progress by 78/632/EEC
19 May 1978
O.J. L206 of 29.7.78
and amended by 2000/4/EC
28 February 2000
O.J. L87 of 8.4.2000
17 December 1973
O.J. L38 of 11.2.74
Anti-theft devices
and corrigendum
O.J. L215 of 6.8.74
and adapted to technical progress by 95/56/EC
8 November 1995
O.J. L286 of 29.11.95
and corrigendum
O.J. L40 of 13.2.98
4 June 1974
O.J. L165 of 20.6.74
Behaviour of steering mechanism in the event of impact
as adapted to technical progress by 91/662/EEC
6 December 1991
O.J. L366 of 31.12.91
22 July 1974
O.J. L221 of 12.8.74
Strength of seats and their anchorages
as amended by 81/577/EEC
20 July 1981
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81
and adapted to technical progress by 96/37/EC
17 June 1996
O.J. L186 of 25.7.96
and corrigendum
O.J. L221 of 31.8.96
17 September 1974
O.J. L266 of 2.10.74
External projections
as adapted to technical progress by 79/488/EEC
18 April 1979
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79
and by the Act of Accession - Annex IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
- Annex IX
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
26 June 1975
O.J. L196 of 26.7.75
Reverse and speedometer equipment
as adapted to technical progress by 97/39/EC
24 June 1997
O.J. L177 of 5.7.97
18 December 1975
O.J. L24 of 30.1.76
Location and attachment of statutory plates and inscriptions
as adapted to technical progress by 78/507/EEC
19 May 1978
O.J. L155 of 13.6.78
and by the Act of Accession
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
- Annex I-X
and corrigendum
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
18 December 1975
O.J. L24 of 30.1.76
Anchorages for safety belts
as amended by 81/575/EEC
20 July 1981
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81
and adapted to technical progress by 82/318/EEC
2 April 1982
O.J. L139 of 19.5.82
and by 90/629/EEC
30 October 1990
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90
and adapted to technical progress by 96/38/EC
17 June 1996
O.J. L187 of 26.7.96
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
Lighting and light signalling devices
as adapted to technical progress by 80/233/EEC
21 November 1979
O.J. L51 of 25.2.80
and corrigendum
O.J. L111 of 30.4.80
and adapted to technical progress by 82/244/EEC
17 March 1982
O.J. L109 of 22.4.82
and amended by 83/276/EEC
26 May 1983
O.J. L151 of 9.6.83
and adapted to technical progress by 84/8/EEC
14 December 1983
O.J. L9 of 12.1.84
and corrigendum
O.J. L131 of 17.5.84
and adapted to technical progress by 89/278/EEC
28 March 1989
O.J. L109 of 20.4.89
and corrigendum
O.J. L114 of 27.4.89
and adapted to technical progress by 91/663/EEC
10 December 1991
O.J. L366 of 31.12.91
and adapted to technical progress by 97/28/EC
11 June 1997
O.J. L171 of 30.6.97
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
Reflex reflectors
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 97/29/EC
11 June 1997
O.J. L171 of 30.6.97
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
End outline marker lamps, side lamps, rear lamps and stop lamps
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 89/516/EEC
1 August 1989
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89
and adapted to technical progress by 97/30/EC
11 June 1997
O.J. L171 of 30.6.97
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
Direction indicator lamps
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
- Annex I-IX
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 89/277/EEC
28 March 1989
O.J. L109 of 20.4.89
and corrigendum
O.J. L114 of 27.4.89
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/15/EC
16 March 1999
O.J. L97 of 12.4.99
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
Rear registration plate lamps
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 97/31/EC
11 June 1997
O.J. L171 of 30.6.97
27 July 1976
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76
Headlamps and filament lamps for them
as adapted by the Act of Accession
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
- Annex I-X
and by the Act of Accession
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
- Annex I-IX
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 89/517/EEC
1 August 1989
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89
and as amended by 1999/17/EC
18 March 1999
O.J. L97 of 12.4.99
27 July 1976
O.J. L 262 of 27.9.76
Front fog lamps and filament lamps for them
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/18/EC
18 March 1999
O.J. L97 of 12.4.99
17 May 1977
O.J. L145 of 13.6.77
Towing devices
as adapted to technical progress by 96/64/EC
2 October 1996
O.J. L258 of 11.10.96
and corrigendum
O.J. L40 of 13.2.98
28 June 1977
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77
Rear fog lamps
and corrigendum
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 89/518/EEC
1 August 1989
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/14/EC
16 March 1999
O.J. L97 of 12.4.99
28 June 1977
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77
Reversing lamps
and corrigendum
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 97/32/EC
11 June 1997
O.J. L171 of 30.6.97
28 June 1977
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77
Parking lamps
and corrigendum
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/16/EC
16 March 1999
O.J. L97 of 12.4.99
28 June 1977
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77
Safety belts and restraint systems
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
as amended by 81/576/EEC
20 July 1981
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81
and adapted to technical progress by 82/319/EEC
2 April 1982
O.J. L139 of 19.5.82
and by the Act of Accession
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
- Annex I-IX
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
and adapted to technical progress by 90/628/EEC
30 October 1990
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90
and adapted to technical progress by 96/36/EC
17 June 1996
O.J. L178 of 17.7.96
and adapted to technical progress by 2000/3/EC
22 February 2000
O.J. L53 of 25.2.2000
27 September 1977
O.J. L267 of 19.10.77
Field of vision
as adapted to technical progress by 81/643/EEC
29 July 1981
O.J. L231 of 15.8.81
and by 88/366/EEC
17 May 1988
O.J. L181 of 12.7.88
and by 90/630/EEC
30 October 1990
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90
21 December 1977
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78
Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators
as adapted to technical progress by 93/91/EEC
29 October 1993
O.J. L284 of 19.11.93
as amended by 94/53/EC
15 November 1994
O.J. L299 of 22.11.94
21 December 1977
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78
Windscreen defrosting and demisting systems
and corrigendum
O.J. L194 of 19.7.78
21 December 1977
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78
Windscreen wiper and washer systems
and corrigendum
O.J. L194 of 19.7.78
as adapted to technical progress by 94/68/EC
16 December 1994
O.J. L354 of 31.12.94
27 September 2001
O.J. L292 of 9.11.2001
Heating systems
as adapted to technical progress by 2004/78/EC
29 April 2004
O.J. L153 of 30.4.2004
12 June 1978
O.J. L168 of 26.6.78
Wheel guards
as adapted to technical progress by 94/78/EC
21 December 1994
O.J. L354 of 31.12.94
16 October 1978
O.J. L325 of 20.11.78
Head restraints
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and corrigendum
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
and amended by 87/354/EEC
25 June 1987
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87
23 November 1978
O.J. L349 of 13.12.78
Sound level and exhaust systems of motorcycles
as adapted by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-X
24 May 1979
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79
and by the Act of Accession
- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
as amended by 87/56/EEC
18 December 1986
O.J. L24 of 27.1.87
and by 89/235/EEC
13 March 1989
O.J. L98 of 11.4.89
22 July 1980
O.J. L229 of 30.8.80
Rear view mirrors for two wheeled motor vehicles
as adapted by the Act of Accession - Annex I-IX
11 June 1985
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85
16 December 1980
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80
Fuel consumption of motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and adapted to technical progress by 93/116/EC
17 December 1993
O.J. L329 of 30.12.93
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/100/EC
15 December 1999
O.J. L334 of 28.12.99
and amended by 2004/3/EC
11 February 2004
O.J. L49 of 19.2.2004
16 December 1980
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80
Engine power of motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 88/195/EEC
24 March 1988
O.J. L92 of 9.4.88
and corrigendum
O.J. L105 of 26.4.88
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC
17 July 1989
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89
and adapted to technical progress by 97/21/EC
18 April 1997
O.J. L125 of 16.5.97
and adapted to technical progress by 1999/99/EC
15 December 1999
O.J. L334 of 28.12.1999
3 December 1987
O.J. L36 of 9.2.88
Emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles
as amended by 91/542/EEC
1 October 1991
O.J. L295 of 25.10.91
and amended by 96/1/EC
22 January 1996
O.J. L40 of 17.2.96
and corrigendum
O.J. L155 of 28.6.96
and amended by 1999/96/EC
13 December 1999
O.J. L44 of 16.2.2000
as adapted to technical progress by 2001/27/EC
10 April 2001
O.J. L107 of 18.4.2001
and corrigendum
O.J. L266 of 6.10.2001
13 April 1989
O.J. L124 of 5.5.89
Lateral protection (side guards)
27 March 1991
O.J. L103 of 23.4.91
Spray-suppression systems
31 March 1992
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92
Masses and Dimensions of certain motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 95/48/EC
20 September 1995
O.J. L233 of 30.9.95
31 March 1992
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92
Safety glazing and glazing materials
as adapted to technical progress by 2001/92/EC
30 October 2001
O.J. L291 of 8.11.2001
31 March 1992
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92
as amended by 2001/43/EC
27 June 2001
O.J. L211 of 4.8.2001
as amended by 2005/11/EC
16 February 2005
O.J. L46 of 17.2.2005
31 March 1992
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92
Speed limitation devices
as amended by 2004/11/EC
11 February 2004
O.J. L44, 14.2.2004
30 June 1992
O.J. L225 of 10.8.92
Type approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as amended by 2000/7/EC
20 March 2000
O.J. L106 of 3.5.2000
as repealed and replaced with effect from 9 November 2003 by 2002/24/EC
18 March 2002
O.J. L124 of 9.5.2002
and corrigendum
O.J. L49 of 22.2.2003
as amended by 2003/77/EC
11 August 2003
O.J. L211 of 21.8.2003
as adapted to technical progress by 2005/30/EC
22 April 2005
O.J. L106 of 27.4.2005
17 December 1992
O.J. L409 of 31.12.92
External projections forward of the cab's rear panel of motor vehicles of category N
5 April 1993
O.J. L121 of 15.5.93
Braking of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Identification of controls, tells-tales and indicators for two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 2000/74/EC
22 November 2000
O.J. L300 of 29.11.2000
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Audible warning devices for two or three-wheel motor vehicles
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Stands for two-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 2000/72/EC
22 November 2000
O.J. L300 of 29.11.2000
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Passenger hand-holds on two-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 1999/24/EC
9 April 1999
O.J. L104 of 21.4.99
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Protective devices intended to prevent the unauthorized use of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 1999/23/EC
9 April 1999
O.J. L104 of 21.4.99
14 June 1993
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93
Statutory markings for two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 1999/25/EC
9 April 1999
O.J. L104 of 21.4.99
29 October 1993
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93
Installation of lighting and light signalling devices on two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 2000/73/EC
22 November 2000
O.J. L300 of 29.11.2000
29 October 1993
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93
Masses and dimensions of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 2004/86/EC
5 July 2004
O.J. L236 of 7.7.2004
29 October 1993
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93
Space for mounting the rear registration plate of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 1999/26/EC
20 April 1999
O.J. L118 of 6.5.99
30 May 1994
O.J. L195 of 29.7.94
Mechanical coupling devices of motor vehicles and their trailers and their attachment to those vehicles
2 February 1995
O.J. L52 of 8.3.95
Maximum design speed, maximum torque and maximum net engine power of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as adapted to technical progress by 2002/41/EC
17 May 2002
O.J. L133 of 18.5.2002
24 October 1995
O.J. L281 of 23.11.95
Burning behaviour of materials used in the interior construction of certain categories of motor vehicles
17 June 1997
O.J. L226 of 18.8.97
Certain components and characteristics of two or three-wheel motor vehicles
as amended by 2002/51/EC
19 July 2002
O.J. L252 of 20.9.2002
and amended by 2003/77/EC
11 August 2003
O.J. L211 of 21.8.2003
as adapted to technical progress by 2005/30/EC
22 April 2005
O.J. L106 of 27.4.2005
20 November 2001
O.J. L42 of 13.2.2002
Buses and Coaches
19 July 2002
O.J. L252 of 20.9.2002
Pollutant emissions from two and three-wheel motor vehicles.
17 November 2003
OJ L321, 6.12.2003
Protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users