S.I. No. 84/1996 -- Health Insurance Act (Risk Equalisation Scheme), 1996
S.I. No. 84/1996:
The Minister for Health in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 3 and 12 of the Health Insurance Act, 1994 (No. 16 of 1994) hereby makes the following Scheme--
1. This Scheme may be cited as the Health Insurance Act, 1994 (Risk Equalisation) Scheme, 1996.
2. Articles 3 to 6, 9 and 10 of this Scheme shall come into operation on the 28th day of March 1996.
Articles 7 and 8 shall come into operation on a day determined in accordance with article 10.
3. In this Scheme--
"the Act" means the Health Insurance Act, 1994 ;
"appropriate health services" means health services in relation to the diagnosis or treatment of the illness or injury of a patient which would be accepted generally by the medical profession as appropriate and necessary having regard to good standards of medical practice and to the nature and cost of any alternative forms of treatment as well as to all of the circumstances relevant to the patient;
"cell" means a group of fully insured persons who belong to both a common gender and a common prescribed age band;
"cell day-patient days" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"cell equalised benefits" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"cell weighted claim value" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"claim" means an application by, or on behalf of, a fully insured person to a registered undertaking for the discharge or reimbursement under the terms of a health insurance contract of all or part of the fees or charges due to a health services provider in respect of:
(a) the provision of prescribed health services during a hospital stay: or
(b) the provision of the prescribed health services listed in Table C.2 of Schedule C while that person was in receipt of out-patient services;
"corrective payment" means a payment made to, or an amount recovered from, a health services provider or an insured person in respect of prescribed health services for which an incorrect payment, other than one arising from a systematic error in the method of processing claims, has been made;
"covered persons" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"day-patient day" means a day, including a day upon which an in-patient stay commences and ceases, during the course of which a fully insured person is maintained in private hospital accommodation for the purpose of receiving day-patient services;
"day-patient services" means health services provided in, or by persons attached to, a hospital where the patient is admitted on an elective basis for care and/or treatment which does not require the use of a hospital bed overnight and who is discharged as scheduled;
"data adjustment" has the meaning assigned to it in article 6 of this Scheme;
"dependent person" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1 of the Health (Nursing Homes) Act, 1990 ;
"equalisation contribution" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"fully insured person" means an insured person named in a health insurance contract other than a contract which relates solely to one or both of the following--
(a) ancillary health services; or
(b) public hospital daily in-patient charges made under Regulations pursuant to Section 53 of the Health Act, 1970 ;
"the fund" means the risk equalisation fund;
"gross provider payment" means, in respect of a settled claim, a payment or payments, based on proper and correct accounts, due or nominally due from a registered undertaking to a health services provider or in respect of services rendered by that provider disregarding the effect of
(a) any third party recoveries made in respect of that claim;
(b) any corrective payments in respect of that claim; and
(c) any discounts, overall limits or like reductions or bonuses or other additional compensation which may have been agreed between that provider and that undertaking;
"health services provider" means a publicly-funded hospital, private hospital, registered nursing home or hospital consultant, as appropriate;
"hospital consultant" means a registered medical practitioner who holds a current full registration with the Irish Medical Council and is engaged in hospital practice and who, by reason of his or her training, skill and experience in a designated speciality, is consulted by other registered medical practitioners and undertakes full clinical responsibility for patients in his or her care, or that aspect of care on which he or she has been consulted, without supervision in professional matters by any other person;
"hospital stay" means an in-patient stay or a day-patient day;
"in-patient day" means a day during an in-patient stay where the day on which that stay ceased is deemed a whole day and the day on which that stay commenced is disregarded except that if that stay commenced and ceased on the same day then that day shall be deemed a day-patient day;
"in-patient services" means in-patient services within the meaning of the Health Act, 1970 , but excluding day-patient services;
"in-patient stay" means a continuous period during which a fully insured person is maintained in private hospital accommodation for the purpose of receiving in-patient services, such period
(a) to commence on the later of the occurrence of the following events--
(i) the most recent admission or transfer of that person to private hospital accommodation; or
(ii) the cessation of the most recent previous in-patient stay in respect of that person; and
(b) to cease on the occurrence of the earlier of the following events-
(i) the next subsequent discharge or transfer of that person from private hospital accommodation;
(ii) the death of that person; or
(iii) a designation of the cessation of that period by the registered undertaking which effected the health insurance contract under which that person is named
provided that the effect of a designation under sub-paragraph (iii) shall not be to cause such a period to comprise less than five in-patient days or a day-patient day;
"insured person" means a person named in a health insurance contract as an insured person or an infant born to a person named in a health insurance contract provided that in the case of an infant the person who effected the health insurance contract requests that the health insurance contract be altered to name such infant as an insured person, and pays the appropriate premium in respect of such infant, within 13 weeks of the date of birth of the infant;
"market equalised benefits (total)" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme;
"net provider payment" has the meaning assigned to it in article 5 of this Scheme;
"nursing home" has the meaning assigned to it in section 2 of the Health (Nursing Homes) Act, 1990 ;
"prescribed age band" means one of the following age groupings
(a) age 17 and under
(b) age 18 to age 29
(c) age 30 to age 39
(d) age 40 to age 49
(e) age 50 to age 59
(f) age 60 to age 69
(g) age 70 to age 79
(h) age 80 and over
where age is attained age (in whole years) of the person;
"prescribed equalised benefit" has the meaning assigned to it in article 5 of this Scheme;
"prescribed health services" means-
(a) in-patient services
(b) day-patient services
(c) out-patient services
(d) health services provided by a hospital consultant whether in a hospital setting or otherwise
which are appropriate health services and the sole purpose of which is the medical investigation, treatment, cure or alleviation of the symptoms, of illness or injury but excluding
(i) treatment directly or indirectly arising from or required in connection with male and female birth control, infertility and any form of assisted reproduction;
(ii) dental, orosurgical or orthodontic treatment or consultation with a dental practitioner, other than those services prescribed in Schedule C of this Scheme;
(iii) cosmetic services or treatment except the correction of accidental disfigurement or significant congenital disfigurement;
(iv) health services relating to eating disorders or weight reduction;
(v) preventive health services such as check-ups or screenings;
(vi) health services provided by a nursing home other than a registered nursing home;
(vii) nursing care, whether provided in an institution or otherwise, to persons who are dependant persons other than such care provided in the course or consequence of the provision of in-patient, day-patient or out-patient services;
(viii) health services received overseas;
(ix) health services, provided other than
(I) as a result of the patient having been referred to the health services provider by registered medical practitioner, or
(II) in an emergency; or
(III) in connection with an obstetric condition
(x) health services necessitated directly or indirectly by war or civil disturbance;
"private hospital" means a hospital, including a facility registered pursuant to the Mental Treatment Act, 1945 , other than a nursing home, which
(a) provides prescribed health services, and
(b) is not a publicly-funded hospital;
"private hospital accommodation" means accommodation in a private hospital or accommodation in a publicly-funded hospital which is designated by the Minister for Health as private or semi-private accommodation;
"private psychiatric hospital" means a facility registered pursuant to the Mental Treatment Act, 1945 ;
"publicly-funded hospital" means a hospital, other than a nursing home, which provides services to a person pursuant to his or her entitlements under Chapter II of Part IV of the Health Act, 1970 ;
"quarterly return" has the meaning assigned to it in article 6 of this Scheme;
"registered nursing home" means a nursing home registered pursuant to the Health (Nursing Homes) Act, 1990 ;
"registered medical practitioner" means a person whose name appears in the General Register of Medical Practitioners maintained under the Medical Practitioners Acts, 1978 and 1993;
"risk equalisation fund" has the meaning assigned to it in article 8 of this Scheme;
"scheme commencement day" has the meaning assigned to it in article 10 of this Scheme;
"scheme undertakings" has the meaning assigned to it in article 10 of this Scheme;
"screening" means a medical examination or test that is not reasonably required for the management of the medical condition of the patient;
"settled accommodation claim" means a settled claim under which all or part of the payments relate to the discharge or reimbursement of fees or charges due to a private hospital or a publicly funded hospital in respect of a hospital stay except that a settled claim shall not be so designated if a previous settled accommodation claim relates to the same hospital stay;
"settled claim" means a claim in respect of which payments due have been made;
"settled hospital claim" means a settled accommodation claim or a settled out-patient claim;
"settled out-patient claim" means a settled claim which is not a settled accommodation claim and under which all or part of the payments relate to out-patient services except that a settled claim shall not be so designated if a previous settled out-patient claim relates to out-patient services provided on the same day;
"single room" means a hospital bedroom designed for and accommodating only one patient;
"special procedure" means a procedure which is listed in Schedule B of this Scheme;
"third party recovery" means a payment made to a registered undertaking as a result of the acceptance by a third party of full or partial liability for fees or charges arising from the provision of prescribed health services to an insured person;
"undertaking equalised benefits" has the meaning assigned to it in Schedule D of this Scheme.
4. In this Scheme a reference to an article means a reference to an article of this Scheme and a reference to a subarticle means a reference to a subarticle in the article to which it is referred.
5. (1) Each scheme undertaking shall calculate and record in respect of each settled claim the amount of prescribed equalised benefits in accordance with the provisions of this article and, where appropriate, the Schedules to this Scheme.
(2) In respect of each settled claim and for each health services provider the undertaking shall determine an amount (herein referred to as the "net provider payment") being the gross provider payment in respect of that claim and that provider multiplied by an amount determined in accordance with the formula

where, for the quarter in which that claim was settled,
A is the sum of-
(i) the total of actual amounts which that undertaking has paid or is liable to pay, disregarding the effect of any corrective payments and third party recoveries, in respect of all settled claims which acquired that status during that quarter; and
(ii) the net total of corrective payments relating to that undertaking during that quarter provided that this amount shall not exceed 0.5% of B and shall not be less than -0.5% of B
reduced by the total of third party recoveries made by that undertaking during that quarter
B is the sum of that undertaking's gross provider payments under all settled claims which acquired that status during that quarter.
(3) The prescribed equalised benefits in respect of each settled claim shall be the sum of net provider payments under that claim subject in each case to a maximum limit determined, as appropriate, in accordance with Schedule A (payments in respect of hospital charges (in-patient, day-patient and out-patient)), Schedule B (payments in respect of hospital charges relating to special procedures) or Schedule C (payments in respect of consultants' fees (in-patient, day-patient and out-patient)) as amended from time to time.
6. (1) Each scheme undertaking shall make a return (to be known for the purposes of this Scheme as the "quarterly return") in accordance with sub section 4 of section 12 of the Act and shall submit a copy of the report of the auditor specified in subarticle (4) in conjunction with the return.
(2) The first quarterly return to be made by a scheme undertaking shall be in respect of the quarter ending on 30th day of June, 1996 in the case of an undertaking which was registered on the date this Scheme comes into operation and shall be, in the case of an undertaking first registered after the date this scheme comes into operation, in respect of the quarter next following that first registration.
(3) The quarterly return shall be in the format set out in Schedule E and shall contain the details specified herein in respect of each cell and separately in respect of all cells combined--
(a) the number of fully insured persons on the first day of that quarter;
(b) the number of fully insured persons on the first day of the next following quarter;
(c) the cell equalised benefits for that quarter;
(d) the cell weighted claim value for that quarter;
(e) the cell day-patient days for that quarter;
(f) the total number of settled accommodation claims which acquired that status during that quarter in respect of covered persons and the number of those claims which relate to each of the following-
(i) one in-patient day only
(ii) two in-patient days only
(iii) three in-patient days only
(iv) four in-patient days only
(v) five in-patient days only
(vi) six in-patient days only
(vii) seven in-patient days only
(viii) eight in-patient days only
(ix) nine in-patient days only
(x) ten in-patient days only
(xi) not less than eleven and not more than fifteen in-patient days
(xii) not less than sixteen and not more than twenty in-patient days
(xiii) not less than twenty-one and not more than thirty in-patient days
(xiv) thirty-one or more in-patient days.
(g) the total number of settled out-patient claims which acquired that status during the quarter in respect of covered persons.
(4) Each quarterly return for each scheme undertaking shall be confirmed by two officers of that undertaking who are authorised to sign its accounts under the Companies Acts 1963 to 1990, or otherwise, and shall be audited by a qualified auditor to be appointed by the undertaking.
(5) If a scheme undertaking detects or otherwise becomes aware of an error in a quarterly return which has been made under this Scheme, other than errors which have previously been taken into account as corrective payments in the calculation of a net provider payment under article 5(2), it shall
(a) immediately notify the Authority or the person engaged under sub section 5 of section 12 of the Act; and
(b) within 15 days submit a corrected quarterly return to be known for the purposes of this Scheme as a data adjustment together with a report setting out the reason the error occurred and the steps which have been taken to prevent a recurrence.
7. (1) "contribution" has the meaning assigned to it in subarticle (6);
"current quarter" has the meaning assigned to it in sub-article (3);
"first quarter" has the meaning assigned to it in subarticle (2);
"former equalisation contribution" has the meaning assigned to it in subarticle (4);
"prior quarter adjustment" has the meaning assigned to it in subarticle (5);
"revised equalisation contribution" has the meaning assigned to it in subarticle (4).
(2) Calculations to determine payments under paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) of section 12 of the Act shall be carried out by, or on behalf of the Authority, in respect of each quarter commencing with the quarter (referred to in this article as the "first quarter") next following the scheme commencement date.
(3) Not more than 30 days following receipt of a quarterly return as specified under article 6 of this Scheme for all scheme undertakings, the Authority shall determine, based on those returns, in respect of the corresponding quarter (referred to in this article as the "current quarter"), an equalisation contribution for each scheme undertaking in accordance with Schedule D.
(4) The Authority shall further, for each previous quarter in respect of which a new data adjustment has been submitted, determine for each scheme undertaking in accordance with Schedule D-
(a) the equalisation contribution for that quarter, based on the quarterly returns or the most recent previous data adjustments received for that quarter, increased by the addition of interest at a rate of 15 percent per annum for the period between the last day of that quarter and the last day of the current quarter (referred to in this article as the "former equalisation contribution"); and
(b) the equalisation contribution for that quarter, based on the information specified in paragraph (a) of this subarticle, but incorporating the newly submitted data adjustment, increased by the addition of interest at a rate of 15 percent per annum for the period between the last day of that quarter and the last day of the current quarter (referred to in this section as the "revised equalisation contribution")
provided that no such determination shall be made for any quarter before the first quarter.
(5) The prior quarter adjustment for the current quarter for each scheme undertaking shall be the sum, for each quarter in respect of which a new determination has been made under subarticle (4), of values determined in accordance with the formula
A - B
A is the revised equalisation contribution
B is the former equalisation contribution
(6) The contribution for the current quarter for each scheme undertaking shall be determined as the sum of--
(a) a value determined in accordance with the formula
0.25 x 1.04 x C
where C is the sum of its equalisation contributions for the current quarter and for the three quarters which immediately preceded the current quarter, provided that if an equalisation contribution has not been determined in respect of a quarter specified because that quarter precedes the first quarter then the equalisation contribution for that quarter shall be deemed to be zero; and
(b) that undertaking's prior quarter adjustment.
(7) If the contribution for a scheme undertaking is greater than zero then that amount shall be the payment by that undertaking to the Authority under paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 12 of the Act. The Authority shall notify that undertaking accordingly and shall specify in the notification the date on or before which the payment is to be made.
(8) Where a scheme undertaking fails to pay the amount due to the Authority in accordance with a notification under subarticle 7 that amount (or such part of that amount which from time to time remains unpaid) shall be increased by the addition of interest at a rate of 15 percent per annum computed from the day upon which that amount first became payable.
(9) If the contribution for a scheme undertaking is less than or equal to zero then the amount, if any, by which such contribution is less than zero shall be the payment to that undertaking from the Authority under paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 12 of the Act. The Authority shall notify that undertaking accordingly.
(10) In the circumstances specified in subarticle 8 the Authority may revise the payment or payments determined under subarticle 9 and notify the scheme undertakings affected accordingly.
8. (1) The Authority shall cause to be established and maintained a fund which shall be known as the risk equalisation fund (referred to in this Scheme as "the fund").
(2) (a) The fund shall be a current bank account which shall be managed and controlled by the Authority.
(b) Moneys payable into the fund shall be paid into the current account of the fund and moneys payable out of the fund shall be paid out of that account. Any interest accruing on moneys held in the account shall be paid out in direct proportion to current liabilities.
(c) (i) Payments due to the Authority under paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 12 of the Act shall be paid into the fund,
(ii) Payments due from the Authority under paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 12 of the Act shall be paid out of the fund.
(3) The accounts of the fund as audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General together with a copy of the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon shall be furnished by the Authority to the Minister not later than 1 month following the completion of the said report.
9. Each registered undertaking which effects health insurance contracts which relate solely to one or both of the following--
(a) ancillary health services, or
(b) the public hospital daily in-patient charges made under Regulations pursuant to Section 53 of the Health Act, 1970
shall be excluded from the application of articles 5 to 8 and 10 of this Scheme.
10. (1) "scheme undertakings" means all registered undertakings excluding those restricted membership undertakings specified in paragraph (b) of sub section 2 of section 12 of the Act.
(2) Articles 7 and 8 shall come into operation with effect from the day (to be known for the purposes of this Scheme as "the scheme commencement day") notified by the Minister to all registered undertakings.
(3) The scheme commencement day shall be the last day of the period of six months next commencing after the last day of the first quarter in respect of which, if the scheme of risk equalisation had been in operation and calculations carried out in accordance with article 7 disregarding the proviso in paragraph (a) of subarticle 6 of that article, at least one of the following conditions would have been satisfied--
(a) the sum of payments by scheme undertakings under subarticle 7 of article 7, would have exceeded 2% of market equalised benefits (total); or
(b) (i) the amount payable to any one scheme undertaking under subarticle 9 of article 7 would have exceeded 2.5% of its undertaking equalised benefits or £125,000 if greater, and
(ii) the undertaking equalised benefits for that undertaking would have exceeded 5 % of market equalised benefits (total).
Schedule A
-- Hospital Charges (In-patient, Day-patient and Out-patient Services)
1. The maximum prescribed equalised payments in this Schedule relate to prescribed health services (other than those special procedures listed in Table B.1 of Schedule B of these Regulations) provided by a private hospital, and prescribed health services (other than out-patient services) provided by a publicly funded hospital, to a fully insured person. Maximum prescribed equalised payments shall be determined as follows--
In respect of: |
Maximum Prescribed Equalised Payment |
1. |
Prescribed health services which are in-patient services provided by a publicly funded hospital while the insured person was maintained in accommodation other than private hospital accommodation. |
The public hospital daily in-patient charges made under regulations pursuant to Section 53 of the Health Act 1970 . |
2. |
Prescribed health services which are in-patient services provided by a public hospital while the insured person was maintained in private hospital accommodation. |
The amount of the charge payable under Section 55 of the Health Act 1970 plus the amount of the public hospital daily inpatient charges made under regulations pursuant to Section 53 of the Health Act 1970 . |
3. |
Prescribed health services (other than special procedures listed in Table B.1 of Schedule B) which are in-patient services provided by a private hospital other than a private psychiatric hospital. |
The lesser for each in-patient day of: (a) £250 for each in-patient day, or (b) 100% of (i) the charge made by the private hospital; less (ii) £20 for each day during which the insured person was accommodated in a single room.
4. |
Prescribed health services which are day-patient services provided by a publicly-funded hospital while the insured person was maintained in private hospital accommodation. |
The amount of the charge payable under Section 55 of the Health Act, 1970 . |
5. |
Prescribed health services which are day-patient services provided by a private hospital other than a private psychiatric hospital. |
£250 for each day-patient day. |
6. |
Prescribed health services which are in-patient services provided by a private psychiatric hospital. |
£100 for each in-patient day. |
7. |
Prescribed health services which are out-patient services listed in Table C.2 of Schedule C provided by a private hospital other than a private psychiatric hospital. |
£100 for each claim. |
2. The amount determined under paragraph 1 in respect of hospital charges relating to childbirth by means of a normal vaginal delivery shall not exceed £300.
Schedule B
-- Special Procedures
1. The maximum prescribed equalised payments in this Schedule relate to prescribed health services which are the special procedures listed herein and which are provided by a private hospital to a fully insured person while that person is maintained in private hospital accommodation for in-patient services or day-patient services.
2. The maximum prescribed equalised payment shall be 90% of the procedure benefit derived from Table B.1 of this Schedule.
Procedure Code |
Procedure Description |
Procedure Benefit (£) |
5801 |
Exploration of mediastinum |
940 |
5802 |
Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of mediastinum |
940 |
5803 |
Diagnostic endoscopic examination of mediastinum |
940 |
6675 |
Angiogram (direct puncture, single vessel study, brachial, femoral) |
1,238 |
5945 |
Cardiac catheterisation with digital subtraction angiography |
1,270 |
5080 |
Cardiac catheterisation (left, right or both sides) |
1,306 |
5085 |
Cardiac angiography (left, right or both sides) |
1,306 |
5090 |
Cardiac catheterisation and cardiac angiography combined |
1,306 |
2676 |
Vitroctomy |
2,354 |
5520 |
Valve shunt (hydrocephalus) - (Brain and Meninges) |
2,756 |
5730 |
Cervical disc, partial excision of or fusion |
2,866 |
5862 |
Cardiac Pacemaker System introduced through vein (Single Chamber) |
3,032 |
5067 |
Cardiac Pacemaker System introduced through vein (Dual Chamber) |
3,032 |
5068 |
Insertion of antitachycardia pacemaker |
3,032 |
5069 |
Insertion of automatic implantation cardioverter/defibrillator |
3,032 |
5525 |
Valve shunt revision - (Brain & Meninges) |
3,032 |
5660 |
Craniotomy |
3,721 |
3595 |
Spinal fusion - anterior & posterior |
4,410 |
3596 |
Spinal fusion, in scoliosis spine, anterior and posterior |
4,410 |
3601 |
Spinal fusion with instrumentation |
4,410 |
5101 |
Angioplasty (Coronary) |
4,410 |
5962 |
Plastic repair of aorta (Coarctation/Interrupted Aortic Arch) |
5,181 |
5957 |
Revision repair of coarctation of aorta |
5,181 |
5893 |
Open Operations on pulmonary artery |
5,209 |
5735 |
Cervical spondylosis, laminectomy, etc. |
5,435 |
5480 |
Posterior fossa tumours, removal of |
5,512 |
5470 |
Pituitary gland, hypophysectomy |
5,677 |
5075 |
Blalock Operation |
5,788 |
5870 |
Myocardial aneurysmyotomy |
5,788 |
5811 |
Atrial inversion for transposition of great vessels |
5,788 |
5812 |
Other correction of transposition of great vessels |
5,788 |
5814 |
Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patch |
5,788 |
5817 |
Closure of defect of interventricular septum |
5,788 |
5818 |
Planned repair of post infraction ventricular septal defect |
5,788 |
5819 |
Emergency repair of post infraction ventricular septal defect |
5,788 |
5958 |
Revision closure of defect of intra-ventricular septum |
5,788 |
5813 |
Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
5,788 |
5872 |
Excision of pericardium |
5,788 |
5809 |
Correction of tetralogy of fallot |
5,788 |
5871 |
Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
5,788 |
5882 |
Closed correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
5,788 |
5875 |
Shoulder replacement prosthesis |
6,107 |
5555 |
Acoustic neuroma, removal of |
6,173 |
1246 |
Arterial bypass, popliteal artery |
6,284 |
5865 |
Repair of ascending aortic aneurysm |
6,284 |
3300 |
Arthroplasty - (Forearm & Elbow) |
7,186 |
5942 |
Lobectomy of Lung (including excision of segment) |
7,717 |
5831 |
Plastic repair of mitral valve |
8,268 |
5833 |
Replacement of tricuspid valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
8,268 |
5855 |
Annuloplasty |
8,268 |
5839 |
Double valves |
8,268 |
5842 |
Triple valves |
8,268 |
5843 |
Valve and grafts |
8,268 |
5959 |
Revision of valve surgery |
8,268 |
5816 |
Closure of defect of interatrial septum |
8,599 |
5821 |
Other open operations on the septum of the heart |
8,599 |
5824 |
Refashioning of atrium (Ebstein's) |
8,599 |
5826 |
Operations on wall of atrium |
8,599 |
5832 |
Replacement of aortic valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
9,922 |
5836 |
Open Valvotomy |
9,922 |
5055 |
Aortic endarterectomy |
9,922 |
5829 |
Replacement of mitral valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
9,922 |
5844 |
Saphenous vein graft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5846 |
Autograft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5847 |
Allograft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5848 |
Prosthetic bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5849 |
Connection of mammary artery(ies) to coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5851 |
Connection of other thoracic artery(ies) to coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5852 |
Correction of anomalous coronary arteries |
9,922 |
5853 |
Other open operation(s) on coronary artery(ies) |
9,922 |
5904 |
Revision of prosthesis of aorta |
9,922 |
5956 |
Revision coronary artery surgery |
9,922 |
5099 |
Coronary artery bypass grafts and angiogram |
10,970 |
4283 |
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, (complete procedure) |
27,560 |
4284 |
Autologous bone marrow transplantation (complete procedure) |
27,560 |
Schedule C
Consultants' Fees (In-Patient, Day-Patient and Out-Patient Services)
1. Definitions
"consultant anaesthetist" means a hospital consultant whose designated speciality is anaesthesia;
"consultant pathologist" means a hospital consultant whose designated speciality is pathology;
"consultant radiologist" means a hospital consultant whose designated speciality is radiology;
"in-patient attendance" means a period during which a hospital consultant is responsible for the care of an insured person;
"pathological procedure" means a service, treatment or procedure listed in Table C.4 of this Schedule;
"radiological procedure" means a service, treatment or procedure listed in Table C.3 of this Schedule and therapeutic/invasive procedures listed in Table C.2 of this Schedule;
"surgical procedure" means a service, treatment or procedure listed in Table C.2 of the Schedule.
2. The maximum prescribed equalised payments in this Schedule relate to prescribed health services which are provided by a hospital consultant to a fully insured person while that person is in receipt of in-patient services, day-patient services or out-patient services.
3. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of the participation by a consultant anaesthetist in a surgical or radiological procedure shall be 90% of the anaesthetic procedure benefit as set out in Table C.2 and C.3 respectively of this Schedule.
4. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of in-patient attendance by a hospital consultant shall be 90% of the in-patient attendance benefit determined in accordance with Table C.1 of this Schedule.
5. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of an in-patient consultation is £63 and arises when the admitting hospital consultant responsible for the care of an insured person refers that person to another hospital consultant for an opinion.
6. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of a surgical procedure performed by a hospital consultant, other than a consultant anaesthetist, shall be 90% of the surgical procedure benefit as set out in Table C.2 of this Schedule.
7. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of a radiological procedure performed by a consultant radiologist shall be 90% of the radiological procedure benefit as set out in Table C.3 of this Schedule or 90% of the surgical procedure benefit set out in Table C.2 of this Schedule as appropriate.
8. The maximum prescribed equalised payment in respect of a pathological procedure performed by a consultant pathologist shall be 90% of the procedure benefit as set out in Table C.4 of this Schedule.
Table C.1
Period of Attendance |
In Patient Attendance Benefit |
1 day |
£ 73 |
2 days |
£ 83 |
3 days |
£ 94 |
4 days |
£100 |
5 days |
£107 |
6 days |
£107 |
7 days |
£122 |
8 days |
£122 |
9 days |
£135 |
10 days |
£135 |
11 days |
£148 |
12 days |
£158 |
13 days |
£168 |
14 days |
£179 |
15 days |
£189 |
Periods in excess of 15 days |
£10 for each day in excess of 15 days plus £189 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5 |
Abdominal wall, secondary suture of |
148 |
123 |
15 |
Laparotomy, division of adhesions |
260 |
133 |
20 |
Intra abdominal injury with rupture of viscus |
441 |
256 |
25 |
Intra abdominal injury, multiple complicated with rupture of viscus |
540 |
307 |
30 |
Laparotomy |
196 |
123 |
35 |
Laparoscopy with or without biopsy |
148 |
102 |
45 |
Omentopexy (otherwise) |
196 |
154 |
50 |
Paracentesis abdominis |
49 |
0 |
60 |
Pelvic abscess, drainage of |
140 |
77 |
61 |
Percutaneous transabdominal biopsy |
89 |
72 |
80 |
Peritoneum, drainage of |
196 |
123 |
90 |
Laparotomy, intra-abdominal sepsis |
392 |
184 |
5835 |
Peritoneal - venous shunt for ascites |
392 |
184 |
95 |
Adrenalectomy (unilateral) |
450 |
205 |
100 |
Adrenalectomy (bilateral) |
600 |
205 |
101 |
Adrenalectomy for phaeochromocytoma |
600 |
512 |
105 |
Adrenal glands-any other operations |
392 |
205 |
106 |
Neuroblastoma, tru cut biopsy |
89 |
72 |
107 |
Neuroblastoma, resection |
624 |
307 |
110 |
Appendicectomy (with or without complications) |
196 |
123 |
115 |
Cholecystojejunostomy |
485 |
205 |
116 |
Choledochojejunostomy (Roux - en - Y) |
593 |
205 |
117 |
Choledochoduodenostomy |
431 |
205 |
118 |
Surgical repair of post-operative bilary stricture |
1040 |
350 |
129 |
Hepaticojejunostomy |
676 |
205 |
132 |
Cholecystectomy with exploration of common bile duct |
540 |
205 |
135 |
Cholecystectomy (including laparoscopic method) and per operative cholangiogram |
392 |
205 |
136 |
Percutaneous removal of gallstones from the bile ducts |
245 |
123 |
140 |
Cholecystostomy with exploration, drainage or removal of calculus |
295 |
143 |
145 |
Hepaticoduodenostomy |
490 |
205 |
150 |
Transduodenal sphincteroplasty with or without transduodenal extraction of calculus |
539 |
205 |
151 |
Transhepatic insertion of biliary endoprosthesis |
294 |
154 |
152 |
Percutaneous insertion of gall bladder catheter for MTBE installation including catheter removal |
245 |
143 |
153 |
Insertion of naso biliary tube and administration of CDC/URSO |
245 |
102 |
155 |
Antrectomy and drainage |
490 |
184 |
165 |
Duodenal diverticula, excision of |
441 |
184 |
175 |
Gastrectomy total or revision |
638 |
256 |
180 |
Gastrectomy (sub total) |
490 |
205 |
190 |
Gastroenterostomy |
392 |
184 |
195 |
Gastroscopy or gastroduodenoscopy (fibroscope) |
68 |
41 |
196 |
Upper G.I. endoscopy and biopsies |
68 |
41 |
197 |
Upper G.I. endoscopy and polypectomy |
68 |
41 |
200 |
Gastrostomy |
294 |
123 |
201 |
Percutaneous gastrostomy |
148 |
102 |
205 |
Gastrotomy/duodenotomy for haemorrhage |
456 |
154 |
215 |
Oversewing perforated peptic ulcer |
319 |
154 |
230 |
Rammstedt's operation |
294 |
164 |
235 |
Stomach transection |
490 |
256 |
240 |
Vagotomy and drainage or highly selective vagotomy |
490 |
184 |
245 |
Epigastric/Ventral hernia, repair of |
196 |
113 |
246 |
Exomphalos, minor |
312 |
123 |
247 |
Exomphalos, major |
614 |
358 |
248 |
Exomphalos, delayed |
614 |
358 |
250 |
Femoral hernia, repair of (bilateral) |
368 |
164 |
255 |
Femoral hernia, repair of (unilateral) |
245 |
113 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
270 |
Hiatus hernia, abdominal repair of |
441 |
184 |
271 |
Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia |
441 |
225 |
275 |
Hiatus hernia, transthoracic, repair of |
441 |
225 |
280 |
Incisional hernia, repair of |
392 |
123 |
285 |
Inguinal hernia, repair of (bilateral) |
294 |
174 |
290 |
Inguinal hernia, repair of (unilateral) |
196 |
123 |
291 |
Strangulated inguinal hernia, unilateral |
275 |
123 |
295 |
Patent urachus, closure and repair of abdominal muscles |
294 |
113 |
305 |
Recurrent hernia, repair of |
294 |
143 |
310 |
Umbilical hernia, repair of |
196 |
113 |
320 |
Congenital defects, correction of (including Meckel's diverticulum) |
228 |
123 |
331 |
Gastroschisis |
728 |
358 |
355 |
Ileostomy |
392 |
123 |
360 |
Intestinal obstruction (including bowel resection) |
491 |
154 |
361 |
Intestinal atresia, single/multiple |
491 |
236 |
364 |
Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception |
196 |
123 |
370 |
Jejunostomy |
196 |
123 |
385 |
Resection and anastomosis of jejunum or ileum |
491 |
184 |
389 |
Anal canal EUA |
45 |
72 |
390 |
Anal canal, plastic repair of (for incontinence) |
294 |
143 |
395 |
Anal fissure, dilatation of anus for |
49 |
72 |
396 |
Anoplasty for low anorectal anomaly |
294 |
143 |
397 |
Anorectal anomaly, (posterior sagittal anorectoplasty PSARP), for high/inter |
581 |
358 |
400 |
Lateral internal sphincterotomy |
196 |
72 |
404 |
Parks' anal sphincter repair |
581 |
358 |
405 |
Anal warts or papillae, removal of |
74 |
72 |
410 |
Anus, excision of epithelioma of, with colostomy |
392 |
205 |
415 |
Anus, excision of epithelioma of, without colostomy |
74 |
82 |
420 |
Caecostomy |
392 |
123 |
425 |
Caecostomy or colostomy, closure of |
392 |
123 |
430 |
Colectomy, partial |
491 |
184 |
435 |
Colectomy, total |
664 |
307 |
436 |
Total colectomy and ileal pouch construction with temporary ileostomy |
834 |
358 |
437 |
Closure of ileostomy |
392 |
123 |
438 |
Total colectomy for toxic megacolon |
785 |
358 |
450 |
Colonoscopy, one side |
68 |
41 |
455 |
Colonoscopy, both sides |
179 |
41 |
456 |
Colonoscopy plus polypectomy |
89 |
41 |
457 |
Colonoscopy plus polypectomy full colon |
179 |
41 |
458 |
Left colonoscopy and laser photocoagulation of rectum |
148 |
41 |
459 |
Colonoscopy, full colon and laser photocoagulation of rectum |
294 |
41 |
460 |
Colostomy |
392 |
123 |
465 |
Resection of bowel and colostomy or anastomosis for diverticulitis |
581 |
256 |
470 |
Faecal fistula, closure or resection |
581 |
256 |
485 |
Fistula in ano, excision |
245 |
123 |
490 |
Haemorrhoidectomy (external) |
122 |
82 |
495 |
Haemorrhoidectomy (external, multiple) |
148 |
92 |
500 |
Haemorrhoidectomy (internal) |
215 |
123 |
506 |
Haemorrhoids, injection and/or banding |
49 |
0 |
515 |
Imperforate anus, simple incision |
49 |
82 |
520 |
Imperforate anus, with colostomy or pull through operation |
392 |
225 |
525 |
Ischio rectal abscess, incision and drainage |
148 |
92 |
513 |
Meconium ileus, open reduction with or without stoma |
491 |
205 |
514 |
Meconium ileus reduction |
148 |
154 |
516 |
Necrotising enterocolitis, percutaneous drainage |
104 |
72 |
517 |
Necrotising enterocolitis, laparotomy resection/stoma |
491 |
205 |
530 |
Proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy |
45 |
41 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
535 |
Proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, with biopsy |
45 |
41 |
536 |
Diagnostic flexible sigmoidoscopy and biopsies |
45 |
41 |
540 |
Proctoscopy or sigmoidoscopy with biopsy of muscle coats of bowel, for megacolon |
68 |
72 |
545 |
Prolapse of rectum, abdominal approach involving laparotomy, colostomy or intestinal anastomosis |
639 |
225 |
549 |
Delorme procedure |
392 |
225 |
550 |
Prolapse of rectum, perineal repair |
245 |
128 |
555 |
Rectal fistula, closure or repair |
490 |
205 |
556 |
Balloon dilation of the rectum |
99 |
72 |
560 |
Rectal or sigmoid polypi (removal by diathermy, etc) |
148 |
82 |
565 |
Rectum, excision of (all forms including perineoabdominal, perineal anterior resection) |
686 |
358 |
570 |
Rectum, partial excision of |
686 |
307 |
574 |
Presacral teratoma, excision |
735 |
358 |
575 |
Rectum (combined synchronous resection) |
735 |
358 |
576 |
Revision/refashioning of ileostomy and duodenostomy, complicated reconstruction in - depth |
431 |
123 |
577 |
Low anterior resection with coloanal anastomosis for cancer |
834 |
358 |
578 |
Soave procedure |
834 |
358 |
580 |
Sigmoid myotomy (Reilly's operation) |
220 |
123 |
581 |
Sigmoidoscopy including dilatation of intestinal strictures |
122 |
72 |
585 |
Stricture of rectum (dilation of) |
49 |
72 |
590 |
Volvulus (stomach, small bowel or colon, including resection and anastomosis) |
490 |
236 |
595 |
Hepatotomy for drainage of abscess or cyst, one or two stages |
314 |
184 |
600 |
Biopsy of liver (by laparotomy) |
179 |
123 |
601 |
Transjugular liver biopsy |
179 |
102 |
605 |
Biopsy of liver (needle) |
89 |
77 |
610 |
Haemangioma of liver |
196 |
225 |
611 |
Major liver resection |
1196 |
512 |
612 |
Kasai type liver resection |
624 |
307 |
616 |
Wedge resection of liver |
323 |
307 |
617 |
Intrahepatic cholangioenteric anastomosis |
780 |
307 |
618 |
Resection of hilar bile duct tumour |
1196 |
512 |
619 |
Liver trauma |
700 |
410 |
622 |
Insertion of hepatic artery catheter and reservoir pump |
312 |
72 |
625 |
Left lateral lobectomy |
834 |
358 |
630 |
Excision of hydatid cyst |
431 |
307 |
635 |
Circumcision (over 6 years) |
99 |
82 |
640 |
Circumcision (under 6 years) |
99 |
82 |
645 |
Epididymectomy |
196 |
113 |
650 |
Hydrocele (tapping) |
49 |
67 |
655 |
Hydrocele, radical operation, bilateral |
294 |
123 |
660 |
Hydrocele, radical operation, unilateral |
196 |
102 |
665 |
Meatotomy |
74 |
72 |
670 |
Orchidectomy, bilateral |
196 |
102 |
675 |
Orchidectomy, unilateral |
148 |
102 |
680 |
Orchidectomy with radical removal of lymph nodes |
490 |
225 |
681 |
Injection of corpora cavernosa with pharmacologic agent(s) (e.g. papaverine, phentolamine) |
49 |
72 |
685 |
Penis, amputation of partial |
245 |
123 |
686 |
Chordee release of |
196 |
123 |
690 |
Penis, amputation of-with block dissection of glands |
490 |
225 |
691 |
Transcatheter embolosation for relief of priapism |
294 |
123 |
695 |
Prepuce, dorsal incision of |
74 |
72 |
700 |
Prostatectomy |
392 |
164 |
701 |
Radical retropubic nerve sparing prostatectomy (includes bilateral pelvic lymph adenectomy with bladder neck reconstruction and anastomosis to the urethra). |
589 |
333 |
702 |
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy to the prostate (TUMT) |
294 |
154 |
703 |
Insertion of an endo urethral stent for prostate obstruction |
294 |
123 |
705 |
Spermatocele or spermatic cyst, (simple) excision of |
196 |
113 |
706 |
Spermatocele or spermatic cyst, (multiloculate) excision of |
196 |
113 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
710 |
Testes, agenesis of-bilateral exploration of inguinal canals and pelvis |
343 |
184 |
711 |
Electro ejaculation procedure |
99 |
72 |
715 |
Testicle, imperfectly descended, orchidopexy |
148 |
102 |
720 |
Testicle, imperfectly descended bilateral orchidopexy |
196 |
154 |
725 |
Testicle, imperfectly descended, associated with inguinal hernia |
196 |
123 |
730 |
Testes, imperfectly descended, associated with bilateral inguinal hernia |
294 |
184 |
735 |
Testes, unilateral orchidopexy and exploration of opposite side |
294 |
143 |
740 |
Testicular biopsy (needle) |
68 |
72 |
741 |
Testicular biopsy |
134 |
77 |
742 |
Insertion of testicular prosthesis, unilateral |
196 |
87 |
745 |
Reduction of torsion of testicle |
99 |
82 |
749 |
Transcatheter management of varicocele, including testicular venography |
245 |
123 |
750 |
Varicocele, bilateral removal |
343 |
154 |
755 |
Varicocele, unilateral removal |
245 |
123 |
760 |
Vasotomy or ligation of vas |
99 |
72 |
765 |
Vas, reconstruction of (unilateral) |
319 |
184 |
770 |
Vas, reconstruction of (bilateral) |
441 |
225 |
771 |
ERCP sphincterotomy and extraction of stones |
269 |
123 |
772 |
ERCP sphincterotomy and insertion of endoprosthesis |
294 |
102 |
774 |
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram of pancreas) |
224 |
123 |
775 |
Pancreatectomy, proximal subtotal with total duodenectomy, partial gastrectomy, choledochoenterostomy and gastrojejunostomy (Whipple-type procedure); with pancreatojejunostomy |
915 |
512 |
776 |
Pancreatic biopsy |
268 |
154 |
778 |
Pancreaticojejunostomy |
639 |
307 |
780 |
Distal pancreatectomy |
646 |
256 |
785 |
Total pancreatectomy, distal gastrectomy, splenectomy, duodenectomy, cholecystectomy and resection of distal bile duct |
915 |
512 |
786 |
Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplant |
1008 |
563 |
790 |
Drainage of pancreatic abscess or pseudocyst |
520 |
307 |
795 |
Pancreatotomy for drainage of pancreatitis, abscess or cyst with exploration of biliary and pancreatic duct |
589 |
358 |
800 |
Splenectomy |
392 |
184 |
806 |
Transcatheter ablation of function of spleen |
294 |
128 |
807 |
Aspiration of splenic cysts |
148 |
77 |
815 |
Aberrant vessels, division of |
490 |
246 |
822 |
Permacath Hickman catheter for dialysis |
245 |
123 |
823 |
Home based haemodialysis self dialysis training (max. 18 sessions) |
29 |
0 |
824 |
Haemodialysis, chronic, in patient's home or at hospital out patient department, after completion of training sessions (minimum of three dialysis sessions per week inclusive of all consultant care) monthly benefit |
184 |
0 |
825 |
Artificial kidney, use of (pre shunt) (haemodialysis, surgical fee) |
122 |
0 |
826 |
Chronic haemodialysis (post shunt) 1st 12th treatment |
49 |
0 |
827 |
Chronic haemodialysis (post shunt) 13th treatment onwards |
49 |
0 |
828 |
Acute intermittent haemodialysis 1st 12th treatment |
74 |
0 |
829 |
Acute intermittent haemodialysis 13th treatment onwards |
74 |
0 |
830 |
Artificial kidney, use of (peritoneal dialysis) |
122 |
0 |
831 |
Chronic peritoneal dialysis, hospital based establishment of therapy (1st 12th day) |
49 |
0 |
832 |
Chronic peritoneal dialysis (hospital based after 12th day) |
49 |
0 |
833 |
Peritoneal dialysis, chronic, in the patient's home or at hospital out patient department, after completion of training sessions (minimum of three dialysis sessions per week inclusive of all consultant care) monthly benefit |
206 |
0 |
834 |
Tenchkoff catheter for CAPD dialysis |
196 |
123 |
835 |
Bladder, implantation of radioactive source |
245 |
92 |
836 |
Bladder, instillation of anticarcincgenic agent (BCG) |
74 |
72 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
837 |
Continuous veno venous haemofiltration dialysis (CVVHD), per day |
74 |
0 |
840 |
Bladder- rupture of (simple) |
294 |
154 |
845 |
Bladder- rupture of (complicated traumatic) |
392 |
256 |
850 |
Bladder neck, transurethral resection of |
196 |
102 |
855 |
Bladder tumour, diathermy to, primary resection |
294 |
102 |
860 |
Bladder tumour, repeat diathermy |
99 |
77 |
865 |
Cystectomy, partial |
343 |
154 |
870 |
Cystectomy, with re-implantation of ureters |
490 |
307 |
875 |
Cystectomy with ileal or sigmoid loop and bowel anastomosis |
662 |
358 |
876 |
Cystectomy with ileal or sigmoid loop and bowel anastomosis including continent catheterizable diversion |
735 |
358 |
877 |
Cystectomy with ileal or sigmoid loop and bowel anastomosis including neo bladder with urethral re anastomosis |
834 |
358 |
880 |
Cystoscopy with or without biopsy |
68 |
72 |
881 |
Cystoscopy and removal of JJ stent |
148 |
72 |
885 |
Cystoscopy with intravesical operation (diathermy, etc.) |
122 |
77 |
886 |
Therapeutic overdistension of the bladder |
74 |
72 |
890 |
Cystoscopy with ureteric catheterisation including retrograde pyelography |
89 |
82 |
895 |
Cystoscopy with removal of ureteric calculus |
196 |
82 |
900 |
Cystoscopy with ureteric dilatation or meatotomy |
148 |
82 |
905 |
Cystotomy |
196 |
92 |
906 |
Augmentation cystoplasty (ileo caeco cystoplasty, colocystoplasty) |
490 |
358 |
910 |
Diverticulum of bladder, excision or obliteration of |
392 |
154 |
915 |
Embolisation of haemangioma of kidney |
343 |
184 |
920 |
Hemi nephrectomy |
343 |
205 |
923 |
Kidney transplant |
686 |
410 |
924 |
Litholapaxy: Crushing or fragmentation of calculus by any means, in the bladder, including ultrasonic destruction |
294 |
123 |
925 |
Nephrectomy |
441 |
205 |
926 |
Nephrectomy and caval extension below liver |
540 |
225 |
927 |
Nephrectomy and caval extension of tumour above liver |
712 |
358 |
928 |
Nephrectomy with caval invasion |
809 |
410 |
930 |
Nephrolithotomy |
490 |
184 |
931 |
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, unilateral |
294 |
205 |
932 |
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, bilateral |
441 |
205 |
933 |
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, staghom |
441 |
225 |
934 |
Percutaneous nephrostomy with or without antegrade pyelogram or stent placement |
343 |
123 |
935 |
Peri renal tissues, exploration, open biopsy (no abnormality discovered) |
294 |
154 |
936 |
Percutaneous tract formation for renal stone removal |
196 |
102 |
940 |
Pyelolithotomy |
490 |
184 |
945 |
Pyeloplasty |
540 |
184 |
950 |
Pyelotomy |
294 |
154 |
955 |
Renal biopsy (needle) |
89 |
72 |
956 |
Renal cyst puncture and aspiration |
148 |
77 |
960 |
Suprapubic cystostomy |
148 |
72 |
965 |
Suprapubic fistula, closure of |
294 |
154 |
966 |
Transcatheter ablation of function of kidney |
294 |
154 |
967 |
Transcatheter ablation of function of adrenal |
294 |
154 |
970 |
Ureteric fistula, closure of (including uretero-vaginal and vesico-vaginal) |
392 |
184 |
975 |
Ureterolithotomy |
294 |
143 |
980 |
Ureterolithotomy (bilateral) |
441 |
134 |
981 |
Ureterolysis (unilateral) |
392 |
143 |
982 |
Ureterolysis (bilateral) |
589 |
184 |
984 |
STING procedure |
294 |
82 |
985 |
Ureters, transplantation of, (bilateral) |
589 |
184 |
990 |
Ureter, transplantation of, (unilateral) |
441 |
164 |
991 |
Stamey Raz urethropexy |
294 |
123 |
995 |
Ureterostomy (unilateral) |
294 |
143 |
1000 |
Ureterostomy (bilateral) |
441 |
184 |
1005 |
Urethral rupture of (straddle injury), repair of |
294 |
133 |
1010 |
Urethra rupture, repair of with fractured pelvis (orthopaedic surgeon) |
490 |
256 |
1015 |
Urethral dilatation |
49 |
72 |
1020 |
Urethroscopy with treatment (diathermy) |
99 |
72 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
1025 |
Urethrostomy |
196 |
92 |
1030 |
Urethrotomy |
99 |
72 |
1031 |
Complex urodynamic evaluation involving cineradiology |
89 |
72 |
1032 |
Implantation of artificial urinary sphincter |
490 |
225 |
1033 |
Whittaker test for evaluation of upper urinary tract obstruction |
179 |
0 |
1035 |
Vesicolic fistula, closure of |
392 |
184 |
5845 |
Ileal conduit urinary diversion |
589 |
307 |
5850 |
Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy |
179 |
92 |
5910 |
Lithotripsy, one or more sessions per hospital stay |
294 |
92 |
5911 |
Lithotripsy including placement and removal of J stent and/or push ureteroscopy one or more sessions per hospital stay |
343 |
123 |
ARTERIES: (See also Neurological Section) |
1041 |
Carotid body tumour greater than 4 cms |
735 |
358 |
1042 |
Carotid body tumour less than 4 cms |
540 |
358 |
1045 |
Cyst or benign tumour of cheek or mouth, excision of |
74 |
82 |
1050 |
Malignant growth of cheek, full thickness/wide excision of |
392 |
154 |
1051 |
Malignant growth of cheek, superficial, excision of |
172 |
123 |
JAWS: See E.N.T. and Plastic Sections. LIPS: (see also Plastic Section) |
1055 |
Cyst or benign tumour on lip, excision of |
74 |
72 |
1058 |
Epithelioma of lip, lip shave |
99 |
72 |
1059 |
Epithelioma of lip, wedge excision |
196 |
77 |
1060 |
Epithelioma of lip, excision and flap reconstruction |
392 |
184 |
1065 |
Branchial cyst, pouch or fistula, excision of |
392 |
184 |
1075 |
Cysts or tuberculous glands of neck (deep to deep fascia) excision of |
294 |
123 |
1080 |
Conservative neck dissection |
392 |
225 |
1082 |
Radical neck dissection |
468 |
256 |
1085 |
Thyroglossal cyst or fistula, excision of |
392 |
184 |
1090 |
Torticollis, partial excision, open correction of |
245 |
113 |
1095 |
Tuberculous caseous glands or sinuses, curettage of |
104 |
77 |
PALATE: (See also Plastic Section) |
1100 |
Laceration of palate, repair of |
99 |
92 |
1105 |
Radical operation for malignant growth of palate |
490 |
256 |
1104 |
Biopsy lesion of palate |
47 |
72 |
1106 |
Partial maxillectomy including plastic reconstruction |
520 |
256 |
1107 |
Total maxillectomy including plastic reconstruction |
624 |
307 |
1110 |
Parathyroid adenoma, excision of |
500 |
256 |
1111 |
Transcatheter ablation of function of parathyroid glands |
294 |
154 |
1112 |
Parathyroid hyperplasia, excision of (4 glands-frozen section) |
550 |
256 |
1113 |
Total parathyroidectomy with autotransplant or mediastinal exploration/intra-thoracic |
650 |
256 |
1114 |
Parathyroid re-exploration |
650 |
256 |
1115 |
Abscess of salivary gland, incision and drainage |
74 |
82 |
1120 |
Fistula of salivary duct, repair of |
343 |
184 |
1125 |
Parotid or submandibular duct, dilatation of |
49 |
82 |
1126 |
Submandibular duct, relocation |
490 |
225 |
1130 |
Excision of parotid tumour or parotid gland, lateral lobe, (enucleation of) |
302 |
154 |
1133 |
Excision of parotid tumour or parotid gland, lateral lobe (superficial parotidectomy) with dissection and preservation of facial nerve |
551 |
276 |
1134 |
Excision of parotid tumour or parotid gland, total, en bloc removal with sacrifice of facial nerve |
416 |
184 |
1135 |
Excision of parotid tumour or parotid gland, total with dissection and preservation of facial nerve |
624 |
282 |
1140 |
Salivary calculus, removal of |
99 |
92 |
1150 |
Submandibular salivary gland, excision of |
229 |
92 |
1151 |
Excision of sublingual gland |
148 |
92 |
1152 |
Thyroid cyst(s) aspiration/fine needle biopsy |
40 |
0 |
1154 |
Excision of thyroid cyst |
345 |
184 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
1156 |
Percutaneous core needle biopsy of thyroid gland (for fine needle biopsy use procedure code 1152) |
68 |
72 |
1155 |
Total/revision thyroidectomy |
500 |
205 |
1157 |
Partial/subtotal thyroidectomy |
471 |
205 |
1165 |
Excision of epithelioma of tongue with radical operation on glands |
490 |
225 |
1170 |
Frenectomy (tongue tie) |
49 |
72 |
1175 |
Hemiglossectomy |
312 |
154 |
1176 |
Total glossectomy |
624 |
236 |
1180 |
Growths of tongue, diathermy to |
49 |
72 |
1185 |
Excision biopsy, oral cavity |
74 |
72 |
1186 |
Resection of tonsil, tongue base, palate, mandible and radical neck dissection |
936 |
461 |
1190 |
Abscess, incision and drainage of |
74 |
72 |
1191 |
Breast cyst(s) aspiration/fine needle biopsy (diagnostic or therapeutic) |
40 |
0 |
1195 |
Percutaneous core needle biopsy of breast (for fine needle biopsy use procedure code 1191) |
68 |
92 |
1200 |
Cysts or benign tumours, excision of, or segmental resection |
142 |
92 |
1205 |
Duct papilloma, excision |
148 |
92 |
1210 |
Gynaecomastia (excision for), unilateral |
184 |
102 |
1211 |
Gynaecomastia (excision for), bilateral |
343 |
154 |
1214 |
Segmental mastectomy with axillary sampling |
294 |
154 |
1215 |
Total mastectomy |
294 |
154 |
1216 |
Mastectomy with axillary clearance |
468 |
154 |
1217 |
Quadrant mastectomy with axillary clearance |
468 |
154 |
1218 |
Mammographic wire guided breast biopsy |
160 |
72 |
1310 |
Axillary/inguinal lymph node(s) superficial dissection of |
100 |
92 |
1315 |
Axillary lymph nodes complete dissection of |
343 |
123 |
1320 |
Axillary or inguinal lymph nodes, incision of abscess |
100 |
72 |
1326 |
Deep cervical node excision biopsy (not needle biopsy) |
100 |
72 |
1335 |
Inguinal or pelvic lymph node block dissection, unilateral |
368 |
164 |
1336 |
Inguinal or pelvic lymph node block dissection, bilateral |
550 |
256 |
1355 |
Lymphatic infusion |
245 |
0 |
1365 |
Primary or secondary retroperitoneal, lymphadenectomy complete, transabdominal |
589 |
307 |
1370 |
Haemangioma of muscle, excision and repair of |
294 |
123 |
1375 |
Muscle, manipulation and stretching of |
49 |
0 |
1380 |
Muscle, repair and suture of |
196 |
92 |
1385 |
Muscle biopsy |
68 |
72 |
NERVES: (See also E.N.T. and Plastic Sections) |
1390 |
Nerve biopsy |
134 |
72 |
1395 |
Nerve repairs (primary) |
392 |
133 |
1400 |
Nerve suture (secondary, including grafting and anastomosis) |
441 |
184 |
1405 |
Neurectomy or local excision of neuroma |
294 |
92 |
TENDONS: (See also Orthopaedic and Plastic Sections) |
1410 |
Tendon repairs (primary) single |
196 |
123 |
1415 |
Tendon repairs (primary) multiple |
392 |
184 |
1420 |
Tendon sheath, incision of |
99 |
77 |
1425 |
Tenotomy |
99 |
72 |
1426 |
Tenolysis |
196 |
92 |
1427 |
Supra-renal aneurysm repair |
834 |
410 |
1428 |
Repair of super renal aortic aneurysm rupture |
1076 |
410 |
1429 |
Tube graft repair of abdominal aorta |
754 |
410 |
1431 |
Repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm |
1034 |
410 |
1432 |
Aorto bi-iliac bypass for atherosclerosis or aneurysm |
334 |
410 |
1433 |
Aorto-femoral or bifemoral bypass for atherosclerosis or aneurysm |
834 |
410 |
1434 |
Endarterectomy of abdominal aorta and iliac vessels |
754 |
410 |
1436 |
Repair of ruptured iliac artery aneurysm |
754 |
410 |
1437 |
Endarterectomy of iliac vessels alone |
646 |
410 |
1438 |
Visceral artery repair, re-anastomosis or endarterectomy |
834 |
410 |
1439 |
Renal artery anastomosis, endarterectomy or re-implantation or bypass |
834 |
410 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
1441 |
Embolectomy of visceral branches, superior mesenteric or renal arteries |
592 |
184 |
1442 |
Removal of infected aortic prosthesis |
1076 |
512 |
1443 |
Obturator bypass from aorta or iliac to profunda or distal femoral bypass |
834 |
256 |
1444 |
Repair of abdominal aortic trauma |
592 |
256 |
1446 |
Aortic exclusion by axillo-femoral bypass |
700 |
256 |
1447 |
Endarterectomy of internal/external common carotid artery with or without shunt |
1076 |
410 |
1448 |
Patch repair of internal carotid artery |
323 |
184 |
1449 |
Vertebral artery bypass or repair |
700 |
256 |
1451 |
Open repair of subclavian artery |
592 |
256 |
1454 |
Translocation of common carotid to subclavian artery |
700 |
256 |
1456 |
Carotid subclavian bypass |
700 |
358 |
1457 |
Subclavian/subclavian bypass |
592 |
256 |
1458 |
Thoracotomy with repair of vessels of arch of aorta |
834 |
410 |
1285 |
Intra arterial injection (excluding arteriography) |
74 |
0 |
1305 |
Renal stenosis, repair of |
490 |
256 |
1306 |
Transcatheter embolisation |
294 |
184 |
1307 |
Transcatheter removal of intravascular thrombus or foreign body |
294 |
184 |
5866 |
Percutaneous angioplasty |
294 |
205 |
1459 |
Subclavian to branchial bypass or endarterectomy |
592 |
358 |
1461 |
Repair of subclavian aneurysm |
539 |
358 |
1462 |
Brachial embolectomy |
323 |
184 |
1463 |
Repair or bypass of brachial to radial or ulnar vessel |
700 |
256 |
1464 |
Repair of trauma to brachial artery with endarterectomy patch or bypass |
592 |
256 |
820 |
Arterial venous fistula in arm under L.A. |
196 |
164 |
821 |
Gortex graft placement for AV access for dialysis |
441 |
164 |
1290 |
Ligation of major vessels |
245 |
154 |
1250 |
Arterial biopsy (temporal artery biopsy bilateral under L.A.) |
89 |
77 |
1467 |
Femoral popliteal bypass, above knee vein |
646 |
256 |
1468 |
Femoral to popliteal bypass, above knee synthetic |
592 |
256 |
1469 |
Femoral to popliteal bypass, below knee vein |
754 |
256 |
1471 |
Femoral to popliteal bypass, below knee synthetic |
646 |
256 |
1472 |
Profundaplasty with or without patch or endarterectomy |
485 |
256 |
1473 |
Common femoral artery endarterectomy |
376 |
184 |
1474 |
Repair of femoral artery aneurysm |
539 |
256 |
1280 |
Common femoral artery embolectomy |
295 |
184 |
1476 |
Popliteal artery embolectomy |
485 |
256 |
1477 |
Tibial artery embolectomy |
592 |
256 |
1478 |
Femoral tibial artery bypass, including tibial-peroneal and peroneal artery bypass, or other distal vessels |
915 |
410 |
1479 |
Popliteal aneurysm artery repair or bypass |
592 |
256 |
1481 |
Femoral/femoral bypass |
646 |
256 |
1482 |
Repair of femoral or popliteal vessels due to trauma |
700 |
256 |
1483 |
Ligation and division at the sapheno-femoral junction and complete stripping of the long saphenous vein, ligation and division of the short saphenous vein at the sapheno popliteal junction, ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins, for both legs |
392 |
154 |
1484 |
As 1483 for one leg |
269 |
123 |
1486 |
Ligation and division at the sapheno-femoral junction of the long saphenous vein with complete stripping of the long saphenous vein and ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins in the leg (both legs) |
294 |
154 |
1487 |
Ligation and division at the sapheno-femoral junction of the long saphenous vein with complete stripping of the long saphenous vein with ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins in the leg (one leg) |
196 |
123 |
1488 |
Ligation and division of the short saphenous vein at the sapheno popliteal junction with ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins in the leg (both legs) |
294 |
154 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
1489 |
Ligation and division of the short saphenous vein at the sapheno popliteal junction plus ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins in the leg (one leg) |
196 |
123 |
1491 |
Cockett, Linton or Dodd procedure on perforators |
392 |
154 |
1492 |
Ligation and division at the sapheno-femoral junction of the long saphenous vein with ligation and avulsion of multiple varicose veins, one or both legs |
196 |
123 |
1430 |
Iliac or femoral veins, removal of thrombus from |
245 |
123 |
1435 |
Inferior vena cava, ligation or clipping of, with or without removal of thrombus |
392 |
184 |
1440 |
Ligation and division of individual perforator |
74 |
77 |
1450 |
Portosystemic shunt |
646 |
358 |
1455 |
Sclerosing operation on vein(s), one leg |
49 |
0 |
1460 |
Sclerosing operation on veins, both legs |
74 |
0 |
1465 |
Splenorenal anastomosis |
490 |
307 |
1490 |
Varicose veins, exploration and removal of thrombus, unilateral |
245 |
123 |
1495 |
Varicose veins, exploration and removal of thrombus, bilateral |
294 |
154 |
1500 |
Venous pressure and blood volume studies |
45 |
0 |
1505 |
Abscess, cyst or tumour, aspiration of |
49 |
72 |
1506 |
Angioma cauterisation or injection into, under general anaesthetic |
49 |
72 |
1507 |
Angioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous surfaces, small, excision and repair of, under general anaesthetic |
74 |
72 |
1508 |
Angioma of skin and subcutaneous tissue or mucous surfaces, large, excision and repair of, under general anaesthetic |
148 |
82 |
1509 |
Biopsy of skin, subcutaneous tissue and/or mucous membrane including simple closure |
64 |
0 |
1510 |
Excision and biopsy/curettage of a seborrhoeic keratosis / basal cell papilloma (single or multiple) |
74 |
72 |
1513 |
Ellipse biopsy of the skin |
86 |
0 |
1514 |
Cryotherapy or curettage to solar or actinic keratosis or warts other than plantar (single or multiple) |
74 |
72 |
1525 |
Foreign body, removal of |
74 |
72 |
1540 |
Skin abscess, (superficial) incision and drainage of |
74 |
72 |
1545 |
Keloid or other scar, excision of |
74 |
72 |
1546 |
Enucleation of lipoma |
99 |
87 |
1550 |
Malignant melanoma, wide excisional biopsy |
148 |
87 |
1551 |
Malignant melanoma, wide excisional biopsy and graft |
268 |
113 |
(See "LYMPHATICS" for block dissection of glands) |
1555 |
Excision of pigmented naevi |
74 |
72 |
1560 |
Incision and drainage of pilonidal abscess |
71 |
72 |
1561 |
Pilonidal sinus or cyst, excision of |
200 |
123 |
1565 |
Tubed pedicle flap, per stage |
294 |
154 |
1570 |
Removal of foreign body from hand or foot under anaesthetic |
74 |
77 |
1575 |
Basal cell carcinoma / squamous cell carcinoma, simple excision |
148 |
72 |
1576 |
Basal cell carcinoma / squamous cell carcinoma, excision and graft or local flap |
294 |
97 |
1577 |
Basal cell carcinoma / squamous cell carcinoma, curettage and/or electrosurgery |
172 |
77 |
1580 |
Excision of a sebaceous cyst(s) (single or multiple} |
99 |
72 |
1586 |
Laser treatment to naevi, initial patch test |
74 |
72 |
1587 |
Laser treatment to naevi, each subsequent treatment session |
148 |
72 |
1588 |
Excision of axillary skin for hyperhidrosis |
196 |
92 |
1591 |
Hydradenitis suppurativa, excision and suture |
122 |
72 |
1592 |
Hydradenitis suppurativa, excision and graft |
294 |
113 |
1605 |
Surgical diathermy under general anaesthetic for any condition other than those listed separately |
99 |
72 |
1610 |
Interstitial implant with radioactive source |
99 |
72 |
1615 |
Wounds and sinuses, curettage of |
74 |
72 |
1620 |
Wounds (multiple), suture or excision and suture |
148 |
87 |
1625 |
Simple repair of superficial wounds |
72 |
72 |
1630 |
Exchange transfusion |
134 |
0 |
1635 |
Exchange transfusion (intra uterine) |
196 |
0 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
1631 |
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, initial, including full medical evaluation |
148 |
0 |
1632 |
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, subsequent, per session |
49 |
0 |
1636 |
Intravenous immunoglobulin for patients with a haematological malignancy or immune deficiencies |
48 |
0 |
1637 |
Blood transfusion for patients with a haematological malignancy or immune deficiencies |
48 |
0 |
1638 |
Intravenous antibiotics for patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens for malignant disease |
48 |
0 |
1639 |
Electrolyte replacement for patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens for malignant disease |
48 |
0 |
1641 |
Therapeutic phlebotomy for patients with polycythemia rubra vera or haemochromatosis |
49 |
0 |
1642 |
Isolated limb perfusion including exposure of major limb artery and vein, arteriotomy and venotomy |
490 |
225 |
1645 |
Intracaviatory insertion with radioactive source (cranium, chest, abdomen ) |
294 |
143 |
1646 |
Plasmapheresis. |
49 |
0 |
1657 |
Cytotoxic chemotherapy (combination therapy), infusion, for (a) initial day's treatment for a new patient, (b) first day's treatment of a new cycle of therapy, for an established patient, day care or inpatient. |
72 |
0 |
1658 |
Succeeding days of cytotoxic chemotherapy (combination therapy) infusion treatment after the first day's treatment, day care or in patient. |
48 |
0 |
1663 |
Drainage of abscess or haematoma, (deep tissues) requiring general anaesthetic |
99 |
72 |
4281 |
Bone marrow aspiration |
45 |
72 |
4282 |
Bone marrow biopsy |
68 |
72 |
4287 |
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy |
89 |
72 |
4283 |
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, benefit includes all procedures and in-patient care |
834 |
0 |
4284 |
Autologous bone marrow transplantation, benefit includes all procedures and in-patient care |
686 |
0 |
4286 |
Bone marrow harvesting |
148 |
123 |
4288 |
Peripheral blood stem cell harvesting |
148 |
0 |
4291 |
Peripheral blood stem re infusion, benefit includes cytotoxic chemotherapy and in patient care |
686 |
0 |
EAR: (See also Plastic Section) |
1665 |
Atresia of auricle, 2 or 3 stages, correction of (per stage) |
364 |
154 |
1666 |
Attico antrostomy, unilateral |
490 |
205 |
1670 |
Ear polyp, excision of |
74 |
72 |
1671 |
Ear toilet requiring use of operating microscope and micro inspection of tympanic membrane with or without general anaesthesia, unilateral or bilateral |
74 |
72 |
1675 |
Drainage external ear, abscess or haematoma |
74 |
72 |
1680 |
External auditory canal excision of tumour |
148 |
72 |
1685 |
External auditory canal removal of exostosis or osteoma |
156 |
72 |
1686 |
Reconstruction of external auditory canal (meatoplasty) (e.g. for stenosis due to trauma, infection) |
291 |
143 |
1690 |
Facial nerve decompression (in temporal bone) |
490 |
184 |
1695 |
Facial nerve graft (in temporal bone) |
540 |
205 |
1700 |
Removal of foreign body from ear, under general anaesthetic |
99 |
72 |
1701 |
Labyrinthectomy; transcanal |
364 |
184 |
1710 |
Mastoidectomy, radical with or without labyrinthectomy |
520 |
239 |
1715 |
Mastoidectomy, simple |
416 |
205 |
1730 |
Myringoplasty |
343 |
184 |
1735 |
Myringotomy |
62 |
72 |
1740 |
Myringotomy (bilateral) |
104 |
82 |
1741 |
Removal of drain tube(s) under general anaesthetic |
49 |
72 |
1751 |
Pinna, total excision |
196 |
102 |
1752 |
Pinna, partial excision with flap reconstruction |
294 |
143 |
1753 |
Pinna, partial excision and graft |
196 |
123 |
1755 |
Preauricular sinus, excision of |
196 |
102 |
1760 |
Saccus endolymphaticus for Meniere's Disease |
441 |
225 |
1765 |
Sebaceous cyst of ear, removal of |
99 |
72 |
1770 |
Stapedectomy |
589 |
225 |
1771 |
Stapedectomy with plastic reconstruction of ossicles |
589 |
225 |
1790 |
Tympanoplasty |
540 |
225 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5980 |
Combined approach tympanoplasty |
639 |
256 |
1785 |
Myringotomy with insertion of grommet |
146 |
72 |
1786 |
Myringotomy, bilateral, with insertion of grommets |
202 |
82 |
1796 |
Electrocochleography |
27 |
72 |
1800 |
Epistaxis anterior packing and/or cautery |
99 |
72 |
1805 |
Epistaxis posterior anterior packing and/or cautery |
134 |
82 |
1810 |
Epistaxis anterior ethmoid and/or internal maxillary ligation |
196 |
102 |
1815 |
Foreign body, removal under general anaesthetic |
66 |
72 |
1820 |
Polypectomy, single |
55 |
72 |
1825 |
Polypectomy, multiple |
148 |
77 |
NOSE and ACCESSORY SINUSES: (See also Plastic Section) |
1830 |
Accessory sinuses, open operations on, unilateral (including Caldwell Luc) |
245 |
113 |
1840 |
Accessory sinuses, open operations on, bilateral (including Caldwell Luc) |
368 |
164 |
1850 |
Antral biopsy |
45 |
77 |
1855 |
Antral puncture (antrotomy) and washout unilateral |
99 |
72 |
1860 |
Antral puncture (antrotomy) and washout bilateral |
148 |
72 |
1865 |
Antral lavage involving insertion of polythene tube (unilateral) |
148 |
72 |
1870 |
Antral lavage involving insertion of polythene tubes (bilateral) |
196 |
72 |
1875 |
Sinusotomy with or without biopsy, with mucosal stripping or removal of polyp(s) |
166 |
82 |
1880 |
Nasal/Sinus endoscopy, surgical, with antrostomy (unilateral) |
122 |
72 |
1885 |
Nasal/Sinus endoscopy, surgical, with antrostomy (bilateral) |
196 |
87 |
1890 |
Repair of choanal atresia, intranasal |
218 |
102 |
1895 |
Repair of choanal atresia, transpalatine |
441 |
205 |
1896 |
Crawford tube insertion, unilateral |
99 |
77 |
1897 |
Crawford tube insertion, bilateral |
148 |
82 |
1900 |
Ethmoid area malignant tumour excision |
416 |
205 |
1905 |
Nasal/Sinus endoscopy, with or without biopsy, polypectomy or debridement |
94 |
77 |
1910 |
Ethmoidectomy extranasal (unilateral) |
196 |
92 |
1915 |
Ethmoidectomy extranasal (bilateral) |
364 |
164 |
1920 |
Ethmoidectomy intranasal (unilateral) |
239 |
113 |
1925 |
Ethmoidectomy intranasal (bilateral) |
231 |
138 |
1935 |
External frontal sinus exploration |
490 |
205 |
1940 |
External frontal sinus operation for malignant disease |
589 |
256 |
1945 |
External rhinotomy (with drainage of ethmoid frontal, or maxillary sinuses) |
490 |
225 |
1968 |
Nasal septum insertion of prosthetic button |
122 |
77 |
1969 |
Plastic repair of nasal septum |
364 |
164 |
1970 |
Nasal septum, submucous resection of |
196 |
72 |
1980 |
Naso pharyngeal tumour, excision of |
624 |
307 |
1985 |
Oro antral fistula, closure of |
490 |
205 |
1990 |
Cauterisation and/or ablation, mucous of turbinates, unilateral or bilateral, any method, superficial |
99 |
72 |
1992 |
Nasal/Sinus endoscopy, surgical with ethmoidectomy (partial or total) |
281 |
133 |
1993 |
Nasal/Sinus endoscopy, surgical with frontal sinus exploration with or without removal of tissue from frontal sinus |
312 |
154 |
1745 |
Nostril closure for atrophic rhinitis |
196 |
77 |
4525 |
Rhinoplasty |
441 |
184 |
5975 |
Rhinoplasty, primary, including major septal repair |
528 |
221 |
1995 |
Abscess (retropharyngeal), incision and drainage (internal pharyngotomy) |
99 |
154 |
1996 |
Bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (includes irrigation of bronchial tree) |
115 |
0 |
1997 |
Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy of lung |
179 |
41 |
2003 |
Bronchoscopy with combined bronchial and/or transbronchial biopsies and bronchoalveolar lavage |
201 |
41 |
1999 |
Bronchoscopy with laser ablation/resection of tumour |
294 |
123 |
2000 |
Bronchoscopy with brachytherapy or placement of radium source |
294 |
92 |
2001 |
Bronchoscopy with selective bronchography |
134 |
41 |
2002 |
Bronchial provocation testing (histamine, methacholine etc.) |
179 |
0 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
2011 |
Bronchoscopy with or without bronchial biopsy |
115 |
41 |
2012 |
Bronchoscopy with or without bronchial biopsy (less than 2 years old) |
125 |
125 |
2020 |
Bronchoscopy with removal of foreign body (includes foreign body removal by rigid endoscopy) |
140 |
123 |
2030 |
Laryngoscopy |
68 |
82 |
2040 |
Laryngectomy, all forms including vertical hemi laryngectomy and tracheostomy |
759 |
358 |
2045 |
Larynx, microsurgery of |
294 |
123 |
2050 |
Laryngofissure, external operation on |
490 |
205 |
2055 |
Lateral pharyngotomy |
426 |
201 |
2056 |
Direct operative laryngoscopy with operating microscope with or without biopsy, removal of foreign body, removal of lesion etc. |
294 |
92 |
2057 |
Vocal cord augmentation (injection of teflon) |
220 |
102 |
2060 |
Oesophagoscopy |
68 |
82 |
2065 |
Oesophagoscopy with biopsy and dilatation |
112 |
82 |
2070 |
Oesophagoscopy with removal of foreign body |
140 |
92 |
2074 |
Upper G.I. endoscopy with oesophageal dilatation and lasertherapy |
245 |
82 |
2075 |
Operative peroral endoscopy (including biopsy of larynx, trachea, bronchus, pharynx or oesophagus) |
74 |
82 |
2077 |
Oesophageal dilation and insertion of endoprosthesis |
245 |
205 |
2079 |
Oesophagoscopy with multiple injection of oesophageal varices |
148 |
123 |
5840 |
Oesophageal motility study |
68 |
92 |
2080 |
Papilloma or cyst of larynx, excision of |
196 |
123 |
2081 |
Balloon, dilatation of the oesophagus (includes endoscopy) |
152 |
82 |
2085 |
Pharyngeal pouch or diverticulum, excision of |
540 |
225 |
2090 |
Pharyngeal pouch or diverticulum endoscopic diathermy division |
343 |
184 |
2096 |
Drainage and marsupialisation of cyst |
220 |
102 |
2100 |
Pharyngolaryngectomy |
832 |
404 |
2115 |
Incision and drainage, abscess; retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal |
83 |
154 |
2125 |
Tonsils and/or adenoids (adults), removal of |
230 |
102 |
2130 |
Tonsils and/or adenoids, removal of (children under 12 years) |
200 |
92 |
2131 |
Tonsils or tonsils and adenoids, arrest of haemorrhage requiring general anaesthetic, following removal |
122 |
154 |
2132 |
Tracheoesophageal puncture and insertion of prosthesis |
172 |
123 |
2136 |
Transtracheal aspiration |
89 |
0 |
2126 |
Overnight oximetry |
45 |
0 |
2133 |
Kveim test including follow up punch biopsy of skin |
64 |
0 |
2134 |
Kveim test including follow-up ellipse biopsy of skin |
86 |
0 |
2137 |
Mantoux test, injection and follow up interpretation |
64 |
0 |
5895 |
Full pulmonary function studies carried out in a pulmonary function laboratory including report |
86 |
0 |
2141 |
Prolonged post-exposure evaluation of bronchospasm after exercise, with multiple spirometric determinations as in 5895 including measurement of thoracic gas volume and expired gas determinations |
99 |
0 |
2139 |
Full sleep study (polysomnography) |
173 |
0 |
2140 |
Cervix, amputation of |
99 |
72 |
2145 |
Cervix, biopsy of |
45 |
72 |
2146 |
Cervix, cone biopsy of |
125 |
72 |
2150 |
Cervical polypi, removal of |
49 |
72 |
2155 |
Cervix, dilatation of |
49 |
72 |
2160 |
Cervix, local excision of lesion of |
49 |
72 |
2170 |
Cervix, suture of |
74 |
72 |
2171 |
Cervical cerclage |
99 |
72 |
2175 |
Cervix, cautery of |
49 |
72 |
2180 |
Cervix, examination under anaesthesia |
45 |
72 |
2181 |
Colposcopy |
62 |
72 |
2182 |
Colposcopy and biopsy including Lletz procedure and/or laser therapy |
104 |
72 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
2185 |
Caesarean hysterectomy |
589 |
256 |
2190 |
Caesarean section (grant in aid for obstetrician's fees) |
215 |
154 |
2200 |
Ectopic pregnancy, surgical management (laparoscopic or open): salpingectomy and/or salpingo oophorectomy (unilateral or bilateral) |
245 |
205 |
2205 |
Hydatidiform mole (hysterotomy) |
196 |
154 |
2206 |
Vaginal delivery (grant in aid) |
144 |
0 |
2207 |
Epidural anaesthesia for vaginal delivery |
0 |
138 |
2215 |
Aldridge sling operation |
364 |
123 |
2220 |
Broad ligament, excision of cyst of |
196 |
113 |
2225 |
Dilatation and curettage (diagnostic or therapeutic) |
135 |
72 |
2235 |
Microsurgical repair of extensive tubal and peritubal disease consequent on pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis including re-implantation of fallopian tube, unilateral |
399 |
143 |
2240 |
Microsurgical repair of extensive tubal and peritubal disease consequent on pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis including re-implantation of fallopian tubes, bilateral |
598 |
205 |
2241 |
Surgical repair of extensive tubal and peritubal disease consequent on pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis, unilateral or bilateral |
312 |
143 |
2248 |
Hysteroscopy |
74 |
72 |
2249 |
Transcervical endometrial resection |
490 |
123 |
2250 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy |
489 |
179 |
2255 |
Radical abdominal hysterectomy, with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and para-aortic lymph node sampling (biopsy), with or without removal of tube(s), with or without removal of ovary(s) |
728 |
205 |
2256 |
Total vaginal hysterectomy combined with anterior and posterior pelvic floor repair |
645 |
179 |
2257 |
Total abdominal hysterectomy with unilateral or bilateral salpingo oophorectomy |
530 |
179 |
2258 |
Resection of ovarian malignancy with total abdominal hysterectomy, complete procedure |
728 |
256 |
2259 |
Debulking of ovarian carcinoma with or without omentectomy, complete procedure |
520 |
205 |
2260 |
Sub total abdominal hysterectomy |
392 |
179 |
2264 |
Total vaginal hysterectomy with urethropexy or urethroplasty |
489 |
184 |
2265 |
Total vaginal hysterectomy |
489 |
179 |
2267 |
Total vaginal hysterectomy and anterior or posterior pelvic floor repair |
593 |
179 |
2270 |
Induction of radiation menopause |
99 |
72 |
2273 |
Marlex sling procedure |
196 |
123 |
2280 |
Myomectomy (multiple) |
392 |
154 |
2285 |
Myomectomy (simple, single) |
343 |
154 |
2289 |
Oophorectomy, unilateral or bilateral (complete or partial) |
218 |
128 |
2300 |
Ovarian cystectomy, unilateral or bilateral |
245 |
128 |
2319 |
Salpingectomy complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral |
218 |
128 |
2354 |
Salpingostomy or salpingolysis, unilateral or bilateral |
312 |
128 |
2364 |
Microsurgical tuboplasty (salpingostomy or salpingolysis), unilateral or bilateral |
354 |
154 |
2365 |
Salpingo oophorectomy, complete or partial, unilateral or bilateral |
245 |
133 |
2366 |
Salpingography and cannulisation for unblocking fallopian tubes, unilateral or bilateral |
245 |
0 |
2370 |
Uterus, plastic reconstruction of |
392 |
184 |
2375 |
Ventrosuspension/Gilliam's operation |
196 |
123 |
2380 |
Atresia vaginae, relief of (including dilatation of vulva and vagina) |
148 |
92 |
2385 |
Bartholin's gland cyst, excision of |
125 |
72 |
2390 |
Bartholin's or Skene's gland, abscess of, incision and drainage |
74 |
67 |
2391 |
Burch colposuspension |
364 |
154 |
2395 |
Caruncle, vulvovaginal, removal of |
74 |
72 |
2400 |
Colporrhaphy with amputation of cervix, anterior and posterior (Manchester or Fothergill operation) |
392 |
164 |
2410 |
Colpotomy |
148 |
77 |
2415 |
Cystocele. repair of |
196 |
128 |
2420 |
Cystocele and rectocele, repair of (including colpoperineorraphy) |
245 |
164 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
2425 |
Cysts or simple tumours of the vulva or vagina, excision of |
99 |
77 |
2430 |
Hymenotomy |
74 |
72 |
2435 |
Hymenectomy |
74 |
72 |
2440 |
Perineal tear complete repair of |
294 |
128 |
2441 |
Partial vaginectomy |
490 |
184 |
2445 |
Rectocele, repair of |
245 |
128 |
2450 |
Stress incontinence, Marshall Marchetti, urethropexy for |
364 |
164 |
2460 |
Vaginal fistulae (recto vaginal), repair of |
245 |
154 |
2465 |
Vaginal fistulae (vesico vaginal), repair of |
392 |
154 |
2470 |
Vaginal wall, suture of |
148 |
77 |
2475 |
Vagina, plastic repair for dyspareunia |
196 |
154 |
2480 |
Vulvectomy simple, without glands |
392 |
154 |
2485 |
Vulvectomy radical, with glands |
540 |
256 |
2486 |
Intracaviatory insertion of radioactive source, cervix, vagina or uterus |
294 |
154 |
2484 |
Diagnostic laparoscopy with or without biopsy, with or without tubal irrigation/insufflation |
148 |
113 |
2488 |
Diagnostic laparoscopy with or without biopsy. This procedure also includes dilatation and curettage (diagnostic or therapeutic), with or without tubal irrigation/insufflation |
200 |
113 |
2487 |
Diagnostic laparoscopy with/without biopsy and one or more of: excision of lesions of ovary;pelvic viscera or peritoneal surface: diathermy of endometriosis;division of adhesions; puncture of cysts. With/without tubal irrigation/insufflation. |
172 |
113 |
2489 |
As 2467 but including dilatation and curettage (diagnostic/therapeutic) |
234 |
113 |
2490 |
Conjunctival flap |
99 |
72 |
2493 |
Conjunctivectomy |
74 |
72 |
2495 |
Conjunctival graft |
148 |
77 |
2498 |
Conjunctival tumour with or without graft |
197 |
77 |
2496 |
Cryotherapy, unilateral |
196 |
72 |
2497 |
Cryotherapy, bilateral |
295 |
82 |
2500 |
Cyst/Granuloma- excision of |
74 |
72 |
2505 |
Foreign body- removal of, from conjunctiva |
74 |
77 |
2520 |
Wounds, repair |
99 |
77 |
2521 |
Symblepharon division |
99 |
77 |
2526 |
Symblephora - division of (includes conjunctival graft) |
197 |
92 |
2527 |
Conjunctival biopsy |
74 |
72 |
2522 |
Removal of foreign body from anterior chamber, magnetic |
392 |
184 |
2523 |
Removal of foreign body from anterior chamber, non-magnetic |
392 |
184 |
2524 |
Removal of implanted material from anterior chamber |
392 |
184 |
2525 |
Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with or without diagnostic aspiration of aqueous |
148 |
82 |
2580 |
Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye for hyphaema with or without irrigation and/or air injection |
245 |
72 |
2585 |
Paracentesis/Saemisch section etc. |
245 |
123 |
2586 |
Reform anterior chamber secondary to trabeculectomy or post cataract surgery |
245 |
123 |
2530 |
Corneal grafting- penetrating/lamellar |
589 |
138 |
2531 |
Removal of sutures (late Stage) corneal/sclera |
74 |
72 |
2532 |
Keratoprosthesis |
603 |
184 |
2533 |
Epikeratophakia |
603 |
184 |
2535 |
Corneal surface removed and EDTA application |
99 |
77 |
2510 |
Pterygium removal |
99 |
77 |
2511 |
Pterygium removal and conjunctival graft |
197 |
92 |
2540 |
Corneal tattooing |
99 |
77 |
2548 |
Ulcer/Recurrent, erosion, surgical treatment/Cautery with or without pricking, with or without debridement, with or without cryotherapy - one or more treatments, per episode of illness |
99 |
77 |
2546 |
Corneal scraping |
99 |
77 |
2547 |
Corneal biopsy |
99 |
72 |
2555 |
Corneal or scleral tumour, excision |
245 |
123 |
2556 |
Perforating injury cornea and/or sclera not involving uveal tissue |
246 |
123 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
2565 |
Perforating injury cornea and/or sclera with reposition or resection of uveal tissue |
420 |
184 |
2566 |
Repair of scleral staphyloma with or without graft |
589 |
184 |
2575 |
Foreign body, removal of, from cornea |
74 |
72 |
2577 |
Keratotomy (Wedge resections, relaxing incisions etc; for the correction of abnormal refractive errors resulting from cataracts, corneal scars or post traumatic corneal astigmatism) |
491 |
123 |
2579 |
Excimer laser therapy for corneal pathology, per course |
323 |
133 |
2589 |
Biopsy of eyelids |
67 |
72 |
2590 |
Chalazion - incision and curettage, one or more |
99 |
72 |
2591 |
Botulinum injection for blepharospasm or to induce ptosis |
122 |
72 |
2595 |
Ectropion |
196 |
82 |
2600 |
Entropion |
172 |
82 |
2596 |
Blepharophimosis - for pathology (not cosmetic) |
258 |
123 |
2605 |
Epilation trichiasis |
54 |
72 |
2606 |
Cryo to lash/electrolysis/ Removal lash follicle per course of therapy |
108 |
72 |
2610 |
Injury to eyelid - repair (superficial) |
74 |
72 |
2611 |
Opening of tarsorrhaphy |
74 |
72 |
2615 |
Injury to eyelid - repair (deep) |
196 |
92 |
2620 |
Lid papilloma |
196 |
72 |
2625 |
Superficial dermoid or cyst - excision of |
148 |
72 |
2626 |
Canthotomy |
43 |
0 |
2630 |
Tarsorrhaphy |
148 |
72 |
2635 |
Evisceration of eye |
295 |
123 |
2640 |
Excision of eye plus implant |
343 |
154 |
2645 |
Removal of intraocular foreign body |
392 |
184 |
2660 |
Removal of eye |
295 |
143 |
2680 |
Division of anterior synechiae |
245 |
102 |
2685 |
Cyclodialysis |
343 |
154 |
2696 |
Cyclocryotherapy/Diathermy |
343 |
154 |
2700 |
Goniotomy |
392 |
154 |
2710 |
Iridectomy |
245 |
123 |
2711 |
Pupil reconstruction post trauma, post surgery |
392 |
184 |
2725 |
Iris tumour, removal |
392 |
184 |
2726 |
Iris biopsy |
245 |
123 |
2740 |
Trabeculectomy/Drainage procedure |
539 |
128 |
2741 |
Laser trabeculoplasty, one or more treatments |
313 |
143 |
2845 |
Local resection of ciliary body or choroidal tumour |
603 |
154 |
2742 |
Trabeculectomy and tubes, etc. |
581 |
143 |
2750 |
Canaliculus repair with or without tube |
343 |
184 |
2755 |
Dacryocystorhinostomy with or without tubes |
392 |
184 |
2756 |
Removal of D.C.R. tube |
43 |
0 |
2760 |
Lacrimal abscess (dacryocystitis) incision |
74 |
72 |
2761 |
Lacrimal sac, syringing and probing |
99 |
72 |
2764 |
Intubation of nasolacrimal duct |
392 |
154 |
2766 |
Punctal closure with cautery or controller |
74 |
72 |
2768 |
3 Snip operation of lacrimal punctum |
99 |
72 |
2769 |
Correction of everted punctum : cautery only |
74 |
72 |
2770 |
Lacrimal sac excision (dacryocystectomy) |
392 |
154 |
2771 |
Lacrimal gland tumour excision |
431 |
184 |
2772 |
Conjunctivo - dacryocystorhinostomy with Lester Jones tube |
409 |
184 |
2775 |
Lacrimal sac, syringing |
74 |
72 |
2779 |
Repositioning of intraocular lens |
295 |
128 |
2780 |
Intraocular lens insertion not associated with concurrent cataract removal (secondary) |
295 |
128 |
2785 |
Capsulotomy, needling (surgical) |
148 |
92 |
2786 |
Revision of cataract wound |
161 |
92 |
2795 |
Lens extraction |
515 |
164 |
2802 |
Cataract extraction plus insertion of artificial lens (includes phacoemulsfication, etc.) |
581 |
164 |
2803 |
For cataract extraction operations, all forms, where only monitored anaesthesia care is given, the anaesthetic benefit payable is shown opposite |
0 |
82 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
2644 |
Argon or Diode laser or Xenon Arc - for treatment of retinal or choridal disease, glaucoma, one or more treatments |
295 |
123 |
2647 |
YAG laser - for capsulotomy, pupil formation, iridectomy, membranectomy, ciliary body treatment, glaucoma, one or more treatments |
295 |
0 |
2806 |
Argon laser therapy for pan- retinal photocoagulation of diabetic retinopathy (per course of therapy) |
431 |
123 |
2870 |
Routine squint operation, horizontal, vertical or oblique |
392 |
123 |
2871 |
Transposition surgery - Jansens, Hummelsheim, Knapp procedure |
539 |
184 |
2872 |
Adjustment post strabismus operation |
129 |
72 |
2873 |
Botulinum toxin injection to extraocular muscles |
122 |
72 |
2874 |
Muscle biopsy |
108 |
72 |
2890 |
Orbit, exenteration of |
589 |
184 |
2895 |
Orbit, exploration of, including biopsy |
295 |
143 |
2900 |
Orbit, removal of foreign body from |
343 |
154 |
2905 |
Orbit, removal of tumour from (Kronlein's operation) |
441 |
205 |
2910 |
Orbit, repair of fracture of |
392 |
205 |
2911 |
Orbitotomy |
603 |
184 |
2915 |
Orbit, repair of fracture of, with plastic implant |
491 |
205 |
2912 |
Trans nasal wiring |
485 |
205 |
2920 |
Radio Active Source application |
196 |
102 |
2665 |
Prophylactic therapy for retinal detachment |
409 |
184 |
2506 |
Removal of silicone oil |
603 |
184 |
2675 |
Repair of retinal detachment - retinopexy with scleral buckling, scleral resection or scleral implant, etc. (For diathermy, cryotherapy or photocoagulation, use 2665) |
735 |
256 |
2676 |
Vitrectomy |
735 |
256 |
2875 |
Retrobulbar, orbital floor, subconjunctival, subtenons and facial nerve injections |
74 |
72 |
2880 |
Examination of eye under general anaesthetic |
97 |
72 |
2926 |
Fluorescein angiography |
45 |
0 |
2940 |
Dental cysts of maxilla or mandible |
148 |
92 |
2950 |
Extraction of teeth (more than 6 permanent teeth) with or without alveolectomy |
122 |
92 |
2980 |
Labial frenectomy with dissection of tissue |
49 |
72 |
2985 |
Odontoma, excision of |
122 |
82 |
3005 |
Root resection or apicectomy, single, with or without cyst removal and apical curettage |
99 |
82 |
3010 |
Root resection or apicectomy, multiple, with or without cyst removal and apical curettage |
148 |
97 |
3015 |
Reimplantation of tooth in socket with splinting |
99 |
82 |
3020 |
Simple cysts or epulis, palate or floor of mouth, excision of |
99 |
82 |
3025 |
Small tumours of dental origin, removal of, includes biopsy |
74 |
77 |
3030 |
Tuberosities, reduction of |
99 |
77 |
HAND: (See also Plastic Section) |
3035 |
Abscess or infected tendon sheath of palmar spaces, drainage of |
104 |
72 |
3039 |
Synovectomy of metacarpophalangeal joints, (more than two joints) with release of ulnar intrinsic tendons |
343 |
154 |
3040 |
Arthrodesis of joint |
208 |
92 |
3045 |
Arthroplasty using joint prosthesis single |
208 |
92 |
3050 |
Arthroplasty using joint prosthesis two joints |
309 |
113 |
3055 |
Arthroplasty using joint prosthesis more than two joints |
441 |
143 |
3060 |
Bone tumours (benign), excision of |
343 |
154 |
3070 |
Bursectomy |
104 |
77 |
3075 |
Chondroma, excision of (multiple) with bone graft |
343 |
154 |
3080 |
Chondroma, excision (single) with bone graft |
245 |
123 |
3085 |
Exostosis, excision of |
156 |
82 |
3095 |
Fracture of phalanges and/or metacarpals closed reduction |
99 |
67 |
3100 |
Fracture of phalanx single internal fixation |
156 |
82 |
3105 |
Fracture of phalanges multiple internal fixation |
260 |
123 |
3110 |
Ganglion of hand, surgical removal |
148 |
72 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
3115 |
Manipulation for treatment of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint |
78 |
72 |
3120 |
Nail, removal of |
49 |
72 |
3125 |
Nails, removal of all |
99 |
72 |
3130 |
Application of plaster of Paris casts |
49 |
72 |
3135 |
Synovioma, excision of |
148 |
72 |
3136 |
Tendon repair - flexor-double (hand) |
338 |
154 |
3140 |
Traumatic amputation of finger - single - reconstructive operation |
208 |
102 |
3145 |
Amputation of two or more fingers |
392 |
184 |
3150 |
Trigger finger, correction of |
99 |
77 |
3155 |
Whitlow incision and drainage |
49 |
0 |
3159 |
Arthroscopy of the wrist |
179 |
123 |
3160 |
Arthrodesis, using bone graft |
441 |
184 |
3165 |
Arthroplasty |
490 |
184 |
3170 |
Aspiration, wrist joint |
49 |
72 |
3175 |
Bone grafting operation on scaphoid |
343 |
123 |
3176 |
Herbert screw fixation, scaphoid |
260 |
123 |
3180 |
Carpal bone (lunate scaphoid trapezium), excision of |
196 |
92 |
3181 |
Trapezial joint replacement |
589 |
225 |
3185 |
Carpal tunnel, decompression |
148 |
92 |
3190 |
Carpus or peri carpal dislocations, manipulation |
156 |
77 |
3195 |
Corrective osteotomy of lower end of radius |
294 |
123 |
3200 |
Dislocation open reduction of |
294 |
143 |
3205 |
Fracture (Colles') internal fixation of |
229 |
123 |
3210 |
Fracture (Colles') manipulation and plaster of Paris |
135 |
87 |
3211 |
Fracture of distal radius, external fixation of |
148 |
72 |
3215 |
Injection, wrist joint |
49 |
0 |
3220 |
Ganglion, removal of aspiration |
49 |
72 |
3225 |
Ganglion, removal of surgical |
148 |
72 |
3229 |
Intercarpal fusion |
260 |
123 |
3230 |
Nerve block for pain control |
49 |
0 |
3235 |
Nerve median and ulnar nerve repair of |
520 |
205 |
3240 |
Nerve median or ulnar nerve repair of |
392 |
184 |
3245 |
Radial styloid, excision of |
156 |
82 |
3250 |
Sympathetic block |
99 |
0 |
3255 |
Synovectomy of wrist joint |
294 |
123 |
3260 |
Tendon repair at wrist single |
208 |
102 |
3265 |
Tendons repair at wrist multiple |
312 |
143 |
3270 |
Tendon transfer about the wrist, single |
258 |
123 |
3271 |
Tendon transfer about the wrist, multiple |
387 |
154 |
3275 |
Ulna, lower end of (malunited Colles), excision of |
172 |
87 |
3276 |
Smith's or Barton's fractures, internal fixation of |
276 |
143 |
3280 |
Amputation through forearm |
392 |
184 |
3285 |
Annular ligament, repair of |
294 |
143 |
3290 |
Anterior capsulotomy and excision myositis ossificans |
294 |
143 |
3295 |
Arthrodesis |
490 |
205 |
3296 |
Arthroscopy, elbow, diagnostic, with or without synovial biopsy, removal of loose body or foreign body, synovectomy, debridement |
208 |
123 |
3300 |
Arthroplasty |
593 |
225 |
3305 |
Aspiration and injection forearm/elbow |
49 |
72 |
3315 |
Drainage of joint |
99 |
72 |
3316 |
External fixation, upper limb |
148 |
87 |
3320 |
Fracture forearm (complete) closed reduction and plaster of Paris |
164 |
87 |
3325 |
Fracture forearm (greenstick) closed reduction and plaster of Paris |
135 |
87 |
3330 |
Fracture about elbow, closed manipulation of |
166 |
87 |
3335 |
Fracture dislocation, open reduction |
392 |
154 |
3340 |
Fracture of forearm bones, open reduction of |
446 |
154 |
3341 |
Open reduction, internal fixation and bone grafting (forearm & elbow) |
572 |
225 |
3345 |
Fracture of lateral condyle, open reduction of |
361 |
154 |
3350 |
Fracture of medial condyle, open reduction of |
364 |
123 |
3355 |
Fracture (supracondylar), closed reduction of |
229 |
77 |
3360 |
Fracture olecranon, screwing of |
260 |
87 |
3365 |
Closed treatment of elbow dislocation |
104 |
72 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
3370 |
Nerve ulnar transplant |
312 |
123 |
3375 |
Olecranon bursa, removal of |
148 |
82 |
3380 |
Radius excision of head of |
208 |
92 |
3381 |
Silastic interposition of radial head |
364 |
184 |
3385 |
Synovectomy of elbow joint |
392 |
184 |
3390 |
Tendon transplants about the elbow |
260 |
113 |
3395 |
Tendon sheaths, removal of in forearm |
245 |
113 |
3400 |
Tennis elbow advancement of extensor muscles |
196 |
102 |
3401 |
Arthroscopy, shoulder, surgical, with removal of loose body or foreign body, synovectomy, debridement |
294 |
154 |
3402 |
Arthroscopic suture capsulorrhaphy for anterior shoulder instability |
589 |
225 |
3403 |
Arthroscopy, shoulder, diagnostic with or without synovial biopsy |
192 |
123 |
3404 |
Acromioplasty |
294 |
143 |
5875 |
Shoulder replacement prosthesis |
589 |
225 |
3405 |
Acromio clavicular joint, excision of |
208 |
102 |
3410 |
Acromio clavicular joint, open reduction of |
294 |
143 |
3411 |
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression |
312 |
143 |
3412 |
Arthroscopic excision outer end clavicle |
260 |
143 |
3413 |
Arthroscopic excision outer end of clavicle/subacromial decompression |
364 |
184 |
3415 |
Amputation through arm |
392 |
184 |
3420 |
Arthrodesis, humerus/shoulder |
589 |
225 |
3425 |
Aspiration of joint, humerus/shoulder |
49 |
72 |
3430 |
Biopsy, synovial, humerus/shoulder |
68 |
72 |
3435 |
Capsulotomy (acute capsulitis) |
166 |
72 |
3440 |
Disarticulation, humerus/shoulder |
589 |
282 |
3445 |
Dislocation, open reduction, humerus/shoulder |
490 |
225 |
3450 |
Dislocation, acute, manipulation under general anaesthetic, humerus/shoulder |
125 |
72 |
3455 |
Dislocation recurrent operation for, humerus/shoulder |
490 |
225 |
3464 |
Forequarter amputation |
624 |
282 |
3465 |
Fractured clavicle, closed reduction |
122 |
77 |
3470 |
Fractured clavicle, open reduction |
294 |
123 |
3475 |
Fractured humerus, open reduction with internal fixation |
392 |
184 |
3480 |
Fractured humerus, open reduction and bone graft |
490 |
184 |
3485 |
Fractured humerus, closed reduction |
156 |
77 |
3490 |
Injection of joint, humerus/shoulder |
49 |
72 |
3495 |
Manipulation of humerus/shoulder under general anaesthetic |
78 |
72 |
3500 |
Repair of capsule (in rotator cuff injuries) humerus/shoulder |
441 |
184 |
3509 |
Saucerising humerus in chronic osteomyelitis |
312 |
143 |
3510 |
Subacromial bursectomy |
343 |
154 |
3515 |
Tendon transplant about shoulder |
343 |
154 |
3520 |
Anterior drainage of paravertebral abscess with bone graft |
832 |
256 |
3521 |
Anterior release and fusion for scoliosis/kyphosis |
1040 |
461 |
3525 |
Antero lateral decompression |
540 |
256 |
3526 |
Antero lateral decompression involving two or more levels |
1040 |
307 |
3530 |
Coccyx, excision of |
294 |
102 |
3540 |
Epidural injection |
125 |
0 |
3541 |
Caudal injection |
125 |
0 |
3545 |
Epidural infusion with cannula |
148 |
0 |
3550 |
Fracture or fracture dislocation of spine traction, reduction and plaster cast |
567 |
256 |
3555 |
Fractured spine, open reduction of |
936 |
256 |
3559 |
Chemonucleolysis for intervertebral disc |
239 |
102 |
3560 |
Intervertebral disc, removal |
526 |
205 |
3561 |
Needle aspiration of intervertebral disc |
196 |
102 |
3563 |
Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc |
735 |
307 |
3565 |
Laminectomy and exploration |
490 |
205 |
3566 |
Neuralarch biopsy |
125 |
72 |
3571 |
Posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation for scoliosis |
1040 |
451 |
3580 |
Spina bifida closure |
546 |
236 |
3585 |
Spina bifida lumbar spinal osteotomy |
1040 |
236 |
3586 |
Spinal fusion, simultaneous combined anterior and posterior - one level, with instrumentation |
1040 |
461 |
3587 |
Spinal fusion, simultaneous combined anterior and posterior - multiple level with instrumentation |
1144 |
461 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
3588 |
Spinal fusion, simultaneous combined anterior and posterior fusion - one level without instrumentation |
832 |
461 |
3589 |
Spinal fusion, simultaneous combined anterior and posterior fusion - multiple level, without instrumentation |
1040 |
461 |
3590 |
Spinal manipulation, under general anaesthetic |
99 |
72 |
3592 |
External fixature of the spine |
437 |
205 |
3593 |
Synthetic fusion (GRAF) one level |
728 |
307 |
3594 |
Synthetic fusion (GRAF) two level |
936 |
461 |
3598 |
Spinal fusion, multiple level, with internal fixation |
1040 |
461 |
3595 |
Spinal fusion |
639 |
256 |
3596 |
Spinal fusion, in scoliosis spine, anterior and posterior |
639 |
461 |
3597 |
Spinal fusion involving two or more levels |
1040 |
307 |
3600 |
Vertebral body biopsy |
268 |
123 |
3601 |
Spinal fusion, one level with instrumentation |
936 |
461 |
3602 |
Removal of instrumentation |
312 |
184 |
3603 |
Spinal stenosis decompression, one level |
468 |
236 |
3604 |
Spinal stenosis decompression, two levels |
520 |
236 |
3605 |
Arthrodesis, sacro iliac joint |
540 |
225 |
3610 |
Aspiration, sacro iliac joint |
49 |
72 |
3615 |
Biopsy of sacro iliac joint region |
94 |
72 |
3620 |
Injection, sacro iliac joint region |
52 |
72 |
3625 |
Pelvic osteotomy (bilateral) in ectopia vesica |
624 |
225 |
HIP and FEMUR: |
3630 |
Acetabuloplasty shelf operation |
397 |
164 |
3631 |
Internal fixation of acetabular fractures |
834 |
307 |
3635 |
Acute dislocation manipulation for |
166 |
77 |
3636 |
Congenital dislocation of hip, E.U.A. and P.O.P. |
125 |
77 |
3640 |
Acute dislocation or fracture dislocation open reduction, hip/femur |
490 |
225 |
3645 |
Above knee amputation |
592 |
205 |
3650 |
Arthrodesis, hip/femur |
686 |
307 |
3660 |
Arthroplasty of hip using prosthesis |
624 |
225 |
3661 |
Revision of total hip arthroplasty, acetablar and femoral components with or without autograft or allograft |
832 |
328 |
3665 |
Arthrotomy for loose body |
416 |
164 |
3670 |
Colonna's arthroplasty |
589 |
256 |
3675 |
Corrective osteotomy with or without internal fixation |
520 |
205 |
3680 |
Curetting of greater trochanter and bursectomy |
196 |
102 |
3685 |
Decompression operations or hanging hip operations |
312 |
133 |
3690 |
Hind quarter amputation |
807 |
358 |
3695 |
Drainage of hip joint for acute infection |
208 |
102 |
3700 |
Exostosis of femoral neck in slipped femoral epiphysis, excision of |
490 |
205 |
3705 |
Femoral condyle, osteotomy of |
416 |
184 |
3709 |
Fractured femur, hemiarthroplasty |
589 |
225 |
3710 |
Fracture shaft of femur open reduction with internal fixation |
520 |
184 |
3715 |
Fracture shaft of femur closed reduction with traction |
312 |
102 |
3720 |
Fracture femur (supracondylar) open reduction of |
520 |
184 |
3723 |
Fractured shaft of femur, closed intramedullary nailing |
489 |
184 |
3724 |
Fractured shaft of femur closed intramedullary - interlocking nail |
624 |
307 |
3725 |
Fracture of neck of femur intramedullary nail fixation of |
468 |
184 |
3730 |
Fracture of femur (pertrochanteric or introchanteric) intramedullary nail fixation of |
489 |
184 |
3731 |
Open treatment of anterior ring fracture and/or dislocation with internal fixation, (includes pubic symphysis and/or rami) |
490 |
184 |
3732 |
Open treatment of posterior ring fracture and/or dislocation with internal fixation, (includes ilium, sacroiliac joint and/or sacrum) |
645 |
256 |
3733 |
Pelvic fracture, external fixation |
208 |
102 |
3735 |
Hip deformity, soft tissue operations for correction of |
312 |
143 |
3740 |
Injection or aspiration of the hip |
49 |
72 |
3745 |
Manipulation of hip closed, requiring general anaesthetic |
62 |
72 |
3750 |
Open reduction and/or rotation osteotomy |
520 |
205 |
3751 |
Open reduction, pelvic osteotomy and femoral shortening |
686 |
307 |
3755 |
Pelvic osteotomy |
490 |
256 |
3756 |
Modified innominate osteotomy including bone graft |
686 |
307 |
3760 |
Pseudoarthroplasty of hip (Girdlestone operation) |
458 |
205 |
3765 |
Slipped femoral epiphysis intramedullary nail. fixation of |
458 |
184 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
3770 |
Slipped femoral epiphysis lower end stapling of |
294 |
154 |
3775 |
Synovectomy of hip joint and debridement |
441 |
205 |
3785 |
Transplantation of psoas muscle to greater trochanter (Mustard's or Sherrard's operation) |
441 |
205 |
3790 |
Below knee amputation |
374 |
205 |
3795 |
Arthrodesis, knee |
490 |
205 |
3810 |
Aspiration, knee/lower leg |
49 |
72 |
3815 |
Baker's cyst excision of |
294 |
113 |
3816 |
Bone transportation |
437 |
205 |
3817 |
Removal of fixator device tibia |
122 |
72 |
3819 |
Arthroscopy, knee, diagnostic, with or without synovial biopsy |
166 |
123 |
3820 |
Cartilage(s), removal of, knee |
294 |
143 |
3821 |
Arthroscopy and removal of cartilage, knee |
343 |
154 |
3822 |
Arthroscopy of the knee for removal of loose body or foreign body, synovectomy, debridement |
269 |
154 |
5890 |
Ligament reconstruction at the knee joint |
490 |
225 |
5891 |
Ligament reconstruction of the knee joint using autogenous graft |
490 |
225 |
3825 |
Corrective osteotomy of tibia in region of knee |
441 |
184 |
3830 |
Corrective osteotomy of tibia in region of ankle |
343 |
164 |
3835 |
Cruciate ligaments repair |
392 |
184 |
3836 |
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction |
490 |
225 |
3837 |
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and menisectomy |
603 |
225 |
3838 |
Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and menisceal repair |
645 |
225 |
3839 |
Arthroscopic menisceal repair |
385 |
154 |
3840 |
Drainage of joint in acute infection |
171 |
72 |
3845 |
Exploration of joint, knee/lower leg |
245 |
123 |
3850 |
Fixed flexion of knee soft tissue operations for |
392 |
184 |
3855 |
Fracture dislocation of knee joint, operations for |
540 |
225 |
3860 |
Fracture of tibia (condylar) open reduction of |
490 |
205 |
3865 |
Fracture of tibial shaft open reduction and internal fixation |
490 |
205 |
3870 |
Fracture of tibial shaft closed reduction |
166 |
82 |
3875 |
Injection of joint, knee/lower leg |
49 |
72 |
3880 |
Lateral ligaments, repair |
343 |
154 |
3885 |
Manipulation under general anaesthetic, knee/lower leg |
62 |
72 |
3890 |
Osteochondritis dissecans Smillies operation for |
208 |
102 |
3895 |
Patellectomy or open reduction of fractured patella |
343 |
154 |
3900 |
Pre patellar bursa, removal of |
196 |
92 |
3905 |
Plication of vastii, etc. |
208 |
92 |
3910 |
Prosthetic replacement (total) of knee joint |
624 |
225 |
3911 |
Revision of arthroplasty of knee joint with or without allograft one or more components |
728 |
307 |
3912 |
Reconstruction of knee, (anterior cruciate) |
490 |
225 |
3915 |
Quadriceps mechanism repair |
343 |
164 |
3920 |
Slipped epiphysis, stapling of, or epiphysiodesis |
453 |
184 |
3925 |
Slipped epiphysis (tibial and femoral combined) stapling of, or epiphysiodesis |
490 |
225 |
3930 |
Slipped epiphyses (bilateral tibial), stapling of |
416 |
184 |
3931 |
Slocum's or similar procedure |
490 |
225 |
3935 |
Synovectomy |
392 |
184 |
3940 |
Synovial biopsy, knee/lower leg |
78 |
72 |
3945 |
Tendon transplants about knee joint |
392 |
184 |
3950 |
Transplant of tibial tubercle |
392 |
184 |
3955 |
Arthrodesis of ankle joint |
441 |
184 |
3956 |
Arthroscopy, ankle, with or without removal of loose body or foreign body, with or without synovectomy, debridement |
232 |
123 |
3957 |
Arthroplasty (ankle) |
291 |
143 |
3960 |
Aspiration and injection, ankle |
49 |
72 |
3965 |
Fracture of medial or lateral malleolus (1st degree Pott's fracture) internal fixation of |
312 |
133 |
3970 |
Fracture of posterior malleolus (with or without fracture of other malleolus) internal fixation of |
343 |
143 |
3971 |
Fracture of medial and lateral malleolus open reduction and internal fixation of |
364 |
154 |
3975 |
Fracture Pott's closed reduction |
196 |
102 |
3980 |
Synovectomy and debridement |
343 |
154 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
3985 |
Synovial biopsy, ankle |
68 |
72 |
3986 |
Talar fracture, open reduction and internal fixation of |
343 |
143 |
3990 |
Tendo achillis, elongation of |
294 |
154 |
3995 |
Tendo achillis, repair of |
392 |
154 |
4000 |
Tendon transplants about the ankle joint and foot (multiple) |
392 |
179 |
4005 |
Tendon transplants about the ankle joint and foot (single) |
294 |
128 |
4010 |
Traumatic fracture and dislocation, open reduction of |
392 |
133 |
4015 |
Unstable ankle Watson Jones operation for, |
392 |
184 |
4019 |
Astragalectomy |
343 |
164 |
4020 |
Dwyer's Valgus osteotomy |
312 |
143 |
4025 |
Manipulation and plaster fixation |
74 |
82 |
4030 |
Manipulation and strapping |
74 |
72 |
4035 |
Rotation osteotomy of tibia |
406 |
184 |
4040 |
Soft tissue release |
416 |
128 |
4045 |
Tarsal osteotomy |
343 |
154 |
4050 |
Tendon transplant -single |
294 |
143 |
4051 |
Tendon transplant -multiple |
416 |
205 |
4060 |
Arthrodesis of all inter phalangeal joints (Lambrinudi) unilateral |
294 |
143 |
4065 |
Arthrodesis of all inter phalangeal joints (Lambrinudi) bilateral |
441 |
205 |
4070 |
Arthrodesis of first metatarso phalangeal joint |
196 |
92 |
4075 |
Arthrodesis triple, in all its forms |
490 |
205 |
4080 |
Arthrodesis, pantalar |
589 |
225 |
4085 |
Claw foot (Steindlar) muscle stripping operations for |
196 |
102 |
4090 |
Exostosis of first metatarsal (unilateral), removal of |
171 |
77 |
4095 |
Exostosis of first metatarsal (bilateral), removal of |
229 |
92 |
4100 |
Flat foot involving joint fusion, operation for |
341 |
143 |
4101 |
Flexor tenotomy, single (foot) |
104 |
77 |
4102 |
Flexor tenotomy, multiple (foot) |
156 |
92 |
4103 |
Fracture of hindfoot, internal fixation, unilateral |
312 |
143 |
4104 |
Fracture of hindfoot, internal fixation, bilateral |
468 |
205 |
4105 |
Fracture of phalanges and/or metatarsals (closed reduction) |
99 |
77 |
4110 |
Fracture of phalanx and/or metatarsal (single) internal fixation of |
148 |
92 |
4115 |
Fracture of phalanges and/or metatarsals (multiple) internal fixation of |
294 |
123 |
4120 |
Ganglion of foot, excision of |
104 |
72 |
4125 |
Hallux valgus and follow up, other than simple removal of exostosis (unilateral) operation for |
294 |
123 |
4130 |
Hallux valgus and follow up, other than simple removal of exostosis (bilateral) operation for |
392 |
123 |
4135 |
Hammertoe unilateral, correction of |
148 |
92 |
4140 |
Hammertoe bilateral, correction of |
220 |
113 |
4145 |
Grice's operation, subtalar bone block |
148 |
72 |
4150 |
Ingrowing toe nail hemiphalangectomy |
148 |
72 |
4155 |
Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple |
48 |
0 |
4160 |
Ingrowing toe nail, removal of nail and nail bed |
134 |
72 |
4165 |
Injection and manipulation, foot |
49 |
72 |
4170 |
Laprau's operation to correct position of toe |
171 |
92 |
4175 |
Metatarsal heads, excision of all, and plastic correction of sole (unilateral) |
232 |
113 |
4180 |
Metatarsal heads, excision of all, and plastic correction of sole (bilateral) (Hoffman's) |
364 |
164 |
4181 |
Metatarsal joint replacement with prosthesis |
490 |
205 |
4182 |
Metatarsal osteotomy, unilateral |
208 |
113 |
4183 |
Metatarsal osteotomies, bilateral |
312 |
164 |
4184 |
Chevron osteotomy-single |
312 |
143 |
4185 |
Os calcis, osteotomy of (Dwyer) |
312 |
143 |
4190 |
Os calcis and bursa, posterior exostosis of (unilateral) removal of |
196 |
92 |
4195 |
Os calcis and bursa, posterior exostosis of (bilateral) removal of |
294 |
143 |
4200 |
Plantar fascia, excision or division of (unilateral) |
196 |
92 |
4205 |
Plantar fascia, excision or division of (bilateral) |
294 |
143 |
4210 |
Plantar warts, surgical excision, one or more (not local application, cryotherapy etc.) |
72 |
72 |
4211 |
Plantar warts, one or more, local application, per complete course of therapy |
16 |
0 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
4215 |
Stamm's operation, unilateral |
392 |
164 |
4220 |
Stamm's operation, bilateral |
441 |
205 |
4225 |
Talectomy |
392 |
184 |
4230 |
Tarsal osteotomy |
245 |
113 |
4235 |
Tendon transplantation about the foot, multiple |
392 |
184 |
4240 |
Tendon transplantation about the foot, single |
294 |
123 |
4245 |
Tendon transplantation flexor and extensor all toes, unilateral |
441 |
184 |
4250 |
Tendon transplantation flexor and extensor all toes, bilateral . |
540 |
225 |
4255 |
Trans metatarsal amputation of foot |
295 |
113 |
4260 |
Trans metatarsal amputation of one toe |
177 |
72 |
4261 |
Trans metatarsal amputation of two or more toes |
295 |
113 |
4264 |
Arthroscopy |
104 |
123 |
4265 |
Arthrotomy for removal of loose bodies |
196 |
92 |
4270 |
Biopsy of tumour of long bones open |
104 |
82 |
4271 |
Costotransversectomy |
281 |
102 |
4272 |
Excision of large malignant bone tumours for limb conservation |
884 |
256 |
4273 |
Excision of large malignant bone tumours for limb conservation including prosthetic insertion |
988 |
307 |
4275 |
Body plaster application |
196 |
92 |
4270 |
Bone cysts excision |
245 |
92 |
4285 |
Bursectomy large joints |
196 |
92 |
4290 |
Chondroma removal |
441 |
184 |
4295 |
Exostosis of long bones removal |
208 |
92 |
4300 |
Fracture sternum and ribs operative reduction |
245 |
205 |
4301 |
Limb lengthening (upper or lower limb) including osteotomy procedure and application of fixator devices |
589 |
225 |
4305 |
Long bones, sequestrectomy, decortication or bone graft |
441 |
184 |
4310 |
Osteomyelitis drilling of bones |
232 |
92 |
4315 |
Osteomyelitis, marsupialisation and bone grafting |
490 |
184 |
4320 |
Removal of plates, pins, screws, etc. (superficial) |
122 |
92 |
4325 |
Removal of plates, pins, screws, etc. (deep) |
268 |
123 |
4330 |
Trimming of stump following amputation of limb |
171 |
77 |
(See also Orthopaedic, E.N.T. and General Sections) Benefit is not payable for cosmetic treatment except the correction of accidental disfigurement or significant congenital disfigurement. |
4335 |
Burns and scalds, treatment under anaesthesia, second degree or more (depending on extent) |
196 |
123 |
4340 |
Burns, over 10% body surface (equivalent of whole upper limb), excision and graft of |
490 |
184 |
4350 |
Graft of extensive areas beyond 10% |
589 |
225 |
4355 |
Graft of granulating areas less than 10% |
245 |
123 |
4360 |
Major burns of face, excision and graft of |
490 |
164 |
4365 |
Major burns of hands, excision and graft of |
490 |
143 |
4370 |
Smaller areas, excision and graft of |
294 |
92 |
4385 |
Inlay grafts (ankle) |
392 |
184 |
4390 |
Inlay grafts (elbow) |
245 |
123 |
4395 |
Inlay grafts (fingers) |
245 |
123 |
4400 |
Inlay grafts (knee) |
392 |
184 |
4405 |
Scar excisions (per scar) flexion, elbows, fingers, groin, knees |
196 |
92 |
4410 |
Z plasty (per scar) flexion, fingers, elbows, groin, knees |
196 |
92 |
4415 |
Adjustment of lip margin |
99 |
72 |
4420 |
Adjustment of scars, secondary |
99 |
72 |
4425 |
Cleft palate reconstruction |
392 |
174 |
4430 |
Complete cleft tip and anterior palate repair |
490 |
225 |
4431 |
Primary repair, unilateral cleft lip |
490 |
174 |
4432 |
Primary repair, bilateral cleft lip |
515 |
225 |
4433 |
Secondary repair, unilateral cleft lip |
490 |
174 |
4434 |
Secondary repair, bilateral cleft lip |
515 |
225 |
4440 |
Fistula, secondary closure of |
392 |
174 |
4460 |
Maxillary bone graft |
490 |
225 |
4465 |
Nostril margin, secondary correction of |
294 |
123 |
4466 |
Total cleft rhinoplasty |
441 |
205 |
4470 |
Pharyngoplasty (not for snoring) |
392 |
184 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
4475 |
Soft palate partial cleft, reconstruction of |
343 |
143 |
4479 |
Nipple reconstruction |
269 |
128 |
4480 |
Breast reduction |
686 |
225 |
4481 |
Breast augmentation (implants) |
269 |
128 |
4482 |
Plastic repair of inverted nipple |
294 |
154 |
4483 |
Transverse flap (TAIF or TRAM), reconstruction of breast, post mastectomy |
589 |
307 |
4484 |
Mastopexy including full thickness graft from other areas |
490 |
225 |
4485 |
Breast reconstruction, vertical rectus flap, post mastectomy |
565 |
307 |
4486 |
Breast reconstruction, latissimus dorsi flap, with or without implant, post mastectomy |
466 |
256 |
4487 |
Breast reconstruction, other flap, with or without implant, post mastectomy |
466 |
256 |
4488 |
Breast reconstruction, implant only, post mastectomy |
172 |
128 |
4551 |
Insertion of expander including any subsequent injections of expander |
441 |
184 |
4552 |
Removal of expander |
148 |
92 |
4553 |
Removal of expander and inserting of expanded skin |
319 |
154 |
4490 |
Eyelid bags, repair of |
343 |
123 |
4489 |
Facial trauma, suturing of facial nerve |
392 |
184 |
4491 |
Facial trauma, suturing of facial nerve branch |
343 |
154 |
4492 |
Facial trauma, grafting of facial nerve, sural nerve, greater auricular nerve |
490 |
225 |
4493 |
Excision of facial nerve and graft, sural nerve, greater auricular nerve |
565 |
256 |
4494 |
Wedge excision of lower lip |
343 |
154 |
4496 |
Nasolabial skin/dermal hitch |
245 |
113 |
4497 |
Temporalis fascial sling, oral, nasolabial, ocular |
639 |
307 |
4498 |
Orbicularis oris hitch |
639 |
307 |
4499 |
Masseter to oral angle, digastric to lower lip or temporalis to fascial slings |
639 |
307 |
4500 |
Facial nerve graft (in face) (see E.N.T. operations for facial nerve graft in facial canal |
589 |
282 |
4501 |
Cross facial nerve grafting, hypoglossal/facial nerve reanimation |
834 |
358 |
4502 |
Free muscle transfer, pectoralis minor, gracilis or extensor digitorum brevis as a second stage to 4501 |
834 |
358 |
4510 |
Facial reanimation in facial paralysis (unilateral) |
639 |
307 |
4520 |
Moles or cysts, excision and suture (Plastic) |
99 |
72 |
4530 |
Facial scars, dermabrasion, per scar |
99 |
72 |
4535 |
Scars on face excision or Z plasty (3 or more) |
343 |
102 |
4540 |
Scars on trunk excision or Z plasty |
343 |
123 |
4545 |
Wounds of face suture (per wound) |
99 |
72 |
EAR: |
4555 |
Accessory auricles, removal |
99 |
72 |
4560 |
Epithelioma of ear, excision and reconstruction, lobule placement |
196 |
92 |
4561 |
Cartilage graft(s). reconstruction of ear |
441 |
184 |
4562 |
Ear reconstruction, further minor procedures |
196 |
92 |
4575 |
Protruding ears correction with reconstruction of folds (bilateral) |
368 |
123 |
4530 |
Protruding ears, correction of with reconstruction of folds (unilateral) |
245 |
92 |
4585 |
Contracted socket |
539 |
154 |
4590 |
Cyst of eyelids, excision of |
99 |
72 |
4595 |
Enophthalmos bone graft |
441 |
205 |
4605 |
Decompression, orbit |
491 |
205 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
4610 |
Eyebrow graft |
196 |
92 |
4615 |
Eyelids, repair of, for avulsion |
196 |
92 |
4620 |
Eyelid, inlay grafts (one lid) |
343 |
154 |
4625 |
Eyelid operations in facial paralysis |
294 |
123 |
4630 |
Eyelid, total reconstruction of |
490 |
225 |
4635 |
Muscle advancement for ptosis (unilateral) |
368 |
164 |
4640 |
Naso lacrimal duct, reconstruction of |
245 |
123 |
4645 |
Ectopia vesica (reconstruction of bladder) |
490 |
256 |
4650 |
Ectopia vesica (reconstruction of urethra) (per stage) |
245 |
123 |
4655 |
Epispadias, correction of dorsal curvature |
294 |
133 |
4660 |
Epispadias, reconstruction of urethra |
294 |
133 |
4665 |
Hypospadias, correction of ventral curvature or chordee |
294 |
133 |
4670 |
Hypospadias, fistula closure |
294 |
133 |
4675 |
Hypospadias, reconstruction of urethra |
343 |
154 |
4676 |
One stage hypospadias or epispadias repair with or without chordee, urethroplasty with skin graft repair |
760 |
358 |
4680 |
Urethra, plastic reconstruction of |
392 |
143 |
4681 |
Insertion of Jonas penile prosthesis |
294 |
154 |
4882 |
Insertion of inflatable (multi component) penile prosthesis, including placement of pump, cylinders and/or reservoir |
416 |
205 |
4685 |
Urethra, second stage, reconstruction of |
490 |
205 |
4686 |
Cliteroplasty |
416 |
205 |
4690 |
Vaginal reconstruction with skin graft |
490 |
205 |
4691 |
Young Dee's Leadbetter operation |
735 |
307 |
4695 |
Congenital hand deformities reconstruction on each hand (per stage) |
343 |
164 |
4700 |
Congenital hand deformities moderate repairs on each hand (per stage) |
196 |
102 |
4705 |
Contractures extensive straightening of hand and inlay grafts |
343 |
164 |
4710 |
Contractures, localised, division and graft |
196 |
102 |
4711 |
Dermofasciectomy, removal of flexor skin, full thickness skin graft including distal or full palm, one finger |
392 |
184 |
4712 |
Dermofasciectomy, removal of flexor skin, full thickness skin graft including distal or full palm, one finger including simple fasciectomy to another finger |
540 |
246 |
4715 |
Dupuytren's contracture fasciectomy (one or two fingers) |
294 |
123 |
4720 |
Dupuytren's contracture fasciectomy (three or more fingers) |
416 |
154 |
4721 |
Dupuytren's contracture, palm and fingers |
416 |
154 |
4730 |
Injury to hand major multiple repair of tendons, nerves and skin |
540 |
205 |
4735 |
Injury to hand, moderate, wound repair or graft |
294 |
123 |
4740 |
Island grafting, for sensory loss, finger and/or thumb |
540 |
256 |
4745 |
Neoplasm, major excision and repair with tendon grafts and flaps |
589 |
256 |
4750 |
Neoplasm, localised excision and graft |
294 |
143 |
4760 |
Nerve repair, primary, single or multiple |
343 |
174 |
4765 |
Nerve repair in extensively scarred hand |
490 |
225 |
4770 |
Opposition strut graft to thumb |
392 |
205 |
4775 |
Palmar ganglion, compound, synovectomy of |
392 |
184 |
4780 |
Policisation (finger replacement of lost thumb) |
639 |
307 |
4785 |
Syndactyly, repair of (single) |
392 |
154 |
4790 |
Syndactyly, repair of (multiple) |
392 |
184 |
4795 |
Tendon grafting, single |
343 |
164 |
4800 |
Tendon grafting, multiple |
490 |
205 |
4805 |
Tendon repair, single |
294 |
92 |
4810 |
Tendon repair, multiple |
392 |
184 |
4815 |
Tendon transplants, for restoration of opposition |
392 |
184 |
4820 |
Tendon transfers for paralysis, multiple |
540 |
256 |
4825 |
Tube pedicle or flap reconstructions, first stage |
441 |
205 |
4830 |
Tube pedicle or flap reconstructions, second stage |
368 |
184 |
4835 |
Tube pedicle or flap reconstructions, final stage |
490 |
225 |
4840 |
Wound suture of |
99 |
72 |
4845 |
Facial bone, simple fixation of undisplaced fracture (e.g. jaw sling) |
148 |
102 |
4850 |
Facial bones, tumours of, major resection and/or reconstruction |
589 |
307 |
4855 |
Fracture of maxilla or mandible, open reduction and fixation |
392 |
184 |
4860 |
Fracture of maxilla or mandible, fixation of undisplaced |
245 |
154 |
4865 |
Fracture of maxilla or mandible, malar bone or part of these, reduction without fixation |
245 |
123 |
4870 |
Hypertelorism correction, sub cranial |
686 |
358 |
4875 |
Mandible, excision of |
490 |
256 |
4880 |
Maxilla or mandible, advancement or recession osteotomy of |
392 |
256 |
4881 |
Maxillary and mandibular osteotomy |
589 |
307 |
4885 |
Orbital floor, fracture of, reduction, direct wiring and build up from antrum |
490 |
256 |
4890 |
Orbital floor, secondary bone grafting |
392 |
205 |
4895 |
Osteomyelitis or abscess of facial bones, operation for |
245 |
123 |
4900 |
Temporo mandibular joint, reduction of dislocation under general anaesthetic |
99 |
82 |
4901 |
Arthroscopy, temporo mandibular joint for release of adhesions or arthroplasty, with or without biopsy |
196 |
184 |
4905 |
Temporo mandibular joint, condylectomy for ankylosis |
343 |
307 |
4910 |
Bone graft |
441 |
205 |
4915 |
Nasal tip deformities, correction of |
343 |
154 |
4920 |
Fracture of nose, digital closed reduction |
49 |
72 |
4925 |
Fracture of nose, instrumental closed reduction |
74 |
82 |
4926 |
Fracture of nose, instrumental closed reduction with plaster of Paris fixation |
99 |
82 |
4927 |
Fracture of nose, instrumental closed reduction with reduction of septum and plaster of Paris fixation |
148 |
82 |
4930 |
Fracture of nose, open reduction |
99 |
102 |
4935 |
Fracture of nose, open reduction with internal or external fixation |
220 |
123 |
4940 |
Fracture of nose, open reduction with open reduction of fractured septum |
343 |
184 |
4945 |
Reconstruction with imported flaps, partial |
441 |
205 |
4950 |
Reconstruction with imported flaps, total |
540 |
256 |
4955 |
Re fracture and open corrective rhinoplasty |
490 |
205 |
4956 |
Excision of lesion and split skin graft |
196 |
102 |
4957 |
Excision of lesion and full thickness (Wolfe) skin graft |
196 |
102 |
4958 |
Excision of lesion, local flap face |
294 |
102 |
4959 |
Excision of lesion, local flap hand |
294 |
102 |
4961 |
Excision of lesion, local flap limb |
245 |
102 |
4962 |
Excision of lesion, local flap trunk |
245 |
102 |
4963 |
Excision of lesion including scalp rotation flap |
245 |
102 |
4964 |
Excision of lesion including cheek rotation flap |
368 |
154 |
4966 |
Excision of lesion including ceivicofacial rotation flap |
368 |
154 |
4967 |
Excision of lesion including forehead flap |
392 |
184 |
4968 |
Excision of lesion including deltopectoral flap |
466 |
205 |
4969 |
Excision of lesion including groin flap |
466 |
205 |
4971 |
Fasciocutaneous flap upper limb |
368 |
184 |
4972 |
Fasciocutaneous flap lower limb |
368 |
184 |
4973 |
Fasciocutaneous flap trunk |
368 |
184 |
(Flap repair is payable in addition to the primary operation for procedures 4974 to 4989 |
4974 |
Myocutaneous flap, pectoralis |
343 |
164 |
4976 |
Myocutaneous flap, latissimus dorsi |
343 |
164 |
4977 |
Myocutaneous flap, latissimus dorsi with serratus and rib |
368 |
184 |
4978 |
Myocutaneous flap, vertical rectus |
368 |
184 |
4979 |
Myocutaneous flap, transverse rectus (TRAM) |
343 |
164 |
4981 |
Myocutaneous flap, tensor fascia lata |
368 |
184 |
4982 |
Myocutaneous flap, gluteal |
368 |
184 |
4963 |
Free microvascular flap, radial forearm without bone |
565 |
256 |
4964 |
Free microvascular flap, radial forearm with bone |
614 |
256 |
4966 |
Free microvascular flap, latissimus dorsi |
565 |
256 |
4987 |
Free microvascular flap, latissimus dorsi with serratus and rib |
614 |
256 |
4988 |
Free microvascular flap, scapular |
565 |
256 |
4989 |
Free microvascular flap, para scapular |
565 |
256 |
(Flap repair is payable in addition to the primary operation for procedures 4953 and 4954) |
4953 |
Free microvascular flap, fibula |
565 |
256 |
4954 |
Free microvascular flap, deep circumflex iliac (DCIA) |
565 |
282 |
4991 |
Replantation, per digit |
565 |
256 |
4992 |
Replantation, hand (mid palm) |
834 |
358 |
4993 |
Replantation, hand (wrist) |
712 |
328 |
4994 |
Replantation, forearm |
785 |
358 |
4996 |
Replantation, foot |
785 |
358 |
4997 |
Replantation, scalp |
565 |
282 |
4998 |
Replantation, ear |
565 |
282 |
4990 |
Major degloving injuries of limbs, excision and graft of |
589 |
256 |
5015 |
Lung abscess with thoracotomy, drainage of |
540 |
307 |
5025 |
Pneumonolysis |
343 |
225 |
5038 |
Refilling and maintenance of implantable pump or reservoir including access to pump port (see 5039) |
74 |
0 |
5039 |
Implantation of catheter system and reservoir for administration of pain control therapy and/or chemotherapy |
245 |
72 |
5041 |
Myocardial biopsy |
224 |
205 |
5055 |
Aortic endarterectomy |
686 |
358 |
5065 |
Insertion or replacement of temporary transvenous single chamber cardiac electrode or pacemaker catheter |
110 |
0 |
5801 |
Exploration of mediastinum |
313 |
307 |
5802 |
Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of mediastinum |
313 |
307 |
5803 |
Diagnostic endoscopic examination of mediastinum |
313 |
179 |
5804 |
Operation on lymphatic duct |
500 |
307 |
5863 |
Thymectomy |
540 |
358 |
5075 |
Blalock operation |
589 |
410 |
5080 |
Cardiac catheterisation (left, right or both sides) |
179 |
0 |
5090 |
Cardiac catheterisation and coronary angiography with or without ventriculography |
301 |
0 |
5112 |
Cardiac catherisation and coronary angiography with or without ventriculography (including opacifaction of coronary bypass grafts) |
320 |
0 |
5091 |
Cardioversion |
122 |
61 |
5092 |
Venotomy and insertion of filter into the inferior vena cava |
368 |
256 |
5093 |
Paediatric cardiac catheterisation (left, right or both sides) |
268 |
205 |
5094 |
Paediatric cardiac catheterisation and cardiac angiography combined |
404 |
225 |
5101 |
Coronary angioplasty, single or multiple vessel(s), with or without angiography with or without pacing |
538 |
256 |
5098 |
Recatheterisation post angioplasty/angiography (within 6 months) |
100 |
72 |
5855 |
Annuloplasty |
589 |
307 |
5103 |
Transcatheter placement of an intracoronary stent(s), percutaneous, with or without other therapeutic intervention, any method one or more vessel(s) |
600 |
358 |
5104 |
Intra coronary stent placement, post coronary angioplasty |
540 |
307 |
5108 |
Cardiac ultrasound, (echocardiography) m-mode, 2D including ventricular function, chamber dimensions, wall motion, doppler exam (pulse, continuous wave, colour flow) assessment of valve areas, pressure gradients, regurgitant fractions |
125 |
0 |
5109 |
Cardiac ultrasound, transoesophageal |
60 |
0 |
5110 |
Heller's operation |
392 |
256 |
5113 |
Pericardial drainage |
112 |
154 |
5114 |
Continuous pericardial drainage |
202 |
154 |
5118 |
Atherectomy |
839 |
410 |
5120 |
Mediastinum (cysts, etc.) and contents, any operation on (excluding biopsy) |
686 |
307 |
5135 |
Mediastinoscopy and biopsy |
313 |
179 |
5136 |
Percutaneous transthoracic biopsy |
89 |
102 |
5137 |
Percutaneous transthoracic biopsy under CAT guidance |
215 |
205 |
5151 |
Percutaneous trans septal mitral valvuloplasty |
839 |
410 |
5152 |
Valvuloplasty (other than mitral valvuloplasty) |
588 |
307 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5160 |
Oesophageal anastomosis |
639 |
358 |
5870 |
Myocardial aneurysmyotomy |
589 |
614 |
5161 |
Trachea oesophageal fistula repair of |
639 |
512 |
5162 |
Repair, tracheo-oesophageal atresia |
664 |
358 |
5163 |
Repair, tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) atone (H-fistula) |
581 |
358 |
5164 |
Repair, tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) and atresia, replacement |
834 |
410 |
5165 |
Oesophagectomy (all forms including three stage) |
900 |
410 |
5170 |
Oesophagus, repair and short circuit |
639 |
358 |
5171 |
Transection of oesophagus with repair, for oesophageal varices |
491 |
358 |
5172 |
Oesophageal devascularisation |
572 |
358 |
5180 |
Pott's operation |
441 |
143 |
5190 |
Rashkind septostomy |
392 |
256 |
5195 |
Resuscitation including electrical defibrillation and open cardiac massage |
490 |
0 |
5200 |
Transeptal left heart catheterisation |
196 |
100 |
5205 |
Vagotomy (through chest) |
392 |
307 |
5217 |
Needle biopsy, transthoracic |
89 |
102 |
5218 |
Needle biopsy, abdominal |
89 |
72 |
5219 |
Trans thoracic electro - cautery of subclavian chain for arm |
466 |
256 |
5808 |
Transplantation of heart |
2002 |
922 |
5809 |
Correction of tetralogy of fallot |
1231 |
717 |
5811 |
Atrial inversion for transposition of great vessels |
1231 |
717 |
5812 |
Other correction of transposition of great vessels |
1308 |
717 |
5813 |
Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection |
1231 |
717 |
5814 |
Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches |
1231 |
563 |
5816 |
Closure of defect of interatrial septum |
1078 |
563 |
5817 |
Closure of defect of interventricular septum |
1078 |
563 |
5818 |
Planned repair of post infarction ventricular septal defect |
1078 |
717 |
5819 |
Emergency repair of post infarction ventricular septal defect |
1308 |
819 |
5821 |
Other open operations on the septum of the heart |
1231 |
563 |
5822 |
Creation of valved cardiac conduit |
1231 |
563 |
5823 |
Creation of other cardiac conduit |
1231 |
563 |
5824 |
Refashioning of atrium (Ebstein's) |
1231 |
563 |
5826 |
Operations on wall of atrium |
1231 |
563 |
5827 |
Excision of cardiac tumour |
1231 |
563 |
5828 |
Staged correction of hypoplastic left heart syndrome per stage |
769 |
614 |
5829 |
Replacement of mitral valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
1078 |
563 |
5831 |
Plastic repair of mitral valve |
1078 |
563 |
5832 |
Replacement of aortic valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
1078 |
538 |
5833 |
Replacement of tricuspid valve (includes valvuloplasty) |
1078 |
563 |
5834 |
Replacement of pulmonary valve includes valvuloplasty valvotomy |
1078 |
563 |
5836 |
Open valvotomy |
1078 |
538 |
5837 |
Closed valvotomy |
769 |
358 |
5838 |
Other open operation(s) on heart valves |
1078 |
563 |
5839 |
Double valves |
1231 |
717 |
5841 |
Removal of obstruction from structure adjacent to valve of heart |
1078 |
563 |
5842 |
Triple valves |
1386 |
717 |
5643 |
Valve and grafts |
1386 |
717 |
5844 |
Saphenous vein graft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5846 |
Autograft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5847 |
Allograft bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
533 |
5848 |
Prosthetic bypass for coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5849 |
Connection of mammary artery(ies) to coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5851 |
Connection of other thoracic artery(ies) to coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5852 |
Correction of anomalous coronary arteries |
1231 |
538 |
5853 |
Other open operation(s) on coronary artery(ies) |
1231 |
538 |
5854 |
Map guided surgery for ventricular arrhythmias |
1231 |
614 |
5856 |
Exploration of heart |
1154 |
512 |
5857 |
Left ventricular aneurysmectomy |
1078 |
614 |
5858 |
Open operations on heart |
1078 |
512 |
5859 |
Insertion management and removal of ventricular assist device |
769 |
410 |
5861 |
Insertion, maintenance and removal of aortic conterpulsation balloon pump |
309 |
256 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5862 |
Insertion or replacement of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrode(s); atrial (single or dual chamber) |
240 |
154 |
5864 |
Insertion or replacement of pacemaker pulse generator |
170 |
102 |
5064 |
Insertion, replacement or repositioning of permanent transvenous electrode(s), single or dual chamber (15 days or more after initial insertion) |
160 |
102 |
5867 |
Removal of pacing system with bypass |
769 |
410 |
5868 |
Removal of permanent pacing system |
185 |
154 |
5069 |
Insertion of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator |
430 |
130 |
5872 |
Excision of pericardium |
769 |
358 |
5873 |
Decompression of cardiac tamponade (re operation for bleeding) |
385 |
358 |
5874 |
Pericardiocentesis |
153 |
205 |
5876 |
Transthoracic drainage of pericardium |
309 |
205 |
5877 |
Incision of pericardium |
309 |
205 |
5878 |
Rewiring of sternum |
385 |
205 |
5879 |
Correction of truncus arteriosus |
1308 |
614 |
5871 |
Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
577 |
307 |
5882 |
Closed correction of patent ductus arteriosus |
540 |
307 |
5883 |
Creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from aorta using interposition tube prosthesis |
577 |
307 |
5886 |
Connection to pulmonary artery from aorta |
577 |
307 |
5887 |
Creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery using interposition tube prosthesis |
577 |
307 |
5888 |
Connection to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery |
577 |
307 |
5889 |
Repair of pulmonary, artery/ PA De Banding |
1078 |
614 |
5884 |
Pulmonary artery banding |
577 |
307 |
5892 |
Pulmonary embolectomy |
1154 |
614 |
5893 |
Open operations on pulmonary artery |
577 |
307 |
5894 |
Extra anatomic bypass of aorta |
925 |
410 |
5896 |
Replacement of ascending aorta |
1008 |
512 |
5897 |
Replacement of arch of aorta |
1008 |
614 |
5898 |
Replacement of aneurysmal segment of thoracic aorta |
1008 |
512 |
5899 |
Planned replacement of ascending aorta |
1308 |
512 |
5901 |
Planned replacement of arch of aorta |
1386 |
614 |
5902 |
Replacement of aneurysm of aorta |
1154 |
512 |
5903 |
Other bypass of segment of aorta |
1008 |
512 |
5904 |
Revision operation of prosthetic aortic grafts |
1008 |
512 |
5962 |
Plastic repair of aorta (coarctation/ interrupted aortic arch) |
1008 |
563 |
5963 |
Repair of diaphragmatic hernia using thoracic approach |
463 |
307 |
5907 |
Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (anaesthetist benefit includes all pre-operative and post-operative intensive care for the child. The consultant anaesthetist should report all intensive care services using the Special Reporting Process, see pa |
463 |
0 |
5908 |
Thoracoplasty one stage |
616 |
307 |
5909 |
Excision of chest wall tumour |
616 |
307 |
5912 |
Correction of pectus deformity of chest wall |
639 |
307 |
5913 |
Reconstruction of chest wall |
616 |
307 |
5914 |
Exploratory thoracotomy |
269 |
205 |
5916 |
Resection of rib and open drainage of pleural cavity |
343 |
205 |
5917 |
Repair of rupture of diaphragm |
577 |
307 |
5918 |
Plication of paralysed diaphragm |
463 |
307 |
5919 |
Partial excision of trachea |
1000 |
563 |
5920 |
Reconstruction of trachea |
1078 |
563 |
5921 |
Tracheostomy permanent |
245 |
123 |
5922 |
Insertion of mini tracheostomy |
77 |
72 |
5923 |
Destruction of lesion of trachea by rigid endoscopy |
115 |
154 |
5924 |
Dilatation of tracheal stricture by rigid endoscopy |
115 |
154 |
5928 |
Therapeutic operations on bronchus or lung using rigid bronchoscopy |
115 |
154 |
5931 |
Destruction of lesion of trachea |
115 |
154 |
5932 |
Dilatation of tracheal stricture |
115 |
154 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5936 |
Dilatation of bronchial stricture by fibreoptic bronchoscopy |
115 |
123 |
5941 |
Total pneumonectomy |
700 |
307 |
5942 |
Lobectomy of lung (including excision of segment) |
688 |
307 |
5947 |
Removal of lung, with resection of segment of trachea followed by broncho-tracheal anastomosis (sleeve pneumonectomy) |
832 |
410 |
5948 |
Removal of lung, with circumferential resection of segment of bronchus followed by broncho-bronchial anastomosis (sleeve lobectomy) |
780 |
358 |
5943 |
Thoracoscopic lung resections |
686 |
307 |
5944 |
Open excision of lesion of lung |
688 |
307 |
5946 |
Decortication of pleura or lung |
686 |
307 |
5949 |
Pleurectomy for pneumothorax, open |
539 |
307 |
5951 |
Endoscopic examination of pleura |
231 |
154 |
5952 |
Insertion of tube drain into pleural cavity |
100 |
0 |
5953 |
Introduction of substance into pleural cavity with chest aspiration |
100 |
0 |
5954 |
Introduction of substance into pleural cavity with chest drain |
100 |
0 |
5956 |
Revision coronary artery surgery |
1354 |
538 |
5957 |
Revision repair of coarctation of aorta |
1109 |
563 |
5958 |
Revision closure of defect of intra ventricular septum |
1186 |
563 |
5959 |
Revision of valve surgery |
1186 |
717 |
5220 |
Apicolysis |
343 |
205 |
5221 |
Closed pleural biopsy |
89 |
0 |
5230 |
Empyema, drainage |
343 |
256 |
5231 |
Percutaneous drainage of empyema |
99 |
0 |
5234 |
Paracentesis thoracis |
45 |
0 |
5235 |
Paracentesis thoracis with intercostal drain |
134 |
0 |
5240 |
Paracentesis thoracis with infusion of cytotoxic drugs |
148 |
0 |
5245 |
Phrenic avulsion |
148 |
154 |
5250 |
Pleurodesis |
245 |
154 |
5251 |
Closed drainage of pneumothorax |
148 |
0 |
5260 |
Thoracoscopy |
224 |
205 |
5265 |
Thoracoscopy with intrapleural procedure |
343 |
256 |
5270 |
Thoracotomy including lung or pleural biopsy |
313 |
256 |
5274 |
Exploration for post operative haemorrhage or thrombosis, chest |
392 |
358 |
5926 |
Full mapping |
1008 |
512 |
5930 |
Lower limb arterial ultrasound examination |
68 |
0 |
5935 |
Venous ultrasound examination |
68 |
0 |
5940 |
Duplex ultrasound scan |
134 |
0 |
5960 |
Intracardiac catheter ablation of atrioventricular node function, atrioventricular conduction for creation of complete heart block, with or without temporary pacemaker placement |
347 |
110 |
5961 |
Intracardiac catheter ablation of arrhythmogenic focus for treatment of supraventricular of ventricular tachycardia by ablation of fast or slow atrioventricular pathways, accessory atrioventricular connections or other atrial foci, singly or in combinatio |
500 |
200 |
5502 |
Comprehensive electrophysiologic evaluation with right atrial pacing and recording, right ventricular pacing and recording, HIS bundle recording, including insertion and repositioning of multiple electrode catheters |
240 |
0 |
5290 |
Aneurysms (direct operations) |
1248 |
461 |
5292 |
Detachable balloon occlusion of carotico cavernous aneurysms and fistulae |
973 |
358 |
5295 |
Anomalies (direct operations) including haemangioma |
1040 |
461 |
5305 |
Biopsy of brain |
520 |
307 |
5320 |
Brain tumour (all forms not otherwise listed) |
832 |
358 |
5325 |
Brain wounds, open |
832 |
307 |
5330 |
Calcified subdural haematoma, excision of |
540 |
358 |
5345 |
Carotid ligation, neck |
294 |
154 |
5350 |
Carotid ligation, removal |
196 |
123 |
5360 |
Cisternal puncture |
245 |
123 |
5365 |
Convexity meningioma, excision of |
1040 |
410 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5370 |
C.S.F. Rhinorrhea repair |
728 |
358 |
5376 |
Craniotomy with elevation of bone flap; for excision of epileptogenic focus without electrocorticography during surgery |
785 |
410 |
5377 |
Craniotomy with elevation of bone flap; for excision of cerebral epileptogenic focus, with electrocorticography during surgery (includes removal of electrode array) |
993 |
410 |
5380 |
Glioma biopsy |
515 |
307 |
5385 |
Glioma (lobectomy) |
1040 |
358 |
5390 |
Glioma (part removal) |
1040 |
358 |
5400 |
Hemispherectomy |
1040 |
461 |
5410 |
Intra cerebral haemorrhage, open operation |
712 |
307 |
5415 |
Intra cerebral and intracerebellar tumours not otherwise listed |
973 |
358 |
5420 |
Intracranial abscess (open operation) |
758 |
307 |
5425 |
Intracranial abscess (tapping) |
490 |
256 |
5430 |
Intraventricular tumours, excision of |
1040 |
358 |
5435 |
Leucotomy |
490 |
307 |
5440 |
Meningocele, repair of |
832 |
307 |
5446 |
Direct lateral cervical puncture of c1 and c2 levels as for cervical myelogram |
148 |
102 |
5450 |
Myelomeningocele, repair of |
490 |
307 |
5455 |
Other extra cerebral intracranial tumours, excision of |
1040 |
358 |
5460 |
Parasagittal meningioma, repair of |
1040 |
358 |
5465 |
Pinealoma, excision of |
1040 |
358 |
5470 |
Pituitary gland, hypophysectomy all approaches |
1008 |
358 |
5480 |
Posterior fossa tumours, removal of |
1008 |
461 |
5484 |
Stereotactic computer assisted volumetric intracranial procedure (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) |
122 |
0 |
5490 |
Subdural haematoma (burr hole drainage) |
490 |
256 |
5495 |
Subdural haematoma (open operation) |
712 |
307 |
5500 |
Subdural tap (infant) |
245 |
123 |
5505 |
Tentorial decompression |
589 |
358 |
5510 |
Third ventriculostomy |
589 |
358 |
5515 |
Torkilsden shunt |
589 |
358 |
5520 |
Valve shunt (hydrocephalus) |
426 |
205 |
5525 |
Valve shunt revision |
392 |
205 |
5535 |
Ventricle puncture (fontanelle) |
245 |
123 |
5540 |
Ventriculography (adult) |
224 |
123 |
5545 |
Ventriculography (child under 12) |
224 |
154 |
5555 |
Acoustic neuroma, removal of |
1040 |
461 |
5560 |
Auditory nerve, etc. (section) |
589 |
358 |
5565 |
Differential section, facial nerve |
441 |
256 |
5575 |
Injection trigeminal branch (peripheral) |
99 |
0 |
5580 |
Injection trigeminal division |
245 |
0 |
5585 |
Injection trigeminal ganglion |
392 |
0 |
5590 |
Intracranial sensory root division (trigeminal) |
589 |
358 |
5600 |
Peripheral nerve repairs |
392 |
184 |
5605 |
Peripheral nerve tumour, excision of |
343 |
128 |
5610 |
Sensory nerve neurectomy |
294 |
123 |
5611 |
Rhizolysis, one or more facet joints |
196 |
123 |
5615 |
Nerve block for pain control |
99 |
0 |
5620 |
Sympathetic block including coeliac ganglion and stellate ganglion |
148 |
0 |
5621 |
Intravenous block (Biers technique) |
148 |
0 |
5622 |
E.C.T. (each session) |
49 |
51 |
5630 |
Cirsoid aneurysm scalp, repair of |
490 |
307 |
5635 |
Laceration, suture of (per laceration) |
74 |
72 |
5645 |
Burr holes (diagnostic) |
515 |
154 |
5650 |
Burr holes (therapeutic) |
490 |
256 |
5660 |
Craniotomy |
735 |
358 |
5665 |
Depressed skull fracture (dural involvement) |
624 |
256 |
5670 |
Depressed skull fracture, (simple) operation for |
392 |
256 |
5675 |
Extradural haematoma, evacuation of |
540 |
307 |
5690 |
Osteoma calvarium, excision of |
490 |
256 |
5691 |
Consultant plastic surgeon cranio facialplasty, including the correction of craniosynostoses and facial synostoses |
686 |
461 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
5692 |
Consultant neurosurgeon neurosurgical involvement with cranio facialplasty (for Anaesthetist Benefit see 5691) |
490 |
0 |
5693 |
Skull bone grafting to facial skeleton |
466 |
256 |
5695 |
Platybasia, repair of |
1008 |
461 |
5700 |
Skull biopsy |
224 |
123 |
5705 |
Skull defect repair |
490 |
307 |
5710 |
Subtemporal decompression |
441 |
225 |
5715 |
Suture splitting |
441 |
225 |
5719 |
Chemical lumbar sympathectomy |
148 |
0 |
5725 |
Anomalies of cord vascular, operation for |
1040 |
410 |
5730 |
Cervical disc, partial excision of or fusion |
783 |
256 |
5731 |
Cervical disc, excision of two or more levels |
991 |
256 |
5732 |
Microneurosurgical subarticular fenestration and foraminal decompression including microdisectomy |
672 |
205 |
5740 |
Chordoma (spinal), removal of |
1040 |
307 |
5745 |
Cord tumours, removal of |
764 |
358 |
5746 |
Dumbbell tumours, transthoracic or abdominal removal |
832 |
358 |
5755 |
Haematomyelia, aspiration of |
540 |
256 |
5756 |
Intrathecal cytotoxic, chemotherapy infusion |
172 |
77 |
5760 |
Lumbar puncture |
68 |
72 |
5761 |
Cervical sympathectomy (unilateral) |
441 |
184 |
5762 |
Cervical sympathectomy (bilateral) |
515 |
205 |
5763 |
Exploration of the brachial plexus with removal of tumours |
639 |
307 |
5765 |
Lumbar sympathectomy |
441 |
205 |
5770 |
Lumbar sympathectomy (bilateral) |
515 |
225 |
5771 |
Nerve root tumours, transthoracic or abdominal removal |
490 |
358 |
5775 |
Spinal posterior rhizotomy |
441 |
256 |
5785 |
Syringomyelia, aspiration of |
572 |
307 |
5880 |
89 |
0 |
5881 |
Electromyography study rectal mucosal sensitivity testing |
89 |
0 |
5905 |
Video telemetric EEG recordings including full clinical evaluation and placement of sphenoidal electrodes |
343 |
123 |
5906 |
Video telemetric EEG recordings including full clinical evaluation following placement of sub dural electrodes. |
245 |
0 |
925 |
Simple Nephrectomy |
441 |
205 |
920 |
Hemi nephrectomy |
468 |
205 |
921 |
Radical nephrectomy (includes adrenalectomy and para-aortic lymph nodes) |
520 |
225 |
926 |
Radical nephrectomy and caval extension below liver |
624 |
225 |
927 |
Radical nephrectomy and caval extension of tumour above liver |
832 |
358 |
929 |
Nephroureterectomy including bladder cuff |
650 |
225 |
930 |
Nephrolithotomy |
624 |
184 |
931 |
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy |
312 |
205 |
935 |
Peri renal tissues, exploration, open biopsy (no abnormality discovered) |
294 |
154 |
940 |
Pyelolithotomy |
490 |
184 |
945 |
Pyeloplasty |
540 |
184 |
955 |
Renal biopsy (needle) |
89 |
72 |
5910 |
ESWL, one or more sessions per hospital stay or as an outpatient, up to 3 months |
294 |
92 |
95 |
Adrenalectomy (unilateral) |
450 |
205 |
100 |
Adrenalectomy (bilateral) |
600 |
205 |
101 |
Adrenalectomy for phaeochromocytoma |
600 |
512 |
106 |
Neuroblastoma, tru cut biopsy |
89 |
72 |
107 |
Neuroblastoma, resection |
624 |
307 |
923 |
Kidney transplant |
686 |
410 |
5850 |
Ureteroscopy, diagnostic, with or without biopsy |
150 |
92 |
5911 |
Ureteroscopy & contact lithotripsy with placement/removal of J stent, one or more sessions per hospital stay |
343 |
123 |
975 |
Open ureterolithotomy |
302 |
143 |
981 |
Ureterolysis (unilateral) |
392 |
143 |
982 |
Ureterolysis (bilateral) |
624 |
184 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
983 |
Ureteric reimplantation, unilateral for reflux, stricture or fistula |
468 |
184 |
986 |
Ureteric reimplantation, bilateral for reflux, stricture or fistula |
624 |
184 |
984 |
STING procedure (initial) |
294 |
82 |
987 |
STING procedure (repeat) |
146 |
72 |
995 |
Ureterostomy (unilateral) |
294 |
143 |
1000 |
Ureterostomy (bilateral) |
441 |
184 |
996 |
Ureteric substitut ion (with bowel segment) |
520 |
184 |
836 |
Bladder, instillation of anticarcinogenic agent (BCG) |
57 |
72 |
898 |
Percutaneous suprapubic cystostomy |
62 |
72 |
1031 |
Complex urodynamic evaluation, involving cineradiography |
89 |
72 |
884 |
Cystoscopy with or without overdistension, with or without biopsy |
83 |
72 |
890 |
Cystoscopy with ureteric catheterisation |
104 |
82 |
885 |
Cystoscopy with diathermy to bladder tumour(s) |
125 |
77 |
887 |
Cystoscopy with insertion of JJ stent |
125 |
77 |
881 |
Cystoscopy with removal of JJ stent |
104 |
72 |
895 |
Cystoscopy with or without ureteroscopy and removal of ureteric calculus |
196 |
82 |
960 |
Open suprapubic cystostomy |
148 |
72 |
924 |
Litholapaxy |
294 |
123 |
897 |
Open cystolithotomy |
208 |
92 |
855 |
Primary transurethral resection of bladder tumour(s), one or more |
364 |
102 |
910 |
Excision of bladder diverticulum |
392 |
154 |
901 |
Closure of ruptured bladder (intraperitoneal) |
392 |
154 |
865 |
Cystectomy, partial |
416 |
154 |
875 |
Cystectomy with ileal or sigmoid conduit and bowel anastomosis |
811 |
358 |
877 |
Cystectomy with continent diversion with or without construction of neobladder |
936 |
358 |
906 |
Augmentation cystoplasty |
624 |
358 |
899 |
Substitution cystoplasty |
780 |
358 |
5845 |
Ileal conduit and bowel anastomosis |
500 |
307 |
4645 |
Closure of bladder exstrophy |
850 |
358 |
4691 |
Young - Dees operation |
650 |
307 |
902 |
Bladder, implantation of radioactive sources, simple, one to four sources |
120 |
72 |
903 |
Bladder, implantation of radioactive sources, intermediate, five to ten sources |
180 |
82 |
904 |
Bladder, implantation of radioactive sources, complex, greater than ten sources |
265 |
92 |
713 |
Biopsy of prostate (perineal or transrectal) |
62 |
72 |
711 |
Electro ejaculation procedure |
99 |
72 |
907 |
Bladder neck, transurethral incision of |
208 |
82 |
850 |
Bladder neck, transurethral resection of |
260 |
102 |
700 |
Transurethral prostatectomy |
468 |
164 |
708 |
Open prostatectomy |
500 |
225 |
701 |
Radical retropubic nerve sparing prostatectomy (includes bilateral pelvic lymph adenectomy with bladder neck reconstruction and anastomosis to the urethra) |
728 |
333 |
1015 |
Urethral dilatation |
49 |
72 |
665 |
Meatotomy |
74 |
72 |
664 |
Meatoplasty |
196 |
102 |
1030 |
Optical urethrotomy |
156 |
72 |
666 |
Urethroplasty for penile or bulbar urethral stricture |
392 |
184 |
667 |
Acute repair of rupture of membranous urethra |
392 |
184 |
668 |
Urethroplasty for repair of prostatic or membranous urethral stricture, complete procedure |
624 |
256 |
703 |
Insertion of an endo urethral stent for urethral stricture |
148 |
72 |
1032 |
Implantation of artificial urinary sphincter |
490 |
225 |
676 |
Removal of artificial urinary sphincter |
208 |
92 |
4670 |
Hypospadias, fistula closure |
294 |
133 |
677 |
Hypospadias-MAGPI procedure |
294 |
133 |
4675 |
Hypospadias, reconstruction of urethra |
392 |
154 |
4660 |
Epispadias, reconstruction of urethra |
392 |
133 |
Code |
Surgical Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Surgical |
Anaesthetic |
4676 |
One stage perineal hypospadias repair requiring extensive dissection to correct chordee and urethroplasty by use of skin graft tube and/or island flap |
650 |
358 |
681 |
Injection of corpora cavernosa with pharmacologic agent(s) (e.g. papaverine, phentolamine) |
49 |
688 |
Biopsy of penis |
62 |
72 |
695 |
Prepuce, dorsal incision of |
74 |
72 |
696 |
Release of priapism (needle drainage) |
74 |
72 |
683 |
Circumcision |
99 |
82 |
686 |
Chordee release of |
196 |
123 |
693 |
Nesbit procedure (plastic operation on penis to correct angulation) |
291 |
133 |
4681 |
Insertion of malleable penile prosthesis |
294 |
154 |
4682 |
Insertion of inflatable penile prosthesis |
416 |
205 |
694 |
Removal of penile prosthesis |
291 |
133 |
685 |
Penis, amputation of partial |
245 |
123 |
687 |
Penis, amputation of -total |
490 |
225 |
650 |
Hydrocele (tapping) |
49 |
655 |
Hydrocelectomy, bilateral |
253 |
123 |
660 |
Hydrocelectomy, unilateral |
177 |
102 |
698 |
Excision of epididymal cyst(s) unilateral or bilateral |
229 |
113 |
645 |
Epididymectomy, unilateral |
198 |
113 |
699 |
Epididymectomy, bilateral |
291 |
123 |
755 |
Varicocelectomy |
245 |
123 |
704 |
Epididymovasostomy, bilateral |
364 |
184 |
715 |
Orchidopexy, unilateral |
196 |
102 |
720 |
Orchidopexy, bilateral |
244 |
154 |
735 |
Orchidopexy, unilateral for torsion and exploration of opposite side |
244 |
143 |
740 |
Testicular biopsy (needle) |
68 |
72 |
741 |
Testicular biopsy (open surgical) |
134 |
77 |
742 |
Testicular prosthesis, insertion /replacement/removal of, unilateral |
196 |
87 |
743 |
Testicular prosthesis, insertion/replacement/removal of, bilateral |
244 |
123 |
675 |
Orchidectomy, unilateral |
148 |
102 |
670 |
Orchidectomy, bilateral |
208 |
102 |
672 |
Drainage of intra-scrotal abscess |
62 |
2415 |
Cystocele, repair of |
196 |
128 |
991 |
Urethropexy for genuine stress incontinence (Stamey, Raz, Burch, Marshall-Marchetti) |
364 |
123 |
992 |
Pubovaginal sling urethropexy |
420 |
164 |
2465 |
Vaginal fistula (vesico vaginal), repair of |
392 |
154 |
4690 |
Vaginal reconstruction with skin graft |
491 |
205 |
993 |
Vesico colic fistula-excision of, and sigmoid colectomy |
491 |
205 |
820 |
Arterial venous fistula in arm under L.A. |
196 |
164 |
821 |
Gortex graft placement for AV access for dialysis |
441 |
164 |
822 |
Permacath Hickman catheter for dialysis |
245 |
123 |
834 |
Insertion/replacement of Tenchkoff catheter for dialysis |
198 |
123 |
838 |
Removal of Tenchkoff catheter |
196 |
123 |
1310 |
Axillary/inguinal lymph node(s) superficial dissection of |
100 |
92 |
1320 |
Axillary or inguinal lymph nodes, incision of abscess |
100 |
72 |
1326 |
Deep cervical node excision biopsy (not needle biopsy) |
100 |
72 |
1315 |
Axillary lymph nodes complete dissection of |
343 |
123 |
1335 |
Inguinal or pelvic lymph node block dissection, unilateral |
368 |
164 |
1336 |
Inguinal or pelvic lymph node block dissection, bilateral |
550 |
256 |
1355 |
Lymphatic infusion |
245 |
1365 |
Primary or secondary retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy complete, transabdominal |
589 |
307 |
Code |
Radiological Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Radiological |
Anaesthetic |
6000 |
Plain film, abdomen |
22 |
6001 |
Plain film abdomen complete, including decubitus and/or erect views |
29 |
6005 |
Ba. enema |
43 |
6015 |
Ba. meal |
29 |
6020 |
Ba. meal and follow through or small bowel study |
43 |
6025 |
Ba. swallow |
29 |
6060 |
Small bowel enema |
74 |
6066 |
Defaecating proctogram |
107 |
6010 |
Ba. enema, double contrast |
75 |
6011 |
Ba. enema, therapeutic forreduction of intussusception |
107 |
6021 |
Ba. meal (double contrast) |
43 |
6030 |
Ba. swallow and meal |
43 |
6035 |
Cholecystogram |
29 |
6040 |
Screening crosbie capsule |
29 |
6045 |
Screening diaphragm |
29 |
6070 |
T - tube cholangiogram |
29 |
6055 |
IV cholangiogram |
43 |
6075 |
Chest and ribs |
22 |
6079 |
Chest, PA and lateral |
22 |
6080 |
Chest, PA and lateral with flouroscopy |
29 |
6085 |
Chest, PA lateral and apical |
22 |
6086 |
Chest, complete, minimum of four views |
29 |
6090 |
Larynx |
22 |
6095 |
Sternum and chest |
22 |
6100 |
Thoracic inlet |
22 |
6102 |
Brain, without contrast |
85 |
102 |
6103 |
Brain, with contrast material |
132 |
102 |
6104 |
Orbit, sella or outer, middle, or inner ear, without contrast (except if done at same time as 6102 or 6103) |
85 |
102 |
6106 |
Orbit, sella or outer, middle, or inner ear, with contrast material (except if done at same time as 6102 or 6103) |
132 |
102 |
6107 |
Maxillofacial area, without contrast material (except if done at same time as 6102 or 6103) |
85 |
102 |
6108 |
Maxillofacial area, with contrast material (except if done at same time as 6102 or 6103) |
132 |
102 |
6109 |
Thorax, without contrast material |
85 |
102 |
6112 |
Thorax, with contrast material |
132 |
102 |
6111 |
CAT scanning for biopsy or drainage |
132 |
256 |
6113 |
High resolution, lungs |
132 |
102 |
6114 |
Abdomen, without contrast material |
85 |
102 |
6116 |
Abdomen, with contrast material |
132 |
102 |
6117 |
I.V. dynamic sequential scanning |
132 |
102 |
6118 |
I.V. dynamic non-incremental scanning |
132 |
102 |
6224 |
C.T. of spine with contrast material |
132 |
102 |
6226 |
Long bones |
64 |
102 |
6227 |
Joints |
85 |
102 |
6228 |
Spine |
85 |
102 |
6229 |
Feet/Hands |
85 |
102 |
6115 |
Ankle |
22 |
6119 |
Ankle, complete, minimum of three views including inversion/eversion |
29 |
6121 |
Acromioclavicular joints, bilateral, with or without weight distraction |
29 |
6122 |
Knee, complete, including oblique(s), and tunnel, and/or patellar and/or standing views |
29 |
6120 |
Bone age |
29 |
Code |
Radiological Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Radiological |
Anaesthetic |
6125 |
Calcaneum |
22 |
6130 |
Clavicle |
22 |
6135 |
Elbow |
22 |
6140 |
Femur |
22 |
6145 |
Finger/toe |
22 |
6150 |
Foot |
22 |
6155 |
Hand |
22 |
6160 |
Hip |
22 |
6165 |
Humerus |
22 |
6170 |
Knee |
22 |
6175 |
Limb length/orthopaedicmeasurement |
29 |
6180 |
Pelvis (inc. hips) |
22 |
6185 |
Radius and ulna |
22 |
6190 |
Sacro-Iliac joints |
22 |
6195 |
Scaphoid |
22 |
6200 |
Scapula |
22 |
6205 |
Scoliosis series |
22 |
6210 |
Shoulder |
22 |
6215 |
Sternoclavicular joint |
22 |
6220 |
Tibia and fibula |
22 |
6225 |
Wrist |
22 |
6230 |
Magnetic resonance imaging |
97 |
154 |
6231 |
Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast enhancement |
132 |
154 |
6270 |
Limited joint scan |
29 |
6275 |
Multiple joint scan |
43 |
6280 |
Sacro-iliac joint uptake |
29 |
6290 |
Partial body bone scan |
29 |
6295 |
Whole body bone scan |
43 |
6300 |
3-Phase bone scan |
43 |
6305 |
SPECT (tomo) bone scan |
61 |
6340 |
Gallium scan |
43 |
6310 |
Static brain |
29 |
6315 |
Dynamic brain scan |
43 |
6320 |
SPECT brain (CBF, ceretec, ECD, blood pool) |
61 |
6325 |
Static - planar cysternogram |
61 |
6330 |
SPECT cysternogram |
85 |
6260 |
Aortogram |
29 |
6265 |
Arteriogram |
29 |
6360 |
Angiocardiogram (1st pass) |
43 |
6365 |
Blood pool scan (MUGA) |
61 |
6370 |
Exercise blood pool scan (EX. MUGA) |
97 |
6375 |
Dipyridamole thallium |
97 |
6380 |
Exercise thallium |
97 |
6385 |
P.Y.P. infarct scan |
43 |
6390 |
Anti-myosin scan |
43 |
6395 |
SPECT anti-myosin scan |
61 |
6400 |
SPECT thallium |
97 |
6570 |
Venogram, unilateral |
43 |
6575 |
Venogram, bilateral |
61 |
6415 |
Renogram |
43 |
6420 |
Combined renogram/GFR |
61 |
6425 |
Captopril renogram |
61 |
6430 |
Diuretic renogram |
61 |
6435 |
DMSA renal scan |
43 |
6440 |
Micturating cystogram |
61 |
Code |
Radiological Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Radiological |
Anaesthetic |
6445 |
SPECT DMSA renal scan |
61 |
6550 |
Testicular scan |
43 |
6235 |
Abdominal scan (Meckel's) |
29 |
6335 |
Duodenal/gastric reflux |
29 |
6345 |
Gastric emptying |
43 |
6350 |
G.I. bleed |
43 |
6355 |
G.F.R. (Tc-99m DTPA, Cr-51 EDTA) |
29 |
6525 |
Oesophageal motility study |
43 |
6450 |
Colloid liver scan |
43 |
6455 |
HIDA liver scan |
43 |
6460 |
SPECT liver scan |
61 |
6465 |
Hepatic (liver) blood flow |
43 |
6540 |
Salivary scan |
29 |
6545 |
Spleen scan |
29 |
6470 |
Aerosol lung scan |
43 |
6475 |
Gallium lung scan |
43 |
6480 |
Lung perfusion scan |
43 |
6485 |
Lung ventilation scan |
43 |
6490 |
SPECT lung scan |
61 |
6495 |
Ventilation/perfusion lung scan |
85 |
6410 |
Whole body iodine scan |
43 |
6520 |
MIBG scan |
61 |
6530 |
Parathyroid scan |
43 |
6555 |
Technetium scan of thyroid |
29 |
6560 |
Iodine scan of thyroid |
29 |
6565 |
Thallium scan of thyroid |
29 |
6255 |
Cholesterol scan |
43 |
6285 |
Bile salt malabsorption scan |
43 |
6500 |
Lymphoscintigram |
43 |
6505 |
Marrow scan |
61 |
6240 |
White blood cell scan (WBC) |
43 |
6510 |
Monoclonal antibody scan-SPECT |
61 |
6515 |
Monoclonal antibody scan - static |
43 |
6535 |
Platelet scan |
43 |
6566 |
Bile salt absorption (ScHCAT) |
29 |
6567 |
Bile salt breath test |
22 |
6568 |
Exchangeable body sodium |
29 |
6569 |
I-131 Uptake (thyroid uptake) |
29 |
6571 |
I-131 Therapy (thyroid therapy) |
43 |
6572 |
Oestrogen receptor assay |
22 |
6573 |
Red cell survival |
29 |
6574 |
Red cell mass |
22 |
6576 |
Schilling test (urine) |
29 |
6577 |
Schilling test (whole body monitor) |
29 |
6578 |
Total body water |
29 |
6579 |
Total body potassium |
29 |
6580 |
Abdomen |
22 |
6585 |
Pelvimetry |
29 |
6590 |
Facial bones |
22 |
6595 |
Foramina optic |
22 |
6600 |
Internal auditory canals |
22 |
6605 |
Mandible |
22 |
6610 |
Mastoid |
22 |
Code |
Radiological Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Radiological |
Anaesthetic |
6615 |
Maxilla |
22 |
6620 |
Nasal bones |
22 |
6625 |
Nasal sinuses |
22 |
6630 |
Orbital views |
22 |
6635 |
Parotid gland |
22 |
6640 |
Pituitary fossa |
22 |
6645 |
Skull |
22 |
6650 |
Temporomandibular joint |
29 |
6655 |
F.B. in eye and localisation |
29 |
6660 |
Mammogram |
43 |
6665 |
Soft tissue neck |
22 |
6675 |
Angiogram (direct puncture, single vessel study, branchial, femoral) includes introduction of needles or catheter injection of contrast media and necessary pre and post injection care specifically related to the injection procedure |
97 |
6680 |
Angiogram (selective catheter, single/multiple vessel study, coeliac, mesenteric, renal, subclavian etc) includes introduction of needles/catheter injection of contrast media and necessary pre & post injection care specifically related to injection procedure |
132 |
6681 |
Single selective carotid angiography and/or vertebral study |
142 |
6682 |
Bilateral carotid angiography study |
245 |
6683 |
Bilateral carotid angiography and vertebral study |
368 |
6685 |
Aortogram (arch/TLA, etc.) |
97 |
6690 |
Cavernosogram |
97 |
6705 |
Facet arthrogram (single level) |
61 |
6706 |
Hepatic needle puncture/ catheterisation for biliary procedures |
132 |
6710 |
Portogram |
85 |
6720 |
Orbital venogram |
85 |
6721 |
Spinal arteriogram |
442 |
6725 |
Splenoportogram |
85 |
6730 |
Venous sampling - adrenal, parathyroid, renal, etc. |
132 |
6735 |
Venogram, peripheral, single limb |
61 |
6740 |
Venography (selective, catheter, single vessel study and/or venous sampling, I.V.C., S.V.C., adrenal, renal, hepatic) |
132 |
6745 |
Cervical |
22 |
6750 |
Coccyx |
22 |
6755 |
Complete spine |
29 |
6760 |
Dorsal (thoracic) |
22 |
6765 |
Lumbar |
22 |
6770 |
Sacrum |
22 |
6775 |
Scoliosis views |
29 |
6780 |
Skeletal survey |
43 |
6785 |
Occlusal (Intra-Oral) |
22 |
6790 |
Pantomogram |
29 |
6795 |
Tooth, single |
22 |
6800 |
Total Upper and Lower Jaw |
29 |
6805 |
Biliary |
29 |
6810 |
Breast |
29 |
6811 |
Chest |
43 |
6825 |
Doppler (carotid, cerebral, peripheral, abdominal, renal, etc.) |
61 |
6835 |
Eye |
29 |
6840 |
Hip |
43 |
6841 |
Knee |
43 |
6845 |
Obstetrical |
29 |
6846 |
Obstetrical (with full foetal assessment) |
61 |
6850 |
Paediatric cranial |
61 |
6855 |
Pelvic |
43 |
Code |
Radiological Procedure |
Procedure |
Benefit IR£ |
Radiological |
Anaesthetic |
6856 |
Parotid gland |
43 |
6857 |
Pleural space (for localisation) |
43 |
6860 |
Prostate - transrectal |
61 |
6865 |
Renal (kidneys) |
43 |
6870 |
Shoulder |
43 |
6875 |
Testicular |
43 |
6880 |
Transvaginal |
61 |
6885 |
Thyroid |
29 |
6890 |
Upper abdominal (includes liver, pancreas, aorta and kidneys) |
61 |
6895 |
Ultrasound guidance during investigations or therapeutic procedure |
85 |
6905 |
Cystogram |
43 |
6910 |
I.V.P. |
43 |
6915 |
Micturating cystogram |
43 |
6920 |
Straight renal tract (KUB) |
22 |
6925 |
Urethrogram |
43 |
6930 |
Vesiculogram |
43 |
6950 |
Antegrade pyelogram |
61 |
6955 |
Arthrogram |
61 |
6960 |
Bronchial brushing |
97 |
6965 |
Bronchogram |
61 |
6970 |
Dacrocystogram |
43 |
6975 |
Discogram |
85 |
6985 |
Hysterosalpingogram |
43 |
6990 |
Laryngogram |
43 |
6995 |
Lymphangiogram |
132 |
7000 |
Myelogram |
85 |
7005 |
Myelogram (direct lateral puncture, thoracic or cervical) |
132 |
7010 |
Needle biopsy (trans-thoracic, bone, abdominal) |
85 |
7011 |
Nephrostogram |
61 |
7020 |
Percutaneous transhepaticcholangiogram |
85 |
7025 |
Per-operative cholangiogram |
43 |
7034 |
Imaging supervision, interpretation and report for injection procedures during cardiac catheterisation; ventricular and/or atrial angiography |
36 |
7036 |
Radiological guidance during investigations or therapeutic procedure (use code 7034 for cardiology procedures) |
85 |
7037 |
Radiological guidance for mammographic wire guided biopsy |
36 |
7040 |
Retrograde pyelogram |
43 |
7051 |
Sialgram, Parotid |
64 |
7052 |
Sialogram, Submandibular |
86 |
7055 |
Sinogram |
29 |
7065 |
Tomograms (+ area films) |
29 |
7070 |
Ventriculogram |
85 |
Please note that therapeutic/invasive procedures are listed in Table C.2 |
Code |
Pathological Investigation |
Procedure Benefit IR£ |
8900 |
17 |
APTT, PT+INR, Blood Gp+uncomplicated crossmatch, Cold Aggluts, |
FBC without film, HbH, (in)/direct Coomb's test, Monospot. |
Single analytes |
a-1--AT, C3, C4, Igs, RA Screen, Thyroid Abs |
Pregnancy test, Stool O/B |
17 |
9230 |
Coag. Factor Assay |
8930 |
Ferritin |
8910 |
Fibrinogen |
8935 |
Iron |
9220 |
RBC autohaemolysis |
9215 |
RBC osm frag. |
9225 |
Platelet Aggregation |
8920 |
Protein C |
9185 |
All nuclear medicine in-vitro investigations (except for those investigations listed in category 5) |
All Profiles: |
Biochemical Investigations of, |
9000 |
-Renal (one or more) |
9005 |
-Hepatic (one or more) |
9010 |
-Cardiac (one or more) |
9015 |
-Thyroid (one or more) |
9020 |
-Bone (not PTH) (one or more) |
9025 |
-Lipids (one or more) |
9310 |
Biochemistry of hypertension |
9165 |
9165 |
HbA1C |
9166 |
Drug levels (including RIA) |
9167 |
9285 |
Allurgens |
9168 |
Caeruloplasmin |
9169 |
9171 |
Cryoglobulins |
9275 |
IgE |
9172 |
8945 |
Streptolysin |
8936 |
Transferrin |
8937 |
Hormone Levels(except for those investigations listed in Category 5) |
7 |
8905 |
FBC + manual film ± eosinophil count |
9040 |
Kliehauer |
8915 |
9035 |
Reticulocyte count |
8970 |
MSU + culture |
9045 |
Stool O+P |
9030 |
Sweat investigation |
9050 |
IF - single antibody e.g. ANF (except if this investigation gives rise to the investigations listed in Categories 4 or 5) |
13 |
9160 |
All electrophoresis|serum, lipoprotein, urine |
9175 |
CSF including oligoclonal bands |
9180 |
Myeloma Screen including electrophoresis |
9181 |
Trace metals |
9182 |
Vits A & E |
9205 |
Ab indentification (transfusion) |
9200 |
Bleeding time |
8925 |
HbA2 |
9210 |
Hb electrophoresis |
9226 |
Thrombophilia screen - this consists of three or more of the following items: |
Antithrombin 3, protein C, protein S, factor 7, factor 12, platelet aggregation (spontaneous, second wave of aggregation with weak ADP, and response to dilutions of epinephrine) |
8940 |
U. haemosiderin |
9507 |
Flow cytometry |
9100 |
Interpretive review of culture result from wounds, joint fluids,sputum, intestine and other body sites including 1 TB Culture |
Code |
Pathological Investigation |
Procedure Benefit IR£ |
9385 |
Interpretative review of viral, bacterial or fungal serology or viral culture |
9202 |
Antibiotic assay - maximum payable, any combination, three per claim |
9203 |
MBC - maximum payable, any combination, three per claim |
9204 |
MIC - maximum payable, any combination, three per claim |
9206 |
Cidal levels |
9207 |
Toxin levels |
9221 |
ANCA-for single antibody |
9222 |
AGBM-for single antibody |
9280 |
Gel electrophoresis |
9223 |
HIV, VD or Hepatitis screen |
9224 |
Teicoic acid |
9228 |
Cardiolipin |
9227 |
CH50-functional assay |
9694 |
Gene rearrangement studies |
27 |
9301 |
- Diabetic KA/hyperosmolar coma |
9302 |
- Acute Renal failure |
9303 |
- Acute hepatic failure |
9306 |
- Porphyria investigation |
9308 |
- Diabetes insipidus |
9304 |
- Dynamic endocrine function tests (IST, Synact, TRH, Dex supp) |
9307 |
- Full endocrinological investigation of infertility |
9309 |
- Full investigations for inborn errors of metabolism in paediatric patients. |
Benefit is only payable once per patient at time of initial investigation (diagnosis). |
27 |
9360 |
Small (1-2 blocks) include cytology and neuropathology |
9381 |
Interpretive review of culture of CSF, blood |
9391 |
Infertility screen |
9270 |
Paraprotein typing |
9392 |
IF - autoantibody screen and/or DNA Abs and/or subtyping |
9605 |
Immune complex assays (except for those investigations listed in Category 1) |
9393 |
Polymerase chain reaction |
40 |
9501 |
Marrow aspirate (except immunocytochemistry) |
9502 |
Marrow trephine |
9530 |
Medium (e.g. description + 3-5 blocks) |
9540 |
Colonoscopic series |
9550 |
Clinical (i.e. non screening) cytology (not including smear + section) |
9535 |
Lymph node |
9545 |
Parathyroid |
9503 |
HLA typing |
9504 |
Immunofluorescence |
9506 |
Electron microscopy |
73 |
9601 |
Liver, renal biopsies including special stains |
9602 |
Fine needle aspiration biopsy, cell block and smear done together |
9650 |
Large (5 + blocks and all major dissections) |
9651 |
Breast screening, localisation segments with review of radiographs |
9603 |
Marrow aspirate and trephine done together |
9670 |
IF-frozen section direct or indirect |
9610 |
WBC function tests |
96 |
9693 |
Frozen section or rapid intraoperative diagnosis |
9691 |
Immunohistology (include fluorescence) |
96 |
9505 |
Immunocytochemistry |
9700 |
39 |
All tests associated with Obstetrics, including normal delivery, caesarean section and miscarriage |
1. The period (referred to in this Schedule as the "specified period") in respect of which the calculations specified in this Schedule are to be carried out shall be a period determined in accordance with article 7 of this Scheme.
2. General Definitions
"claim group" means in respect of a settled hospital claim any previous claim which is either
(a) a linked claim of that claim; or
(b) is a constituent of or gave rise to a previous claim group which includes a claim which is so linked provided that no claim may be included in a claim group more than once;
"covered persons" means in relation to a scheme undertaking
(a) fully insured persons who on the last day of a specified period were named in a health insurance contract effected by that scheme undertaking and who belonged on that day to a specified cell or combination of cells, or
(b) fully insured persons not already included under paragraph (a) of this definition who were formerly named in a health insurance contract effected by that scheme undertaking and who, but for the cessation of their health insurance contract, would have belonged to that cell or those cells on the last day of that period;
"current claim" has the meaning assigned to it under the definition of linked claim;
"first day" means in relation to a settled hospital claim either, as appropriate,
(a) the day upon which the hospital stay to which a settled accommodation claim relates commenced; or
(b) the day of the provision of outpatient services to which a settled out-patient claim relates;
"last day" means in relation to a settled hospital claim either, as appropriate,
(a) the day upon which the hospital stay to which a settled accommodation claim relates ceased; or
(b) the day of the provision of outpatient services to which a settled outpatient claim relates;
"linked claim" means 'in respect of a settled hospital claim (referred to in this Schedule as the "current claim") a previous settled hospital claim relating to the same fully insured person (referred to in this Schedule as the "previous claim") which satisfies one or more of the following conditions
(a) that the first day of the previous claim
(i) is after or coincides with the first day of the current claim; and
(ii) is before or not more than seven days after the last day of the current claim; or
(b) that the last day of the previous claim
(i) is before or coincides with the last day of the current claim; and
(ii) is after or not more than seven days before the first day of the current claim; or
(c) that the first day of the previous claim is before the first day of the current claim and the last day of the previous claim is after the last day of the current claim.
"weighted claim value" means, for a settled hospital claim
(a) if that claim is a settled accommodation claim
(i) a value determined in accordance with the following table
Total number of in-patient days in respect of the hospital stay to which that claim relates |
Value |
1 |
0.20 |
2 |
0.30 |
3 |
0.40 |
4 |
0.50 |
5 or more |
1.00 |
or as appropriate
(ii) a value calculated in accordance with the following formula
0.20 x Y
where Y is the total number of day- patient days in respect of the hospital stay to which that claim relates,
(b) if that claim is a settled out-patient claim 0.10
(c) the value determined in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) as appropriate in respect of that claim shall be reduced by an amount calculated in accordance with the following formula
Z - 1
where Z is the greater of
(i) one; and
(ii) the sum of
(A) the value determined in accordance with paragraphs (a) or (b) as appropriate; and
(B) the sum of the weighted claim values for the claim group associated with the claim;
"specified period" has the meaning assigned to it by paragraph 1 of this Schedule;
"previous claim" has the meaning assigned to it under the definition of linked claim;
"previous claim group" means a claim group given rise to by a previous claim.
3. Cell Definitions (with respect to a specified period, a specified scheme undertaking and a specified cell)
"cell day-patient days" means the sum of all day-patient days in respect of settled accommodation claims which acquired that status during that period in respect of covered persons;
"cell insured population" and "CIP" means the sum of
(a) the total number of fully insured persons in that cell on the first day of that period, and
(b) the total number of fully insured persons in that cell on the first day of the next following period
with the result being divided by two;
"cell equalised benefits" and "CEB" means the sum of all prescribed equalised benefits paid, in respect of settled claims which acquired that status during that period, to or on behalf of covered persons;
"cell weighted claim value" and "CWCV" means the sum of all weighted claim values, in respect of settled hospital claims which acquired that status during that period, in respect of covered persons;
"cell equalised benefits average" and "CEBA" means an amount determined in accordance with the following formula

4. Scheme Undertaking Definitions (with respect to a specified period and a specified scheme undertaking)
"undertaking insured population" and "UIP" means the sum for all cells of
"undertaking equalised benefits" and "UEB" means the sum for all cells of
"undertaking adult lives" and "UAL" means the sum, for all cells other than the cell or cells which comprise, the prescribed age band "age 17 and under", of
"undertaking child lives" and "UCL" mean the value, for the cell or cells which comprise the prescribed age band "age 17 or under", of
"undertaking equivalent adult lives" and "UEAL" means a value determined in accordance with the formula

"undertaking equivalent adult ratio" and "UEAR" means a value determined in accordance with the formula

5. Market Specific Definitions (with respect to a specified period)
"market insured population(cell)" and "MIP(Cell)" means the sum, for all scheme undertakings for a specified cell, of
"market insured population(total)" and "MIP(Total)" means, the sum, for all cells, of
"market equalised benefits(cell)" and "MEB(Cell)" means the sum, for all scheme undertakings for a specified cell, of
"market equalised benefit(total)" and "MEB(Total)" means the sum, for all cells, of
"market weighted claim value" and "MWCV(Cell)" means the sum, for all scheme undertakings for a specified cell, of
"market equalised benefits average" and "MEBA(Cell)" mean an amount, for a specified cell, calculated in accordance with the formula

"market utilisation" and "MU(Cell)" means a value, for a specified cell, calculated in accordance with the formula

"market proportion" and "MP(Cell)" means a value calculated in accordance with the formula

"market equivalent adult lives" and "MEAL" means, the sum for all scheme undertakings of
"market equivalent adult ratio" and "MEAR" means a value determined in accordance with the formula

6. With respect to a specified period, a specified scheme undertaking and a specified cell
"cell standardised benefits" and "CSB" mean an amount calculated in accordance with the formula
CEBA x MP(Cell) x MU(Cell) x UIP
provided that if for that cell the CWCV is less than 10, CSB instead shall be calculated in accordance with the formula
MEBA(Cell) x MP(Cell) x MU(Cell) x UIP
7. With respect to a specified period and a specified scheme undertaking
"undertaking standardised benefits - first calculation" and "USB1" means the sum for all cells of
"undertaking standardised benefits - second calculation" and "USB2" means a value determined in accordance with the formula

8. With respect to a specified period
"market standardised benefits" and "MSB" means the sum, for all scheme undertakings, of
9. With respect to a specified period and a specified scheme undertaking
"undertaking standardised benefits" and "USB" means an amount determined in accordance with the formula

10. The contribution (to be known for the purposes of this Scheme as the "equalisation contribution") for a specified period for a scheme undertaking shall be determined in accordance with the formula
Quarter ending ......................... Gender ............. Scheme Undertaking....................
Cell |
Number of fully insured persons on first day of that quarter |
Number of fully insured persons on first day of the next following quarter |
Cell equalised benefits for that quarter |
Cell weighted claim value for that quarter |
Cell day-patient days for that quarter |
Number of settled out-patient claims in respect of covered persons for that quarter |
Number of settled in-patient claims in respect of covered persons for that quarter |
Which relate to one in-patient day only |
Which relate to two in-patient days only |
Which relate to three in-patient days only |
Which relate to four in-patient days only |
Which relate to five in-patient days only |
Which relate to six in-patient days only |
Which relate to six in-patient days only |
Which relate to six in-patient days only |
Which relate to seven in-patient days only |
Which relate to eight in-patient days only |
Which relate to nine in-patient days only |
Which relate to ten in-patient days only |
Which relate to not less than eleven and not more than fifteen in-patient days |
Which relate to not less than sixteen and not more than twenty in-patient days |
Which relate to not less than twenty one and not more than thirty in-patient days |
Which relate to thirty one or more in-patient days |
Age 17 and under |
Age 18 to age 29 |
Age 30 to age 39 |
Age 40 to age 49 |
Age 50 to age 59 |
Age 60 to age 69 |
Age 70 to age 79 |
Age 80 and over |
All cells for that gender combined |
All cells for both genders combined |
Confirmed by |
.................. |
.................. |
Position |
.................. |
Position |
.................. |
.................. |
.................. |
Date |
.................. |
Date |
.................. |
GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Health this 28th day of March, 1996.
Michael Noonan
Minister for Health
These Regulations provide for the implementation of a scheme of risk equalisation. They set out the details for operation of the scheme, including the conditions which will give rise to the introduction of risk equalisation, the establishment of a risk equalisation fund and other arrangements. They provide for registered undertakings to make statistical returns relating to risk equalisation.