S.I. No. 190/1933 -- Dail Eireann External Loans (Form and Manner of Application) (No. 2) Regulations, 1933.
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No. 190/1933:
| | WHEREAS the Minister for Finance is empowered by Section 4 of the Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933 (No. 19 of 1933), to prescribe by regulations made by him under that section the form and the manner of making applications under that section for redemption of amounts of the Dáil Eireann External Loans:
| | AND WHEREAS in exercise of the powers so conferred the Minister for Finance made the Dáil Eireann Loans (Form and Manner of Application) Regulations, 1933:
| | NOW, THEREFORE, the Minister for Finance in exercise of the power conferred on him by Section 4 of the Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933 (No. 19 of 1933), and of every and any other power him in this behalf enabling doth hereby make the following regulations, that is to say:—
| | 1. These regulations may be cited for all purposes as the Dáil Eireann External Loans (Form and Manner of Application) (No. 2) Regulations, 1933.
| | 2. The
Interpretation Act, 1923
(No. 46 of 1923), applies to the interpretation of these Regulations in like manner as it applies to the interpretation of an Act of the Oireachtas.
| | 3. In these Regulations the expression "the Act" means the Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933 (No. 19 of 1933).
| | 4. The Dáil Eireann External Loans (Form and Manner of Application) Regulations, 1933, are hereby revoked.
| | 5. Every application under Section 4 of the Act for redemption of an amount of the External Loans or Loan shall be made in whichever of the forms set out in the Schedules to these Regulations is applicable and appropriate to the application, or in a form to the same effect, and the directions and instructions contained in or appended to such form shall be complied with as nearly as may be.
| | 6. In addition to such documents and other evidence of title as are called for by the forms set out in the Schedules hereto, all such documents and other evidence as may be called for by the Minister for Finance in relation to an application under Section 4 of the Act shall be furnished to the Minister on application.
| | Given under my Seal of Office, this 19th day of December, 1933.
| | Minister for Finance.
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| | FORM A. |
......................................... |
| | Pin Certificates to this Blank.
| |
| | Reference No. |
Ledger No. |
Ledger Folio |
| | ............................................................ ..................................................
| | (Print your name here.)
| | For use by original subscribers in respect of Bond Certificates in their own name and in their own possession.
| | This form when completed, together with the relative Bond Certificates, should be mailed by registered mail to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | The Repayment Office will send no acknowledgment, but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing.
| | 1. I am the person named on the attached Bond Certificates bearing the numbers and the amounts set out hereunder (and in the attached schedule(s), if any):—
| |
| | No...................for $.......................................; |
No...................for $........................ |
| | (List No. and amount of each certificate separately—do not add all amounts together.)
| |
| | No...................for $.......................................; |
No................... for $........... |
| | (List No. and amount of each certificate separately—do not add all amounts together.)
| |
| | No...................for $......................................; |
No...................for $.......... |
| | (List No. and amount of each certificate separately—do not add all amounts together.)
| | NOTE.—If you cannot conveniently list all your certificates in the spaces provided, you can obtain free of charge from the Repayment Office or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin, blank copies of a schedule on which you can list all your certificates.
| | 2. My present address is............................................................
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| | |
(Street and number of P.O. Box.) |
| | ............................................................ .....................................................
| |
| | (City or Town) |
(County) |
(State) |
| | 3. My name and address at the time I subscribed to the Loan was ............. ............................................................ ....................................................
| | (Street and No. of P.O. Box.)
| | ............................................................ ............................................................ .....................
| | (City or Town.) (County.) (State.)
| | 4. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such other address as I may hereafter give you, your check for the amount determined to be due to me.
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| | |
..................................................... |
(Signature of Subscriber must correspond exactly with name appearing in certificates.) |
| | (Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it.)
| |
| | State of
County of
| | On this..................day of..................................., 19...., before me personally appeared.............................................to me known and known to me, to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that .....he executed the same; and ......he, being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained and know the contents thereof and the same are true.
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this.........day of .................., 19......
| |
| | . |
............................................................ ..................... |
(Signature, of Subscriber.) |
(Notary must affix |
............................................................ ...................... |
seal here.) |
(Signature of Notary.) |
| | My commission expires............................................................ ..........., 19...............
| |
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| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland and the Second External Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber to the External Loans (or either of them) may at any time before, but not after, the 31st day of August, 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can be made only to subscribers whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that the claim forms be completed without delay and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office at the above address or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. The claim form, with bonds, receipts or other evidence, should be sent by registered mail to the Repayment Office, at the above address and a return receipt requested from the Post Office as no acknowledgment will be sent by the Repayment Office.
| | 7. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of an original subscriber the power of attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 8. Women applicants who have married since they subscribed to the Loans must state the name under which they subscribed in addition to their present name and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 9. Documents (except Bond Certificates) establishing title will in all cases be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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| | FORM B |
.......................................... |
............................................................ .......................................
(Print your name here)
For use by subscribers:—
(a) who have lost their certificate, or
(b) who hold a certificate which was originally issued to some other person, or
(c) who have never received a certificate.
This form when completed should be mailed by registered mail to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A. The Repayment Office will send no acknowledgment but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing.
Ledger Folio |
Ledger No. |
Reference No, |
| | 1. I am the owner of...............Bond Certificates of the "Republic of Ireland," bearing the numbers and the amounts set out hereunder (and in the attached Schedule(s), if any):
| |
| | No...................for |
$............; |
No.................... |
for |
$.......... |
| | (List number and amount of each certificate separately—do not add
| | all amounts together)
| |
| | No................... for |
$.........; |
No................... |
for |
$....... |
| | (List No. and amount of each certificate separately—do not add all amounts together)
| |
| | No................... for |
$.........; |
No.......... |
for |
$..... |
| | (List No. and amount of each certificate separately—do not add all amounts together)
| | NOTE.—If you cannot conveniently list all your certificates in the spaces provided, you can obtain, free of charge from the Repayment Office or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin, blank copies of a Schedule on which you can list all your certificates.
| | 2. In whose name were the certificates originally issued?
| |
| | ............................................................ ............................................................ ..................
(Write your own if name, if issued to you.)
What was his (her[ address (your address, if originally issued to you) at the time he (she) subscribed to the Loan?
............................................................ ............................................................ ..............
(Street and No. or P.O. Box)
............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
(City or Town) (County) (State)
[Pin to this Blank all Certificates you have.] |
| |
| | 3 If any of your certificates have been lost or destroyed, what were the circumstances of the loss or destruction? |
............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
4. If any of your certificates were originally issued in some name other than your own, how and from whom did you get them? |
............................................................ ............................................................ ........... |
............................................................ ............................................................ ........... |
............................................................ ............................................................ ........... |
5. If you did not get them from the person in whose name they were originally issued, state how and from whom you did obtain them, and how and from whom each previous holder obtained them ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........
............................................................ ............................................................ .......... ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........
6. If you never received a Bond Certificate, but not otherwise, answer the following questions:—
(a) How much did you subscribe? $............................................................ .........
(b) When?............................................................ ...............................................
(Month) (day) (year)
(c) Where?............................................................ ................................................
(Name of agent or agency)
............................................................ ............................................................ .....
(Street and Number) (City and State)
(d) Did you ever receive any acknowledgment of your subscription?.........................
Yes or No
If so, pin it to this blank.
| |
| | 7. What is your present address?............................................................ ........................
(Street and No. or P.O. Box)
............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
(City or Town) (County) (State)
8. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such other address as I may hereafter give you, your check for the amount determined to be due to me.
............................................................ .....................................
(Signature of Subscriber.)
(Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it).
State of
County of
On this day of 19, before me personally appeared.............................................to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that ...... he executed the same; and ....., he being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained and know the contents thereof and the same are true. |
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this day of 19
| | .....................................................
| | (Signature of Subscriber.)
| |
| | (Notary must affix seal
............................................................ ........
(Signature of Notary).
My commission expires |
, 19 |
| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland and the Second External Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber to the External Loans (or either of them) may at any time before, but not after, the 31st day of August, 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can be made only to subscribers whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that the claim forms be completed without delay and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office, at above address, or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. The claim form (with bonds, receipts or other evidence (if any]), should be sent by registered mail to the Repayment Office at the above address and a return receipt requested.
| | 7. Where a person applies as assignee of an original subscriber, the original deed of assignment or other legal instrument assigning interest in the Bond Certificate or Certificates must be forwarded with the form of application or ts absence duly accounted for.
| | 8. Where a person applies as legal or personal representative of a deceased subscriber or assignee, the original grant of Probate or Letters of Administration of the estate of the deceased must be forwarded with the form of application or its absence duly accounted for.
| | 9. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of a subscriber or as duly authorised agent of an assignee, or of a legal or personal representative of a subscriber, the power of attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 10. Women applicants who have married since they became entitled, must state the name under which they became entitled in addition to their present name, and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 11. Documents (except Bond Certificates and Receipts), establishing title, will in all cases be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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| | FORM A/R
................................. |
For use by Original Subscribers who have already filed a Claim for a refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office in respect of Bond Certificates in their own names.
If the Subscriber to whom this Form is mailed is deceased, the next of kin or other person who is entitled to the refund should communicate with the Irish Free State Repayment Office for further instructions.
Read this Form very carefully, then complete it and mail it by registered mail to: THE IRISH FREE STATE MINISTER FOR FINANCE, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
The Repayment Office will send no acknowledgement, but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing. Failure to give all the information asked for will result in delay.
Reference Number.............................. |
Ledger Number.................................... |
Ledger Folio.................................... |
| |
| | Name of Subscriber............................................................ ........................................ |
(Print your name). |
My present address is............................................................ ..................................... |
(Street and number). |
............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
(City or Town.) |
(State.) |
1. How many bonds, in your own name, did you file with the Receive Office? ............... |
2. What was the total amount of those bonds? $........................................................... |
3. If you are able to give the number and the amount of each bond filed, do so
here ............................................................ ............................................................ ..
4. What address did you give when you filed your claim with the Receivers' Office? (If you are not sure what address you gave, give all the addresses at which you have lived since the year 1926),............................................................ .....................................................
............................................................ ............................................................ ..
5. What was your address when you purchased your Bond Certificate? (If you are not sure of the address at which you lived when you bought your bond or bonds, give all the addresses at which you lived during the years 1919 to 1921) ............................................................ ............................................................ ....
............................................................ ............................................................ ....
6. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such address as I may hereafter give you, the amount determined to be due to me. |
| | 7. Sign your name on this line...........................................................
| |
| | |
[Signature of Subscriber must correspond with signature on claim filed with Receivers' Office.) |
| | (Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it.)
| |
| | State of
County of
| | On this............day of........................................, 19...., before me personally appeared.............................................to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that .....he executed the same; and ......he, being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained and know the contents thereof and the same are true.
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this............day of..............., 19......
| |
| | |
............................................................ ..............................
(Signature of Subscriber.)
(Notary must affix seal here.) |
............................................................ .......................
(Signature of Notary.)
| | My commission expires........................................................., 19 ......
| |
| | ............................................................ ............................................................ ....... |
............................................................ ............................................................ ....... |
............................................................ ............................................................ ....... |
............................................................ ............................................................ ....... |
| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland, and the Second External Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Éireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber to the External Loans (or either of them) may at any time before, but not after, the 31st day of August, 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed, shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can be made only to subscribers whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that the claim forms be completed without delay and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office at the above address, or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of an original subscriber, the power of attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 7. Women applicants who have married since they subscribed to the Loans or since they filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office, must state the name under which they subscribed or filed the claim in addition to their present name, and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 8. Documents (except Bond Certificates) establishing title will, in all cases, be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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| | |
Date Received,
For use by Subscribers who have filed a claim for refund with The Irish Bond Receivers' Office in respect of Bond Certificates in their possession, but bearing a name other than the name of the Subscriber.
Reference Number......................... |
Ledger Number................................... |
Ledger Folio.................................... |
If the Subscriber to whom this Form is mailed is deceased the next of kin or other person who is entitled to the refund should communicate with the Irish Free State Repayment Office for further instructions. |
Read this Form very carefully, then complete it and mail it by registered mall to: THE IRISH FREE STATE MINISTER FOR FINANCE, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
The Repayment Office will send no acknowledgment, but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing.
Failure to give all the information asked for will result in delay.
| |
| | Date..............................., |
19............ |
| |
| | Name of Subscriber............................................................ .................. |
(Print your name.) |
My present address is............................................................ ............ |
(Street and number.) |
............................................................ ................................................. |
(City or Town.) |
(State.) |
1. How many Bonds, not in your own name, did you file with the Receivers' Office?.... |
2. What was the total amount of those bonds? $.................................... |
3. If you are able to give the number and amount of each bond filed, do so here, ............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
4. What were the names on the bonds which you filed?.............................................. |
5. How did you obtain these bonds (describe fully)?................................................... |
6. What reason did you give the Receivers for filing claim for refund on these bonds? ............................................................ ............................................................ ......
............................................................ ............................................................ .......
............................................................ ............................................................ .......
7. What address did you give when you filed your claim with the Receivers' Office? (If you are not sure what address you gave, give all the addresses at which you have lived since the year 1926) ............................................................ ...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................ |
8. What was the address of the person who purchased these bonds during the years 1919 to 1921? (If the person had more than one address during those years give all the addresses)............................................................ ......................................................
............................................................ ............................................................ .........
9. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such address as I may hereafter give you, the amount determined to be due to me.
10. Sign your name on this line............................................................ ........................
(Signature of Subscriber must correspond with signature on claim filed with Receivers' Office.) |
| | (Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it.)
| |
| | State of |
ss. |
County of |
| | On this...........day of...................................., 19...., before me personally appeared............................................., to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that ......he executed the same; and .....he, being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained and know the contents thereof and the same are true.
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this.........day of.................., 19......
| |
| | |
............................................................ ........
(Signature of Subscriber.)
(Notary must
affix seal
............................................................ ........
(Signature of Notary.)
| | My commission expires..................................................., 19............
| |
............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ................................................... |
............................................................ ...............................
| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland, and the Second External Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Éireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber to External Loans (or either of them) may at any time before, but not after, the 31st day of August, 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can be made only to subscribers whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that the claim forms be completed without delay, and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office at the above address, or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. Where a person applies as assignee of an original subscriber, the original deed of assignment or other legal instrument assigning interest in the Bond Certificate or Certificates, must be forwarded with the form of application or its absence duly accounted for.
| | 7. Where a person applies as legal or personal representative of a deceased subscriber or assignee, the original grant of Probate or Letters of Administration of the estate of the deceased must be forwarded with the form of application, or its absence duly accounted for.
| | 8. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of a subscriber or as duly authorised agent of an assignee, or of a legal or personal representative of a subscriber, the Power of Attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 9. Women applicants who have married since they filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office must state the name under which they filed their claim in addition to their present name, and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 10. Documents (except Bond Certificates) establishing title will in all cases be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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| | |
Date Received, |
..................................... |
For use by Subscribers who have filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office in respect of receipts which bear either the name of such subscriber or the name of some other person.
Reference Number.......................... |
Ledger Number.................................... |
Ledger Folio.......................... |
If the Subscriber to whom this Form is mailed is deceased, the next of kin or other person who is entitled to the refund should communicate with the Irish Free State Repayment Office for further instructions. |
Read this Form very carefully, then complete it, and mail it by registered mail to: THE IRISH FREE STATE MINISTER FOR FINANCN, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
The Receivers will send no acknowledgment, but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing.
Failure to give all the information asked for will result in delay.
| |
| | Date............................. |
19........... |
| |
| | Name of Subscriber............................................................ .................................. |
(Print your name.) |
My present address is ............................................................ ......................... |
(Street and number.) |
............................................................ ............................................................ ........ |
(City or Town.) |
(State.) |
1. What was the total amount of the claim you filed with the Receivers' Office $.................................... |
2. What was the name on the Receipt you filed with your claim? ...................................... ..... ............................................................ ............................................................ ......... |
If you filed more than one Receipt, give the name on each Receipt ........................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............... |
3. Describe the Receipt(s) which you filed. Was it a Tender Form Receipt, a Collector's Receipt, or a Headquarters' Acknowledgment? ............................................................ ..... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............... |
4. Give the number of the Receipt (s)....................................................... |
5. If you filed more than one Receipt give the amount of each Receipt $............................................................ ............................................................ . |
6. Why did you not file the Bond Certificate instead of the Receipt?
............................................................ ........................................
7. If you have the Bond Certificate in your possession now, attach it to this form before mailing. State the number of the Bond here...........................and the amount here $............................................................ ............................................................ .......... |
8. If the Receipt (or Receipts) you filed with your claim is in some name other than your own, why are you claiming refund on it? Explain fully .................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............
............................................................ ............................................................ ............
9. What address did you give when you filed your claim with the Receivers' Office? (If you are not sure what address you gave, give all the addresses at which you have lived since the year 1926) ............................................................ ................................................. ............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
10. What was your address when you made your Subscription? (If you are not sure of the address at which you lived when you subscribed, give all the addresses at which you lived during the years 1919 to 1921 ............................................................ ........................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
............................................................ ............................................................ ...........
11. If the Receipt (s) upon which you are claiming refund is in some name other than your own, give the address at which the subscriber limed during the years 1919 to 1921 ............. ............................................................ ............................................................ ............
............................................................ ............................................................ ............
12. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such address as I may hereafter give you, the amount determined to be due to me. |
| | 13. Sign your name on this line............................................................ .......
| |
| | |
(Signature of Subscriber must correspond with signature on claim filed with Receivers' (Office. |
| | (Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it.)
| |
| | State of
County of
| | On this............day of..............................., 19......, before me...... personally appeared to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that .....he executed the same; and ......he, being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained and know the contents thereof, and the same are true.
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this.........day of.................., 19...........
| |
| | |
............................................................ .......
(Signature of Subscriber.)
(Notary must
affix seal
............................................................ .................
(Signature of Notary.)
| | My commission expires..................................................., 19............
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(Clerk.) |
| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland, and the Second External Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Éireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber to External Loans (or either of them) may at any time, before, but not after, the 31st day of August, 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can only be made to subscribers whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that the claim forms be completed without delay and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Éireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office at the above address, or from the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. Where a person applies as assignee of an original subscriber, the original deed of assignment or other legal instrument assigning interest in the Bond Certificate or Certlficates, must be forwarded with the form of application or its absence duly accounted for.
| | 7. Where a person applies as legal or personal representative of a deceased subscriber or assignee, the original grant of Probate or Letters of Administration of the estate of the deceased must be forwarded with the form of application or its absence duly accounted for.
| | 8. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of a subscriber or as duly authorised agent of an assignee, or of a legal or personal representative of a subscriber, the power of attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 9. Women applicants who have married since they subscribed to the Loans, or since they filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office, must state the name under which they subscribed or filed their claim in addition to their present name, and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 10. Documents (except Bond Certificates and Receipts), establishing title, will in all cases, be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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Date received,
Reference Number |
Ledger Number........................................ |
Ledger Folio........................................... |
For use by Subscribers who have filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office in respect of subscriptions made by themselves, but who cannot produce either a receipt or a Bond Certificate, but of whose Subscriptions a record has been traced in the Original Bond Records. |
If the Subscriber to whom this Form is mailed is deceased, the next of kin or the person who receives this Form should communicate with the Irish Free State Repayment Office for further instructions. |
Read this Form very carefully, then complete it, and mail it by registered mail to: THE IRISH FREE STATE MINISTER FOR FINANCE, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
The Repayment Office will send no acknowledgment, but the Post Office should be requested to furnish a return receipt at the time of mailing. Failure to give all the information asked for will result in delay.
Date.................................................., |
19........... |
Name of subscriber............................................................ ......................... |
(Print your name.) |
My present address is............................................................ ................. |
(Street and number.) |
............................................................ ............................................................ ................. |
(City or Town.) |
(State.) |
1. What was the total amount of the claim you filed with the Receivers' Office $ ?............................................................ ...
............................................................ ............................................................ .............
2. On how many subscriptions did you file claim ?...............
3. If you filed claim on more than one subscription give the amount of each subscription............................................................ .........................................................
............................................................ ............................................................ ...............
4. Why were you not able to file a Bond or a Receipt to support your claim ?
............................................................ ............................................................ ..............
5. If you have since found a Receipt or a Bond Certificate, attach it to this form and mail it to this office, and insert the details of the Receipt or Bond here .......................................... |
6. Where did you live when you made your Subscription ? (If you are not sure of the address at which you lived when you subscribed, give all the addresses at which you lived during the years 1919 to 1921) ............................................................ ............................. ............................................................ ............................................................ ............... |
7. What address did you give when you Filed your claim for refund with the Receivers' Office ? (If you are not sure of the address you gave, give all the addresses at which you have lived since the year 1926) ............................................................ ...................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............... |
| | 8. I hereby request you to mail to me, at my present address or such address as I may hereafter give you, the amount determined to be due to me.
| | 9. Sign your name on this line ............................................................ .................................
| | (Signature of Subscriber must correspond
| | with signature on claim filed with Receivers'
| | Office.)
| | (Go to a Notary and tell him you want to acknowledge this and swear to it.)
| |
| | State of
County of
| | On this............day of......................................., 19......, before me personally appeared.................................., to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that ..... he executed the same; and ......he, being by me duly sworn, said: I am the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument. I have read the statements and answers therein contained, and know the contents thereof, and the same are true.
| | Sworn to and acknowledged before me, this.........day of.................., 19......
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| |
| | |
............................................................ ......................
(Signature of Subscriber.)
(Notary must
affix seal
............................................................ ...........................
(Signature of Notary.)
My commission expires.........................................., |
19........... |
| |
| | ............................................................ ............................................................ ................
............................................................ ............................................................ ................
............................................................ .................
(Clerk.) |
| | 1. The Irish Free State Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans is now prepared to receive applications from subscribers, or persons claiming through or under subscribers, to the First National Loan of the Republic of Ireland, and the Second Externa Loan of the Republic of Ireland for repayment under the terms of Dáil Eireann Loans and Funds (Amendment) Act, 1933.
| | 2. Any person or the duly authorised agent of any person who claims to be a subscriber, or any person claiming through or under a subscriber, to the External Loans (or either of them) may at any time before, but not after, the 31st day of August 1934, apply in writing in the prescribed form and manner for redemption of the amount of the External Loans claimed to be due to such person.
| | 3. No person who has omitted to make an application in the manner so prescribed shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of the External Loans due to him.
| | 4. As distribution can be made only to claimants whose claims are duly filed and allowed, it is important that this claim form be completed without delay, and returned to the Irish Free State Minister for Finance, at the Repayment Office for Dáil Eireann External Loans, Roebling Building, 117 Liberty Street, New York, U.S.A.
| | 5. Additional forms can be obtained without expense on application to the Repayment Office, or the Secretary, Department of Finance, Dublin.
| | 6. Where a person applies as duly authorised agent of an original subscriber, the power of attorney or other legal instrument empowering him to act as agent must be forwarded with the form of application.
| | 7. Women applicants who have married since they subscribed to the Loans, or since they filed a claim for refund with the Irish Bond Receivers' Office, must state their name under which they subscribed or filed their claim in addition to their present name, and must submit the necessary proofs of their identity.
| | 8. Documents (except Bond Certificates or Receipts) establishing title will in all cases be returned by the Repayment Office after examination.
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