Judgment Title: Environmental Protection Agency -v- Harte Peat Limited & anor Neutral Citation: [2014] IEHC 308 High Court Record Number: 2013 202 MCA Date of Delivery: 30/05/2014 Court: High Court Composition of Court: Judgment by: Barrett J. Status of Judgment: Approved |
HARTE PEAT LIMITED AND LISMOHER LIMITED RESPONDENTS JUDGMENT of Mr. Justice Barrett delivered on the 30th day of May, 2014 1. This case involves the interpretation of various aspects of the environmental impact assessment regime established by the Environmental Protection Act 1992, as amended, pursuant to the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive, i.e. Directive 2011/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2012 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (O.J. L26, 28.1.2012, p.1), considered here in the context of the peat extraction industry. The court has been required in this case to consider the extent to which the principle of harmonious interpretation that arises under European Union law falls to be applied by the court in its consideration of domestic legislation that has a European provenance and how this principle interacts with the traditional rules of statutory interpretation. Facts 3. Harte Peat Limited and Lismoher Limited carry out, inter alia, peat extraction. The two companies have common shareholders and some common directors and secretaries. Harte Peat Limited is the freehold owner of lands at a number of sites in different counties within the State which in aggregate exceed 50 hectares. Lismoher leases lands (the ‘leased lands’) from Harte Peat in County Westmeath. The leased lands are less than 50 hectares in total, comprising an area of circa. 44 hectares. Harte Peat owns lands adjacent to the leased lands. A public road runs between Harte Peat’s lands and the leased lands. The aggregate area of these owned/leased lands exceeds 50 hectares. Part of the lands consists of an area from which peat has been cut; part consists of areas used for the storage of peat; the lands also include an access road and drainage works. The court has been shown a map in which the lands are divided into various areas. One of these areas (Area A1) includes a sedimentation pond, peat deposition site and access roads, as well as an area of land which acts as a buffer zone separating another demarcated area (Area A) from a river, all of which lands and facilities comprise an area of circa. 10 hectares. The peat deposition site is used, inter alia, for the deposit of peat extracted from Area A. The sedimentation pond is used to trap suspended peat contained in water drained from Area A prior to its discharge into the River Inny. The peat is processed at an entirely different site that is situated in County Monaghan at a distance of some 70km from the aforementioned sites. The parties to these proceedings are in dispute as to what areas of the various lands should be reckoned for the purposes of calculating a 50 hectare threshold that arises under the Act of 1992 and which is key to determining the precise application of same to the activities of Harte Peat and Lismoher. Relevant legislation 5. What is an “activity” for the purposes of the Act? Section 3(1) of the Act defines the term to mean:
9. The First Schedule also contains an interpretation section which provides, inter alia, that:
10. The case made by the Environmental Protection Agency might perhaps be summarised as follows. The Agency submits that an IPPC licence is required where peat extraction is being carried out and the area of land involved exceeds 50 hectares. In calculating the area of land involved, the EPA maintains that one should reckon not only the ‘footprint’ from which peat has been cut or harvested, but should also include all land which is used for the purposes of, or incidental to, peat extraction, e.g. lands used as access roads, for the storage of harvested peat, for sedimentation ponds or for buffer zones, etc. The Agency further contends that one should also reckon all areas which are within the same bogland, e.g. where there is a ‘technical connection’ in terms of a hydraulic connection between what might otherwise be regarded as individual sites, albeit that counsel acknowledged at the hearings that when it came to a ‘hydraulic connection’ there would have to be a rational limit to same. Counsel for the EPA contends that the Agency’s contentions are borne out by a literal reading and also by a purposive approach to interpretation that is consistent with applicable European Union legislation. 11. Counsel for Harte Peat and Lismoher contend that regardless of the interpretive approach adopted by the court in these proceedings, whether literal or purposive, the activities of the two companies do not come within the ambit of paragraph 1.4 of the First Schedule. Per counsel, it could not be clearer, applying a literal approach to interpretation, that each company’s operations does not involve the extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area in excess of 50 hectares. It will be recalled that the interpretation section to the First Schedule of the Act of 1992, as amended, provides for aggregation of activities done on the same installation “by the same person”. Counsel for the respondent companies contend that each company enjoys a separate corporate existence and that this is not an appropriate case in which the court should, to use a time-hallowed phrase, ‘lift the corporate veil’. Principles of statutory interpretation
15. Requirements of European Union law. A central principle of European Union law is that national courts are required to interpret national law in the light of directives, including any directive the time limit for implementation of which has expired but which remains unimplemented in a particular Member State. The case-law in this area began with Van Colson and Kamann v. Land Nordrhein-Westfalen [1984] ECR 1891. In that case the European Court of Justice was concerned with the application of the Equal Treatment Directive. However, for present purposes what are of interest are the Court’s observations as to the interpretive obligations of domestic courts, the European Court of Justice stating in this regard, at paras. 26 and 28 that:
28. It is for the national court to interpret and apply the legislation adopted for the implementation of the directive in conformity with the requirements of Community law, in so far as it is given discretion to do so under national law.”
20. The various European Union law requirements mentioned above might usefully be summarised as follows. First, national courts are required to interpret national law in the light of directives, including any directive the time limit for implementation of which has expired but which remains unimplemented in a particular Member State. Second, this obligation applies even to legislation that pre-dates a directive and has no ostensible connection with same. Third, the obligation applies to the entirety of a national legal system. Fourth, the principle of harmonious interpretation cannot result in aggravated criminal liability for an individual. Fifth, the application of harmonious interpretation may result in the imposition of civil liability on a private party. Sixth, the obligation as to harmonious interpretation does not require a contra legem interpretation of national law. Seventh, not mentioned above, though extant under Article 4(3) of the Treaty on European Union, and affirmed by Fennelly J. in Dellway Investments v. NAMA [2011] 4 IR 1, is the court’s obligation to apply the principle of sincere cooperation whereby the European Union and the Member States are each obliged, amongst other matters, to ensure fulfilment of obligations arising from the acts of European Union institutions, to facilitate the achievement of the European Union’s objectives and to refrain from any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the European Union’s objectives. Any consideration of the traditional principles of statutory interpretation must, in cases that are concerned with the interpretation of domestic laws that have their provenance in European Union law, be done in the context of, and in compliance with, these requirements of European Union law. 21. The traditional rules of statutory interpretation. Separate from the European Union law requirements referred to above, there are two principal canons of interpretation that have been adopted by modern Irish courts, viz. the literal approach and the schematic or teleological approach. At this time the interpretation of legislation in Ireland is also governed by the Interpretation Act 2005. 22. Literal interpretation: The literal interpretation is the modern articulation of the rule that received its classic expression in the judgment of Tindal C.J. in the Sussex Peerage case (1844) 11 C1 & Fin 85, as well as a more recent reformulation in the judgment of Budd J. in Rahill v. Brady [1971] I.R. 69 at 86 to the effect that:
25. One still finds the literal approach to statutory interpretation hallowed in case-law as the primary principle of statutory interpretation and in one sense it is: the courts cannot but read legislation literally in the first instance. Thus, for example, in Cork County Council v. Whillock [1993] 1 I.R. 231 at 237, Flaherty J. states that:
27. Schematic or teleological approach: Whereas, historically, the risk of absurdity was mitigated by means of the golden and mischief rules, in recent times the preference, certainly in Ireland, has been simply to refer to the scheme and purpose of a particular statute, rather than to the golden or mischief rules. An early example of this approach is evident in Frascati Estates Limited v. Walker [1975] I.R. 177. However, perhaps the classic Irish case in which the approach is employed is that of Nestor v. Murphy [1979] I.R. 326 in which, in the course of a particularly succinct judgment, Henchy J. states, at 329, that:
(a) that is obscure or ambiguous, or (b) that on a literal interpretation would be absurd or would fail to reflect the plain intention of…in the case of an Act [the Oireachtas or the parliament concerned], the provision shall be given a construction that reflects the plain intention of the Oireachtas or parliament concerned, as the case may be, where that intention can be ascertained from the Act as a whole.”
32. Having considered the applicable rules of statutory interpretation, the court turns now to apply those rules in the context of the agreed issues raised by the parties. Agreed Issues 34. (1) Is the 50 hectare threshold referable (i) to the area of the ‘business’ involved in peat extraction, or (ii) to the area involved in peat extraction? 35. To answer this question it assists firstly to look at what provisions of European Union law led to the establishment of this 50 hectare threshold. Article 4(1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive provides that subject to certain exceptions, projects listed in Annex I of the Directive shall be made subject to an assessment in accordance with Articles 5 to 10 of the Directive. Article 4(2) empowers Member States to determine whether projects listed in Annex II of the Directive shall be subject to an assessment and identifies the forms of determination that Member States may employ. Annex I includes among a lengthy list of projects “19…peat extraction, where the surface of the site exceeds 150 hectares”. Annex II includes among another voluminous list of projects “2…(a)…peat extraction (projects not included in Annex I)”. The court attaches some significance to the fact that, acting pursuant to Article 4(2) of the EIA Directive, a measure that has as its ultimate purpose the attainment of improved environmental protection, Ireland has set a threshold for the application of the IPPC regime that is significantly lower than the mandatory 150 hectare threshold referred to in Annex I of the Directive. Clearly the legislative intent of the Oireachtas in this regard was to adopt a rigorous environmental impact assessment regime. In the context of the above query it appears to the court that if it is to give effect to the purpose of EIA Directive and also to accord with the clear legislative intent of the Oireachtas in terms of establishing a robust and stringent environmental impact assessment regime, it must answer the above question in a manner that affords the greatest protection to the environment. Turning to the express terms of the Act of 1992, among the activities specified in the First Schedule are “1.4 The extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares.” Is this 50 hectare threshold referable to (a) the area of the ‘business’ involved in peat extraction or (b) the area involved in peat extraction? It appears to the court that the interpretation at (a) is to be preferred as the area of business will exceed the 50 hectare threshold before the area of peat extraction, a sub-set of the area of business, does so. This means that an environmental impact assessment will be required sooner than later and thus is the more exacting interpretation in terms of environmental protection and so is the interpretation most consistent with European Union law and the legislative intent of the Oireachtas. The court is buttressed in this conclusion by the fact that its answer in this regard also appears to accord best with a literal reading of the provision. 36. (2) If a business undertaking/entity carries out peat extraction at a number of different sites, should those sites be aggregated together for the purposes of calculating the 50 hectare threshold? 37. Again, the court is conscious that this question arises for consideration in the context of European Union legislation, the clear purpose of which is to secure better environmental protection; and a clear decision by the Oireachtas to implement a rigorous domestic environmental impact regime. It appears to the court that if it is to give effect to the purpose of EIA Directive and also to accord with the clear legislative intent of the Oireachtas in terms of establishing a robust and stringent environmental impact assessment regime, it must answer the above question in a manner that affords the greatest protection to the environment. Thus the court concludes that if a business undertaking/entity carries out peat extraction at a number of different sites, those sites must be aggregated together for the purposes of calculating the 50 hectare threshold. The court finds support for this conclusion in the fact that it seems to accord best with a literal reading of para.1.4 of the First Schedule to the Act of 1992, as amended. It will be recalled that this provision refers to “[t]he extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares”. It appears to the court that it would be a strange literal reading of this provision to conclude that a single business engaged, for example, in peat extraction on a 26-hectare site in Mayo and another 26-hectare site in Wicklow and thus engaged in the same business on a cumulative 52 hectares ought nonetheless not to be construed as doing its business on an area exceeding 50 hectares. The court is reminded in this context of the emphasis placed by Henchy J. in Inspector of Taxes v. Kiernan [1981] I.R. 117 on what the ordinary person would think of a finding that the term “cattle” when used in particular tax legislation might also embrace pigs, even if in some contexts such a reading might make or might at one time have made sense. Thus, per Henchy J., at 122:
39. (3) How is the definition of an “installation” to be applied to peat extraction? 40. It will be recalled that section 82 of the Act of 1992 (as amended), so far as relevant to the facts of the present case, provides that a person shall not carry on a licensable “activity” unless an IPPC licence or revised licence is in force in relation to the activity. Section 3(1) of the Act defines various terms arising in this context. Thus the term “activity” is defined to mean:
45. The Environmental Protection Agency has contended before the court that the definition of “installation” captures not only the ‘footprint’ of land from which peat has been cut or harvested, but also includes any land which is used for purposes incidental to peat extraction, e.g. access roads, the storage of harvested peat, buffer zones, sedimentation ponds. The court agrees with this contention subject to the following observations. First, consistent with the definition of “plant” and the cross-reference therein to the First Schedule, such usage must take place on any land or any part of land which is used for the purposes of or incidental to the extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares. Given the purpose of the EIA Directive and the legislative intention that underpins the Act of 1992, in each case as referred to above, it appears to the court that the land on which such usage takes place must itself count towards the calculation of the 50 hectare threshold. Second, consistent with the definition of “installation” and the cross-reference therein to the First Schedule, the relevant activity must (I) comprise the extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares or (II) be a directly associated activity, licensable under Part IV of the Act of 1992 or not, that (a) has a technical connection with the extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares and (b) is carried out on the site(s) of the business. It appears to the court that the use of access roads, the storage of harvested peat, the establishment of buffer zones and the creation of sedimentation ponds are all activities that are directly associated with peat extraction and thus are activities of a type contemplated by the legislation. The court considers too that an indulgent interpretation of the term “directly associated activity” is in any event generally merited given the purpose of the EIA Directive and the statutory intention that underpins the Act of 1992 and which has been considered above. 46. (4) Does a requirement for a “technical connection” mean that it includes (i) all bog-land which is hydraulically connected; (ii) the area of extraction and all lands used for purposes ancillary and incidental to the harvesting/extraction of peat; (iii) the area of extraction only; (iv) the area within the ownership and/or control of the operator; or (v) some other area? 47. It will be recalled that the term “installation”, as defined in section 3(1) of the Act of 1992, means:
49. (5) Does the “installation” include lands used for purposes ancillary and incidental to the harvesting/extraction of peat - i.e. are areas used as access roads, buffer zones, peat storage, sedimentation ponds, drainage works to be regarded as part of the installation? 50. The court has already answered this question in the context of Question (3) above. 51. (6) In calculating the 50 hectare threshold, what is meant by the area involved? Should lands used for purposes ancillary and incidental to the harvesting/extraction of peat be included? I.e. are areas used as access roads, buffer zones, peat storage, sedimentation ponds and drainage works, to be regarded as land which is involved in peat extraction? Should peat lands affected by the extraction be regarded as part of the area involved -for instance, because they are deliberately or incidentally drained in order to facilitate the extraction, or because their moisture content is reduced as a result of drainage? 52. It appears to the court that this is but a reformulation of the question as to what constitutes an “installation” in the context of peat extraction, an issue already considered in the context of Question (3) above. 53. (7) Is the identity of the person carrying out the peat extraction relevant in calculating the 50 hectare threshold? More specifically, is it permissible to aggregate two or more continuous sites where the activity is being carried out by different persons? If the identity of the person carrying out the activity is relevant, are related companies to be regarded as the same person? 54. The court has referred above to the fact that the EIA Directive has as its ultimate purpose the attainment of improved environmental protection. The court has referred also to the fact that when choosing a threshold for projects listed in Annex II of the EIA Directive, Ireland opted for a threshold that is significantly lower than the mandatory 150 hectare threshold referred to in Annex I of the Directive. Thus it seems clear that the legislative intent of the Oireachtas in this regard was to adopt a rigorous environmental impact assessment regime. Consequently it appears to the court that if it is to give effect to the purpose of EIA Directive and also to accord with the clear legislative intent of the Oireachtas in terms of establishing a robust and stringent environmental impact assessment regime, it must answer the above question in a manner that affords the greatest protection to the environment. 55. (i) Is the identity of the person carrying out the peat extraction relevant in calculating the 50 hectare threshold? This query is slightly loosely worded and might perhaps be better worded so that it more closely ties into the wording of para. 1.4 of the First Schedule to the Act of 1992. Thus the court proceeds on the basis that what the question means to ask is if, in determining whether a business involves an area exceeding 50 hectares, the court is to have regard to the true identity of the person(s) operating that business. Having regard to the purpose of the Directive and the statutory intent that underpins the Act of 1992, as amended, the answer to this question must be an unequivocal ‘yes’. Were it possible for a single individual, e.g. through the guise of multiple companies to acquire significant tracts of land for peat extraction, yet engineer matters so that none of those companies came within the environmental impact assessment regime, the result would be that the purpose of the EIA Directive and indeed the Act of 1992 would be capable of being entirely frustrated by that individual. This would not only be a result that would be inconsistent with the purpose of those measures but would be so patently absurd that the court considers it cannot have been what European Union or Irish lawmakers intended. Thus the court concludes that it cannot but be the case that in determining whether a business involves an area exceeding 50 hectares, one must have regard to the true identity of the person(s) operating that business. 56. (ii) More specifically, is it permissible to aggregate two or more continuous sites where the activity is being carried out by different persons? Having regard to the purpose of the Directive and the statutory intent that underpins the Act of 1992, as amended, the answer to this question must be, in the right instances, ‘yes’. For example, were it possible for a single individual through the guise of multiple companies to acquire significant tracts of land for peat extraction, each of which companies was apparently engaged in separate businesses but the profits from all of which flowed ultimately to that individual, it would seem contrary to the purpose of the EIA Directive and indeed the Act of 1992 if the court could not peer through the legal smokescreen to the practical reality. Were the court unable to do so, the result would be that the purpose of the EIA Directive and the Act of 1992 would be capable of being entirely frustrated, a consequence that is so patently absurd that the court considers it cannot have been what European Union or Irish lawmakers intended. To ensure that this and like abuses do not arise the court concludes that it cannot but be the case that in determining whether a business involves an area exceeding 50 hectares, the court must have regard to the true identity of the person(s) operating that business so as to determine whether ostensibly separate businesses run on different sites are in truth a common business or related businesses with a common purpose or owner. The court sees no reason in law or logic to distinguish between contiguous and non-contiguous sites in this regard. 57. (iii) If the identity of the person carrying out the activity is relevant, are related companies to be regarded as the same person? The court has already indicated above that it considers that the identity of the person carrying out the activity is relevant. However, for the purposes of answering this question, the court merely assumes that this is the case, so that even if the court is wrong in its answer that the identity of the person carrying out the activity is relevant, its answer to this question is nonetheless capable of standing alone. Clearly there will be instances in which related companies will as a matter of agency law fall to be regarded in effect as the same person for the purposes of the environmental impact legislation. This will be the case, for example, if one company acts as the agent of the other or if they both act as the common agent of a third party. However, what is the position where neither of these circumstances pertain and it is contended that the ‘corporate veil’ should be lifted so that e.g. the common ownership of related companies by the same party and, presumably, that party’s attempt to frustrate the purposes of the Act of 1992 and indirectly the EIA Directive can be demonstrated? In the almost 120 years since Salomon v. Salomon & Co. Ltd. [1897] AC 22 was decided, an ocean of ink has been spilled on the issue of whether and when the ‘corporate veil’ can be lifted, rendering this an area that certainly in theory, though perhaps less so in practice, is notably, and to some extent unnecessarily, complex. The court does not consider it useful to add still more tinder to this burning issue which is comprehensively addressed both in case-law and in many learned texts. That said, however, the court has already indicated, in its answers above, its view that it cannot but be the case that in determining whether a business involves an area exceeding 50 hectares, the court must have regard to the true identity of the person(s) operating that business. An aspect of this duty must be that the court can, to use the stock phrase, ‘lift the corporate veil’ in instances where it considers that the purpose of the Directive and hence the Act of 1992 would be frustrated were it not to do so. The court draws support for this conclusion from two of the leading authors on company law in Ireland and England, namely Keane and Gower. Thus as former Chief Justice Keane notes in the fourth edition of his learned text on Company Law, at para. 11.19:
59. (8) Is it permissible to aggregate the areas of extraction areas that are not contiguous? 60. This appears to the court to be merely a variant of Question (2) and the issue arising has already been addressed in the answer given to that question. 61. (9) Can two companies be said to carry on a single activity where: (i) one owns the freehold and carves out a lease of the lands in respect of a third party? (ii) each operates on a separate part of the site; (iii) one holds the extraction area and another holds the ancillary area? 62. This is not a question that is amenable to a comprehensive answer when raised in the abstract. Certainly there are situations in which the answer to each limb of the above question is yes. So, for example, if one company acts as the agent of the other or if they both act as the common agent of a third party then in each of the instances posed it would seem to the court that they could be said to be carrying on a single activity. Equally, however, instances may arise in which the answer to one or more of the limbs of the question raised could be no. 63. (10) Given that an activity is a “process, development or operation…carried on in an installation,” can two plots of land form part of the same activity where (i) they are separated by a road on lands (under the control of a third party/local authority) running across the bog (but not separating the bog hydraulically)? (ii) they are separated by a distance of over a kilometre but are located on the same bog? (iii) they are separated by a distance of several kilometres but are the subject of similar activities? (iv) they are owned by different companies but are the subject of similar operations? (v) one of the plots is used for the extraction of peat while the other is used for storage, transport, sedimentation, buffer and pollution prevention for the purposes of the extraction area? 64. This question is more easily answered when one has regard to the full gamut of definitions in the Act of 1992 and not just the correct but shorthand version of the definition of “activity” referred to in the question. Yes, an “activity” is, under section 3(1) of the Act of 1992, a “process, development or operation specified in the First Schedule and carried out in an installation”. However, it will be recalled that the term “installation” is itself defined in section 3(1) as embracing “plant where the activity concerned referred to in the First Schedule is or will be carried on”. And the term “plant” is itself defined in the same section as including “any land or any part of land which is used for the purposes of, or incidental to, any activity specified in the First Schedule”. Again, among the activities specified in the First Schedule are: “[t]he extraction of peat in the course of business which involves an area exceeding 50 hectares.” When one has regard to all of these definitions the answer to the question posed is more readily apparent. Before turning to that answer, however, it is worth mentioning again that the EIA Directive has as its ultimate purpose the attainment of improved environmental protection, and that when it came to implementing this European Union legislation it seems clear that the legislative intent of the Oireachtas was to adopt a particularly rigorous environmental impact assessment regime. Consequently it appears to the court that if it is to give effect to the purpose of the EIA Directive and also to accord with the clear legislative intent of the Oireachtas in terms of establishing a robust and stringent environmental impact assessment regime, it must answer the above question in a manner that affords the greatest protection to the environment. That said, as it happens, the purposive and literal interpretations of the just-quoted provisions appear neatly to align in this instance. Hence the most natural reading of the reference in the definition of “plant” to “land or any part of land” is that it can include entirely separate pieces of land. Helpfully, this reading accords with the purpose of the Directive and indeed the Act in that it ensures the maximum environmental protection through the aggregation of separate pieces of land which are used to the same ultimate end, the successful extraction of peat, albeit that those pieces of land may not be contiguous and may even be in very different places. The court is buttressed in this conclusion by the fact that any alternative finding would lead to absurd consequences in that, for example, a company by structuring its activities and separating them appropriately could bring itself outside the ambit of the scheme contemplated by the EIA Directive and established in Ireland by the Act of 1992, as amended. It appears to the court that such an absurdity cannot have been intended by the Oireachtas. Thus it appears to the court that the answer to each of limbs (i), (ii), (iii) and (v) above is an unequivocal ‘yes’. With regard to limb (iv), this introduces the issue addressed at Question (9) above. Thus provided one is, for example, in one of the hypothetical instances posed in the answer to Question (9), viz. where one company acts as the agent of the other or they both act as the common agent of a third party, the answer in the instance posed in limb (iv) above would be ‘yes’, and there may be other instances in which this would also be so.