S.I. No. 336/1980 -- Statistics (Census of Building and Construction) Order, 1980.
I, SEÁN Ó MÓRDHA, Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach, in pursuance of the powers conferred on me by section 16 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 (No. 12 of 1926), and the Statistics Acts, 1926 and 1946 (Transfer of Ministerial Functions) Order, 1949 ( S.I. No. 142 of 1949 ), and the Statistics (Delegation of Powers and Duties) Order, 1980, hereby order as follows:-- |
1. This Order may be cited as the Statistics (Census of Building and Construction) Order, 1980. |
2. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937), applies to this Order. |
3. This Order applies to undertakings engaged in building and construction work, including highways, sewerage, drainage and other works of like nature. |
4. Statistics (in this Order referred to as "the statistics") relating to the undertakings to which this Order applies shall be collected in the year 1980 of the several matters set out in Part 1 of the Schedule hereto. |
5. The forms to be used in the collection of the statistics shall be the forms indicated in Part 11 of the Schedule hereto, a set of which, bearing the signature of the Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach, has been deposited in the Department of the Taoiseach. |
6. The person by whom returns are to be made and information is to be given, for the purpose of the statistics, in respect of any undertaking to which this Order applies, shall be the person by whom the undertaking is carried on, and on whom a sufficient requisition under section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 (No. 12 of 1926), is made. |
The subject matter of this Part relates (save where the context otherwise requires) to the year 1979. |
(A) For undertakings in respect of which a sufficient requisition under section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 , is made on the form specified in Part II of this Schedule at reference number 1. |
No. 1--Changes in Fixed Capital Assets during the Year. |
A--Increases in Fixed Capital Assets, distinguishing separately:-- |
( a ) Cost of plant, machinery and equipment (excluding vehicles) installed. |
( b ) Cost of vehicles purchased. |
( c ) Cost of new buildings. |
( d ) Cost of existing buildings. |
( e ) Cost of land. |
B--Decreases in Fixed Capital Assets during the year, distinguishing separately:-- |
( a ) Value of sales of plant, machinery and equipment. |
( b ) Value of sales of vehicles. |
( c ) Value of sales of buildings. |
( d ) Value of sales of land. |
No. 2--Stocks on Hands and Work in Progress. |
The value at the beginning and end of year of stocks and work in progress, distinguishing separately:-- |
( a ) Stocks of materials, components, fuel. |
( b ) Work in progress. |
( c ) Stocks of finished goods made by the undertaking ready for sale. |
( d ) Stocks of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
No. 3--Work Done and Goods Made during the Year. |
( a ) Value of work done as a principal contractor (including work done by subcontractors for the undertaking) distinguishing building and other construction work. |
( b ) Value of work done as a subcontractor. |
( c ) Value of goods made and sold during the year or added to stock at end of year. |
No. 4--Revenue from other Activities. |
( a ) Sales of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
( b ) All other receipts. |
No. 5--Materials Used during the Year. |
Cost of all materials used in the work for which particulars are required under No. 3 above. |
No. 6--Fuel, Electricity, etc. Used during the Year. |
Particulars of the cost of petroleum oils, gas, electricity and other fuels used. |
No. 7--Amounts Payable to Subcontractors. |
Value of work done in the year for the undertaking by other firms on contracts sublet to them in connection with the work for which particulars are required under No. 3 above, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Value of work done by persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis. |
( b ) Value of work done by other subcontractors. |
No. 8--Labour Costs and Persons Engaged. |
A--Total salaries and wages paid during the year distinguishing payments to:-- |
( a ) Managerial, technical, clerical and other office staff (including working directors). |
( b ) All other employees. |
B--Other labour costs--amount of charges or costs in the year for employer's contribution to superannuation fund; payments of pensions other than those paid out of the fund; employer's contributions to the purchase of Social Insurance Stamps and to the Pay-Related Social Security Scheme; lump sum redundancy payments made less rebates received; payments (less rebates) made under the Industrial Training Act 1967 ; insurance premiums paid on behalf of employees covering sickness or injury; other labour costs. |
C--Number of persons actually at work or on holidays with pay in the undertaking during the pay week or any part of the pay week ended 15 September, 1979, or nearest representative date, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Proprietors. |
( b ) Managerial and technical staff (including working directors). |
( c ) Clerical and other office staff. |
( d ) Wage-earners paid on a time basis, showing separately:-- |
(i) Foremen and supervisors. |
(ii) Skilled operatives. |
(iii) Apprentices. |
(iv) Unskilled and semi-skilled operatives. |
( e ) Persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis. |
No. 9--Particulars of Other Costs Incurred. |
( a ) Cost of repair and maintenance work, installation work, technical research and studies carried out for the undertaking. |
( b ) Cost of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
( c ) Hire of plant, machinery, scaffolding and other equipment. |
( d ) Rents paid on premises. |
( e ) Insurance premiums paid on plant and premises. |
( f ) Bank charges. |
( g ) Cost of other services received. |
No. 10--Taxes on Turnover and Indirect Taxes. |
( a ) Amount of Value Added Tax invoiced by the undertaking to its customers. |
( b ) Other consumption taxes payable by the undertaking. |
( c ) Amount of other indirect taxes paid or payable by the undertaking. |
No. 11--Taxes on Inputs. |
( a ) Amount of Value Added Tax deductible by the undertaking on purchases of materials, fuels, etc. |
( b ) Amount of Value Added Tax deductible by the undertaking on purchases of fixed capital assets. |
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(B) For undertakings in respect of which a sufficient requisition under section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 , is made on the form specified in Part II of this Schedule at reference number 2. |
No. 1--Changes in Fixed Capital Assets during the Year. |
A--Increases in Fixed capital Assets, distinguishing separately:-- |
( a ) Cost of plant, machinery and equipment (excluding vehicles) installed. |
( b ) Cost of vehicles purchased. |
( c ) Cost of new buildings. |
( d ) Cost of existing buildings. |
( e ) Cost of land. |
B--Decreases in Fixed Capital Assets during the year, distinguishing separately;- |
( a ) Value of sales of plant, machinery and equipment. |
( b ) Value of sales of vehicles. |
( c ) Value of sales of buildings |
( d ) Value of sales of land. |
No. 2--Stocks on Hands and Work in Progress. |
The value at the beginning and end of year of stocks and work in progress, distinguishing separately:-- |
( a ) Stocks of materials, components, fuel. |
( b ) Work in progress. |
( c ) Stocks of finished goods made by the undertaking ready for sale. |
( d ) Stocks of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
No. 3--Work Done and Goods Made during the Year. |
( a ) Value of work done as a principal contractor (including work done by subcontractors for the undertaking) distinguishing building and other construction work. |
( b ) Value of work done as a subcontractor. |
( c ) Value of goods made and sold during the year or added to stock at end of year. |
No. 4--Revenue from Other Activities. |
( a ) Sales of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
( b ) All other receipts. |
No. 5--Materials Used during the Year. |
Cost of all materials used in the work for which particulars are required under No. 3 above. |
No. 6--Fuel, Electricity, etc. Used during the Year. |
Particulars of the cost of petroleum oils, gas, electricity and other fuels used. |
No. 7--Amounts Payable to Subcontractors. |
Value of work done in the year for the undertaking by other firms on contracts sublet to them in connection with the work for which particulars are required under No. 3 above, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Value of work done by persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis |
( b ) Value of work done by other subcontractors. |
No. 8--Labour Costs and Persons Engaged. |
A--Total salaries and wages paid during the year distinguishing payments to:-- |
( a ) Managerial, technical, clerical and other office staff (including working directors). |
( b ) All other employees. |
B--Other labour costs--amount of charges or costs in the year for employer's contribution to superannuation fund; payments of pensions other than those paid out of the fund; employer's contributions to the purchase of Social Insurance Stamps and to the Pay-Related Social Security Scheme; lump sum redundancy payments made less rebates received; payments (less rebates) made under the Industrial Training Act 1967 ; insurance premiums paid on behalf of employees covering sickness or injury; other labour costs. |
C--Number of persons actually at work or on holidays with pay in the undertaking during the pay week or any part of the pay week ended 15 September, 1979, or nearest representative date, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Proprietors. |
( b ) Managerial and technical staff (including working directors). |
( c ) Clerical and other office staff. |
( d ) Wage-earners paid on a time basis, showing separately:-- |
(i) Foremen and supervisors. |
(ii) Skilled operatives. |
(iii) Apprentices. |
(iv) Unskilled and semi-skilled operatives. |
( e ) Persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis. |
No. 9--Particulars of other Costs Incurred. |
( a ) Cost of repair and maintenance work, installation work, technical research and studies carried out for the undertaking. |
( b ) Cost of goods purchased for re-sale without further processing. |
( c ) Hire of plant, machinery, scaffolding and other equipment. |
( d ) Rents paid on premises. |
( e ) Insurance premiums paid on plant and premises. |
( f ) Bank charges. |
( g ) Cost of other services received. |
(C) For undertakings in respect of which a sufficient requisition under section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 , is made on the form specified in Part II of this Schedule at reference number 3. |
No. 1--Work Done during the Year. |
Amounts received for work done as a principal contractor (including work done by subcontractors for the undertaking), distinguishing:-- |
( a ) New construction, reconstruction and improvement of dwellings. |
( b ) Other new construction work (including improvements and reconstruction). |
( c ) Repair and maintenance work. |
No. 2--Work Done as a Subcontractor. |
Amounts received for work done as a subcontractor. |
No. 3--Materials and Fuels Used during the Year. |
Cost of all materials and fuels used in the work for which particulars are required under No. 1 above. |
No. 4--Payments to Subcontractors. |
Payments made to subcontractors. |
No. 5--Wages and Salaries. |
Total amount of wages and salaries paid in the year, distinguishing payments to persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis and to all other employees. |
No. 6--Persons Engaged. |
Number of persons actually at work or on holidays with pay in the undertaking in the pay week ended 15 September, 1979, or nearest normal pay week, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Proprietors. |
( b ) Managerial, technical and clerical staff. |
( c ) Persons working on a labour-only subcontract basis. |
( d ) All other employees. |
No. 7--Kind of Work Performed. |
A specification of the kind of work performed is required. |
(D) For undertakings in respect of which a sufficient requisition under section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 , is made on the form specified in Part II of this Schedule at reference number 4. |
No. 1--Work Done during the Year. |
( a ) Amounts received for work done as a subcontractor. |
( b ) Amounts received for all other work done. |
No. 2--Persons Engaged. |
Number of persons engaged in the undertaking in the week ended 15th September, 1979, distinguishing:-- |
( a ) Proprietors. |
( b ) Employees. |
No. 3--Kind of Work Performed. |
A specification of the kind of work performed is required. |
Forms to be used in the collection of the statistics. |
GIVEN under my hand this 9th day of October, 1980. |
Aire Stáit. |
The purpose of this instrument is to enable a statutory Census of Building and Construction to be taken relating to the year 1979, to define its scope and to require that returns be furnished to the Central Statistics Office covering all undertakings in respect of which the prescribed forms have been issued. |