S.I. No. 299/1995 -- Inland Post Amendment (No. 54) Scheme, 1995.
S.I. No. 299/1995: INLAND POST AMENDMENT (NO. 54) SCHEME, 1995. |
AN POST, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 70 of the Postal and Telecommunications Services Act, 1983 (No. 24 of 1983) hereby makes the following Scheme: |
1. (1) This Scheme may be cited as the Inland Post Amendment (No. 54) Scheme, 1995. |
(2) This Scheme shall be operative from the 23rd day of October, 1995. |
2. In this Scheme-- |
"The Principal Warrant" means the Inland Post Warrant, 1939 ( S.I. No. 202 of 1939 ). |
3. The following paragraph shall be added to Regulation 3 of the Principal Warrant:-- |
"(23) The expression "coin" means coin and includes coin of all kinds, whether or not legal tender in Ireland or elsewhere." |
4. The following paragraph shall be substituted for paragraph 3 of Regulation 38 of the Principal Warrant: |
"(3) Subject to the provisions of this warrant, on the posting of the packet a certificate of posting showing the value of the contents as declared by the sender and bearing thereon an acknowledgement that all sums chargeable thereon for registration and compensation have been paid, must be obtained by the sender. |
5. The following paragraphs shall be added to Regulation 38 of the Principal Warrant:-- |
"(5) The sender of the packet must ensure that the packet is made up in a reasonably strong cover appropriate to its contents and that its contents are adequately packed to avoid damage in course of transmission. |
(6) The sender of the packet must ensure that the packet is fastened with wax, gum or other adhesive matter and that it is not possible to remove any part of the contents without either breaking or tearing the case, wrapper or cover, forcing two adhesive surfaces apart, or breaking a seal. If a packet is sealed by strips of adhesive paper or tape, the sender of the packet must ensure that each strip bears some distinctive mark of the sender, if transparent tape is used, the sender must ensure that it's mark is under the adhesive. This condition does not apply to postcards, printed paper and sample and newspaper packets which must be open for inspection. |
(7) The sender of a packet containing money must ensure that it is enclosed in a registered letter envelope supplied by or licensed by An Post." |
6. The following words shall be deleted from Regulation 41 of the Principal Warrant: |
"At any Post Office through which it shall pass, until the ordinary despatch of packets next after that by which such packet ought otherwise to have been forwarded". |
7. Parag raph 1 of Regulation 43 of the Principal Warrant shall be amended by the substitution for the words "the ordinary registration fee" of the words "the fee specified in the second column (opposite paragraph 2 of the first column) of Part 1 of the Fourth Schedule hereto. |
8. Paragraph (1) of Regulation 44 of the Principal Warrant shall be amended by the deletion of all of the words appearing after the words "as he may think just" and by addition of the following:-- |
"Subject to the following conditions-- |
( a ) The amount of compensation payable is related to the registration fee paid. The sender of the packet must ensure that the correct value is declared on the registration receipt and the fee paid is adequate to cover the value of the contents. The compensation payable may not exceed the value on the registration receipt. |
( b ) The compensation payable may not exceed the replacement value of the article lost or the amount of the damage sustained. |
( c ) Compensation is not paid for any consequential loss, damage or injury arising from the loss, damage, delay, non-delivery or mis-delivery of anything sent by post. |
( d ) Compensation in respect of money of any kind will be paid only where the cover used was one of the registered letter envelopes provided or licensed by An Post and where the packet was registered in the prescribed way. |
( e ) Compensation is not paid for money sent by parcel post. |
( f ) Compensation in respect of coins (except numismatic coins) is limited to £10. |
( g ) Compensation is not paid for the loss of or damage to a packet containing anything prohibited from transmission by post. |
( h ) Compensation is not paid for loss, or damage arising from events outside the control of An Post. |
( i ) Compensation is not paid in respect of damage to packets containing eggs, soft fruit, liquids or any article of an exceptionally fragile nature. |
( j ) The final decision upon all questions of compensation rests with An Post. |
( k ) The words "Fragile With Care" must be written conspicuously on the face of the cover of any packet containing fragile items. The presence of these words is a condition of compensation for damage to a fragile article. |
( l ) The registered receipt must be produced to An Post before any compensation may be paid. |
( m ) Any claim for compensation must be made in writing within three months of the posting of the packet." |
9. The following paragraph shall be added to Regulation 44 of the Principal Warrant:-- |
"(3) A sender may arrange at the office of posting to be advised of the name of the person who accepted delivery of the registered packet and the date of delivery. The fee for this service shall be £1.00 if the service is requested at time of posting and £2.00 if requested thereafter. |
GIVEN under the Common Seal of AN POST, the 20th |
day of October, 1995. |
PRESENT when the Common Seal of AN POST |
was affixed hereto:-- |
Director. |
Secretary. |
This Scheme applies to the Inland Post Service and comes into operation on the 23rd day of October, 1995. It provides that the sender of a registered item must value that item when it is being registered and limits compensation to the value placed upon the article. |