S.I. No. 41/1930 -- The Heavy Motor Car (Speed) Order, 1930.
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No. 41/1930:
| | WHEREAS by Article VII. of the Heavy Motor Car (Ireland) Order, 1905 (hereinafter referred to as "the Principal Order"), the Local Government Board for Ireland, in exercise of the powers vested in them by Section 6 of the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896, and Section 12 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, did make regulations with respect to the maximum speeds at which the class of motor cars therein described and referred to as heavy motor cars may be driven on any highway:
| | AND WHEREAS the powers vested in the said Local Government Board by the above mentioned enactments are now vested in the Minister for Local Government and Public Health (hereinafter referred to as "the Minister");
| | AND WHEREAS the Minister in exercise of the powers vested in him as aforesaid did by Article I. of the Heavy Motor Car (Amendment) Order, 1928, amend the said Article VII. of the Principal Order:
| | AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the regulations as hereinafter appearing should be made in place of Article VII. of the Principal Order as amended as aforesaid:
| | NOW, THEREFORE, the Minister in exercise of the powers vested in him by Section 6 of the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896, and Section 12 of the Motor Car Act, 19O3, and of all other powers in this behalf enabling him, does by this his Order, make the following regulations, that is to say:—
| | I. This Order may be cited as the Heavy Motor Car (Speed) Order, 1930, and shall be read and construed as one with the Heavy Motor Car Orders, 1905 to 1929, and may be cited therewith as the Heavy Motor Car Orders, 1905 to 1930,
| | II. This Order shall come into operation on the First day of June 1930.
| | III. Article VII. of the Principal Order as amended by Article I. of the Heavy Motor Car (Amendment) Order, 1928, is hereby revoked and the following article shall be substituted in its place:—
| | VII. The speeds at which heavy motor cars of the classes hereinafter specified are driven on any highway shall not exceed the speeds hereinafter specified in relation thereto, that is to say:—
| | (a) A single deck car all the wheels of which are fitted with pneumatic tyres, twenty miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer, all the wheels of which are fitted with pneumatic tyres, fifteen miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer any of the wheels of which are not so fitted, ten miles per hour;
| | (b) a double deck car all the wheels of which are fitted with pneumatic tyres, fifteen miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer all the wheels of which are fitted with pneumatic tyres, ten miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer any of the wheels of which are not so fitted, five miles per hour;
| | (c) a single deck car all the wheels of which are fitted with tyres of a soft or elastic material, fifteen miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer, ten miles per hour;
| | (d) a double deck car all the wheels of which are fitted with tyres of a soft or elastic material, ten miles per hour, or if drawing a trailer, five miles per hour;
| | (e) a car of any description other than of a description specified in any of the foregoing paragraphs, five miles per hour.
| | Given under the Official Seal of the Minister, this Fourteenth day of May One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty.
| | Minister.
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