S.I. No. 179/1943 -- Statistics (Agricultural Returns) Order, 1943.
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No. 179/1943:
of THE
| | The Minister for Industry and Commerce in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sub-section (1) of
Section 16
of the
Statistics Act, 1926
(No. 12 of 1926), and of every and any other power him in this behalf enabling, hereby orders as follows :—
| | 1. This Order may be cited as the Statistics (Agricultural Returns) Order, 1943.
| | 2. In this Order
| | the expression " agricultural land " includes forest land, bog land, land used as grazing, meadow or pasture land, or orchard, and land used wholly or mainly for the purpose of the trade or business of a market gardener, nurseryman or horticulturist or for the purpose of breeding or keeping poultry.
| | the expression " occupier " includes any person who, by virtue of any contract, or by virtue of any agreement whether expressed or implied is, at the date on which the information is required, entitled to use, for his own benefit, any land as agricultural land ;
| | the expression " officer of statistics " means a member of the Gárda Síochána who is an officer of statistics under the Statistics Act.
| | 3. The
Interpretation Act, 1937
(No. 38 of 1937), applies to this Order.
| | 4. Statistics (in this Order referred to as the statistics) in relation to agricultural land shall be collected in the year 1943 of the several matters set out in the columns at the head of Forms A and B in the Schedule hereto.
| | 5. The statistics shall be collected by officers of statistics.
| | 6. The Forms A and B in the Schedule hereto shall be used for the collection of the statistics.
| | 7. The person by whom any information is to be given in relation to any agricultural land for the purpose of the statistics to be collected under this Order shall be the occupier of such agricultural land or, if such land is managed by another person, that other person.
| | GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Industry and Commerce this 25th day of May, 1943.
| | R. C. FERGUSON, Secretary.
| | Department of Industry and Commerce.
| | FORM A
| | Class of Farm, above _____________ and not exceeding __________ Statute Acres.
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| | NAME OF LANDHOLDER Townland in which Farm House is situated Name of Person from whom information respecting Tillage, Live Stock, etc., was obtained Date on which information was collected Total Valuation of Land and Buildings (to nearest Shillings) Total Area of Holding in Statute Acres CORN CROPS WHEAT Sown before 17th March Sown on or after 17 March OATS White Black Barley Rye to be cut for Grain Beans and Peas TOTAL (a) Potatoes Turnips Mangels Sugar Beet Cabbage Grass for making into Ensilage Other Root and Green Crops * TOTAL (b) Flax (c) Fruit (d) Area Ploughed and Fruit Total of Cols. (a), (b), (c) and (d) E HAY 1st Year's Hay * (f) 2nd, 3rd and 4th Year's Hay † (g) Permanent Meadow 5 years old and over ‡ (h) PASTURE Rotation under 5 years old (i) Permanent 5 years old and over (j) Crops and Pasture total of Cols. (E) to (j) K Woods and Plantations (see footnote11) (l) Remainder of Farm and other Non-Agricultural Land (see footnote ¶) (m) Total Area Total of Cols. K to (m) N **MALES 14 TO 18 YEARS Members of Family Other Males Permanent Temporary **MALES 18 YEARS AND OVER Member of Family Other Males Permanent Temporary Total of Number of Males Onions (nearest ¼ rood. See footnote ***) Roods Total number of Persons who had a meal or meals on the farm yesterday § No. Turf drawn from the bog for home consumption or sale in the year 1942. Tons. Number of Hen Eggs laid on Farm Yesterday No. Animals Slaughtered on farm, for consumption as food (excluding those disposed of to victuallers) during the past 12 months. CATTLE Calves under 2 mths. No. Other Cattle Sheep and Lambs Pigs. Total of above class of Farm. (to be carried forward, if necessary) *Including the area under Tabacco. * Grass laid down in 1942 which it is intended to cut for Hay in 1943. † Grass laid down in 1941, 1940 and 1939 which it is intended to cut for Hay in 1943. ‡ Grass laid down in 1938 and previous years which it is intended to cut for Hay in 1943.11 Excluding shelter belts and hedgerow timber. ¶ In this column should be included rough grazed and barren Mountain, Turf Bog, Marsh, Water, Roads, Town and Building Ground, etc. ** Do not enter any person unless his principal occupation is agricultural and on the holding opposite which entered. (See Instruction 17). *** This area will have been already included under "Other Root and Green Crops." § Should include all persons, Adults and Children, Farm Servants and Labourers, who had a meal or meals on the farm yesterday. |
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| | FORM B
| | Class of Farm, above _______________and not exceeding___________Statute Acres.
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| | NAME OF STOCKHOLDER (See note at foot)* Total Area of Heading in Statute Acres HORSES AND PONIES OTHER HORSES AND PONIES Stallions 2 Years Old and Over † BROKEN HORSES AND PONIES USED FOR Agricultural Purposes Traffic and Manufactures Amusement or Recreation UNBROKEN HORSES AND PONIES One Year Old and Upwards Under One Year including Foals Total Number of Horses and Ponies Brood Mares in Foal or with Foal at Foot (Included also in foregoing columns) Mules and Jennets Asses Goats and Kids CATTLE Bulls Milch Cows Heifers in Calf ‡ OTHER CATTLE Three Years Old and upwards Two Years Old and under three Years One Year Old and under two Years Under One Year including Calves Total Number of Cattle Total Quantity of Milk obtained from Cows Yesterday Quarts SHEEP SHEEP KEPT FOR BREEDING PURPOSES Rams Ewes OTHER SHEEP One Year Old and upwards Under One Year including Lambs Total Number of Sheep PIGS PIGS KEPT FOR BREEDING PURPOSES Boars over Five Months Old * Sows † Six Months Old and upwards Three Months Old and under six Months Total Number of Pigs Sows in Young (Including also in foregoing columns) § TURKEYS Hatched before 1943 Hatched in 1943 GEESE DUCKS ORDINARY FOWL Total Number of Poultry SALES OFF FARMS (NOT TO INCLUDE SALES TO OTHER LANDHOLDERS) DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS ‡ Turkeys No. Geese Ducks Ordinary Fowl Hen Eggs Duck Eggs Tomatoes Farmers' Butter Potatoes Turf (nearest quarter Ton) Dozen lb. Cwt. Tons Total of above class of Farm (To be carried forward, if necessary.) * The holdings should be arranged in exactly the same order as they appear in Form A. † See Instruction No. 25. The Enumerator is to enter all Grazing Stock as if belonging to the Owner of that particular farm on which it is grazing. ‡ Enter only those Cattle which are known to be in Calf for the first time * All Boars over 5 months old are to be returned in this column. † Enter Sows which have had at least one litter and also those which have been served, but have not yet farrowed. § Enter Sows of any age which have been served and are believed to be in young at date of Enumerator's visit. ‡ Where no Sales have taken place a dash (-) must be inserted. In no circumstances should the space be left blank. |
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