S.I. No. 133/1965 -- Greyhound Race Track (Racing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965.
Bord na gCon, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 25 of the Greyhound Industry Act, 1958 (No. 12 of 1958), and also by subsection (3) of Section 5 of the said Act, hereby makes the following regulations, that is to say :-- |
1. These regulations may be cited as the Greyhound Race Track (Racing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965, and incorporate amendments to the Greyhound Race Track (Racing) Regulations, 1960 (No. 64 of 1960), and to subsequent amendments to those regulations. |
2. The Greyhound Race Track (Racing) Regulations, 1960 (No. 64 of 1960), are hereby amended as follows :-- |
(a) By the deletion of sub-article (4) of Article 6 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms:-- |
A clearance trial shall not be run within 7 days of the date on which a greyhound was suspended for fighting. A greyhound shall not run two clearance trials on the same day. |
(b) By the deletion of sub-article (4) of Article 8 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms :-- |
If the judge calls for a photo-finish and, for any reason, a photo-finish print cannot be obtained or is indecipherable, the result of the race shall be decided by the judge and his decision shall be final and the following announcement will be made over the loudspeakers :-- |
"Due to technical reasons, the result cannot be ascertained by photo-finish print. The judge's decision is . . . " |
(c) By the addition of a further sub-article to Article 8 in the following terms :-- |
(5) The judge's decision in relation to the result of a race shall be final. |
(d) By the deletion of sub-article (1) of Article 12 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms :-- |
(1) The control steward shall check the markings of each greyhound before each trial and race and, having identified the greyhound, shall append his signature in full to the identity card. |
(e) By the deletion of sub-article (1) of the Article 20 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms :-- |
(1) No person other than the racing manager, control steward, veterinary surgeon or other official having the care of the greyhounds engaged in races shall be admitted to the kennels or kennel enclosure during racing without the prior permission of the control steward and any person refusing to leave such kennels or enclosure shall be reported to the stewards of the meeting. |
(f) By the deletion of sub-article (4) of Article 20 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms :-- |
(4) No owner or trainer may parade his greyhound except with the permission or at the request of the control steward. |
(g) By the deletion of sub-article (14) of Article 20 and the substitution therefor of a sub-article in the following terms :-- |
(14) A reserve greyhound may take the place of a greyhound not declared at time of kennelling (viz. half an hour before the start of racing). The owner of a reserve greyhound shall be informed that his greyhound has been selected as a reserve. |
(h) By the deletion of sub-article (5) of Article 21. |
(i) By the addition of a paragraph to sub-article (2) of Article 22 in the following terms :-- |
A weight variation trial shall be regarded as a qualifying trial provided the greyhound records the qualifying time for the distance over which it runs. |
(j) By the addition of a further sub-article to Article 22 in the following terms :-- |
(4) Every owner who enters a greyhound for a race must be a paid up member of a coursing club affiliated to the Irish Coursing Club. |
(k) By the addition of a further sub-article to Article 23 in the following terms :-- |
(4) Performances on the flat shall not be taken into account for hurdle races and vice versa. |
3. The Greyhound Track (Racing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1963 (No. 111 of 1963), are hereby amended by the addition of a paragraph in the following terms :-- |
The racing manager shall verify the correctness of every new entry in an identity card by appending his signature in full. |
4. These regulations shall come into operation on the 9th day of July, 1965. |
GIVEN under the Seal of Bord na gCon, this 22nd day of June, 1965. |
Chairman of the Board. |
An officer authorised by the Board to authenticate the seal of the Board. |
The effect of these regulations is to amend the Greyhound Race Track (Racing) Regulations, 1960, and the Greyhound Track (Racing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1963, regarding the control of greyhound racing. |