S.I. No. 313/1952 -- Housing (Private Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities) Regulations, 1952
The Minister for Local Government in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 7 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 , (No. 16 of 1952), and in exercise of all other powers enabling him in this behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations :-- |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Housing (Private Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities) Regulations, 1952. |
2. In these Regulations-- |
"the Minister" means the Minister for Local Government ; |
"sanitary authority" has the same meaning as in the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Acts, 1878 to 1948 ; |
"the Act" means the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 , (No. 16 of 1952) ; |
"appointed officer" means an officer appointed by the Minister for the purposes of the Act. |
3. Any doubt, dispute or question which may arise as to the interpretation of these Regulations or as to the making or the amount of a grant in respect of the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities shall be determined by the Minister and such determination shall be final. |
4. These Regulations shall apply to the provision and installation in dwelling-houses of private water supplies and sewerage facilities in respect of which grants are sought from the Minister under Section 7 of the Act. |
5.-- (1) The conditions set out in Schedule I to these Regulations shall be complied with in relation to a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply. |
(2) Any of the said conditions may be dispensed with by the Minister in any particular case where he is satisfied that circumstances exist which render rigid adherence to the conditions undesirable. |
(3) In any case where the said conditions are not fully complied with, the Minister may reduce the amount of the grant to such amount as he thinks fit. |
(4) The said conditions are in addition to and not in substitution for the provisions of any relevant bye-laws for the time being in force of the sanitary authority in whose functional area the dwelling-house is situate. |
6. The date when the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply is begun shall be deemed to be the date when construction work is commenced notwithstanding any excavation, site clearance, cartage of materials or preliminary investigation of source of water supply carried out prior to that date. |
7. The procedure set out in Schedule II to these Regulations shall be complied with by the person proposing to provide and instal or providing and installing a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply and by the appointed officer. |
8. The forms set out in Schedule III to these Regulations or forms to the like effect varied as circumstances may require shall be prescribed forms and shall be used for the purpose for which they are respectively expressed to be applicable in relation to the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply. |
9. Materials and appliances manufactured or produced in Ireland shall be used as far as possible in the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply and where the Minister is satisfied that this requirement has not been complied with without reasonable cause he may refuse the grant or reduce the amount of the grant to such amount as he thinks fit |
10. No grant shall be payable in respect of the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities to which these Regulations apply, notwithstanding the issue of a certificate of the appointed officer required by these Regulations that any of the provisions of the Act or these Regulations have been complied with, unless the Minister is satisfied as to the accuracy of such certificate. |
11. Any person aggrieved by the neglect or refusal of an appointed officer to give a certificate required by these Regulations may appeal to the Minister and on such appeal the Minister may as he shall think proper give or refuse such certificate and the decision of the Minister on such appeal shall be final. |
GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Local Government this Sixteenth day of October One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Two. |
Minister for Local Government. |
The Minister for Finance hereby consents to the foregoing Regulations. |
Minister for Finance. |
1. The provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities shall include the provision and installation of a sink in the dwelling-house and the provision and installation of a water closet. |
2. A water closet shall not communicate directly with any living room or kitchen and shall be ventilated from the outside. |
3. The water pipes and house drains shall be provided to the line and description shown on approved documents. |
4. The source of the water supply shall be adequately protected against contamination and pipes shall be laid with a minimum cover of 2 feet. |
5. Where a septic tank is provided it shall be situated if possible on the lowest part of the site and on the down-wind side of the house and shall be not less than 60 feet distant from any dwelling-house or public roadway. The tank shall be watertight and the walls shall be constructed of concrete and of not less than 9 inches thickness. The minimum dimensions shall be 6 feet by 2 feet with an average liquid depth of 4 feet. The tank shall be provided with inlet and outlet T. pieces. The floor of the tank shall slope towards the inlet end. The tank shall be covered with concrete slabs which shall be so arranged as to give ample ventilation and to permit of easy removal for cleansing purposes. The effluent from the septic tank shall be discharged through unjointed pipes laid in the adjacent subsoil, if suitable for percolation, or otherwise disposed of by shallow sub-surface irrigation. The drain from the house to the septic tank shall be at least 4 inches in diameter laid with a minimum cover of 2 feet and at a gradient of approximately ¼8 and shall include a manhole for cleansing purposes. Satisfactory arrangements for disposing of the effluent from the septic tank shall be made including provision to ensure that there is no risk of contaminating a water supply. |
1. A person proposing to provide and instal or providing and installing a private water supply and sewerage facilities in a dwelling-house shall submit the following documents to the Minister:-- |
(i) A description of the provision and installation of the private water supply and sewerage facilities, including detailed particulars of the proposed source of the water supply, together with sketch plans showing the line of the house drains and any structural work including any structural alterations or additions to the dwelling-house. |
(ii) A description of how the provision and installation are to be carried out. |
(iii) A detailed statement of the estimated cost, showing separately the estimated cost of -- |
(a) the provision and installation of the private water supply and sewerage facilities and |
(b) any structural alterations or additions to the dwelling-house. |
(iv) A certificate from the sanitary authority certifying that no public piped water supply or sewerage scheme has been provided or is being provided in the area in which the dwelling-house is situate and that the sanitary authority has no objection to the proposals for the provision and installation of a private water supply and sewerage facilities in the said dwelling-house. |
2. On receipt of the documents the Minister shall cause them to be examined by the appointed officer. The appointed officer may require a person proposing to provide and instal or providing and installing a water supply and sewerage facilities to supply him with such further information and documents as may be necessary to enable him to examine the proposal. If a certificate in the form P.C.A. prescribed in these Regulations can be given, the said certificate P.C.A. shall be completed by the appointed officer and forwarded to the Minister. |
3. On receipt of the certificate in the form P.C.A. the Minister will notify the applicant, the appointed officer and the housing authority of the amount of the grant provisionally allocated. |
4. When the work has been completed, the person providing and installing the private water supply and sewerage facilities shall forward a written application in form P.A.G. prescribed by these Regulations to the Minister for the grant. |
5. On receipt of such application in form P.A.G. the Minister shall cause the work to be examined by the appointed officer and if after such examination, a certificate in the form P.C.B. prescribed by these Regulations can be given the said certificate shall be completed by the appointed officer and forwarded to the Minister. |
6. On receipt of the certificate in the form P.C.B. the Minister may, if satisfied that the requirements of the Acts and of these Regulations have been complied with in respect of the provision and installation of the private water supply and sewerage facilities, make a grant in respect of the work to the person entitled thereto, and shall notify the appointed officer and the housing authority that such grant has been made. |
Form P.C.A. Certificate of appointed officer approving of proposal. |
Form P.C.B. Certificate of appointed officer of satisfactory completion. |
Form P.A.G. Application to Minister for grant. |
Form P.C.A. Serial No. P.C.A. |
Certificate of Approval of a Proposal to Provide and Instal a Private Water Supply and sewerage Facilities and Notification of Provisional Allocation of Grant. |
This certificate will become invalid if the work is not begun within six months from the date thereof and if it is then desired to proceed with the application, the certificate must be sent to the Minister for Local Government for renewal, together with details of the reasons for the delay in commencement. When the work has been completed the form of application printed on the back of this certificate should be completed by the person providing and installing a private water supply and sewerage facilities and forwarded to the Minister for Local Government. |
Name of Applicant : |
Address : |
This is to certify that I..............................being an appointed officer for the purpose have approved the documents and method of construction proposed in respect of the work of providing and installing the private water supply and sewerage facilities described below. The work did not commence before the 29th April, 1952. The planning and methods of construction comply with the conditions prescribed by the Housing (Private Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities) Regulations, 1952. The house is situate within the*............................................................ ...........................of............................................................ ............. |
Subject to the conditions set out below, the work referred to above appears to me to be eligible for a grant under Section 7 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 . |
*Specify here the County, County Borough, Borough or Urban District |
Given under my hand, this day of 195 |
Signed......................................................... |
Appointed Officer. |
(a) The work to which this certificate relates must be completed in accordance with the approved documents on or before the date shown in column 5 of the Schedule to this certificate. |
(b) Any such work when completed must be certified by the appointed officer to have been completed in a proper and workmanlike manner. |
(c) Notwithstanding the issue of this certificate by the appointed officer, payment of a grant will not be made until the Minister has satisfied himself as to the accuracy of the certificate. |
(d) The works shall be open to inspection by the appointed officer or any other duly authorised officer of the Minister at any reasonable time before the grant is paid. |
(e) Materials and appliances manufactured or produced in Ireland must be used as far as possible in the provision and installation of the water supply and sewerage facilities and shall conform with the current standard quality for the particular work. |
( f ) The issue of this certificate and the making of a grant by the Minister carry no guarantee as to the adequacy or suitability of the water supply or the efficiency in operation of the sewage disposal works and involve no responsibility on the part of the appointed officer or the Minister as to the validity or otherwise of agreements entered into by the applicant in connection with way leaves, water rights and other similar matters. |
(g) A grant for the provision and installation of water supply and sewerage facilities will not be paid by the Minister if a grant in respect of the water supply has been paid by the Minister for Agriculture. |
Form P.C.B. Serial No. P.C.B. |
Certificate of satisfactory Completion of Works of Providing and Installing a Private Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities. |
To the Minister for Local Government. |
Name of Applicant............................................................ ............................................................ ................................... |
Address............................................................ ............................................................ ..................................................... |
This is to certify that the works set out in the Schedule below and comprised in Certificate P.C.A. numbered ................... was inspected by me on the ................. 195..... and the work was completed in a proper and workmanlike manner. |
Given under my hand this day of 195 |
Signed............................................................ ..... |
Appointed Officer |
(For use in department only.) |
The requirements of the Housing (Private Water Supply and Sewerage Facilities) Regulations 1952 and of Section 7 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 , have been complied with in regard to the completion of the works referred to in the above Certificate and a grant amounting to pouncs (£ ) is properly payable in respect thereof. |
............................................................ ..................... |
Housing Section |
Form P.A.G. |
To the Minister for Local Government. |
I being the person to whom attached certificate and notification of provisional allocation of grant (P.C.A.) was issued hereby make application for payment of a sum of being grant claimed by me under Section 7 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 , in respect of the works referred to in the said certificate and notification P.C.A. The work was completed by me on the day of 195 . I have never previously obtained a grant under Section 7 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1952 , in respect of the provision and installation of the private water supply and sewerage facilities to which this application relates nor have I obtained a grant from the Minister for Agriculture in respect of the said water supply. |
I acknowledge that the issue of a certificate of approval of the works and the making of any grant by the Minister does not imply the acceptance by the appointed officer or the Minister of any responsibility as regards the adequacy or suitability of the water supply or efficiency of the sewage disposal works or the validity or otherwise of any agreements entered into in connection with way leaves, water rights and other similar matters. |
Signed............................................................ . |
Address........................................................... |
.......................................................... |
........................................................... |
Date............................................................ ..... |