S.I. No. 344/1992 -- Returning Officers' Charges (12Th, 13Th and 14Th Amendments of the Constitution and General Election To Dáil Éireann) Regulations, 1992.
I, BERTIE AHERN, Minister for Finance, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 12 (5) of the Referendum Act, 1942 (No. 8 of 1942), (as extended by section 64 (4) of the Electoral Act 1963 (No. 19 of 1963)), and section 25 (5) of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), (as extended by section 23 (4) of the Electoral Act, 1963 (No. 19 of 1963) and by section 26 (2) of the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1986 (No. 35 of 1986)), hereby make the following Regulations: |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Returning Officers' Charges (12th, 13th and 14th Amendments of the constitution and General Election to Dáil Éireann) Regulations, 1992. |
2. In these Regulations-- |
"Dáil Election" means a General Election within the meaning of section 65 of the Electoral Act 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), as amended by section 9 (1) of the Electoral Act 1963 (No. 19 of 1963); |
"the Referendums" means, the referendums on the proposals for the amendment of the Constitution contained in the Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution Bills, 1992; |
"Dáil returning officer" means, a person who, pursuant to section 11 (1) of the Electoral Act 1963 (No. 19 of 1963), as amended by section 1 of the Electoral (Amendment) Act 1986 (No. 12 of 1986), is the returning officer for a Dáil Constituency; |
"local returning officer" means, a person who, pursuant to section 6 of the Referendum Act 1942 (No. 8 of 1942) is the referendum returning officer for the constituency. |
"accounts" means the accounts of a Dáil or local returning officer in respect of services and expenses which have been properly rendered or incurred by such officers for the purposes of or in connection with a referendum or general election; |
"electors" means-- |
( a ) in relation to the ascertainment of the maximum sum payable to a local returning officer, the number of persons registered in the register of Presidential electors for the constituency in which such officer is the local returning officer; |
( b ) in relation to the ascertainment of the maximum sum payable to a Dáil returning officer, the number of persons registered in the register of Dáil electors for the constituency in which such officer is the Dáil returning officer; |
"constituency" means any constituency named in the Schedule to the Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1990 (No. 36 of 1990). |
3. The scale of maximum charges for the purposes of-- |
( a ) section 25 of the Electoral Act 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) as extended by section 23 (4) of the Electoral Act 1963 (No. 19 of 1963) and by section 26 (2) of the Electoral Amendment (No. 2) Act, 1986 (No. 35 of 1986), and |
( b ) section 12 of the Referendum Act, 1942 (No. 8 of 1942), as extended by section 64 (4) of the Electoral Act, 1963 (No. 19 of 1963) and by section 26 (2) of the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1986 (No. 35 of 1986), |
shall, as respects the Referendums and Dáil Election, be the scale set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. |
4. The accounts shall be rendered to the Minister for Finance by being sent to the Accountant, Department of Finance, Accounts Branch, Setanta Centre, Nassau Street, Dublin 2, within a period of 26 weeks beginning on the 25th November 1992. |
The accounts shall be accompanied by a declaration made and subscribed by the returning officer rendering them and every such declaration shall be in the following form: |
"I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the accounts which are rendered by me in respect of the services and expenses rendered or incurred by me and accompany this declaration are correct. |
5. In the case of disbursements which have already been settled, vouchers and receipts shall be submitted with the accounts and, in the case of charges which have not been settled, the relevant bills or other documents shall be submitted with the accounts, |
6. The accounts shall classify and show the disbursements and other charges claimed, together with their totals, in the same manner as the charges allowable under these Regulations are classified in the scale of maximum charges set out in the Schedule to these Regulations. |
7. In rendering the accounts due regard shall be had to any directions issued by the Minister for Finance to local and Dáil returning officers with reference to the particulars and information to be furnished in support of claims for payments out of the Central Fund. |
8. Nothing in these Regulations shall be taken as authorising more than one charge in respect of a particular disbursement. |
9. The scale of maximum charges to be paid to local returning officers prescribed by the Referendum (Local Returning Officers' Charges) Regulations 1992 (S.I. 145 of 1992) shall not apply to any referendum held after June 1992. |
10. The scale of maximum charges to be paid to Dáil returning officers prescribed by the Returning Officers' and Local Returning Officers' Charges Order 1987 ( S.I. No. 132 of 1989 ) shall not apply to any Dáil Election held after 1989. |
General. |
1. References in this Scale to returning officers include, where appropriate, references to deputy and acting local returning officers and Deputy and acting Dáil returning officers. |
2. No payment shall be made for any of the services referred to in Parts II, III and IV of this Scale to more than one person in respect of the same constituency or portion of a constituency. |
Services of Dáil Returning Officers in contested elections. |
3. For conducting the election and generally performing all the duties which a returning officer is required by law to perform (other than duties in connection with the matters specifically provided for in the subsequent paragraphs of this Part): |
For every complete 100 electors or fraction thereof exceeding one-half: |
provided that where a person performs duties of a returning officer for more than one constituency, or for portions of more than one constituency, all the constituencies or portions of constituencies for which he performs those duties shall, for the purposes of the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, be deemed to be a single constituency. |
4. For receiving nominations, withdrawals, making returns to writs and related matters: |
5. For despatch and receipt of ballot papers of postal voters: |
6. For segregation of ballot papers and verification of ballot paper accounts: |
7. (1) For all duties appertaining to the counting of the votes in a constituency: |
(2) In the event of a re-examination and re-count under paragraph (1B) (inserted by section 39 of the Electoral Act, 1963 ) of Rule 10 of the Third schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 , there shall be paid in respect thereof such sums as may be authorised by the Minister for Finance based on (a) the time spent thereon and (b) remuneration for the original count. |
8. For all duties appertaining to Special Voters; |
Services of Dáil Returning Officers in uncontested elections. |
9. One-third of the appropriate fee mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Scale. |
10. The appropriate fee mentioned in paragraph 4 of this Scale. |
Services of Local Returning Officers (for the referendums). |
11. For performing all the duties which a local returning officer is required by law to perform in connection with the Referendums (other than the duties in connection with the matters specially provided for at paragraphs (12), (13), (14) and (15) below): |
For every complete 100 of the electors or fraction thereof exceeding one-half:-- |
provided that where a person performs duties of a local returning officer for more than one constituency, or for portions of more than one constituency, all the constituencies or portions of constituencies for which he performs those duties shall, for the purpose of the foregoing provision, be deemed to be a single constituency. |
12. For despatch and receipt of ballot papers of postal voters: |
13. For all duties appertaining to special voters: |
15. In the event of a re-examination and re-count of votes under Rule 26 of the First Schedule of the Referendum Act, 1942, there shall be paid in respect thereof such sums as may be authorised by the Minister for finance based on (a) the time spent thereon and (b) remuneration for the original count. |
(These fees cover any payments made to a deputy local returning officer for the discharge of any duties of a local returning officer which may be assigned to him.) |
Disbursements of Dáil Returning Officers in contested elections. |
16. Remuneration of persons engaged in the segregation of ballot papers and the verification of ballot paper accounts: |
17. Counting of Votes: |
(1) For every complete 100 electors or fraction thereof exceeding one-half: |
(2) The total sum payable, as ascertained in accordance with the foregoing sub paragraph, may be increased by one-twentieth in respect of each count (as defined in Rule 12 (9) of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 ) beyond seven, provided that: |
( a ) where, under Rule 7 (2) of that Schedule, the returning officer in one operation excludes two or more lowest candidates, those exclusions, although carried out separately, shall be regarded as one count only, and |
( b ) no operation shall be regarded as a count unless an actual transfer of papers-- |
(i) either is required to be made or would, but for Rule 6 (5) (a) of the said Third Schedule be required to be made, and |
(ii) is made. |
(3) The total sum ascertained in accordance with sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, with an additional sum of £60.00 for supervision and £30.00 for calculations and transfer work, shall be divided at the discretion of the returning officer between all competent persons appointed to assist him in counting the votes. |
(4) In the event of a re-examination and re-count under paragraph (IB) inserted by section 30 of the Electoral Act, 1963 ) of Rule 10 of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 , there shall be paid in respect thereof such sum as may be authorised by the Minister for Finance based on (a) the time spent thereon, and (b) remuneration for the original count. |
Disbursements of Dáil Returning Officers in uncontested elections. |
18. The Whole Election. |
Disbursements of Local Returning Officers. |
19. Counting of Votes in each referendum: |
(The total sum shall be divided at the discretion of the local returning officer between all competent persons appointed to assist him in counting the votes). |
Disbursements of Dáil and Local Returning Officers (General).0 |
20. Taking the Polls at the General Election and Referendums: |
(1) Each special presiding officer -- to cover all expenses, other than travelling expenses and subsistence allowances, authorised in this Scale: |
(3) Poll Clerks -- for all expenses, other than travelling expenses and subsistence allowances authorised in this Scale: |
(4) A local returning officer may appoint one emergency presiding officer in a constituency who may be paid a retaining fee of £25.30 to be increased to the full appropriate fee if he is necessarily employed as a presiding officer, and in the case of a constituency not situate in one county only, if it consists of parts situate in two counties, two emergency presiding officers may be so appointed and paid and if it consists of parts situate in three counties, three emergency officers may be so appointed and paid. |
21. Miscellaneous. |
( a ) (i) Clerical, legal and other assistance employed by the returning officer for the purposes of the Referendums and the General Election --excluding any services for which payment is otherwise authorised by this Scale - and for all expenses of the returning officer not otherwise authorised by this Scale: |
provided that where a person performs duties of a returning officer for more than one constituency, or for portions of more than one constituency, all the constituencies or portions of constituencies for which he performs those duties shall, for the purpose of this clause, be deemed to be a single constituency. |
(ii) In respect of assistance, referred to in clause (i) of this sub-paragraph, employed by the returning officer, £200.00 provided that where a returning officer acts for more than one constituency, the sum payable under this clause in respect of each constituency after the first shall not exceed £100.00. |
( c ) Remuneration of persons engaged in the despatch and receipt of ballot papers of postal and special voters for the Referendums and Dáil Election: |
GIVEN under my Official Seal, this 18th day of November, 1992. |
Minister for Finance. |
This Order sets out the scale of maximum charges for local returning officers in respect of a Referendum. |