S.I. No. 445/1985 -- Inland Post Amendment (No. 34) Scheme, 1985.
S.I. No. 445/1985: INLAND POST AMENDMENT (No. 34) SCHEME, 1985. |
AN POST, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 70 of the Postal and Telecommunications Services Act, 1983 (No. 24 of 1983) hereby makes the following Scheme: |
1. (1) This Scheme may be cited as the Inland Post Amendment (No. 34) Scheme, 1985. |
(2) This Scheme shall come into operation on the 1st day of July 1985. |
2. The Interpretation Act (No. 38 of 1937), applies to this Scheme. |
3. This Scheme shall be construed as one with the Inland Post Warrant 1939 ( S. R. & O. No. 202 of 1939 ), hereinafter referred to as "the Principal Warrant". |
4. In this Scheme, the expression "Freepost Postal Packet" means a letter, postcard or printed packet which |
(a) is addressed in the precise terms laid down by the Company and included in the address is the word "Freepost" |
(b) is addressed to a person who is the holder of a licence issued under Regulation 7 of this Scheme and who has made provision to the satisfaction of the Company for the payment of postage in accordance with the provisions of this scheme on Freepost postal packets received by him. |
5. The instruction "no stamp required" must be included in a Freepost address when it is published. |
6. The provisions of the Principal Warrant with reference to prepayment of postage shall not apply to:-- |
(a) Freepost Postal Packets |
(b) postage and fees payable on postal packets with respect to which the Company has entered into an arrangement with the addressees thereof for the grant of credit facilities and as respects a Freepost postal packet, the postage charged, if not prepaid, shall be the postage otherwise chargeable thereon and, in addition, a fee of one penny per item shall also be charged. |
7. (a) In this Scheme the expression "Annual Licence" shall mean a licence issued by An Post for a period of twelve months. There shall be charged and paid upon an annual licence an Annual Licence Fee of £25. |
(b) The issue of this licence shall not give rise to a contract, express or implied, between the licensee or holder of the licence and An Post. |
8. The provisions of this Scheme shall apply only to Freepost postal packets which are Inland Postal Packets and accordingly Regulation 4 of the Principal Warrant shall not apply. |
9. Freepost postal packets cannot be redirected after delivery to the address laid down by the Company and accordingly Regulation 26 of the Principal Warrant shall not apply. |
GIVEN under the Common Seal of AN POST this 25th day of November, |
1985. |
PRESENT when the Common Seal of AN POST was affixed hereto: |
An Post, |
General Post Office, |
Dublin 1. |
Witness. |
The purpose of this Scheme is to provide a service whereby a person who wishes to obtain a reply from a client or a member of the public without putting him to the expense of paying postage may include in his communication or advertisement a special agreed address. A reply bearing this address can then be posted in the ordinary way but without a stamp and the addressee will pay postage on all such replies that he receives. |