Ref. No. |
Description of Charge |
Rate |
1. |
Tonnage Rates on vessels other than vessels described at paragraphs Nos. 2 and 3 below: |
(a) On every ton of the net register tonnage or of half the gross tonnage, whichever is the greater, of every vessel (except as hereinafter provided) entering or leaving the harbour .. .. .. .. ..
(b) On every ton of the net register tonnage or of half the gross tonnage, whichever is the greater, of every vessel entering the harbour and not shipping, unshipping or transhipping any cargo or passengers other than provisions or fuel to be used for the purpose of the voyage, for each time of entry a sum not exceeding .. .. .. .. .. ..
(c) On every ton of the net register tonnage or of half the gross tonnage, whichever is the greater, of every vessel lying alongside any pier or wharf or moored in the vicinity thereof or lying in any dock, other than a graving dock, for each week after the expiration of a period of twenty-eight days, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. .. .. ..
(d) On every ton of the net register tonnage or of half the gross tonnage, whichever is the greater, of every vessel not subject to charges at 1 (c) lying in the harbour, for each week after the expiration of thirty days, a sum not exceeding .. .. ..
2. |
Tonnage Rates on yachts and pleasure boats: |
(a) On all pleasure boats, yachts, sailing boats, motor boats, rowing boats and vessels using the harbour and not paying the composition rate in paragraph 2 (b) below for each entry into the harbour for any purpose:--
(i) if under 20 tons gross, a sum of .. ..
£1 |
(ii) if 20 tons gross or over but under 80 tons gross, a sum of .. .. .. .. ..
£3 |
(iii) if 80 tons gross or over, a sum of .. ..
£5 |
(b) On all pleasure boats, yachts, sailing boats, motor boats, rowing boats and vessels using the harbour as a composition in full of tonnage rates payable yearly in advance on 1st January or on entry to the harbour, a sum not exceeding:--
(i) if under 1 ton gross, a sum of .. .. ..
£3 |
(ii) if 1 ton gross or over but under 5 tons a sum of
£4·50 |
(iii) if 5 tons gross or over but under 20 tons gross a sum of .. .. .. .. .. ..
£7·50 |
(iv) if 20 tons gross or over, a sum of .. ..
£10 |
(c) On all pleasure boats, yachts, sailing boats, motor boats, rowing boats and vessels using the harbour and not paying the composition rates at paragraph 2 (b) above, and remaining in the harbour after the expiration of 7 days, a sum not exceeding the rates specified at paragraph 2 (b) above .. .. ..
3. |
Tonnage Rates on fishing vessels registered as such and actively engaged in commercial fishing: |
(a) (i) On every fishing vessel of under 10 tons gross not paying the rate mentioned at either paragraphs (b) (i) or (b) (ii) below for each entry into the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. ..
(ii) On every fishing vessel of 10 tons gross or over but under 60 tons gross not paying the rate mentioned at paragraph (b) (iii) below for each entry into the harbour, a sum not exceeding
(iii) On every fishing vessel of 60 tons gross and over not paying the rate mentioned in paragraph (b) (iv) below for each entry into the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. ..
(b) (i) On every undecked fishing vessel under 10 tons gross belonging to or entering and using the harbour for any purpose as a composition in full of tonnage rates payable yearly in advance, on 1st January or on entry into the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. ..
(ii) On every decked fishing vessel under 10 tons gross belonging to or entering and using the harbour for any purpose as a composition in full of tonnage rates payable yearly in advance on 1st January or on entry to the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. ..
(iii) On every fishing vessel of 10 tons gross and over but under 60 tons gross belonging to or entering and using the harbour for any purpose as a composition in full of tonnage rates payable yearly in advance on 1st January or on entry to the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. .. ..
(iv) On every fishing vessel of 60 tons gross and over belonging to or entering and using the harbour for any purpose as a composition in full of tonnage rates payable yearly in advance on 1st January or on entry to the harbour, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. .. .. ..
(c) On every fishing vessel of under 80 tons gross not paying the rates mentioned at paragraph 3 (b) above lying in the harbour for a period in excess of 28 days, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. ..
(d) On every vessel engaged in salmon fishing as a composite rate payable yearly in advance on 1st May, a sum not exceeding .. .. .. .. ..