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The Law Commission
And The Scottish Law Commission
(LAW COM No 266)
Report on a Reference under Section 3(1)(e) of the Law
Commissions Act 1965
Presented to the Parliament of the United Kingdom by the Lord High Chancellor by Command of Her Majesty
Laid before the Scottish Parliament by the Scottish Ministers
October 2000
Cm 4853
The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission were set up by the Law Commissions Act 1965 for the purpose of promoting the reform of the law.
The Law Commissioners are:
The Honourable Mr Justice Carnwath CVO, Chairman
Professor Hugh Beale
Miss Diana Faber
Mr Charles Harpum
Judge Alan Wilkie, QC
The Secretary of the Law Commission is Mr Michael Sayers and its offices are at Conquest House, 37-38 John Street, Theobalds Road, London WC1N 2BQ.
The Scottish Law Commissioners are:
The Honourable Lord Gill, Chairman
Mr Patrick S Hodge, QC
Professor Gerard Maher
Professor Kenneth G C Reid
Professor Joseph M Thomson
The Secretary of the Scottish Law Commission is Mr Norman Raven and its offices are at 140 Causewayside, Edinburgh EH9 1PR.
The terms of this report were agreed on 21 August 2000.
The text of this report is available on the Internet at:
The Human Rights Act 1998 provides citizens of the United Kingdom with important protection for certain of their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights ("the Convention rights"). Section 7 of the Act gives a new claim against public authorities where the public authority has acted in a way which is incompatible with one or more of those rights. The claim may be brought by a victim of the public authority's action, and the remedies sought may include damages in compensation for the violation of the Convention rights. Section 8 of the Human Rights Act provides that before a court may award damages it must be satisfied that the award is necessary to afford just satisfaction to the person in whose favour it is made. This is the test applicable to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg under Article 41 of the Convention, and section 8 also provides that courts in this country must take into account the principles applied by the Strasbourg Court in deciding whether to award compensation for a violation of the Convention, and the amount of any award.
This report contains an article by article description of the case-law, and an analysis of the practice, of the Strasbourg Court in relation to the award of compensation. It also considers when damages may be awarded for violations of Article 5 of the Convention by judicial acts.
The primary principle governing the award of compensation by that Court is that the victim should, as far as possible, be placed in the same position as if the violation of his or her rights had not occurred. We discuss how that principle is applied by the Strasbourg Court, and when it requires the award of damages to the victim.
We then consider what the implications are for the award of damages by courts in the United Kingdom in relation to a claim brought under the Human Rights Act 1998. We conclude that in most areas the approach of the Strasbourg Court is not significantly different to the rules currently applied by courts in this country to the award of damages.
There are some points at which the practice of the Strasbourg Court does differ from courts in this country. For example, the Strasbourg Court does not award punitive damages. In contrast, the Strasbourg Court has awarded compensation in relation to some forms of non-pecuniary, or intangible, loss - such as for loss of relationship between parent and child - which have not yet been recognised by courts in this country. Following the practice of the Strasbourg Court may require further development of the law by courts in this country.
Subject to these points the implementation of the Human Rights Act will not require major changes to the law on damages. The Strasbourg Court seeks to compensate applicants under the Convention fully for any loss which they can prove resulted from a violation of the Convention. Where courts in this country have established appropriate levels of compensation for particular types of loss in relation to claims in tort or delict, it would seem appropriate for the same rules to be used in relation to a claim under the Human Rights Act 1998.
Para | |
2. NATURE OF THE REPORT | 1.3-1.5 |
4. DAMAGES UNDER SECTION 8 | 2.8-2.9 |
(1) The statutory provision | 2.8 |
(2) Principal features | 2.9 |
5. PRELIMINARY MATTERS | 2.10-2.25 |
(1) Public authorities | 2.11-2.14 |
(2) Who may bring proceedings under section 6? | 2.15 |
(3) The court must have power to award damages in civil proceedings | 2.16-2.18 |
(4) "Just and appropriate" remedies | 2.19-2.21 |
(5) Relationship of claims under section 6 to other causes of action | 2.22-2.25 |
(1) Scotland | 2.29-2.31 |
(2) Wales | 2.32 |
(3) Northern Ireland | 2.33 |
1. INTRODUCTION | 3.1-3.3 |
(1) Absence of clear principles | 3.4-3.15 |
(2) The pre-conditions imposed by Article 41 | 3.16-3.18 |
(3) General aim of restitutio in integrum | 3.19-3.21 |
(4) The heads of damages recoverable | 3.22 |
(a) Introduction | 3.22 |
(b) Pecuniary loss | 3.23-3.25 |
(c) Non-pecuniary loss | 3.26-3.28 |
(d) Costs and expenses | 3.29-3.30 |
(1) Other measures in response to a violation | 3.31-3.37 |
(2) Just satisfaction by a finding of violation | 3.38-3.43 |
(3) Degree of loss | 3.44 |
(4) Seriousness of the violation | 3.45-3.46 |
(5) Conduct of the respondent | 3.47-3.48 |
(a) Offensive conduct of the State | 3.49-3.51 |
(b) Record of previous violations by the State | 3.52-3.53 |
(6) Conduct of the applicant | 3.54-3.57 |
4 CAUSATION | 3.58-3.69 |
(1) Need for clear causal link | 3.58 |
(2) Speculative losses | 3.59 |
(a) Strict causation | 3.60-3.61 |
(b) Loss or opportunities | 3.62-3.65 |
(c) Attempts to reconcile the two approaches | 3.66-3.69 |
5 INTEREST | 3.70-3.75 |
(1) Interest as a pecuniary loss | 3.70-3.74 |
(2) Default Interest | 3.75 |
6. CONCLUSION | 3.76-3.78 |
1. INTRODUCTION | 4.1-4.2 |
(1) Must the principles be followed? | 4.4-4.5 |
(2) Principles not practice | 4.6-4.11 |
3. COMMON LAW ANALOGIES | 4.12-4.26 |
(1) Comparisons with claims in tort | 4.12-4.15 |
(2) Constitutional rights in the Commonwealth | 4.16-4.20 |
(3) Use of common law analogies | 4.21-4.26 |
(1) The court's discretion to make an award | 4.33 |
(2) No damages if other remedy provides just satisfaction | 4.36-4.39 |
(3) The consequences of the decision | 4.40-4.42 |
(4) Exercise of the general discretion | 4.43-4.45 |
(a) Where there is an equivalent rule in English law | 4.46-4.49 |
(b) Cases with no obvious equivalent | 4.50-4.53 |
(c) Analogies to the European Court of Justice | 4.54-4.58 |
6. HEADS OF LOSS | 4.59-4.77 |
(1) Pecuniary and non-pecuniary loss | 4.59-4.60 |
(2) Pecuniary loss | 4.61-4.62 |
(3) Non-pecuniary loss | 4.63-4.68 |
(4) Anxiety, distress and frustration | 4.69-4.70 |
(5) Exemplary or punitive damages | 4.71-4.73 |
(6) Nominal damages | 4.74 |
(7) Restitutionary damages | 4.75-4.77 |
7. CAUSATION | 4.78-4.87 |
(1) Causal link | 4.78-4.81 |
(2) Apportioning responsibility where judicial acts are involved | 4.82-4.84 |
(3) Speculative losses | 4.85-4.87 |
8. OTHER ISSUES | 4.88-4.91 |
(1) Concurrent liability | 4.88 |
(2) Interest | 4.89-4.91 |
9. CONCLUSION | 4.92-4.97 |
1. INTRODUCTION | 5.1-5.2 |
4. CONCLUSION | 5.6-5.7 |
6.1-6.240 |
1. INTRODUCTION | 6.1-6.2 |
2. ARTICLE 2 | 6.3-6.14 |
3. ARTICLE 3 | 6.15-6.25 |
(1) Threatened violations | 6.16-6.19 |
(2) Actual violations | 6.20-6.25 |
4. ARTICLE 4 | 6.26 |
5. ARTICLE 5 | 6.27-6.80 |
(1) Article 5(1) | 6.29-6.42 |
(a) Pecuniary loss | 6.29-6.30 |
(b) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.31-6.42 |
(2) Article 5(2) | 6.43 |
(3) Article 5(3) | 6.44-6.64 |
(a) The right to be brought promptly before a judge | 6.45-6.51 |
(i) Pecuniary loss | 6.45-6.46 |
(ii) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.47-6.51 |
(b) The right to release pending trial | 6.52-6.58 |
(i) Pecuniary loss | 6.52-6.53 |
(ii) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.54-6.58 |
(c) The right to trial within a reasonable time | 6.59-6.64 |
(4) Article 5(4) | 6.65-6.77 |
(a) Pecuniary loss | 6.66-6.71 |
(b) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.72-6.77 |
(5) Article 5(5) | 6.78-6.80 |
6. ARTICLE 6 | 6.81-6.146 |
(1) Access to a court | 6.84-6.93 |
(a) Pecuniary loss | 6.85-6.87 |
(b) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.88-6.93 |
(2) Independence and impartiality | 6.94-6.99 |
(a) Pecuniary loss | 6.95-6.97 |
(b) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.98-6.99 |
(3) Public hearing | 6.100-6.101 |
(4) Equality of arms | 6.102-6.106 |
(5) Duty to give reasons | 6.107-6.109 |
(6) Self-incrimination | 6.110-6.112 |
(7) Unreasonable length of proceedings | 6.113-6.128 |
(a) Civil proceedings | 6.114-6.124 |
(b) Criminal proceedings | 6.125-6.128 |
(8) Presumption of innocence | 6.129-6.131 |
(9) Right to be informed of criminal charges | 6.132-6.134 |
(10) Right to a defence | 6.135-6.140 |
(a) Pecuniary loss | 6.136 |
(b) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.137-6.140 |
(11) Examination of witnesses | 6.141-6.144 |
(12) Right to an interpreter | 6.145-6.146 |
7. ARTICLE 7 | 6.147-6.151 |
8. ARTICLE 8 | 6.152-6.189 |
(1) Interference with correspondence | 6.154-6.158 |
(2) Children in public care | 6.159-6.164 |
(3) Adoption and custody disputes | 6.165-6.166 |
(4) Telephone tapping and searching of premises | 6.167-6.171 |
(5) Immigration cases | 6.172-6.174 |
(6) Article 8 and sexual orientation and identity | 6.175-6.182 |
(7) Environmental claims | 6.183-6.184 |
(8) Miscellaneous cases | 6.185-6.189 |
9. ARTICLE 9 | 6.190-6.192 |
10. ARTICLE 10 | 6.193-6.203 |
(1) Pecuniary loss | 6.194-6.201 |
(2) Non-pecuniary loss | 6.202-6.203 |
11. ARTICLE 11 | 6.204-6.210 |
12. ARTICLE 12 | 6.211-6.212 |
13. ARTICLE 14 | 6.213-6.222 |
(1) Discriminatory taxation regimes | 6.215-6.216 |
(2) Discriminatory social security regimes | 6.217 |
(3) Discriminatory immigration regimes | 6.218 |
(4) Discriminatory application of retrospective laws | 6.219-6.221 |
(5) Discriminatory civil procedure rules | 6.222 |
14. ARTICLE 1 OF PROTOCOL NO 1 | 6.223-6.235 |
(1) Expropriation | 6.225-6.227 |
(2) Frustrated Court Judgments | 6.228-6.230 |
(3) Delayed proceedings | 6.231-6.234 |
(4) Destruction of property | 6.235 |
15. ARTICLE 2 OF PROTOCOL 1 | 6.236-6.238 |
16. ARTICLE 3 OF PROTOCOL 1 | 6.239-6.240 |
(1) Benham v United Kingdom | A.10-A.12 |
(2) Void/voidable | A.13-A.15 |
(3) Perks and others v United Kingdom | A.16-A.22 |
4. COMMENTARY | A.23-A.30 |
5. CONCLUSION | A.31 |
In this Report, wherever possible we give references to judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in both the official series of reports and the European Human Rights Reports, a commercial English series (published by Sweet and Maxwell). Up to 1996, the relevant official publication was called "Series A (Judgments and Decisions)". This we cite in the form: Brogan v United Kingdom A 145-B (1988); that is Series A (Judgments and Decisions), volume 145, case B (ie the second case reported in that volume; if there is no letter, the volume contains a single judgment). The year is that of judgment. After 1996, the official series became "Reports of Judgments and Decisions". Reports in this series are cited in the form: Assenov v Bulgaria 1998-VIII p 3264; that is the 1998 volume, part VIII, at page 3264. Reports in the European Human Rights Reports are in the usual form for English law Reports published in consecutively numbered annual volumes (but we do not give a date).
More recent reports of the European Court of Human Rights are referred to by the application number and the date of judgment: Ilhan v Turkey Application no 22277/93, 27 June 2000. Transcripts of these reports are obtainable from the European Court of Human Rights website (http://www.echr.coe.int).
Decisions and reports of the European Commission of Human Rights are similarly given in both the official series and the EHRR. The official series is called "Decisions and Reports" and is published by the Council of Europe. Citations are in the form Schertenlieb v Switzerland (1980) 23 DR 137 (volume 23, page 137).
A and others v Denmark 1996-I p 3264, 22 EHRR 458 | 6.122 n 188; |
A v France A 277-B (1993), 17 EHRR 462 | 6.168 n 274; |
A v United Kingdom 1998-VI p 2692, 27 EHRR 611 | 6.24 |
Abdoella v Netherlands A 248-A (1992), 20 EHRR 585 | 6.128 n 201; 6.128 n 202 |
Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v United Kingdom A 94 (1985), 7 EHRR 471 | 3.26 n 53; 6.172 n 283; 6.218 |
ADT v United Kingdom Application no 35765/97, 31 July 2000 | 3.37 n 76; 4.40 n 67; 6.177-178 |
AGOSI v United Kingdom A 108 (1986), 9 EHRR 1 | 2.15 n 35 |
Ahmed v Austria 1996-VI p 2195, 24 EHRR 278 | 6.19 |
Ahmet Sadik v Greece 1996-V p 1652, 24 EHRR 323 | 6.41 n 64 |
Airey v Ireland A 32 (1981), 2 EHRR 305 (merits); A 41 (1981) 3 EHRR 592 (just satisfaction) | 6.85 |
Akdivar v Turkey 1996-IV p 1192, 23 EHRR 143 (merits); 1998-II p 711 (just satisfaction) | 3.47; 6.235 |
Aksoy v Turkey 1996-VI p 2260, 23 EHRR 553 | 3.23 n 37; 3.45; 6.22 |
Albert and Le Compte v Belgium A 68 (1983), 13 EHRR 415 (just satisfaction) | 3.31 n 61; 4.74 n 139; 6.100 n 161 |
Allan Jacobsson v Sweden A 163 (1989), 12 EHRR 56 | 6.87 n 138 |
Allenet de Ribemont v France A 308 (1995), 20 EHRR 557 | 3.49 n 99; 4.18 n 30; 6.131 |
Amuur v France 1996-III p 826, 22 EHRR 533 | 6.33 |
AO v Italy Application 22534/93, 30 May 2000 | 6.224 n 374; 6.224 n 376 |
Artico v Italy A 37 (1980), 3 EHRR 1 | 6.138 |
Assenov v Bulgaria 1998-VIII p 3264, 28 EHRR 652 | 3.46 n 93; 6.25 |
Averill v United Kingdom Application no 36408/97, 6 June 2000 | 6.137 n 219 |
Aydin v Turkey 1997-VI p 1866, 25 EHRR 251 | 3.26 n 46; 3.46 n 93; 5.6 n 30; 6.20 |
Ayuntamiento de M v Spain (1991) 68 DR 209 | 2.15 n 36 |
B v Austria A 175 (1990), 13 EHRR 20, | 6.126 |
B v France A 232-C (1992), 16 EHRR 1 | 6.182 |
Baggetta v Italy A 119 (1987), 10 EHRR 325 | 6.127 n 200 |
Barberà, Messegué and Jabardo v Spain A 285-C (1994) | 3.19 n 30; 3.33 n 67; 4.39 n 65; 6.101 |
Barthold v Germany A 90 (1985), 7 EHRR 383 | 6.202 n 332 |
Baskaya and Okçuoglu v Turkey Application nos 23536/94 and 24408/94, 8 July 1999 | 3.23 n 39; 5.6 n 30; 6.151; 6.198; 6.203 |
Beaumartin v France A 296-B (1994), 19 EHRR 485 | 6.98 n 157 |
Beldjoudi v France A 234-A (1992), 14 EHRR 801 | 6.172 n 283 |
Belilos v Switzerland A 132 (1988), 10 EHRR 466 | 3.31 n 61 |
Benham v United Kingdom 1996-III p 738, 22 EHRR 293 | 2.27 n 65, 6.137; 6.140; A.2 n 4; A.9- A.11, A.18, A.25; A.27. |
Bergens Tidende v Norway Application no 26132/95, 2 May 2000 | 3.71 n 133; 6.199 |
Berrehab v Netherlands A 138 (1988), 11 EHRR 322 | 6.173 |
Bezicheri v Italy A 164 (1989), 12 EHRR 210 | 6.66 n 111 |
Bodén v Sweden A 125-B (1987), 10 EHRR 367 | 6.86 |
Boner v United Kingdom A 300-B (1994), 19 EHRR 246 | 6.137 n 217 |
Bönisch v Austria A 92 (1985), 9 EHRR 191 (merits); A 103 (1986), 13 EHRR 409 (just satisfaction) | 3.22 n 34; 3.63; 6.97; 6.98 |
Borgers v Belgium A 214 (1991), 15 EHRR 92 | 6.104 n 167 |
Bowman v United Kingdom 1998-I p 105, 26 EHRR 1 | 6.202 n 332 |
Bozano v France A 111 (1986), 9 EHRR 297 (merits); A 124-F (1987), 13 EHRR 428 (just satisfaction) | 3.49; 6.37 - 6.38 |
Bricmont v Belgium A 158 (1989), 12 EHRR 217 | 6.104 n 167 |
Brincat v Italy A 249-A (1992), 16 EHRR 591 | 6.46 n 74 |
Brogan v United Kingdom A 145-B (1989), 11 EHRR 117 (merits); A 152-B (1989), 13 EHRR 439 (just satisfaction) | 6.48; 6.80 n 134 |
Brozicek v Italy A 167 (1989), 12 EHRR 371 | 3.31 n 61, 6.133 |
Bulut v Austria 1996-II p 346, 24 EHRR 84 | 6.104 n 167 |
Caballero v United Kingdom Application no 32819/96, 8 February 2000 | 3.17 n 23, 3.41 n 85, 6.58, 6.80 n 134 |
Campbell and Cosans v United Kingdom A 48 (1982), 4 EHRR 293 | 2.15 n 38, 6.237 - 6.238 |
Campbell and Fell v United Kingdom A 80 (1984), 7 EHRR 165 | 3.44 n 89, 6.100 n 161, 6.156 n 248 |
Campbell v United Kingdom A 233-A (1992), 15 EHRR 137 | 6.156 n 248 |
Canea Catholic Church v Greece 1997-VIII p 2843, 27 EHRR 521 | 6.222 |
Castells v Spain A 236 (1992), 14 EHRR 445 | 6.200 n 323, 6.202 |
Cesky v Czech Republic Application no 33644/96, 6 June 2000 | 3.41 n 85, 6.62 - 6.63 |
Chahal v United Kingdom 1996-V p 1831, 23 EHRR 413 | 6.18, 6.76 |
Ciulla v Italy A 148 (1989), 13 EHRR 346 | 6.35 |
Comingersoll SA v Portugal Application no 35382/97, 6 April 2000 | 3.28, 6.123 |
Confédération des Syndicats Médicaux Français v France (1986) 47 DR 225 | 2.15 n 46 |
Crémieux v France A 256-B (1993), 16 EHRR 357 | 6.170 |
Curley v United Kingdom Application no 32340/96, 28 March 2000 | 3.41 n 85, 6.73 |
Darby v Sweden A 187 (1990), 13 EHRR 774 | 3.71, 6.215 n 357 |
Darnell v United Kingdom A 272 (1993), 18 EHRR 205 | 6.117 |
De Cubber v Belgium A 124-B (1987), 13 EHRR 422 (just satisfaction) | 3.60, 6.96 n 150, 6.98 |
De Haan v Netherlands 1997-IV p 1379, 26 EHRR 417 | 6.99 n 159, 6.99 n 160 |
De Haes and Gijsels v Belgium 1997-I p 198, 25 EHRR 1 | 6.202 |
De Jong, Baijet and Van den Brink v Netherlands A 77 (1984), 8 EHRR 20 | 6.47 n 75 |
De Moor v Belgium A 292-A (1994), 18 EHRR 372 | 6.98 n 157 |
De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp v Belgium (No 1) A 12 (1971), 1 EHRR 373 | 3.21 n 32, 6.67 |
De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp v Belgium (No 2) A 14 (1972), 1 EHRR 438 | 3.17 n 25, 3.17 n 29, 6.67 |
Delta v France A 191-A (1990), 16 EHRR 574 | 3.63 n 121, 6.105, 6.144 |
Deumeland v Germany A 100 (1986), 8 EHRR 448 | 2.15 n 45, 6.121 |
Diennet v France A 315-B (1995), 21 EHRR 554 | 6.100 n 161 |
Dombo Beheer BV v Netherlands A 274-A (1993), 18 EHRR 213 | 6.103 - 6.104, |
Drozd and Janousek v France and Spain A 240 (1992), 14 EHRR 745 | A.28 n 62 |
Dudgeon v United Kingdom A 45 (1981), 4 EHRR 149 (merits), A 59 (1983), 5 EHRR 573 (just satisfaction) | 2.15 n 38, 3.37, 4.42 n 70, 4.51 n 89, 6.175, 6.176, 6.177 n 292 |
Duinhof and Duijf v Netherlands A 79 (1984), 13 EHRR 478 | 6.47 |
Eckle v Germany (Article 50) A 65 (1983), 13 EHRR 556 | 3.57 n 110, 3.58, 6.128 |
EDC v United Kingdom [1998] BCC 370 | 4.83, 4.84 |
Engel and Others v Netherlands (No 2) A 22 (1976), 1 EHRR 706 | 4.74 n 139, 6.36 n 55, 6.100 n 161 |
Eriksson v Sweden A 156 (1989), 12 EHRR 183 | 6.162 |
Erkalo v Netherlands 1998-VI p 2464, 28 EHRR 509 | 6.29 n 42, 6.32 |
Ezelin v France A 202 (1991), 14 EHRR 362 | 6.207 |
F v Switzerland A 128 (1987), 10 EHRR 411 | 3.31 n 62, 6.212 |
FCB v Italy A 208-B (1991), 14 EHRR 909 | 6.137 n 217 |
Findlay v United Kingdom 1997-I p 263, 24 EHRR 221 | 6.96 n 150, 6.99 |
Fischer v Austria A 312 (1995), 20 EHRR 349 | 6.100 n 161 |
Foti v Italy (Article 50) A 69 (1983), 13 EHRR 568 | 6.126 n 198 |
Fox, Campbell and Hartley v United Kingdom A 182 (1990), 13 EHRR 157 (merits); A 202 (1991), 14 EHRR 108 (just satisfaction) | 3.38 n 78, 6.35, 6.80 n 134 |
Fredin v Sweden A 192 (1991), 13 EHRR 784 | 6.93 n 147 |
Frydlender v France Application no 30979/96, 27 June 2000 | 6.119 n 184 |
Funke v France A 256-A (1993), 16 EHRR 297 | 6.111, 6.170 |
Gaskin v United Kingdom A 160 (1989), 12 EHRR 36 | 6.163 |
Gautrin v France 1998-III p 1009, 28 EHRR 196 | 6.99 n 159, 6.99 n 160 |
Gaygusuz v Austria 1996-IV p 1129, 23 EHRR 364 | 4.72 n 135, 6.217 |
Georgiadis v Greece 1997-III p 949, 24 EHRR 606 | 6.109 |
Gillow v United Kingdom A 109 (1986), 11 EHRR 335 (merits); A124-C (1987) (just satisfaction) | 6.188 |
Goddi v Italy A 76 (1984), 6 EHHR 457 | 6.139 |
Golder v United Kingdom A 18 (1975), 1 EHRR 524 | 3.38, 3.39 n 83, 5.4 n 5, 6.155 |
Granger v United Kingdom A 174 (1990), 12 EHRR 469 | 6.136 n 215 |
Grigoriades v Greece 1997-VII p 2575, 27 EHRR 464 | 6.200 n 323 |
Guerra v Italy 1998-I p 210, 26 EHRR 357 | 6.184 |
Guillemin v France 1997-I p 149, 25 EHRR 435 (merits), 1998-VI p 2544 (just satisfaction) | 3.32 n 64, 6.124, 6.234 |
Guincho v Portugal A 81 (1984), 7 EHRR 223 | 6.233 n 396 |
Güleç v Turkey 1998-IV p 1698, 28 EHRR 121 | 5.6 n 30, 6.4 n 3, 6.10 |
H v Belgium A 127-B (1987), 10 EHRR 339 | 6.108 |
H v France A 162 (1989), 12 EHRR 74 | 3.26 n 47, 6.118 |
H v United Kingdom A 120 (1987), 10 EHRR 95 (merits); A 136-B (1988), 13 EHRR 449 (just satisfaction) | 3.27 n 54, 3.65, 4.83, 4.84, 6.91 n 141, 6.159 n 252, 6.160 n 256 |
Håkansson and Sturesson v Sweden A 171 (1990), 13 EHRR 1 | 2.15 n 43 |
Halford v United Kingdom 1997-III p 1004, 24 EHRR 523 | 3.38 n 77, 3.50, 6.169 |
Hauschildt v Denmark A 154 (1989), 12 EHRR 266 | 3.31 n 61, 6.96 |
Hentrich v France A 296-A (1994), 18 EHRR 440 (merits); A 322 (1995), 21 EHRR 199 | 3.75 n 143, 6.225 n 379 |
Herczegfalvy v Austria A 244 (1992), 15 EHRR 437 | 6.158 n 250 |
Hertel v Switzerland 1998-VI p 2298, 28 EHRR 534 | 6.200 n 323 |
Hilton v United Kingdom (1988) 57 DR 108 | 2.15 n 39 |
Hokkanen v Finland A 299-A (1994), 19 EHRR 139 | 6.165 |
Hussain v United Kingdom 1996-I p 252, 22 EHRR 1 | 6.75 |
Ilhan v Turkey Application no 22277/93, 27 June 2000 | 3.23 n 37, 3.25 n 44, 4.61 n 109, 6.23 |
Incal v Turkey 1998-IV p 1547 | 6.200 n 323, 6.203 |
Informationsverein Lentia v Austria A 276 (1993), 17 EHRR 93 | 3.61 n 117, 6.201 |
Inze v Austria A 126 (1987), 10 EHRR 394 | 6.214 n 355 |
Ireland v United Kingdom A 25 (1978), 2 EHRR 25 | 3.31 n 59 |
Jamil v France A 320 (1995), 21 EHRR 65 | 6.150 |
Jersild v Denmark A 298 (1994), 19 EHRR 1 | 6.202 |
John Murray v United Kingdom 1996-I p 30, 22 EHRR 29 | 6.137 n 217 |
Johnson v United Kingdom 1997-VII p 2391, 27 EHRR 296 | 3.54 n 108, 6.42 |
Jordan v United Kingdom Application no 30280, 14 March 2000 | 3.41 n 85, 6.50 |
Kampanis v Greece A 325 (1995), 21 EHRR 43 | 6.66 n 111, 6.74 |
Kaya v Turkey 1998-I p 297, 28 EHRR 1 | 2.15 n 42, 3.46 n 93, 5.6 n 30, 6.4 n 3, 6.8, 6.9, 6.14 n 19 |
Keegan v Ireland A 290 (1994), 18 EHRR 342 | 6.166 |
K-F v Germany 1997-VII p 2657, 26 EHRR 390 | 6.35 |
Khan v United Kingdom Application no 35394/97, 12 May 2000 | 6.167 n 272 |
Kiliç v Turkey Application no 22492/93, 28 March 2000 | 2.15, 6.4 n 3, 6.13 - 6.14 |
Klass v Germany A 28 (1978), 2 EHRR 214 | 2.15 n 39, 2.15 n 43 |
Koendjbiharie v Netherlands A 185-B (1990), 13 EHRR 820 | 3.44 n 89 |
Kokkinakis v Greece A 260-A (1993), 17 EHRR 397 | 6.191 |
König v Germany A 36 (1980), 2 EHRR 469 (just satisfaction) | 3.17 n 26, 3.20, 6.116 |
Kopp v Switzerland 1998-II p 524, 27 EHRR 91 | 6.168 n 274 |
Kruslin v France A 176-B (1990), 12 EHRR 547 | 5.4 n 5, 6.168 |
Kuopila v Finland Application no 27752/95, 27 April 2000 | 6.106 |
Kurt v Turkey 1998-III p 1152, 27 EHRR 373 | 5.6 n 30, 6.21 |
Labita v Italy Application no 26772/95, 6 April 2000 | 6.57, 6.240 |
Lala v Netherlands A 297-A (1994), 18 EHRR 586 | 6.137 n 217 |
Lamy v Belgium A 151 (1989), 11 EHRR 529 | 6.66 n 111 |
Langborger v Sweden A 155 (1989), 12 EHRR 416 | 6.96 n 150 |
Larissis v Greece 1998-I p 362, 27 EHRR 329 | 6.191 |
Le Compte, van Leuven and de Meyere v Belgium A 54 (1982), 5 EHRR 183 | 3.29 n 57, 6.100 n 161 |
Lechner and Hess v Austria A 118 (1987), 9 EHRR 490 | 6.233 n 396 |
Letellier v France A 207 (1991), 14 EHRR 83 | 6.53, 6.55 n 88 |
Lingens v Austria A 103 (1986), 8 EHRR 407 | 3.63 n 121, 6.195, 6.196 |
Litwa v Poland Application no 26629/95, 4 April 2000 | 6.36 n 55 |
Lobo Machado v Portugal 1996-I p 195, 23 EHRR 79 | 6.100 n 161 |
Loizidou v Turkey 1996-VI p 2216, 23 EHRR 513 (merits); 1998-IV p 1807, 26 EHRR CD5 (just satisfaction) | 6.235 n 403 |
Lopez Ostra v Spain A 303-C, 20 EHRR 277 | 3.26 n 51, 6.183 |
Luberti v Italy A 75 (1984), 6 EHRR 440 | 3.54, 6.66 n 111, 6.122 n 188 |
Luedicke, Belkacem and Koç v Germany A 29 (1978), 2 EHRR 149 | 6.146 |
Lukanov v Bulgaria 1997-II p 529, 24 EHRR 121 | 6.41, 6.42 n 68 |
Magee v United Kingdom Application no 28135/95, 6 June 2000 | 6.137 n 219 |
Manoussakis v Greece 1996-IV p 1346, 23 EHRR 387 | 6.192 |
Mansur v Turkey A 321 (1995), 20 EHRR 535 | 6.53 n 84, 6.56, 6.127 n 200 |
Mantovanelli v France 1997-II p 424, 24 EHRR 370 | 6.104 n 167 |
Marckx v Belgium A 31 (1979), 2 EHRR 330 | 4.74 n 139, 6.176, 6.187, 6.214 n 355 |
Margareta and Roger Andersson v Sweden A 226 (1992), 14 EHRR 615 | 6.162 |
Martins Moreira v Portugal A 143 (1988), 13 EHRR 517 | 3.62, 6.233 n 396 |
Massa v Italy A 265-B (1993), 18 EHRR 266 | 4.84 n 162, 6.119 |
Matos e Silva Lda v Portugal 1996-IV p 1092, 24 EHRR 573 | 6.233 n 396 |
Matthews v United Kingdom Application no 24833/94, 18 February 1999, 28 EHRR 361 | 6.240 n 412 |
Maxwell v United Kingdom A 300-C (1994), 19 EHRR 97 | 6.136, 6.137 n 217 |
McCallum v United Kingdom A 183 (1990), 13 EHRR 597 | 6.156 n 248 |
McCann v United Kingdom A 324 (1995), 21 EHRR 97 | 2.15 n 45, 3.56, 4.47, 5.5 n 24, 5.5 n 28, 6.4 n 2, 6.5, 6.6 |
McMichael v United Kingdom A 307-B (1995), 20 EHRR 205 | 6.164 |
Megyeri v Germany A 237-A (1992), 15 EHRR 584 | 6.72 |
Mentes v Turkey 1998-IV p 1686, 26 EHRR CD, CD1 3.46 n 93, | 3.47 |
Messina v Italy A 257-H (1993) | 6.158 |
Miailhe v France A 256-C (1993), 16 EHRR 332 (merits); A 277-C (1993) (just satisfaction) | 6.170 |
Milasi v Italy A 119 (1987), 10 EHRR 333 | 6.127 |
Minelli v Switzerland A 62 (1983), 5 EHRR 554 | 6.130 n 203 |
Mitap and Müftüoglu v Turkey 1996-II p 402, 22 EHRR 209 | 6.127 n 200 |
Moustaquim v Belgium A 193 (1991), 13 EHRR 802 | 6.174 |
Neumeister v Austria (No 1) A 8 (1968), 1 EHRR 91 | 6.79 n 130, 6.102 n 164 |
Neumeister v Austria (No 2) A 17 (1974), 1 EHRR 136 | 3.34, 6.79 n 130 |
News Verlags GmbH & CoKG v Austria Application no 31457/96, 11 January 2000 | 6.200 n 323, 6.202 n 332 |
Nideröst-Huber v Switzerland 1997-I p 101, 25 EHRR 709 | 6.104 n 167 |
Niedbala v Poland Application no 27915/95, 4 July 2000 | 6.49 n 77 |
Niemietz v Germany A 251-B (1992), 16 EHRR 97 | 6.171 |
Nikolova v Bulgaria Application No 31195/96, 25 March 1999 | 3.14 n 21, 3.38 n 78, 3.39 - 3.41, 6.49 n 77, 6.54, 6.55, 6.58, 6.67 n 113, 6.72, 6.79 n 132 |
Norris v Ireland A 142 (1988), 13 EHRR 186 | 2.15 n 38, 3.37 n 76, 4.40 n 67, 6.176 |
O v United Kingdom A 136-A (1988), 13 EHRR 578 | 6.91 n 141 |
Oberschlick v Austria A 204 (1991), 19 EHRR 389 | 3.31 n 61, 6.99 n 159, 6.202 n 332 |
Olsson v Sweden (No 2) A 250 (1992), 17 EHRR 134 | 3.26 n 49, 6.91 n 141 |
Olsson v Sweden A 130 (1988), 11 EHRR 259 | 6.162 |
Open Door and Dublin Well Woman v Ireland A 246 (1992), 15 EHRR 244 | 2.15 n 38, 6.197 |
Pakelli v Germany A 64 (1983), 6 EHRR 1 | 3.31 n 61, 6.137 n 217 |
Papamichalopoulos v Greece A 260-B (1993), 16 EHRR 440 (merits); A 330-B (1995), 21 EHRR 439 (article 50) | 3.23 n 38, 3.32, 4.77 n 147, 5.6 n 30, 6.225 - 6.226 |
Pauwels v Belgium A 135 (1988), 11 EHRR 238 | 3.31 n 62, 6.46 |
Pélissier and Sassi v France Application no 25444/94, 25 March 1999 | 6.134 |
Pelladoah v Netherlands A 297-B (1994), 19 EHRR 81 | 3.31 n 61, 6.137 n 217 |
Perks v United Kingdom Application nos 25277/94 et al, 12 October 1999, 30 EHRR 33 | 3.10 n 15, 3.66 - 3.67, 4.68 n 125, 4.86 n 165, 6.140. A.9, A.16 - A.22, A.27 |
Pfeiffer and Plankl v Austria A 227 (1992), 14 EHRR 692 | 6.156 n 248 |
Philis v Greece A 209 (1991), 13 EHRR 741 | 6.93 n 147 |
Piermont v France A 314 (1995), 20 EHRR 301 | 6.202 n 332 |
Piersack v Belgium A 53 (1982), 5 EHRR 169 (merits), A 85 (1984), 7 EHRR 251 (just satisfaction) | 3.33 n 67, 6.95 |
Pine Valley Developments Ltd v Ireland A 222 (1991), 14 EHRR 319 (merits); A 246-B (1993), 16 EHRR 379 (just satisfaction) | 3.71, 4.61, 4.89 n 172, 6.219 - 6.221, 6.224 n 375 |
Plattform 'Ärzte für das Leben' v Austria A 139 (1988), 13 EHRR 204 | 2.15 n 35 |
Poitrimol v France A 277-A (1993), 18 EHRR 130 | 6.136 n 215 |
Pressos Compania Naviera SA v Belgium A 332 (1995), 21 EHRR 301 (merits); 1997-IV p 1292, 24 EHRR CD 16 (just satisfaction) | 3.68, 4.86 n 165, 6.229 - 6.230 |
Pudas v Sweden A 125-A (1987), 10 EHRR 380 | 6.92, 6.93 |
Punzelt v Czech Republic Application no 31315/96, 25 April 2000 | 3.41 n 85, 6.64 |
Quinn v France A 311 (1995), 21 EHRR 529 | 6.40 |
R (B) v United Kingdom A 136-D (1988), 13 EHRR 588 (just satisfaction) | 6.91 n 141 |
R v United Kingdom A 136-E (1988), 13 EHRR 457 (just satisfaction) | 6.91 n 141 |
Radio ABC v Austria 1997-VI p 2188, 25 EHRR 185 | 6.201 |
Raimondo v Italy A 281-A (1994), 18 EHRR 237 | 6.224 n 376 |
Raninen v Finland 1997-VIII p 2804, 26 EHRR 563 | 6.36 n 57 |
Ribitsch v Austria A 336 (1995), 21 EHRR 573 | 6.24 |
Ringeisen v Austria (No 2) A 15 (1972), 1 EHRR 504 | 3.19 n 30, 3.35, 6.61 n 104 |
RMD v Switzerland 1997-VI p 2003, 28 EHRR 224 | 6.77 |
Rotaru v Romania Application no 28341/95, 4 May 2000 | 6.189 |
Ruiz Torija v Spain A 303-A (1994), 19 EHRR 553 | 6.109 |
Ruiz-Mateos v Spain A 262 (1993), 16 EHRR 505 | 3.61, 6.104 n 167 |
S v Switzerland A 220 (1991), 14 EHRR 670 | 6.138 n 220 |
Saidi v France A 261-C (1993), 17 EHRR 251 | 3.31 n 61, 6.104 n 167, 6.144 |
Sakik v Turkey 1997-VII p 2609, 26 EHRR 662 | 3.26 n 52, 6.51, 6.80 n 134 |
Salesi v Italy A 257-E (1993), 26 EHRR 187 | 6.233 n 396 |
Salman v Turkey Application no 21986/93, 27 June 2000 | 3.25 n 44, 4.61 n 109, 6.4 n 3, 6.11, 6.23 n 34 |
Saunders v United Kingdom 1996-VI p 2044, 23 EHRR 313 | 3.57 n 110, 6.112 |
Schmidt v Germany A 291-B (1994), 18 EHRR 513 | 6.215, 6.216 n 360 |
Schönenberger and Durmaz v Switzerland A 137 (1988), 11 EHRR 202 | 3.44 n 89, 6.156 n 248, 6.158 n 251 |
Schuler-Zgraggen v Switzerland A 263 (1993), 16 EHRR 405 (merits); A 305-A (1995), 21 EHRR 404 (just satisfaction) | 3.73, 6.214 n 355 |
Scollo v Italy A 315-C (1995), 22 EHRR 514 | 6.114, 6.233 |
Scopelliti v Italy A 278 (1993), 17 EHRR 493 | 6.120 |
Scott v Spain 1996-VI p 2382, 24 EHRR 391 | 6.60 n 100 |
SP, DP and T v United Kingdom Application no 23715/94 (1996), 22 EHRR CD 148 | 2.15 n 44 |
Sekanina v Austria A 266-A (1993), 17 EHRR 221 | 6.130 |
Selçuk and Asker v Turkey 1998-II p 891, 26 EHRR 477 | 3.46 n 94, 3.47, 6.22, 6.235 n 402 |
Sevtap Veznedaroglu v Turkey Application no 32357/96, 11 April 2000 | 6.25 |
Sidiropoulos v Greece 1998-IV p 1594, 27 EHRR 633 | 6.209 n 345 |
Sigurjonsson v Iceland A 264 (1993), 16 EHRR 462 | 6.206 n 336 |
Silva Pontes v Portugal A 286-A (1994), 18 EHRR 156 | 6.233 n 396 |
Silver v United Kingdom A 61 (1983), 5 EHRR 347 (merits), A 67 (1983), 6 EHRR 62 (just satisfaction) | 3.44, 3.56 n 109, 4.52 n 90, 6.156, 6.157 |
Smith and Grady v United Kingdom Application nos 33985/96 and 33986/96, 25 July 2000 | 1.5 n 4, 3.14 n 22, 3.21, 3.23 n 35, 3.23 n 36, 3.25 n 45, 3.51, 3.74, 4.41 n 68, 4.57, 4.61 n 108, 6.179 - 6.181 |
Socialist Party v Turkey 1998-III p 1233, 27 EHRR 51 | 5.6 n 30, 6.210 |
Soering v United Kingdom A 161 (1989), 11 EHRR 439 | 2.15 n 40, 6.17 |
Sporrong and Lönnroth v Sweden A 52 (1982), 5 EHRR 35, (1984) (merits); A 88 (1984), 7 EHRR 256 (just satisfaction) | 3.11 n 17, 3.24, 4.22 n 39, 4.61, 4.68 n 127, 4.79 n 150, 6.114, 6.231 - 6.232 |
Sramek v Austria A 84 (1984), 7 EHRR 351 | 6.96 n 150 |
Stallinger and Kuso v Austria 1997-II p 666, 26 EHRR 81 | 6.100 n 161 |
Steel v United Kingdom 1998-VII p 2719, 28 EHRR 603 | 6.36, 6.203 n 333 |
Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreadis v Greece A 301-B (1994), 19 EHRR 293 | 3.70, 3.72, 5.6 n 30, 6.228 |
Thlimmenos v Greece Application no 34369/97 | 6.214 n 355 |
Thorgeir Thorgeirson v Iceland A 239 (1992), 14 EHRR 843 | 6.200 n 323 |
Timurtas v Turkey Application no 23531/94, 13 June 2000 | 6.4 n 3 |
Tomasi v France A 241-A (1992), 15 EHRR 1 | 3.22 n 34, 6.61 |
Toth v Austria A 224 (1991), 14 EHRR 551 | 6.60 |
Tre Traktörer AB v Sweden A 159 (1989), 13 EHRR 309 | 2.15 n 35 |
Tsirlis and Kouloumpas v Greece 1997-III p 909, 25 EHRR 198 | 3.22 n 34, 6.30, 6.79 n 131, 6.80 n 133, 6.80 n 134, A.2 n 4 |
TW v Malta Application nos 25644/94 and 25642/94, 29 April 1999, 29 EHRR 185 | 3.38 n 78, 3.41 n 85, 6.49 |
Unión Alimentaria Sanders SA v Spain A 157 (1989), 12 EHRR 24 | 6.233 n 396 |
United Communist Party of Turkey v Turkey 1998-I p 1, 26 EHRR 121 | 6.208 - 6.209 |
Unterpertinger v Austria A 110 (1986), 13 EHRR 175 | 6.144 n 231 |
Valenzuela Contreras v Spain 1998-V p 1909, 28 EHRR 483 | 6.168 n 274 |
Valikova v Bulgaria Application no 41488/98, 18 May 2000 | 6.4 n 3, 6.12 |
Vallee v France A 289 (1994), 18 EHRR 549 | 6.119 n 184 |
Valsamis v Greece 1996-VI p 2312, 24 EHRR 294 | 6.192 |
Van der Leer v Netherlands A 170 (1990), 12 EHRR 567 | 3.26 n 48, 6.43 |
Van der Sluijs, Zuiderveld and Klappe v Netherlands A 78 (1984), 13 EHRR 461 | 6.47 n 75 |
Van Droogenbroeck v Belgium A 63 (1983), 13 EHRR 546 (just satisfaction) | 6.67 n 113 |
Van Mechelen v Netherlands 1997-III p 691, 25 EHRR 647 (merits); 1997-VII p 2426 (just satisfaction) | 6.144 n 231 |
Van Orshoven v Belgium 1997-III p 1039, 26 EHRR 55 | 6.104 n 167 |
Van Raalte v Netherlands 1997-I p 173, 24 EHRR 503 | 6.216 |
Vasilescu v Romania 1998-III p 1064, 28 EHRR 241 | 6.227 |
Vereinigung Demokratischer Soldaten Österreichs and Gubi v Austria A 302 (1994), 20 EHRR 55 | 6.200 |
Vidal v Belgium A 235-B (1992) (merits); A 235-E (1992) (just satisfaction) | 6.144 |
W v United Kingdom (1983) 32 DR 190 | 2.15 n 42 |
W v United Kingdom A 121 (1987), 10 EHRR 29 (merits); A 136-C (1988), 13 EHRR 453 (just satisfaction) | 3.27 n 54, 5.5 n 14, 6.90 - 6.91, 6.159 n 253, 6.161 |
Weber v Switzerland A 177 (1990), 12 EHRR 508 | 6.100 n 161, 6.202 n 332 |
Weeks v United Kingdom A 114 (1987), 10 EHRR 293 (merits), A 143-A (1988), 13 EHRR 435 (just satisfaction) | 3.64, 6.68 -6.71, 6.75 n 126 |
Welch v United Kingdom A 307-A (1995), 20 EHRR 247 (merits); 1996-II p 386, 21 EHRR CD1 (just satisfaction) | 3.57 n 110, 6.149 |
Werner v Austria, Szücs v Austria 1997-VII p 2468, 26 EHRR 310 | 6.100 n 161 |
Windisch v Austria A 186 (1990), 13 EHRR 281 (merits); A 255-D (1993) (just satisaction) | 3.33 n 67, 6.142 n 227 |
X and Church of Scientology v Sweden (1979) 16 DR 68 | 2.15 n 35 |
X v France A 234-C (1991), 14 EHRR 483 | 2.15 n 45 |
X v Germany Yearbook 1 (1955-1957) | 2.15 n 44 |
X v Norway Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, vol 4, p 270 | 2.15 n 37 |
X v United Kingdom A 55 (1982), 5 EHRR 192 | 3.31 n 62 |
Yagci and Sargin v Turkey A 319 (1995), 20 EHRR 505 | 6.56 n 93 |
Yasa v Turkey 1998-VI p 2411, 28 EHRR 408 | 5.6 n 30, 6.4 n 3, 6.9 |
Young, James and Webster v United Kingdom A 44 (1981) 4 EHRR 38 (merits); A 55 (1982), 5 EHRR 201 (just satisfaction) | 3.23 n 35, 3.23 n 36, 3.26 n 50, 3.29 n 57, 6.206 |
Z v Finland 1997-I p 323, 25 EHRR 371 | 6.186 |
Zana v Turkey 1997-VII p 2533, 27 EHRR 667 | 6.136 n 215, 6.138 n 220 |
AB v South West Water Services Ltd [1993] QB 507 | 4.71 n 133, 4.72 n 136 |
Allan v Barclay (1864) 2M 873 | 5.5 n 20 |
Alliance & Leicester Building Society v Edgestop Ltd [1993] 1 WLR 1462 | 4.24 n 43, 4.49 n 81, 4.49 n 84 |
Allied Maples Group Ltd v Simmons & Simmons [1995] 4 All ER 907, C.A | 4.85 n 164 |
Andrews v Grand & Toy Alberta Ltd (1978) 83 DLR (3rd) 452 | 4.66 |
Anisminic Ltd v Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 2 AC 147 | A.5, A.14 n 39, A.14 n 42 |
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp [1948] 1 KB 223 | A.3 |
Attorney-General v Blake [1998] Ch 439 | 4.75 n 141, 4.75 n 143, 4.76 |
Baigent v British Broadcasting Corporation 1999 GWD 10-474 | 5.5 n 16 |
Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management Committee [1969] 1 QB 428 | 4.78 n 149 |
Black v North British Railway Co 1908 SC 444 | 5.5 n 9, |
Bradley v Menley & James Ltd 1913 SC 923 | 4.74 n 138 |
Brasserie du Pêcheur SA v Germany, R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex p Factortame Ltd [1996] ECR I-1029 | 4.54 |
Carey v Piphus (1978) 435 US 247 | 4.14 n 20 |
Chaplin v Hicks [1911] 2 KB 786 | 4.85 n 164 |
Clunis v Camden and Islington Health Authority [1998] QB 978 | 4.47 n 80 |
Downie v Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police 1997 SCLR 603 | 5.5 n 10 |
Doyle v Olby (Ironmongers) Ltd [1969] 2 QB 158 | 4.24 n 42 |
Duncan v Ross Harper & Murphy 1993 SLT 105 | 5.5 n 27 |
Forsikringsaktielskapet Vesta v Butcher (No. 1) [1989] 2 AC 852 | 4.49 n 84 |
Fose v Minister of Safety and Security 1997 (3) SA 786 | 3.38 n 77, 4.29 n 51, 4.72 n 137 |
Frankovitch v Italy [1991] ECR 1\5357 | 4.30 n 52 |
Gilbert v Yorston 1997 SLT 879 | 5.5 n 15 |
Halifax Building Society v Thomas [1996] Ch 217 | 4.76 n 145 |
Heil v Rankin [2000] 2 WLR 1173 | 3.6 n 6, 4.7 - 4.9, 4.27, 4.29 n 51, 4.41, 4.59, 4.66, 4.67, 4.94 |
Henderson v Chief Constable, Fife Police 1988 SLT 361 | 5.5 n 11 |
Hotson v East Berkshire Area Health Authority [1987] AC 750 | 4.85 n 163 |
Hughes v Lord Advocate [1963] AC 837 | 4.80 n 151 |
John v MGN Ltd [1997] QB 586 | 3.6 n 5 |
Kenyon v Bell 1953 SC 125 | 5.5 n 22 |
Kuwait Airways Corp v Iraqi Airways Co (No 5), The Times 7 April 2000 | 4.80 n 152 |
Kyle v P & J Stormonth Darling WS 1993 SC 57 | 5.5 n 22 |
Livingstone v Rawyards Coal Co (1880) 5 App Cas 25 | 4.8 n 11, 4.14 |
Lord v Allison (1986) 3 BCLR (2d) 300 | 4.72 n 137 |
Lunt v Liverpool City Justices (CA unreported) 5 March 1991 | 3.10 n 15 |
Maharaj v Attorney-General of Trinidad and Tobago (No 2) [1979] AC 385 | 4.16 - 4.17, 4.19, A.28, A.29 |
McCreadie v Thomson 1907 SC 1176 | A.4 n 10 |
McKeen v Chief Constable, Lothian and Borders Police 1994 SLT 93 | 5.5 n 14 |
Mediana, The [1900] AC 113 | 4.74 n 138 |
Ministry of Defence v Ashman (1993) 66 P & CR 195 | 4.75 n 142 |
O'Connor v Isaacs [1956] 2 QB 288 | A.5 n 22, A.30 n 69 |
O'Reilly v Mackman [1983] 2 AC 237 | A.5 n 20 |
Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock & Engineering Co, The Wagon Mound [1961] AC 388, PC | 4.24 n 41, 4.80 n 151 |
Penarth Dock Engineering Co Ltd v Pounds [1963] 1 Lloyd's Rep 359 | 4.75 n 142 |
Quinn v Burch Bros (Builders) Ltd[1966] 2 QB 370 | 4.49 n 83 |
R v East Berks HA ex p Walsh [1985] QB 152 | 2.12 n 26 |
R v Governor of H M Brockhill Prison ex p Evans No.2 [1999] 2 WLR 103 (CA) | 4.68 n 126 |
R v Governor of H M Prison Brockhill ex p Evans, HL, unreported, 27 July 2000 | A.2 n 4, A.13 n 39 |
R v Home Secretary ex p Cheblak [1991] 1 WLR 890 | A.14 n 40 |
R v Hull University Visitor ex p Page [1993] AC 682 | A.14 n 42 |
R v Manchester City Magistrates' Court ex p Davies [1989] QB 631 | A.5, A.7, A.10, A.11, A.12, A.18, A.30, A.31, |
R v McGillivary (1990) 56 CCC (3d) 304 | 4.25 |
R v Oldham Justices ex p Cawley [1996] 1 All ER 464 | A.13 n 40 |
R v Poole Justices ex p Benham [1991] 4 Admin LR 161 | A.10 |
R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex p Factortame Ltd (No 3) [1992] QB 680. | 4.56 |
R v Secretary of State for Transport, ex p Factortame Ltd and others (No 5) [2000] AC 524 | 4.30 n 52, 4.56 n 97 |
R v Waltham Forest Justices ex p Solanke [1986] QB 983 | A.4 n 12, A.26 n 58 |
Re McC(A Minor) [1985] 1 AC 528 | A.4 n 10, A.5, A.6, A.8, A.18, A.23, A.25, A.30 |
Reeves v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2000] 1 AC 360 | 4.53 n 92, 5.5 n 23, 5.5 n 25 |
Rookes v Barnard [1964] AC 1129 | 4.69, 4.71 n 133, 4.72 |
Russell v Dickson 1998 SLT 96 | A.4 n 10 |
Russell v Wilson 1994 SLT 660 | A.4 n 10 |
Schachter v Canada [1992] 2 SCR 679 | 4.14 n 20 |
Simpson v Attorney General, Baigent's case [1994] 3 NZLR 667 | 4.19, 4.31 n 57, 4.72 n 137, 4.88 n 170 |
Smith New Court Securities v Citibank NA [1997] AC 254 (HL) | 4.24 n 42 |
Smith v Leech Brain & Co Ltd [1962] 2 QB 405 | 4.80 n 151 |
Smith v Wade (1983) 461 US 30 | 4.72 n 137 |
Standard Chartered Bank v Pakistan National Shipping Corporation [2000] 1 Lloyd's Rep 218 (CA) | 4.47 n 80 |
Thompson v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [1998] QB 498 | 3.6 n 5, 3.10 n 15, 4.9 n 15, 4.68 |
Wallace v Manchester City Council (1998) 30 HLR 1111 CA | 4.68 n 127 |
Weir v Wyper 1992 SLT 579 | 5.5 n 27 |
Wells v Wells [1999] 1 AC 345 | 4.8 n 13, 4.9 n 14, 4.90 n 176 |
Wright v British Railways Board [1983] 2 AC 773 | 4.90 n 177 |
X v Bedfordshire County Council [1995] 2 AC 633 | 4.40 n 66 |