S.I. No. 405/1993 -- European Communities (Pig Carcase (Grading)) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1993.
I, JOE WALSH, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 3 of the European Communities Act, 1972 (No. 27 of 1972), and for the purpose of giving effect to Commission Decision 87/293/EEC of 18 May 1987,(1) as amended by Commission Decision 89/52 EEC of 21 December 1988(2) and by Commission Decision 93/320/EEC of 6 May 1993,(3) hereby make the following Regulations: |
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Pig Carcase (Grading)) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1993. |
(2) The collective citation "the European Communities (Pig Carcase (Grading)) Regulations, 1988 and 1993" shall include these Regulations. |
2. In these Regulations "the Regulations of 1993" means the European Communities (Pig Carcase (Grading)) (Amendment) Regulations, 1993 ( S.I. No. 313 of 1993 ). |
3. The Pig Carcase (Grading) Regulations, 1988 ( S.I. No. 365 of 1988 ), are hereby amended with effect from the commencement of the Regulations of 1993 by the substitution for Annex II (inserted by the Regulations of 1993) of the following Annex: |
1. Grading of pig carcases is carried out by means of the apparatus termed "Fat-O-Meater (FOM)". |
(1) OJ No. 146, 6-6-1987, P66. |
(2) OJ No. 20, 25-1-1989, P.33. |
(3) OJ No. 123, 19-5-1993, P34. |
2. The apparatus shall be equipped with a probe of 6 millimetres diameter containing a photodiode of the Siemens SFH 950/960 type and having an operating distance of between 5 and 105 millimetres. The results of the measurements shall be converted into estimated lean meat content by means of a computer. |
3. The lean meat content of the carcase shall be calculated according to the following formula: |
where |
x1 = the thickness of backfat (including rind) in millimetres, measured 6 centimetres off the midline of the split carcase between the third and fourth last ribs, |
x2 = x12, |
x3 = the thickness of muscle in millimetres, measured at the same time and in the same place as x1. |
This formula shall be valid for carcases weighing between 40 and 100 kilograms'. |
PART 2 |
1. Grading of pig carcases is carried out by means of the apparatus termed "Hennessy Grading Probe (HGP)". |
2. The apparatus shall be equipped with a probe of 5,95 millimetres diameter (and of 6,3 millimetres at the blade on top of the probe) containing a photodiode (Siemens LED of the type LYU 260-EO and photodetector of the type 58 MR) and having an operating distance of between 0 and 120 millimetres. The results of the measurements shall be transformed in terms of estimated lean meat content by means of the HGP 2 itself as well as a computer linked to it. |
3. The lean meat content of the carcase shall be calculated according to the following formula: |
where |
x1 = the thickness of backfat (including rind) in millimetres, measured 6 centimetres off the midline of the split carcase between the third and forth last ribs, |
x2 = x12, |
x3 = the thickness of muscle in millimetres, measured at the same time and in the same place as x1. |
This formula shall be valid for carcases weighing between 40 and 100 kilograms'. |
PART 3 |
1. Grading of pig carcases is carried out by means of the method termed "introscope/midline". |
2. The Introscope shall be equipped with a hexagonal shaped probe of a maximum width of 12 millimetres (and of 19 millimetres at the blade on top of the probe) containing a viewing window and light source, a sliding barrel calibrated in millimetres and having an operating distance of between 8 and 50 millimetres. |
3. The lean meat content of the carcase shall be calculated according to the following formula: |
where |
x1 = the thickness of back fat (including rind) in millimetres, measured 6 centimetres off the midline of the split carcase between the third and fourth last ribs, |
x2 = x12, |
x3 = the minimum thickness of backfat (including rind) in millimetres, measured on the midline of the split carcase covering the lumbar muscle (M. glutaeus medius). |
This formula shall be valid for carcases weighing between 40 and 100 kilograms.". |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, this 21st day of December, 1993. |
Minister for Agriculture, Food |
and Forestry. |
These Regulations replace Annex II of the Pig Carcase (Grading) Regulations 1988 by a new Annex II, putting in place a new set of formulae for calculating the lean meat percentage of pig carcases. |