7 Rolls Building Fetter Lane London EC4A 1NL |
B e f o r e :
Claimants |
- and - |
Defendants |
Timothy Young QC (instructed by Lax & Co) for the First Defendant
Hearing date: 20 May 2015
Crown Copyright ©
The Honourable Mr Justice Flaux:
"Whether on the proper construction of the contract of carriage contained in or evidenced by the bill of lading dated 7 April 2012 the First Defendant is liable for loss or damage to the cargo caused by improper loading, stowage or discharging of the cargo."
This judgment is in respect of that preliminary issue.
Terms of the contract and background
"Cargo shall be loaded,spouttrimmed and/or stowed at the expenses and risk of Shippers/Charterers at the average rate of 1,500 metric tons per weather working day … Cargo shall be discharged at the expenses and risk of Receivers/Charterers at the average rate of 1,500 metric tons per weather working day ……Stowage shall be under Master's direction and responsibility…Charterers and Owners are allowed to work overtime, such expenses shall be for the account of the party ordering same. If ordered by Port Authorities, overtime shall be for Charterer's account. Overtime services rendered by ship's crew shall be in all cases for Owners' account".
"Clause 2
…At Load Owners shall provide and install at their risk and expense and on their time all that is required for safe stowage of grain according to local and international regulations.
Clause 10
If ordered to be loaded or discharged at more than one berth and/or port, the vessel to be left in seaworthy trim to Master's reasonable satisfaction for the passage between berths and/or ports at Owners' expense at loading and at Charterers'/receivers' expense at discharging ports, and time used for placing vessel in seaworthy trim shall count as laytime or time on demurrage.
Clause 31
Any stevedore damage during the discharge to be settled directly between the Owners and Stevedore. Time lost for repairing such damage not to count as laytime provided vessel's class or seaworthiness is not affected by the damage. If necessary, Charterers will endeavour to assist Owners with the same.
Clause 32
Cargo to be properly protected against influence of engine and boilers.
Clause 43
Materials and dunnage to be for Owners' account and time – Owners option to use those on board or craft paper if allowed by port authorities.
Clause 45
Owners to guarantee all holds / hatches, cranes workable simultaneously and to instruct master to have all holds / hatches worked all the time at each port."
"I have already referred to the position at common law and the need for clear words if the contract is to transfer the obligation to load, stow and discharge from owners to charterers. There are three facets of the cargo operation which have to be considered. Who is to pay for it; who is to carry it out; and who is liable for it not being done properly and carefully? The judge decided and I agree that there is no presumption that each of these responsibilities should fall on the same party. In other words, if the charterer has agreed to pay for the cargo operation, there is no presumption that he has also agreed to carry it out or be liable if it is done badly. "
"In The Jordan II it was emphasised that each case would depend upon the terms of the charter in question and the context in which it has been made. Nevertheless, the following guides to construction may be deduced:
1. Since the responsibility for loading and discharging operations within the ship, and for stowage, is normally that of the owner, clear words are necessary to transfer the responsibility for these operations to the charterer.
2. A clause which confers upon the charterer the right to appoint stevedores does not, without more, transfer to him the responsibility for their acts or omissions.
3. A clause which makes the charterer responsible for the expense of employing stevedores to perform loading, stowage or discharging does not, without more, transfer responsibility.
4. A clause which provides that the charterer shall perform loading, stowage or discharging does transfer responsibility for those operations. It was said to have been rightly conceded in The Jordan II that if all cargo work had to be performed by the charterer, he would be liable if it was not properly and carefully carried out."
The parties' submissions on the effect of clause 5
(1) The words in clause 5: "At the expense and risk of Shippers/Charterers" are not sufficiently clear to impose responsibility for the operations of loading and discharge on the charterers and, hence, by incorporation of clause 5 into the bill of lading, on the cargo interests. As the passage from the judgment of Tuckey LJ in The Jordan II quoted above demonstrates, the mere fact that the expense of the operation is imposed on the cargo interests is not enough to make them responsible for that operation.(2) Equally, the words: "at the risk of" do not impose such responsibility. The clause itself draws a clear distinction between risk and responsibility, since when it is intended to make a party responsible for an operation, the clause says so: "Stowage shall be under Master's direction and responsibility". If the carrier's contention that the words: "at the risk of" imposed liability for the operations on the charterers and thus the cargo interests were correct, there was an irreconcilable internal inconsistency within the printed clause 5: on the one hand line 35 imposed responsibility for stowage on the shippers/charterers but on the other hand, line 39 said that stowage was under the Master's responsibility.
(3) Furthermore, responsibility for the loading and stowage operations is not to be conflated with the obligation to engage and pay for the stevedores, which does not, without more, impose responsibility for those operations: Voyage Charters [14.55] points 2 and 3. What is required to impose liability upon the charterers or cargo interests for the operations is a provision which states that they are to perform the operation in question: [14.55] point 4. In the present case Mr Thomas QC points out, there is a dispute between the cargo interests and the carrier on the pleadings as to whether the stevedores at discharge were employed by the receivers as the carrier contend or were the agents of the carrier as the cargo interests contend. That dispute cannot be resolved on the hearing of the preliminary issue.
(4) "Risk" should bear its ordinary meaning of the occurrence of a fortuity so that the natural and ordinary meaning of a provision that loading or discharge is to be: "at the risk" of a party is that that party is to bear any loss caused by damage which occurs fortuitously (without fault) during that operation. Accordingly, the risk of fortuitous loss is on the cargo interests rather than the carrier, so that in practice, the carrier is not required to prove that it is entitled to rely upon one of the exceptions in Article IV of the Hague Rules in respect of loss of or damage to cargo during loading or discharge. Rather the burden is on the cargo interests to plead and prove a breach of Article III rule 2.
(5) In his oral submissions, Mr Thomas QC postulated an alternative meaning of the words "at the expense and risk of", that they were concerned with allocating the risk of delay in the cargo operations to the charterers and thus the cargo interests. He submitted that this alternative meaning was consistent with the common law starting point. He also submitted that the fact that the cargo interests were able to put forward one or more arguable constructions of clause 5 was fatal to any attempt by the carrier to suggest that its construction had the necessary degree of clarity, even if it was arguable.
(6) In support of his submission that the words: "at the expense and risk of" were not sufficient to transfer responsibility for the operation to the party at whose risk the operation was stated to be, Mr Thomas QC relied upon the decision of Sir Robert Phillimore in the Admiralty Court in The Catharine Chambers (1875) 32 L.T. N.S. 847.
(7) Mr Thomas QC submitted that other provisions of the charterparty pointed away from any responsibility being imposed on the cargo interests for loading stowage and discharge. In particular, clause 31 contemplates that the charterers and cargo interests will have no liability for any damage to the vessel caused by any failure of the stevedores to exercise reasonable care in discharging the vessel. He submitted that clause 32 was concerned with loading and stowing the cargo away from the heat sources of the engine and boilers and was imposing an obligation on the carrier for the benefit of the cargo interests. He submitted that the fact that clause 43 gave the carrier an option as to what materials to use to dunnage the cargo pointed to it being the carrier rather than the charterers who was carrying out loading and stowage. He also submitted that clause 45, which provides that the Master is to determine which holds and hatches are worked during loading and discharge, indicates that the Master is intended to be in control of those operations.
(8) He counselled against placing too much reliance on words such as: "at shipper's risk" or "at charterer's risk" in the deck cargo cases on which the carrier relied. Those words were of limited assistance in the present context as they tended to be used as an exemption clause rather than a clause allocating responsibility.
(1) Looking at the charterparty as a whole, the operations of loading, stowage and discharge were to be undertaken by the charterers which pointed towards the charterers having responsibility for those operations, although the sentence at line 39: "Stowage shall be under Master's direction and responsibility" transferred responsibility for stowage back to the carrier. Mr Young QC submitted that only this allocation of responsibility for loading and discharge to the charterers made sense of the loading and discharge rates in clause 5. Nothing in clause 31 altered that position. Indeed, the fact that it had been thought necessary to insert a clause providing that stevedore damage during discharge was to be settled by the carrier direct with the stevedores suggested that, but for that clause, the charterers would have been responsible for stevedore damage, which pointed to the charterers employing the stevedores and being responsible for the relevant operations.(2) In support of his case that the words: "at the expense and risk of" were clear words allocating responsibility for loading, stowage and discharge on the charterers and thus the cargo interests, Mr Young QC relied upon the analysis by Steyn J in The Alexandros P [1986] 1 Lloyd's Rep 421, that the addition of the words: "and responsibility" to "under the supervision of the Captain" in clause 8 of the New York Produce Exchange ("NYPE") Form time charter effected a transfer of risk in relation to the operations of loading, stowage and discharge from the charterers to the owners. This equated risk in this context with responsibility. He also relied upon the decisions of Evans J and the Court of Appeal in The Fantasy [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep 391 and [1992] 1 Lloyd's Rep 235. He submitted that, although that was a deck cargo case, it was clear authority that the words: "At charterers' risk" placed responsibility for the consequences of bad loading or stowage of deck cargo on the charterers.
(3) Mr Young QC submitted that the words in line 39: "Stowage shall be under Master's direction and responsibility" were consistent with this analysis, as they made it clear that responsibility for that function was being transferred back to the carrier in the same way as the addition of the words "and responsibility" to clause 8 of the NYPE form. In contrast, if the cargo interests' construction was right, that the words: "at the expense and risk of" did not change the common law position, so that responsibility for the various operations remained with the carrier, then the words: "Stowage shall be under Master's direction and responsibility" were completely otiose.
(4) He submitted that neither of the constructions of clause 5 for which the cargo interests contend gives the words: "at the expense and risk of" any sensible commercial meaning. The suggestion that "risk" is limited to fortuities does not accord with the ordinary meaning of the words: "at [a party's] risk" outside an insurance context, which is that any loss is borne by that party, not just a fortuitous loss. He relied upon a passage in the judgment of Bowen LJ in Burton v English (1883) 12 QBD 218 at 222-3. Furthermore, the suggestion that "risk" means that the charterers/cargo interests bear any fortuity which occurs without fault adds nothing, since if the relevant loss is not caused by the fault of the carrier, then whether under the law of bailment or pursuant to the Hague Rules, the carrier has no liability for the loss anyway, so that on the principal construction for which Mr Thomas QC contended, the provision in clause 5 was superfluous.
(5) In relation to the alternative construction suggested by the cargo interests, that clause 5 was concerned with allocation for the risk of delay, Mr Young QC submitted that construction rendered clause 5 equally superfluous, since delay in the operations of loading, stowage and discharge was dealt with in the charterparty by its own separate regime of laytime and demurrage in clauses 8 and 9.
"…the charterers put on board the wine and nuts… The stevedore, who is the agent of the charterer by the terms of the charterparty, had an empty ship and might have stowed the cargo as he thought fit, subject only to the master's control in matters affecting the safety of the ship; yet with his knowledge on the subject, the stevedore deliberately places the wine and nuts in the way that has been proved. The contract may have been such that he could not stow them in any other way, but still it is a fact that he does stow them in a position from which damage ensues. I entertain no doubt in my own mind that, in point of fact and in point of law, the case has been rightly decided in the court below, and I reject the appeal with costs."
"11. The starting point for construing the charter-party is that at common law the obligation is upon the shipowner to load, stow and discharge the cargo and that if this responsibility for the proper performance of those obligations is to be transferred to the charterer clear words are required. This was common ground. It was submitted on behalf of the claimants that any such transfer must not only be clear but must also be unambiguous. This submission was based upon the Scottish case of Ballantyne v. Patton and Hendry, 1912 S.C. 246. That case concerned a charter-party which provided that "Cargo to be loaded, stowed and discharged free of expense to steamer, with use of steamer's winch and winchmen if required." It was held that this clause was not effective to transfer responsibility for the cargo operations to the charterer. Its present relevance is that Lord Guthrie said that:
'It seems to me that the respondents only need to suggest a reasonable interpretation of this clause which would be consistent with the common law duty, because if the common law is to be altered by the terms of the charter-party, that must be done by a clause which admits of no other reasonable interpretation.'
12. It was submitted that this illustrated the need not only for clarity but also for unambiguity in any wording said to be effective to transfer responsibility from the owners to the charterers. However, Lord Guthrie did not say that unambiguity was an additional requirement to clarity. If a clause is truly ambiguous, rather than being merely difficult to construe, it will not be clear and so will not effect a transfer of responsibility. In my judgment the claimed need for unambiguity adds nothing to the need for clarity."
"The arbitrators did not, of course, have the advantage of considering the two decisions which I have mentioned. I should, however, make clear that the words "and responsibility" in cl. 8 and the transfer of risk comprehended by it, relates to the entire operation of loading, stowing, trimming and discharging the cargo.
Specifically, it covers not only the mechanical process of handling the ship's gear and cargo but also matters of stevedores' negligence in strategic planning of loading and discharge of the cargo. The distinction sought to be drawn by the arbitrators is, in my judgment, in conflict with the decisions in The Shinjitsu Maru No. 5 and The Argonaut and not supported by the language of cl. 8 as amended.
The effect of the addition of the words "and responsibility" in cl. 8 is therefore to effect a prima facie transfer of liability for damage caused to the vessel or cargo by stevedore negligence in the discharge of the cargo. Of course, if the charterers' intervention in such discharging operations caused the loss, the charterers will be liable. However, on the arbitrators' findings that did not happen. The arbitrators held the charterers liable merely because the damage was caused by the negligence of the stevedores. That was a risk which was contractually assumed by the owners under cl. 8 of the charter-party."
"63 Deck Cargo: Charterers entitled to load deck cargo provided regulations permit. Deck cargo, if any, to be checked and protected by crew up to twice a day during sea passages, if required by charterers and/or circumstances deemed it appropriate. Same to be tightened up or replaced or additional lashing to be added appropriate to circumstances; such cargo to be carried at charterers' risk."
"Reading cll. 8, 42 and 50 on the one hand with cl. 63 on the other hand, as in my judgment must be done when liabilities for deck cargo are concerned, the owners' acceptance of the responsibility for negligent stowage must be reconciled with agreement that the deck cargo is carried at charterers' risk. One possibility, which I have already dismissed, is that the risk referred to is limited to the consequences of the crew's failure to perform the express undertaking in cl. 63 itself. There seem to be two other possibilities, assuming that effect must be given to the words in both clauses, if this can be done.
First, the risk may be limited to that of accidental loss, not caused by negligence on the part of the stevedores or crew. There is a need to exclude liability for such loss in the case of carriage by sea, but the exclusion is habitually achieved by the exception clauses in common form including, e.g., perils of the sea - here, cl. 15 together with cl. 51 which provides for cargo claims to be settled according to the NYPE Inter-Club agreement of May, 1984, the express incorporation of the Hague Rules by cl. 24 being deleted. If this is the sole effect of the charterers' risk provision in cl. 63, applying to deck cargo only, then it is strictly unnecessary and the same qualification applies to under-deck cargo without express provision in any event. It is highly unlikely that the words were intended to have no greater effect than this.
There remains the construction for which the owners contend and which in my judgment is correct so far as stevedores' negligence is concerned. Clause 8 contains charterers' undertaking "to load, stow [and] trim and discharge" the cargo, operations which would otherwise be the responsibility of and performed by the owners. This -
. . . has the effect of shifting from the owners to the charterers the primary responsibility for loading [etc.] the cargo. [Wilford (3rd ed.) at p. 245]
When words such as "Master's responsibility" are added, this effects a prima facie transfer from the charterers back to the owners of liability for the entire operation [unless charterers have intervened]. (Wilford (3rd ed.) p. 248) Among the cases cited is the judgment of Mr. Justice Steyn, in the Alexandros P., [1986] Lloyd's Rep. 421 where he used language which rightly, in my view, equated the transfer of responsibility with the acceptance of risk:
. . . the words "and responsibility" in cl. 8 and the transfer of risk comprehended by it . . . That was a risk which was contractually assumed by the owners under cl. 8 of the charterparty.
Clause 8 therefore transfers risk to the owners under the guise of responsibility. Clause 63 provides that the charterers remain at risk as regards deck cargo. If this is the correct construction of the words of the charter-party, what was the parties' inferred intention when they agreed cl. 63? Charterers sought the liberty to load deck cargo in the form of containers which would be carried on the hatch covers. Owners would not normally accept liability for such cargo (witness the definition of "cargo" in the Hague Rules) but they were prepared to undertake that the crew would attend to it during the voyage. On that basis, charterers could load the cargo at their own risk, subject to negligence of the master in supervising its loading and stowage, for which owners would be liable without any transfer of responsibility under cll. 8, 42 and 50. The two parts of cl. 63 therefore represent an easily understood compromise; in return for the owner's undertaking that the crew would check and protect deck cargo during the voyage, such cargo was to be carried at charterers' risk, meaning that owners did not otherwise accept responsibility for it."
"The learned Judge has held that on the true construction of these clauses and on the assumption that the stowage was carried out by stevedores the charterers are responsible for the consequences of bad stowage of the deck cargo prior to the voyage, but that owners are responsible for the consequences of crew negligence during the voyage (see [1991] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 391). In my opinion, the Judge was right."
"It is then for the charterers to show that the owners have assumed responsibility for the deck cargo under cll. 42 and 50. Although the words "at Charterers' risk" are not normally apt to exclude owners' liability for crew negligence, as the Judge held, nevertheless in the context of cl. 63 their meaning is clear enough. They negative any assumption of liability by the owners in respect of the deck cargo, save only for the specific obligations imposed by cl. 63. Reading cll. 8, 42, 50, and 63 together, as we must, the transfer of responsibility under cll. 42 and 50 is thus limited to underdeck cargo.
In my opinion, Mr Crookenden's [counsel for the owners] argument is correct."
"It is for the whole of the carriage, including the loading and stowage, that the deck cargo is to be at charterers' risk."
"I might well have accepted these submissions but for the recent decision of Evans J, upheld by the Court of Appeal, in The Fantasy…"
"Evans J and the Court of Appeal held that the effect of clause 63 was to negative the transfer of responsibility made by clauses 42 and 50 insofar as deck cargo was concerned. If this reasoning is sound, it applies in my judgment with equal force in the present case. Clause 31 negatives, insofar as deck cargo is concerned, the transfer of responsibility from charterers to owners that would otherwise be effected by the addition of the words 'and responsibility' to clause 8. It may be that strictly I am not bound to follow the reasoning of Evans J and the Court of Appeal in The Fantasy but it would be contrary to that consistency that our doctrine of precedent aims to achieve were I to decline to do so. I propose to follow The Fantasy…"