S.I. No. 317/1993 -- European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) (Amendment) Regulations 1993.
S.I. No. 317/1993:
I, JOE WALSH, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by Section 3 of the European Communities Act, 1972 (No. 27 of 1972), and for the purpose of giving effect to Council Directive 86/363/EEC of 24 July, 1986(1), as amended by Council Directive 93/57/EEC of 29 June, 1993(2), hereby make the following Regulations:
1. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) (Amendment) Regulations, 1993.
(2) These Regulations shall come into operation on the 8th day of November 1993.
(3) The European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) Regulations 1988 and these Regulations may be cited as the European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) Regulations 1988 and 1993, and shall be construed together as one.
2. In the Regulations "the Principal Regulations" means the European Communities (Pesticide Residues) (Foodstuffs of Animal Origin) Regulations 1988 ( S.I. No. 217 of 1988 ).
3. The Principal Regulations are hereby amended by:
(1) the substitution of the text of Annex 1 by the following:
CN Code |
Description |
0201 |
Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled. |
0202 |
Meat of bovine animals, frozen. |
0203 |
Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen. |
0204 |
Meat of sheep or goats, fresh chilled or frozen. |
0205 00 00 |
Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen. |
0206 |
Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen, |
0207 |
Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading No. 0105 (fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and Guinea fowls), fresh chilled or frozen. |
ex 0208 |
Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen. |
0209 00 |
Pig fat free of lean meat and poultry fat (not rendered), fresh, chilled, frozen, salted in brine, diced or smoked. |
0210 |
Meat and edible meat offal, salted in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal. |
0401 |
Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. |
0402 |
Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. |
0405 00 |
Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk. |
0406 |
Cheese and curd. |
0407 00 |
Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked. |
0408 |
Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter. |
1601 00 |
Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products. |
1602 |
Other prepared or preserved meat offal or blood. |
(1) O.J. No. L 22¼3 7.8.86.
(2) O.J. No. L 211/1 23.8.93.
(2) The substitution of the text of Annex II by the following :
Maximum levels in mg/kg (ppm) |
Pesticide residues |
of fat, contained in meat, preparations of meat, offals and animal fats listed in Annex I under heading Nos ex 0201, 0202, 0203, 0204, 0205 00 00, 0206, 0207, ex 0208, 0209 00, 0210, 1601 00 and 1602, in accordance with footnotes(1) and (4) |
for cow's milk and whole cream cow's milk listed in Annex I under heading No 0401: for the other foodstuffs in heading Nos 0401, 0402, 0405 00 and 0406 in accordance with footnotes(2) and (4) |
of shelled fresh eggs, for birds' eggs and egg yolks listed in Annex I under heading Nos 0407 00 and 0408 in accordance with footnotes(3) and (4) |
1. Aldrin
} |
Singly or combined, expressed as dieldrin. (HEOD) |
0.2 |
0.006 |
0.02 |
2. Dieldrin
3. Chlordane (sum of cis- and transisomers and oxychlordane expressed as chlordane)
0.05 |
0.002 |
0.005 |
4. DDT(sum of p,p1-DDT,o,p1-DDT, p.p1-DDE and p,p1-TDE (DDD) expressed as DDT)
1 |
0.04 |
0.1 |
5. Endrin
0.05 |
0.0008 |
0.005 |
6. Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide expressed as heptachlor)
0.2 |
0.004 |
0.02 |
7. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
0.2 |
0.01 |
0.02 |
8. Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)
8.1. alpha-isomer
0.2 |
0.004 |
0.02 |
8.2. beta-isomer
0.1 |
0.003 |
0.01 |
8.3. gamma-isomer (lindane)
2 |
0.008 |
0.1 |
ex 0204 sheepmeat |
1 other products |
9. Chlorpyrifos
0.05* |
0.01* |
0.01* |
0207 Poultry meat |
10. Chlorpyrifos-methyl
0.05* |
0.01* |
0.01* |
11. Cypermethrin including other mixtures of
constituent isomers (sum of isomers)
0207 Poultry meat |
0.02 |
0.05* |
0.2 other products |
12. Deltamethrin
0.05 |
0.05* |
0207 Poultry meat |
13. Fenvalerate including other mixtures of
0207 Poultry meat(a)
constituent isomers (sum of isomers)
0.5 other products |
0.05 |
(a) |
14. Permethrin (sum of isomers)
0.5 |
0.05 |
0.05 |
* Indicates lower limit of analytical determination.
(1) In the case of foodstuffs with a fat content of 10 per cent or less by weight, the residue is related to the total weight of the boned foodstuff. In such cases, the maximum level is one-tenth of the value related to fat content, but must be no less than 0.01 mg/kg.
(2) In determining the residues in raw cow's milk and whole cream cow's milk, a fat content of 4 per cent by weight should be taken as a basis. For raw milk and whole cream milk of another animal origin the residues are expressed on the basis of the fat.
For the other foodstuffs listed in Annex 1 under heading Nos. 0401, 0402, 0405 00 and 0406:
--with a fat content of less than 2 per cent by weight, the maximum level is taken as half that set for raw milk and whole cream milk,
--with a fat content of 2 per cent or more by weight, the maximum level is expressed m mg/kg of fat. In such cases, the maximum level is 25 times that set for raw milk and whole cream milk.
(3) For eggs and egg products with a fat content higher than 10 per cent the maximum level is expressed in mg/kg fat. In this case the maximum level is 10 times higher than the maximum level for fresh eggs.
(4) Footnotes (1),(2) and (3) do not apply in cases where the lower limit of analytical determination is indicated.
( a ) Should levels not be adopted by 1 January 1998, the following maximum level shall apply: 0.05 *.
Maximum levels in mg/kg (ppm) |
Pesticide residues |
of meat, including fat, preparations of meat, offals and animal fats listed in Annex I under heading Nos. ex 0201, 0202, 0203, 0204, 0205 00 00, 0206, 0207, ex 0208, 0209 00, 0210, 1601 00 and 1602 |
for milk and milk products listed in Annex I under heading Nos. 0401, 0402, 0405 00 and 0406 |
of shelled fresh eggs, for birds' eggs and egg yolks listed in Annex I under heading Nos. 0407 00 and 0408 |
1. Acephate |
0.02* |
0.02* |
0.02* |
2. Benomyl |
} |
sum expressed as Carben-dazim |
0.1* |
0.1* |
0.1* |
3. Carbendazim |
4. Thiophonate methyl |
5. Chlorothalonil |
0.01* |
0.01* |
0.01* |
6. Glyphosate |
0.5 |
0.1* |
0.1* |
ex 0206 pig kidney |
2 |
ex 0206 cattle, goat and sheep kidney |
0.1* other products |
7. Imazalil |
0.02* |
0.02* |
0.02* |
8. Mancozeb |
} |
sum expressed as CS2 |
0.05* |
0.05* |
0.05* |
9. Maneb |
10. Metiram |
11. Propineb |
12. Zineb |
13. Methamidophos |
14. Iprodione |
15. Procymidone |
0.05* |
0.05* |
0.05* |
16. Vinclozolin |
* Indicates lower limit of analytical determination.
GIVEN under my Official Seal, this 5th day of November, 1993.
Minister for Agriculture, Food
and Forestry.
These Regulations, amend existing Regulations by (1) extending the range of products in Annex I and (2) setting maximum pesticide residue limits for a further 22 active substances in Annex II.