Item No. |
Reference Number |
Date |
Official Journal (O.J.) and, where appropriate. Special Edition (S.E.) Reference |
Principal Subject Matter |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1 |
70/1561 EEC |
6 February 1970 |
O.J. L42 of 23.2.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Type approval of motor vehicles and their trailers |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- - Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as amended by 78/315/EEC |
21 December 1977 |
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78 |
and by
12 June 1978 |
O.J. L168 of 26.6.78 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and amended by
16 December 1980 |
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L265 of 19.9.81 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/358/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
And supplemented by 87/403/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L220 of 8.8.87 |
and amended by 92/53/EEC |
18 June 1992 |
O.J. L225 of 10.8.92 |
as adapted by 93/81/EEC |
29 September 1993 |
O.J. L264 of 23.10.93 |
and amended by 95/54/EC |
31 October 1995 |
O.J. L266 of 8.11.95 |
and amended by 96/27/EC |
20 May 1996 |
O.J. L169 of 8.7.96 |
and amended by 96/79/EC |
16 December 1996 |
O.J. L18 of 21.1.97 |
2 |
70/157/EEC |
6 February 1970 |
O.J. L42 of 23.2.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Sound level and exhaust systems |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- - Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by
7 November 1973 |
O.J. L321 of 22.11.73 |
and amended by
8 March 1977 |
O.J. L66 of 12.3.77 |
and adapted to technical progress by
13 April 1981 |
O.J. L131 of 18.5.81 |
and by
3 July 1984 |
O.J. L196 of 26.7.84 |
And amended by
3 September 1984 |
O.J. L238 of 6.9.84 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex IIX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
and amended by 92/97/EEC |
10 November 1992 |
O.J. L371 of 19.12.92 |
and adapted to technical progress by
27 March 1996 |
O.J. L92 of 13.4.96 |
3 |
70/220/EEC |
20 March 1970 |
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by 74/290/EEC |
28 May 1974 |
O.J. L159 of 15.6.74 |
and by
30 November 1976 |
O.J. L32 of 3.2.77 |
and by
14 July 1978 |
O.J. L223 of 14.8.78 |
and amended by 83/351/EEC |
16 June 1983 |
O.J. L197 of 20.7.83 |
and by
3 December 1987 |
O.J. L36 of 9.2.88 |
and by
16 June 1988 |
O.J. L214 of 6.8.88 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L303 of 8.11.88 |
and amended by 89/458/EEC |
18 July 1989 |
O.J. L226 of 3.8.89 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L270 of 19.9.89 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
and amended by 9¼41/EEC |
26 June 1991 |
O.J. L242 of 30.8.91 |
and amended by 93/59/EEC |
28 June 1993 |
O.J. L186 of 28.7.93 |
and amended by 94/12/EC |
23 March 1994 |
O.J. L100 of 19.4.94 |
and adapted to technical progress by 94/44/EC |
1 July 1996 |
O.J. L210 of 20.8.96 |
and amended by 96/69/EC |
8 October 1996 |
O.J. L282 of 1.11.96 |
4 |
70/221/EEC |
20 March 1970 |
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Fuel tanks and rear protective devices |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex IX
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L65 of 15.3.79 |
as adapted to technical progress by 79/490/EEC |
18 April 1979 |
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L188 of 26.7.79 |
and amended by 81/333/EEC |
13 April 1981 |
O.J. L131 of 18.5.81 |
5 |
70/222/EEC |
20 March 1970 |
O.J. L76 of 6.4.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Mounting and fixing of rear registration plates |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex IX
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
6 |
70/311/EEC |
8 June 1970 |
O.J. L133 of 18.6.70
S.E. 1970 (I)
Steering equipment |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by
2 July 1992 |
O.J. L199 of 18.7.92 |
7 |
70/387/EEC |
27 July 1970 |
O.J. L176 of 10.8.70
S.E. 1970 (II)
Doors |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
8 |
70/388/EEC |
27 July 1970 |
O.J. L176 of 10.8.70 S.E. 1970 (II) |
Audible warning devices |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
9 |
71/127/EEC |
1 March 1971 |
O.J. L68 of 22.3.71
S.E. 1971 (I)
Rear view mirrors |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex -IX
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
as adapted to technical progress by 79/795/EEC |
20 July 1979 |
O.J. L239 of 22.9.79 |
and by
18 February 1985 |
O.J. L90 of 29.3.85 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
as adapted to technical progress by 86/562/EEC |
6 November 1986 |
O.J. L327 of 22.11.86 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 88/321/EEC |
16 May 1988 |
O.J. L147 of 14.6.88 |
10 |
71/320/EEC |
26 July 1971 |
O.J. L202 of 6.9.71
S.E. 1971 (III)
Braking devices |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
27 March 1972 |
O.J. L73 of 27.3.72
S.E. 1972
as adapted to technical progress by 74/132/EEC |
11 February 1974 |
O.J. L74 of 19.3.74 |
and by
25 July 1975 |
O.J. L236 of 8.9.75 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L247 of 23.9.75 |
and adapted to technical progress by 79/489/EEC |
18 April 1979 |
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L188 of 26.7.79 |
and adapted to technical progress by 85/647/EEC |
23 December 1985 |
O.J. L380 of 31.12.85 |
and by
24 March 1988 |
O.J. L92 of 9.4.88 |
and by
15 July 1991 |
O.J. L233 of 22.8.91 |
11 |
72/245/EEC |
20 June 1972 |
O.J. L152 of 6.7.72
S.E. 1972 (II)
Suppression of radio interference |
as adapted to technical 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
and adapted to technical progress by
31 October 1995 |
O.J. L266 of 8.11.95 |
12 |
72/306/EEC |
2 August 1972 |
O.J. L190 of 20.8.72 S.E. 1972 (III) |
Emission of pollutants from diesel engines for use in motor vehicles |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L299 of 23.11.77 |
as adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
13 |
74/60/EEC |
17 December 1973 |
O.J. L38 of 11.2.74 |
Certain interior fittings |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L53 of 25.2.77 |
as adapted to technical progress by 78/632/EEC |
19 May 1978 |
O.J. L206 of 29.7.78 |
14 |
74/61/EEC |
17 December 1973 |
O.J. L38 of 11.2.74 |
Anti-theft devices |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L215 of 6.8.74 |
and adapted to technical progress by
8 November 1995 |
O.J. L286 of 29.11.95 |
15 |
74/297/EEC |
4 June 1974 |
O.J. L165 of 20.6.74 |
Behaviour of steering mechanism in the event of impact |
as adapted to technical progress by 91/662/EEC |
6 December 1991 |
O.J. L366 of 31.12.91 |
16 |
74/408/EEC |
22 July 1974 |
O.J. L221 of 12.8.74 |
Strength of seats and their anchorages |
as amended by 81/577/EEC |
20 July 1981 |
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81 |
and adapted to technical progress by
17 June 1996 |
O.J. L186 of 25.7.96 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L221 of 31.8.96 |
17 |
74/483/EEC |
17 September 1974 |
O.J. L266 of 2.10.74 |
External projections |
as adapted to technical progress |
18 April 1979 |
O.J. L128 of 26.5.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
18 |
75/443/EEC |
26 June 1975 |
O.J. L196 of 26.7.75 |
Reverse and speedometer equipment |
19 |
76/114/EEC |
18 December 1975 |
O.J. L24 of 30.1.76 |
Location and attachment of statutory plates and inscriptions |
as adapted to technical progress by 78/507/EEC |
19 May 1978 |
O.J. L155 of 13.6.78 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87. |
20 |
76/115/EEC |
18 December 1975 |
O.J. L24 of 30.1.76 |
Anchorages for safety belts |
as amended by 81/575/EEC |
20 July 1981 |
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81 |
and adapted to technical progress by 82/318/EEC |
2 April 1982 |
O.J. L139 of 19.5.82 |
and by
30 October 1990 |
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90 |
and adapted to technical progress by
17 June 1996 |
O.J. L187 of 26.7.96 |
21 |
76/756/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Lighting and light signalling devices |
as adapted to technical progress by 80/233/EEC |
21 November 1979 |
O.J. L51 of 25.2.80 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L111 of 30.4.80 |
and adapted to technical |
17 March 1982 |
O.J. L109 of 22.4.82 |
and amended by 83/276/EEC |
26 May 1983 |
O.J. L151 of 9.6.83 |
and adapted to technical progress by
14 December 1983 |
O.J. L9 of 12.1.84 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L131 of 17.5.84 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/278/EEC |
28 March 1989 |
O.J. L109 of 20.4.89 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L114 of 27.4.89 |
and adapted to technical progress by 91/663/EEC |
10 December 1991 |
O.J. L366 of 31.12.91 |
22 |
76/757/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Reflex reflectors |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
23 |
76/758/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
End outline marker lamps, side lamps, rear lamps and stop lamps |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- - Annex I-IX
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/516/EEC |
1 August 1989 |
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89 |
24 |
76/759/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Direction indicator lamps |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/277/EEC |
28 March 1989 |
O.J. L109 of 20.4.89 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L114 of 27.4.89 |
25 |
76/760/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Rear registration plate lamps |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
26 |
76/761/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Headlamps and filament lamps for them |
As adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/517/EEC |
1 August 1989 |
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89 |
27 |
76/762/EEC |
27 July 1976 |
O.J. L262 of 27.9.76 |
Front fog lamps and filament lamps for them |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex IIX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
28 |
77/389/EEC |
17 May 1977 |
O.J. L145 of 13.6.77 |
Towing devices |
and adapted to technical progress by
2 October 1996 |
O.J. L258 of 11.10.96 |
29 |
77/538/EEC |
28 June 1977 |
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77 |
Rear fog lamps |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/518/EEC |
1 August 1989 |
O.J. L265 of 12.9.89 |
30 |
77/539/EEC |
28 June 1977 |
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77 |
Reversing lamps |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
31 |
77/540/EEC |
28 June 1977 |
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77 |
Parking lamps |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L284 of 10.10.78 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
And by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
And amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
32 |
77/541/EEC |
28 June 1977 |
O.J. L220 of 29.8.77 |
Safety belts and restraint systems |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
as amended by 81/576/EEC |
20 July 1981 |
O.J. L209 of 29.7.81 |
and adapted to technical progress by 82/319/EEC |
2 April 1982 |
O.J. L139 of 19.5.82 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
and adapted to technical progress by 90/628/EEC |
30 October 1990 |
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90 |
and adapted to technical |
progress by
17 June 1996 |
O.J. L178 of 17.7.96 |
33 |
77/649/EEC |
27 September 1977 |
O.J. L267 of 19.10.77 |
Field of vision |
as adapted to technical progress by 81/643/EEC |
29 July 1981 |
O.J. L231 of 15.8.81 |
and by
17 May 1988 |
O.J. L181 of 12.7.88 |
and by
30 October 1990 |
O.J. L341 of 6.12.90 |
34 |
78/316/EEC |
21 December 1977 |
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78 |
Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators |
adapted to technical progress by
29 October 1993 |
O.J. L284 of 19.11.93 |
as amended by 94/53/EC |
15 November 1994 |
O.J. L299 of 22.11.94 |
35 |
78/317/EEC |
21 December 1977 |
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78 |
Windscreen defrosting and demisting systems |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L194 of 19.7.78 |
36 |
78/318/EEC |
21 December 1977 |
O.J. L81 of 28.3.78 |
Windscreen wiper and washer systems |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L194 of 19.7.78 |
as adapted to technical progress by
16 December 1994 |
O.J. L354 of 31.12.94 |
37 |
78/548/EEC |
12 June 1978 |
O.J. L168 of 26.6.78 |
Heating systems |
38 |
78/549/EEC |
12 June 1978 |
O.J. L168 of 26.6.78 |
Wheel guards |
as adapted to technical progress by
21 December 1994 |
O.J. L354 of 31.12.94 |
39 |
78/932/EEC |
16 October 1978 |
O.J. L325 of 20.11.78 |
Head restraints |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L329 of 25.11.82 |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
and amended by 87/354/EEC |
25 June 1987 |
O.J. L192 of 11.7.87 |
40 |
78/1015/EEC |
23 November 1978 |
O.J. L349 of 13.12.78 |
Sound level and exhaust system of motorcycles |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-X
24 May 1979 |
O.J. L291 of 19.11.79 |
and by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
as amended by 87/56/EEC |
18 December 1986 |
O.J. L24 of 27.1.87 |
and by 89/235/EEC |
13 March 1989 |
O.J. L98 of 11.4.89 |
41 |
80/780/EEC |
22 July 1980 |
O.J. L229 of 30.8.80 |
Rear view mirrors for two wheeled motor vehicles |
as adapted by the Act of Accession
-- Annex I-IX
11 June 1985 |
O.J. L302 of 15.11.85 |
42 |
80/1268/EEC |
16 December 1980 |
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80 |
Fuel consumption of motor vehicles |
as adapted to technical 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
and adapted to technical progress by
17 December 1993 |
O.J. L329 of 30.12.93 |
43 |
80/1269/EEC |
16 December 1980 |
O.J. L375 of 31.12.80 |
Engine power of motor vehicles |
as adapted to technical progress by 88/195/EEC |
24 March 1988 |
O.J. L92 of 9.4.88 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L105 of 26.4.88 |
and adapted to technical progress by 89/491/EEC |
17 July 1989 |
O.J. L238 of 15.8.89 |
44 |
87/77/EEC |
3 December 1987 |
O.J. L36 of 9.2.88 |
Emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles |
and amended by 91/542/EEC |
1 October 1991 |
O.J. L295 of 25.10.91 |
and amended by 96/1/EC |
22 January 1996 |
O.J. L40 of 17.2.96 |
and corrigendum |
-- |
O.J. L155 of 28.6.96 |
45 |
89/297/EEC |
13 April 1989 |
O.J. L124 of 5.5.89 |
Lateral protection (side guards) |
46 |
9½26/EEC |
27 March 1991 |
O.J. L103 of 23.4.91 |
Spray suppression systems |
47 |
92/21/EEC |
31 March 1992 |
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92 |
Masses and dimensions of certain motor vehicles |
and adapted to technical progress by
20 September 1995 |
O.J. L233 of 30.9.95 |
48 |
92/22/EEC |
31 March 1992 |
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92 |
Safety glazing and glazing materials |
49 |
92/23/EEC |
31 March 1992 |
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92 |
Tyres |
50 |
92/24/EEC |
31 March 1992 |
O.J. L129 of 14.5.92 |
Speed limitation devices |
51 |
92/61/EEC |
30 June 1992 |
O.J. L225 of 10.8.92 |
Type approval of two or threewheel motor vehicles |
52 |
92/114/EEC |
17 December 1992 |
O.J. L409 of 31.12.92 |
External projections forward of the cab's rear panel of motor vehicles of category N |
53 |
93/14/EEC |
5 April 1993 |
O.J. L121 of 15.5.93 |
Braking of two or threewheel motor vehicles |
54 |
93/29/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators for two or three-wheel motor vehicles |
55 |
93/30/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Audible warning devices for two or threewheel motor vehicles |
56 |
93/31/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Stands for twowheel motor vehicles |
57 |
93/32/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Passenger handholds on two-wheel motor vehicles |
58 |
93/33/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Protective devices intended to prevent the unauthorised use of two or three-wheel motor vehicles |
59 |
93/34/EEC |
14 June 1993 |
O.J. L188 of 29.7.93 |
Statutory markings for two or threewheel motor vehicles |
60 |
93/92/EEC |
29 October 1993 |
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93 |
Installation of lighting and light - signalling devices on two or threewheel motor vehicles |
61 |
93/93/EEC |
29 October 1993 |
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93 |
Masses and dimensions of two or threewheel motor vehicles |
62 |
93/94/EEC |
29 October 1993 |
O.J. L311 of 14.12.93 |
Space for mounting the rear registration plate of two or threewheel motor vehicles |
63 |
94/20/EC |
30 May 1994 |
O.J. L195 of 29.7.94 |
Mechanical coupling devices of motor vehicles and their trailers and their attachment to those vehicles |
64 |
95/1/EC |
2 February 1995 |
O.J. L52 of 8.3.95 |
Maximum design speed, maximum torque and maximum net engine power of two or threewheel motor vehicles |
65 |
95/28/EC |
24 October 1995 |
O.J. L281 of 23.11.95 |
Burning behaviour of materials used in the interior construction of certain categories of motor vehicle |