Judgment Title: Kerry County Council v An Bord Pleanála Neutral Citation: [2014] IEHC 238 High Court Record Number: 2013 809 JR Date of Delivery: 11/04/2014 Court: High Court Composition of Court: Judgment by: Charleton J. Status of Judgment: Approved |
Neutral Citation: [2014] IEHC 238 THE HIGH COURT [2013 No.809 J.R.] In the Matter of the Roads Acts 1998-2007 and in the Matter of the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2010 and in the Matter of Sections 50 and 50A of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)
Kerry County Council Applicant -and-
An Bord Pleanála Respondent Judgment of Mr Justice Peter Charleton delivered on the 11th day of April 2014 1. Kerry County Council seeks to judicially review the decision of An Bord Pleanála to refuse permission for the widening and straightening of the busy road in West Kerry between Tralee and An Daingean. Leave to commence this case was given by Peart J. on the 5th November, 2013. The decision of An Bord Pleanála was given on the 4th September, 2013. The decision and reasons are in the following terms:
The board’s [An Bord Pleanála] decided, by majority of 3:2, to refuse to approve the E.I.S. [Environmental Impact Statement], in accordance with the following reasons and considerations. Reasons and Considerations
Notes: In making its decision, the Board did not accept all of the inspector’s recommended refusal reasons, as explained below: The order of priority for the completion of national secondary road schemes is not a matter for the Board to determine, and the justification for the road upgrade as set out by Kerry County Council was accepted by the Board. In relation to the proposed cycleway (recommended reason no. 2), the Board noted that the development of a long-distance cycling route linking Tralee with Dingle accords with national policy on tourism and transport and would complement the development of Dingle as a ‘Category 1 Cycling Hub Town’ as set out in “A Strategy for the Development of Irish Cycle Tourism, 2007 (Bord Fáilte)[”], albeit that a different route was envisaged in that strategy. The inspector’s concerns about the cycleway - including the lack of connectivity and concerns over its attractiveness for recreation - were noted. The submissions received in June, 2013, from Kerry County Council (including the enclosed submission from the National Trail’s Office and An Bord Fáilte), illustrating the challenges associated with potential alternative routes, were also considered. The Board concluded that the proposed design including cycleways contributed significantly to the width of the proposed road alignment and the associated landscape impacts. The Board was not satisfied that the cycleway justification was sufficient to overcome the landscape concerns as set out in the refusal reason.… Revised Proposals In relation to the response by Kerry County Council to the request for a redesign and revised EIS (issued by ABP on 7th of November 2012), notwithstanding the greater detail provided in relation to landscape impacts and proposed mitigation measures, it was not considered that the amendments included in the response addressed the Board’s stated concerns in a satisfactory manner, most notably in relation to the width of the road. Therefore the Board decided that further circulation of this documentation and re-opening of the oral hearing was not necessary and the board proceeded to refuse approval of the scheme for the reasons and considerations set out above. 3. This was one of those rare cases where An Bord Pleanála used its powers under strategic infrastructure projects legislation, well prior to its final decision, to indicate to Kerry County Council that it would not approve the project but would instead indicate that specified changes might assist in the project going through. Such an indication, in this instance under s.182C(5)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended, cannot fetter the discretion of a statutory authority. This is made clear in the terms of the legislation which enables such communications where the Board is “provisionally of the view that it would be appropriate to approve the proposed development were certain alterations… to be made”. The letter setting out this provisional view from An Bord Pleanála to Kerry County Council was dated the 7th November, 2012. At its core it suggests the following:
Re-examined the alignment to minimise interference with natural landscape features, hedgerows and tree-lines, and minimising other interventions including embankments and excavations that would create scarring of the landscape. The total length of the tree-lined and hedgerow to be lost should be minimised. Submit more detailed proposals in relation to the re-instatement and landscaping of the completed scheme, with a view to minimising the extent and duration of visual impacts. Timeline Points
2. The Board, in considering the widths required for the cycleways as contributing to overall road width as 28 meters, decided on the basis of incorrect figures since the Board’s decision was based on reckoning that without cycleways the road would be merely 13 metres wide whereas, in fact, drainage etc must be added as to 6 meters on each side, thereby making 25 metres or, at minimum, 24 metres. 3. The Board failed to carry out any appropriate assessment of the information provided by Kerry County Council and failed to make any decision as to whether the proposed alternative trail for cyclists and walkers, the green way alternative, was suitable; thus side-stepping the issue of gradients. 4. That a Board member had done a road trip along the N86, and other routes, reporting to the Board, noting the frequency of cyclists, thus behaving inappropriately and introducing immaterial and prejudicial material. 5. That section 13(5) of the Roads Act, 1993, concerning the approval for roads, required the relevant Minister to consider all road users in considering road schemes for approval, which includes cyclists and pedestrians, and that since this function now is devolved to the Board, there was a total failure to exercise this function; whereby the Board were wrong to confine themselves to a consideration only of proper planning and sustainable development. Destroyed notes 9. Further, it is to be presumed that statutory bodies function lawfully as they are designed by legislation. Keeping records of everything is not necessarily a guide to the fundamentals of a decision. In any corporate undertaking, different views will be expressed by different people some of them, as in this decision by a bare majority, widely differing. What matters is the responsibility of the Board as a statutory corporation. In O’Donoghue v An Bord Pleanála [1991] I.L.R.M. 750 an issue arose as to the keeping of records by the Board. A sensible view was adopted by Murphy J at p. 759-760 which is equally applicable to the facts of this case:
(a) shall be made available by the Board for inspection at the offices of the Board by members of the public, and (b) may be made available by the Board for such inspection— (i) at any other place, or (ii) by electronic means, as the Board considers appropriate. The road trip 13. But, it is said that prejudice was introduced to the Board that irremediably contaminated its decision through this road trip. Multiple cases have been cited in pursuit of this argument including, Bula Ltd v Tara Mines Ltd (No 6) [2000] 4 I.R. 412, Usk and District Residents’ Association Ltd v An Bord Pleanála [2010] 4 IR 113 and R (Ramda) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2002] EWHC 1278. All of these cases are to the same effect: if a reasonable person observing the fullness of the circumstances that are said to give rise to bias would worry that a judge or quasi-judicial officer might not as a result of a circumstance claimed to introduce bias give a fair hearing, then the decision maker should retire from considering the issue; or if that person persists, then his or her decision is unsound. All of that is fine. It has, however, nothing to do with this. What happened is that Gabriel Dennison, who is a Board member, was given two days to travel from Dublin to Kerry and to see how the project proposed would most likely fit within the landscape and human environment as he observed it. He reported back. The documents show that the short report which he wrote up went to two other board members by email. Common sense suggests that while the Board deliberations, are as a matter of law, corporate in nature, and consequently what anyone said or how anyone else reacted to it is irrelevant save in the most exceptional circumstances, it is likely that he was asked what he saw and that he informed the other Board members in quite similar terms to his memo. Here is that report:
This road trip was undertaken with the main purpose of viewing the […] road from Camp to Dingle in County Kerry which is scheduled for major improvement and is currently before the Board. A portion of the route has recently been upgraded in the vicinity of Annascaul so it is possible to assess the current state of the present road as well as the appearance and apparent impacts of the improved section. I took the opportunity to see as much of the Dingle area as possible in a 48 hour visit as it is some time since I had been in the area. In addition I made time to view other areas on the route that have arisen from time to time in recent files such as Tralee, Listowel, Rathkeale, Tarbert and Limerick city. I was greatly impressed by what I saw of the improvements wrought in Limerick city centre including the new King John’s castle visitors’ centre. Likewise, though to a lesser extent, Tralee. After even a short visit one can’t but be aware of the great architectural assets of both towns though both appear to have a pressing need to secure their conservation and thereby ensure the protection of the unique qualities them party to their urban settings. As far as the N69 is concerned I noted the relatively light traffic using the route - notwithstanding it being a weekday leading up to the busy holiday weekend in mid-summer (and with unusually good weather conditions). I met 3 tour coaches coming towards Tralee on the route and saw none going in the other direction. I saw a total of four HCVs - again all heading east. I saw no cyclists between Camp and Dingle on the route. There were no hold-ups at any point. I’d averted to Inch beach for a brief visit and, predictably in view of the weather and time of year, it was fairly full of parked cars and sun bathing families. The existing route is not as heavily vegetated as I expected and there are stretches where there is a lot of ribbon development (mainly at the Camp end and in the vicinity of the various towns and villages). The infamous hairpin bends are not as awesome as I had anticipated and noted that they had relatively poor advanced warning signs (merely a standard black and amber diamond sign). The new portion of the road is pleasant to drive and doesn’t present as a major imposition on the landscape. If anything one could say it helps the driver to appreciate the dramatic landscape more as it is more open than the existing road. I saw no cyclists on this stretch either notwithstanding the two new cycle paths. As there were no available hotel rooms in the town of Dingle I travelled a few miles north towards [Baile an Fhertéirigh] to get accommodation and was able to see that the road is beyond Dingle are generally good and well surfaced - in some cases as good as the existing N69. I visited the Blasket Islands Visitors Centre while in the vicinity. This is a good example of a major public building which sits very discreetly into the landscape unlike, it has to be said, too many of the modern houses in the area. I returned from Dingle via the Connor Pass as the mist had lifted on Saturday and the views were corresponding[ly] superb. Traffic is well-managed on the Connor Pass road, e.g. there are no tour buses allowed. It was on this road that I saw the most cyclists - though over the course of the approximately 24 hours I was in the area I saw a total of less than a dozen cyclists. In general one would have to say that while the tourism “product” offered by the Dingle peninsula is clearly underpinned by majestic landscape and considerable cultural assets it does suffer from lack of evident coordination and a sense of strategic vision - particularly West of Dingle. For example, there are few of any signposts to such sites as Dún an Óir on Smerwick Harbour (in State care) or the Blasket Islands Centre; signposts alternate between being all Irish to those where English is dominant and Irish is in italics to ones where this precedence is reversed. Other non-official signs are all in English! This must be very confusing to the non-Irish visitor (and sometimes even to the native!) Unlike the Connor Pass route tour buses of the largest type are permitted on the Slea Head scenic route leading to chaotic scenes on the narrow, twisting road or two cars can barely pass one another. My return journey allowed me to visit Listowel, Tarbert and the Shannon estuary coastline in the vicinity of the LNG [Liquified Natural Gas] facility. All in all this was a very helpful exercise in putting flesh on the bones of not only a specific project but a range of other matters with which I have been involved as well. The Roads Acts 16. In respect of this point, the issues of reasonableness, of proportionality, of the standard of judicial review for environmental decisions and availability of appeal remedies under the Aarhus Convention were all cast into the mix. This is unsatisfactory. But it is also usual in every major planning case. Such confusion by multiplication of tenuous argument goes nowhere. There is either a point here or there is not. Too often major planning judicial reviews are confused by taking every insubstantial issue into the mix: this is yet another such case. In the submissions of the Board, it is accepted that the Board is under the same obligations regarding the carrying out of an environmental impact assessment and undertaking the appropriate assessments necessary for the protection of European sites. It is further accepted that the Board operates under the usual statutory enjoinder which requires the Board to consider the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. This is helpful. What, in substance and stripping away irrelevant points, is argued by Kerry County Council is that the Board now has the functions of the Minister in approving roads. Even if that is not so, Kerry County Council argue that the Board in approving road decisions is obliged to have regard to a range of design obligations under the Roads Acts, most especially the need for roads to accommodate all road users. Even if that is not so, Kerry County Council argue that there is a duty on the Board to take into account the relevant policies of statutory bodies. In excluding cycleways, the Board is argued by Kerry County Council to have failed to take into account the need of cyclists to use the roadway and to use it safely. Further, in requiring the removal of the cycleway from the road, it is claimed that the Board ignored a relevant and important policy. Two initial points need to be made here. 17. Firstly, the review of administrative decisions is not simply one as to whether the body in its decision flew in the face of fundamental reason and common sense; the reasonableness standard. An administrative body is obliged to do what it is set up to do. This means taking into account that which it is obliged to consider and excluding from its consideration all that is irrelevant to its statutory function. As Clarke J. put the matter in Sweetman v An Bord Pleanála [2008] 1 IR 277 at 298, paras. 6.12 -6.13:
6.13 The overall jurisdiction is not, therefore, as narrow as a consideration of O’Keeffe v. An Bord Pleanála irrationality alone might suggest.
12. In Lancefort Limited v. An Bord Pleanála (Unreported, High Court, McGuinness J., 12th March, 1998), the following passage on the burden of proof, at pp. 21-22, which applies as much to a planning authority as to An Bord Pleanála appears:- “Counsel for the Notice Party also submitted that where the evidence as to whether a statutory body entrusted by the legislator with a particular function did not exercise its statutory duties, there is a presumption of validity in favour of the decision under attack Finlay P. in re Comhltas Ceolteorí Éireann (High Court unreported 14th December, 1977) said (at pages. 3-4 of the transcript of his Judgment):
In addition, the Court has discretion in regard to Orders sought by way of judicial review. In this case, the Bord had before it ample material on which to make its decision. The report of the inspector raises and refers to many of the matters which would also be covered in a environmental impact assessment. Finally, no participant in the oral hearing suggested that an environmental impact assessment was required. Bearing all these matters in mind I would be reluctant to exercise my discretion in favour of the Applicant on this point”. 20. Who has the duty to decide what roads are necessary and how they should be built? Undoubtedly, the answer to that is that local authorities alone have such power. It would be beyond any reasonable construction of the scope of any powers of An Bord Pleanála to require as a condition of granting planning permission for a road, to require that another road should be built elsewhere. That can be argued to be part of this issue since a section of the argument of the statutory inspector for refusal, not adopted by the Board, was that some kind of a greenway ought to be constructed along an alternative route and that this would be the ideal way to accommodate cyclists. That may be right as a matter of fact, but does An Bord Pleanála have such a power? Section 13 of the Roads Act, 1993, as substituted by s. 6 of the Roads Act, 2007, states as to its material part:
(2) It is the function of a local authority to maintain and construct all local roads— (a) in the case of a county council — in its administrative area, other than the administrative area of any borough or town referred to in Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 6 to the Local Government Act 2001 situated within the county of the council, and (b) in the case of any other local authority — in its administrative area. (3) The local authorities referred to in subsections (1) and (2) are road authorities for the purposes of the roads referred to in those subsections and shall, subject to Part III and in respect of those roads, perform all the functions assigned to road authorities by or under any enactment (including this Act) or instrument. (4) The expenses of a county council in respect of its functions under subsection (2) shall be charged on the county of the council exclusive of any borough or town that is situated within the county. (5) In the performance of their functions under subsections (1) and (2), a road authority shall consider the needs of all road users. 22. Section 15 of the Roads Act 1993 concerns the power of the Minister to give general directions as to the manner of construction and maintenance of public roads. Section 41 deals with the entitlement of the Minister responsible to give directions in writing to the National Roads Authority. Establishing a safe and effective road network is tasked to the Authority in more specific powers granted under section 17. Section 22(1) provides:
(b) a service area scheme, (c) a busway scheme, (d) a protected road scheme, or (e) a protected road scheme amending a protected road scheme approved under section 49.
(2) The references to the Minister in section 19 (7) and paragraphs (a), (c), (e) and (f) of section 20 (1) of the Roads Act, 1993 , shall be deemed to be references to the Board.
(2) Before approving a scheme submitted to him the Minister shall— (a) cause a public local inquiry into all matters relating to the scheme to be held, (b) consider any objections to the scheme which have been made to him and not withdrawn, (c) consider the report and any recommendation of the person conducting such inquiry. (3) The Minister may, by order, approve a scheme with or without modifications or he may refuse to approve such a scheme and shall publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the area where the proposed motorway, busway, protected road or service area is to be located notice of his decision, including, where appropriate, particulars of any modifications to the scheme. (4) The Minister may, in any case where he considers it reasonable to do so, direct the road authority to provide for any person who, by reason of the implementation of a motorway, busway, protected road or service area scheme— (a) is permanently deprived of reasonable access to or from his property or to or from one part of his property to another — a suitable alternative means of access, (b) is, during construction, temporarily deprived of reasonable access to or from his property or to or from one part of his property to another —a temporary means of access during the course of such construction, and the road authority shall comply with any such direction. (5) Where a scheme made by a road authority under section 47 specifies a planning permission which it is proposed to revoke or modify and where the Minister— (a) refuses to approve the scheme, or (b) approves the scheme with modifications and the effect of such modifications is that the specified planning permission will not be revoked or modified or will be modified in a form other than that specified in the scheme as made by the road authority, the duration of such planning permission shall, notwithstanding section 40 of the Act of 2000, be extended by a period specified in the order of the Minister under subsection (3), the duration of which shall be equivalent to the period beginning on the date on which the scheme was made by the road authority and ending on the date on which the decision referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) was made by the Minister. (6) Where the Authority has submitted a scheme for approval under subsection (1) references to road authority in the other provisions of this section in respect of the scheme are to read as references to the Authority.
(2) Before approving a scheme submitted to him the Minister shall— (a) cause a public local inquiry into all matters relating to the scheme to be held, (b) consider any objections to the scheme which have been made to him and not withdrawn, (c) consider the report and any recommendation of the person conducting such inquiry. (3) The Minister may, by order, approve a scheme with or without modifications or he may refuse to approve such a scheme and shall publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the area where the proposed motorway, busway or protected road is to be located notice of his decision, including, where appropriate, particulars of any modifications to the scheme. (4) The Minister may, in any case where he considers it reasonable to do so, direct the road authority to provide for any person who, by reason of the implementation of a motorway, busway or protected road scheme— (a) is permanently deprived of reasonable access to or from his property or to or from one part of his property to another — a suitable alternative means of access, (b) is, during construction, temporarily deprived of reasonable access to or from his property or to or from one part of his property to another — a temporary means of access during the course of such construction, and the road authority shall comply with any such direction. (5) Where a scheme made by a road authority under section 47 specifies a planning permission which it is proposed to revoke or modify and where the Minister— (a) refuses to approve the scheme, or (b) approves the scheme with modifications and the effect of such modifications is that the specified planning permission will not be revoked or modified or will be modified in a form other than that specified in the scheme as made by the road authority, the duration of such planning permission shall, notwithstanding the Act of 1982, be extended by a period specified in the order of the Minister under subsection (3), the duration of which shall be equivalent to the period beginning on the date on which the scheme was made by the road authority and ending on the date on which the decision referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) was made by the Minister.
(2) The road authority concerned or the Authority, as the case may be, shall apply to An Bord Pleanála for the approval referred to in subsection (1) in relation to a proposed road development it proposes and shall submit to An Bord Pleanála the environmental impact statement prepared in respect of the development. (3) Where a road authority has made an application for approval under subsection (2), it shall as soon as may be— (a) publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the area in which the proposed road development would take place a notice in the prescribed form— (i) stating that it has made an application to the Minister for the approval of the proposed road development, (ii) stating that an environmental impact statement in respect of the proposed road development has been prepared, (iii) indicating the times at which, the period (not being less than 6 weeks) during which and the place where a copy of the environmental impact statement may be inspected, (iv) stating that a copy of the environmental impact statement may be purchased on payment of a specified fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making such copy, (v) stating that submissions may be made in writing to the Minister in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development during the period referred to in paragraph (a)(iii); (vi) where relevant, stating that the proposed road development is likely to have significant effects on the environment in Northern Ireland, and (vii) specifying the types of decision An Bord Pleanála may make, under section 51(6), in relation to the application; (b) send a copy of the environmental impact statement together with a notice in the prescribed form, stating that the authority has made an application for approval of the proposed road development and that submissions may be made in writing to the Minister within a specified period (which shall be that referred to in paragraph (a)(iii)) in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development to each of the following— (i) the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, (ii) Bord Fáilte Éireann, (iii) An Taisce — the National Trust for Ireland, (iv) any other prescribed body or person; (c) send a copy of the environmental impact statement to the prescribed authority in Northern Ireland where the proposed road development is likely to have significant effects on the environment in Northern Ireland or where that authority so requests, together with a notice in the prescribed form, stating that the authority has made an application for approval of the proposed road development and that submissions may be made in writing to the Minister in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development. (d) where the environmental impact statement and a notice has been sent to the prescribed authority in Northern Ireland pursuant to paragraph (c), enter into consultations with that authority regarding the potential effects on the environment of the proposed road development and the measures envisaged to reduce or eliminate such effects. (4) The Minister may require a road authority which has applied to him for an approval in accordance with subsection (2) to furnish him with specified additional information in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development and the authority shall comply with any such requirement. (4A) The Minister shall, where he considers that additional information furnished in accordance with a requirement under subsection (4) contains significant additional data in relation to the effects on the environment of the proposed road development, require the relevant road authority to — (a) publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the area in which the proposed road development would take place a notice stating that significant additional information in relation to the said effects has been furnished to the Minister, that the additional information will be available, for inspection or for purchase (on payment of a specified fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy), at a specified place and at specified times during a specified period, and that submissions or observations in relation to the additional information may be made in writing to the Minister before a specified date, and (b) send notice of the furnishing to the Minister of significant additional information, and a copy of the additional information, to the bodies and persons and the authority (where appropriate) referred to in subsections (3) (b) and (c) and to indicate to such bodies and persons and the authority (where appropriate) that submissions or observations in relation to the additional information may be made in writing to the Minister before a specified date. (5) Before approving a proposed road development the Minister shall— (a) consider the environmental impact statement submitted under subsection (2), any additional information furnished under subsection (4) and any submissions made in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development, (b) consider any views of the prescribed authority in Northern Ireland where a copy of the environmental impact statement was sent to it in accordance with subsection (3) (c), (c) consider the report and any recommendation of the person conducting an inquiry referred to in subsection (7) where evidence is heard at such inquiry in relation to the likely effects on the environment of the proposed road development. (6) The Minister may, by order, approve a proposed road development with or without modifications or he may refuse to approve such a development and shall— (a) publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the area in which the proposed road development would take place notice of his decision, including, where appropriate, particulars of any modifications to the proposed road development, (aa) The said notice shall inform the public that a person may question the validity of any determination by An Bord Pleanála on a proposed road development by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986). (ab) The notice shall identify where practical information on the review mechanism can be found. (b) inform the prescribed authority in Northern Ireland of his decision where a copy of the environmental impact statement was sent to it in accordance with subsection (3) (c). (6A) A notice published by the Minister pursuant to subsection (6) shall indicate the times at which, the period during which and the place where a copy of the decision and the relevant environmental impact statement may be inspected. (7) (a) The person conducting— (i) a public local inquiry under section 49, or (ii) a local inquiry in relation to a bridge order under section 47 of the Act of 1946, or (iii) a public local inquiry in relation to the compulsory acquisition of land, which relates wholly or partly to a proposed road development in respect of which a road authority has applied for an approval under this section shall be entitled to hear evidence in relation to the likely effects on the environment of such development. (b) Where an application for approval under this section relates to a proposed road development, and (i) a scheme submitted to the Minister for approval under section 49, or (ii) an application submitted to the Minister for a bridge order under the Act of 1946, or (iii) a compulsory purchase order submitted to the Minister for confirmation, relate wholly or partly to the same proposed road development, the Minister shall make a decision on such approval and on the approval of such scheme or the making of such bridge order or the confirmation of such compulsory purchase order at the same time. (8) (a) The European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Motorways) Regulations, 1988 (S.I. No. 221 of 1988) are hereby revoked. (b) The European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 1989 (S.I. No. 349 of 1989) and the Local Government (Planning and Development) Regulations, 1990 (S.I. No. 25 of 1990) shall not apply to proposed road development. (9) Where the Authority makes an application for approval under subsection (2) references to road authority in subsection (3) and its following provisions of this section in respect of the application are to be read as references to the Authority.
(a) the policies and objectives for the time being of the Government, a State authority, the Minister, planning authorities and any other body which is a public authority whose functions have, or may have, a bearing on the proper planning and sustainable development of cities, towns or other areas, whether urban or rural, (b) the national interest and any effect the performance of the Board’s functions may have on issues of strategic economic or social importance to the State, and (c) the National Spatial Strategy and any regional planning guidelines for the time being in force. (2) In this section ‘public authority’ means any body established by or under statute which is for the time being declared, by regulations made by the Minister, to be a public authority for the purposes of this section. 29. An argument of Kerry County Council which is merely additional, in that regard, is that the Department of Transport supported the inclusion of cycleways, at least to some degree, in ‘Smarter Travel: A Sustainable Transport Future, 2009’ and more pertinently and in explicit terms in the report of the national tourism authority in ‘Strategy for the Development of Irish Cycle Tourism, 2007’. That is correct. But, the much stronger position is that the needs of cyclists and pedestrians must be considered in all road planning. That is a clear statutory imperative. There is no evidence at all that in regard to the decision of An Bord Pleanála of the 4th September 2013 refusing this road proposal, or in its explicit direction to Kerry County Council to remove cycleways from the proposal by its letter of the 7th November, 2012, that these considerations played any part in this process. Rather, there is strong evidence that an appropriate consideration was excluded. Furthermore, it is worth noting that 5.2 km of this proposed route already has a fenced off cycleway. This section of roadway as so constructed was regarded as relatively unobtrusive in the report of the trip by the Board member to West Kerry. Moreover, while the argument by Kerry County Council that mistakes were made by the inspector has been overplayed as to the effect on width of the road by the removal of the cycleways, perhaps 4 metres are being saved by excluding consideration for cyclists from a potential width of 28 metres while a two way off road cycleway, such as exists for a 5 km stretch already, allows a saving of 1.5 metres. What is important in road safety terms is to keep speeds low and to avoid bicycles and pedestrians crossing the carriageway. Car drivers play little heed to warning signs. Similarly overplayed was the argument by Kerry County Council that no regard was had at all to alternatives to cyclists using this national route in going from Tralee to An Daingean. Certainly, the inspector mentions this in his report. In that report a determined expression is made that the cycle route should be gotten right from the very beginning. The alternative green way type of solution is regarded as better by the inspector. But, in terms of reality, it is not legally tenable to construe the labyrinthine interactions between the Planning and Development Acts and the Roads Acts as enabling An Bord Pleanála to grant permission but only on the basis that an alternative exclusive cycling and pedestrian way is constructed. That seems to this Court to be outside the competence of the Board in terms of any condition that might be attached to the grant of permission because, under the Roads Acts, that express function is that of the local roads authority. Clearly, that was not done by the Board. The crucial problem here was the exclusion of consideration for cyclists. The point is not essential to the decision and is only mentioned because it was thrown into the mix. 30. There was therefore a failure by An Bord Pleanála to consider the needs of cyclists and pedestrians in turning down a road scheme which made express provision for them in accordance with an appropriate National Roads Authority model for this type of highway. Even were that not the case, there is no evidence which supports the contention that regard was had by An Bord Pleanála to the strategy of the Government in regard to cyclists, as expressed in legislation or of the responsible plans of statutory bodies. 31. The other points argued at length are not necessary to the Court’s decision. Only the point just decided was of any merit at all. Conclusion 33. In the light of the findings made, the decision to refuse is quashed and the matter is remitted. Neither party has sought leave to appeal. Neither party has sought costs.