S.I. No. 66/1926 -- Importation of Carcases (Prohibition) Order of 1926.
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No. 66/1926:
| | Dated 14th October, 1926.
| | The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, by virtue and in exercise of the powers vested in them under the Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1914, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, do, with the concurrence of the Minister for Lands and Agriculture, hereby order:—
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Prohibition of the Landing of Animal Carcases and Certain Animal Products from the Continent of Europe. |
| | 1.—The landing in the Irish Free State of a carcase, or part of a carcase, as defined in this Order, from any country on the Continent of Europe other than Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man, is hereby prohibited, Provided that (subject to the requirements of the subsequent provisions of this Order) this prohibition shall not apply to—
| | (a) Bacon and ham which has been pumped with brine under a pressure of 80 lbs. or more to the square inch, and subsequently soaked in brine or dry-salted for a period of not less than four days.
| | (b) Bacon or ham which has been salted (wet-salted or dry-salted) for a period of not less than ten days.
| | (c) Pigs' heads and feet.
| | (d) Hides or skins which have been dried and dry-salted.
| | (e) Hides or skins which have been wet-salted.
| | (f) Fell-mongered cow hair, fell-mongered goat hair, and pigs' bristles (dressed, bunched, and sorted).
| | (g) Lard or rendered fat and cooked meats or meat essences.
| | (h) Preserved meats, not including any portion of the carcase of a pig.
| | (i) Superphosphates (derived from bones) ; precipitated bone phosphates; horn plates; and wool grease fatty acids.
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Requirements in Regard to Bacon and Ham. |
| | 2.—(1) Every side or piece of bacon or ham landed under the provisions of Article 1 (a) of this Order shall be marked with a label containing—
| | (a) A statement signed and dated by a responsible officer of the Government of the country in which the bacon or ham has been cured, describing fully the process of curing to which it has been subjected in such a way as to show that the process was one of those mentioned in Article 1 (a) and (b) of this Order.
| | (b) The name of the factory where the process of curing has been carried out, and of the locality and country in which it is situated.
| | A similar label shall be affixed securely to the outside of the wrapping, crate, box or other container enclosing each separate parcel of bacon or ham.
| | (2) The landing in the Irish Free State of any side or piece of bacon or ham without having such labels as are hereby required, shall be deemed to be the landing of a carcase or part thereof which is prohibited by this Order.
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Requirements in Regard to Pigs' Heads and Feet. |
| | 3.—(a) Pigs' heads and feet sought to be imported under the provisions of Article 1 (c) of this Order shall be imported only in water-tight barrels, the outside of which shall have been disinfected by being thoroughly washed with a 5 per cent. solution of standard phenol or a disinfectant of equal disinfective efficiency.
| | (b) Every consignment of pigs' heads or pigs' feet shall be accompanied by a certificate, signed by an authorised officer of the Government of the district in which are situated the premises on which the barrels were packed, specifying the nature and contents of the barrels, and certifying (i) that the pigs' heads or pigs' feet were kept in brine or salt for a continuous period of not less than 14 days before movement for shipment to the Irish Free State, and (ii) that the barrels have been disinfected in the manner prescribed in this Article.
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Requirement as to Wet-salted Hides |
| | 4.—Hides or skins sought to be imported as wet-salted under the provision in Article 1 (e) of this Order shall be accompanied by a certificate, signed by a duly authorised officer of the Government of the country in which the port of shipment is situated, to the effect that he is satisfied that the hides or skins have been wet-salted for a period of fourteen days.
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Requirements as to Pigs' Bristles and Cow Hair. |
| | 5.—(1) Pigs' bristles and cow hair shall not be landed in the Irish Free State until a declaration by the importer has been produced to an officer of Customs and Excise at the Port of Landing to the effect that such bristles or cow hair has been pulled from hides or skins which have been treated with the lime process or by the chemical process.
| | (2) Every importer or dealer in pigs' bristles or cow hair shall keep a Register, open to inspection by an Inspector of the Department of Lands and Agriculture, showing—
| | (a) the quantity of pigs' bristles and/or cow hair on his premises or under his control at the date of this Order.
| | (b) the quantity of pigs' bristles and/or cow hair brought on to his premises or coming under his control from time to time after the date of this Order, the date when it was so brought on to his premises or under his control, and the name of the vendor and the address of the premises from which it was obtained. If brought direct from abroad, the quantity imported, the date and port of landing, and the country of origin shall be a sufficient entry under this paragraph ;
| | (c) the quantity of pigs' bristles and/or cow hair sold from time to time after the date of this Order to any other person, the date of sale, and the name and address of the purchaser.
| | (3) Pigs' bristles or cow hair landed in the Irish Free State from any country in Europe (except Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man) before the date of this Order, and pigs' bristles and cow hair so landed under this Order after the date of this Order, shall not be brought into contact with cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminating animals or swine; and all sweepings and residue arising from the storage or manufacture of such bristles or hair shall be burnt or otherwise effectively destroyed.
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Certificate to be Delivered to Customs. |
| | 6.—Where, under this Order, a Certificate is required to accompany pigs' heads, pigs' feet, or hides or skins, such Certificate shall be delivered to an officer of the Customs and Excise at the port of landing.
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Power to Require Re-exportation of Carcases or Parts of Carcases, Landed in Contravention of Order. |
| | 7.—An Inspector of the Department of Lands and Agriculture may serve a Notice on the owner or person in charge of any car case or part thereof which may have been landed in contravention of the principal Order, requiring the removal of such carcase or part thereof back to the vessel from which it was landed or to any other vessel for exportation, and any person who fails to comply with any such Notice shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894.
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Interpretation. |
| | 8.—In this Order "Carcase" means the carcase of any cattle, sheep, pigs, or goats, and includes meat, hides, skins, hair, bones, bone meal, hoofs, hoof meal, horns, horn meal, offal, blood, dried blood and blood meal, or any other part of a carcase separately or otherwise, or any portion thereof.
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Offences. |
| | 9.—If any carcase or part of a carcase is landed in the Irish Free State in contravention of this Order, the owner thereof and the importer and the occupier of the place of landing, and the person causing, directing or permitting the landing, and the owner and the charterer and the Master of the vessel from which the same is landed, shall each according to and in respect of his own acts or defaults, be deemed guilty of an offence against the Diseases of Animals Act, 1894.
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Commencement. |
| | 10.— This Order shall come into operation on the 28th day of October, 1926.
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Orders Revoked. |
| | 11. —The following Orders are hereby revoked from the commencement of this Order, viz., the Landing of Carcases Order of 1926 (Statutory Rules and Orders, 1926, No. 32), and the Landing of Carcases Order of 1926 Amendment Order (Statutory Rules and Orders, No. 33).
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Short Title. |
| | 12. —This Order may be cited as the Importation of Carcases (Prohibition) Order of 1926.
| | IN WITNESS whereof the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction have hereunto set their Official Seal this fourteenth day of October, Ninetteen hundred and twenty-six.
| | F. J. MEYRICK,
| | Secretary.
| | I concur in the foregoing Order.
| | P. HOGAN,
| | Minister for Lands and Agriculture.
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