Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
Claim No. BM 330303 and Case No. 611 of 2005 ANDREW MICHAEL SUTCLIFFE |
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendant |
And Between |
Mr Taylor (instructed by Varley Hibbs ) for the First Defendant and Part 20 Claimants
Hearing dates: 22-24th January 2008
Crown Copyright ©
(a) the relevant understandings were reached between Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd personally but from the outset they intended that the Willes Road and Dunchurch Road projects should be carried out through a joint venture company;(b) Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd agreed to use Nimega for that purpose: it was to Nimega that the owner of Willes Road granted the option to purchase it for £120,000 plus vat;
(c) this price represented the sum which the owner was prepared to accept for Willes Road without exposure to the market, and it did not include any element of "discount" to represent the settlement value of compensation claims that Mr Lloyd and Ms Wakelin Lloyd were at that time advancing against the site owner;
(d) in the minds of Mr Sutcliffe and of Mr Lloyd the option price probably represented a discount on true open market value of about £35,000 which was the salary it was subsequently agreed Mr Lloyd could draw in recognition of work previously undertaken in securing the options;
(e) the initial joint venture arrangements were altered by an understanding reached at the time of the entry of a Shareholder's Agreement on 15 January 2002 between Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd as shareholders in Nimega (forty nine shares in Nimega having been transferred by Ms Wakelin Lloyd to Mr Sutcliffe on 10 January 2002, and one share by Mr Lloyd on that date also);
(f) the Shareholder's Agreement recognised that Willes Road would be purchased by Mr Lloyd and Ms Wakelin Lloyd, though very shortly thereafter they incorporated MGL for that purpose;
(g) Mr Sutcliffe funded Nimega so as to enable it to make a commercial loan to MGL (and to facilitate drawings by Mr Lloyd intended to be used for the further funding of MGL) in connection with MGL's acquisition of Willes Road;
(h) notwithstanding the entry of the Shareholder's Agreement there remained a (modified) understanding that Mr Sutcliffe should participate not in Willes Road itself but in the profit arising from the development of the site, in connection with which Mr Sutcliffe's business was to build the flats at cost;
(i) the mechanism by which it was intended that this should be achieved was the entry of a building contract between Mr Sutcliffe's business and MGL which it was anticipated would contain some formula for the calculation of the net development profit and the payment of a profit share by MGL to Mr Sutcliffe's business;
(j) by the time the negotiations relating to this contract had broken down Mr Sutcliffe had by the selection, coordination and supervision of a professional team (whom he on occasion instructed in the name and at the expense of MGL) coupled with his own input prepared for MGL a residential development project at Willes Road of a quality and density higher that might have been expected.
(a) Although Willes Road was sold in a state of decontamination fit for commercial use, the prospect of a viable commercial development was limited and a potential purchaser was likely to have had an eye on the prospect of obtaining residential planning permission;(b) Such a purchaser would, however, have adopted a cautious approach to the value attributable to the hope of residential permission because the standards of decontamination required for residential development are higher than those for commercial development;
(c) That consideration would have inclined a prospective purchaser to think in terms of a development of flats (which would be constructed off a concrete slab and vapour proof membrane and with no gardens, thereby limiting exposure to contaminated land);
(d) In June 2002 when MGL acquired Willes Road it had an open market value of £240,000;
(e) In August 2002 after the grant of planning permission for nine two bedroom flats with nine underground parking spaces (but with other approvals outstanding) Willes Road had an open market value of £465,000;
(f) With the grant of subsequent approvals this rose to £560,000 by February/March 2003 (when the split occurred);
(g) If the planning permission had been for only six flats the open market value in August 2002 would have been only £215,000. But I regard this as the least secure and most suspect of Mr Parley's valuations because it continues to assume the absence of lift provision, (which I consider a smaller development would have permitted), it makes no reduction for build costs, it seems to allow no enhancement for the provision of visitor parking, and it has the curious consequence that the actual grant of planning permission reduces the value of the land below hope value;
(h) The conventional developer's profit on a development would have been 15%;
(j) The total construction costs calculated as at February 2003 were estimated by Mr Parsley at £878,000 for the nine flat development, but it is not clear whether this figure is "at cost" or whether it includes an element of builder's profit. Since the other cost heads used by Mr Parsley plainly relate to profit costs and since he does not qualify the building costs in any way I shall assume that the construction costs also include a profit element: and I shall further assume (since this is the only profit margin referred to in Mr Parsley's or any of the other valuations undertaken in the course of development) that this is also 15%;
(k) It follows from this that I would analyse Mr Parsley's opinion of the building costs (in very approximate terms) as comprising £750,000 direct costs and £130,000 profit: and I would propose to compare that with such other contemporaneous material as exists (which suggests net build costs of £800,000 to £810,000). I therefore find the net building costs would have been in the range £750,000 - £800,000 and the builder's margin to be £130,000.
(a) I have already found and held that Mr Lloyd unconscionably resiled from his promise that Mr Sutcliffe should participate in the profits of the development at the end of March 2003;(b) At that time there was in circulation a draft cost plan for the development of nine flats in the sum of £810,000 and a cash flow forecast (revised in October 2002) showing a build cost (which must have excluded any profit element) of £800,000;
(c) After the split Mr Lloyd altered the proposals in two respects. First he amended the plans to turn the separate kitchen and dining room into an open plan space. Second he specified the flats to a very high standard. Mr Sutcliffe, as an experienced builder, would have done neither of these things.
(d) Mr Lloyd then engaged a third party builder to construct the development. I was not shown the terms of the building contract nor was there any convenient statement of sums paid by MGL to the builder under it. But a cursory examination of MGL's accounts (adding outstanding work in progress to purchases made) suggests that the total building costs have been in the order of two million pounds. Since the matter was not the subject of detailed analysis at trial I propose to take that figure as merely indicative, and find that using a third party builder has significantly increased the project costs and significantly reduced the development profit;
(e) What has been built is a three storey residential block of flats consisting of nine two bedroom apartments with lower ground floor basement parking affording nine spaces. The three ground floor flats have the benefit of balconies and terraces: those on the upper floors do not. There are no lifts;
(f) The construction period envisaged by Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd had been nine months and this is also the assumption adopted by Mr Parsley for the purposes of his residual valuations. It appears from MGL's accounts that the actual period of construction was substantially longer (since there are "purchases" and "work in progress" spreading over three accounting years). But this issue was not explored in any detail at trial (and I again propose to take the accounts as only indicative). My findings accordingly are that if Mr Sutcliffe had undertaken the construction and managed the project the build period would have been nine months: but in his absence and under Mr Lloyd's control it took substantially longer. This, of course, had a significant impact on funding costs and has reduced the development profit;
(g) I accept the thrust of Mr Sutcliffe's evidence that once Mr Lloyd had prevented him from participating in the Willes Road project "he did not allow me to influence what happened, he went ahead recklessly, and you can see the outcome."
(h) The outcome is that flat No. 1 was sold off plan for £299,000, flat No. 7 was sold off plan for £269,000 completing in the summer of 2004, flat No. 5 was sold in January 2005 for £225,000, and flat No. 8 in February 2005 for £245,000. No other flats have been the subject of commercial sales.
(j) At the date of the trial four flats (No.'s 3,4,6 and 9) remained on the market with a combined asking price of £1.14 million, and with a prospect of their achieving about a million pounds;
(k) Flat No. 2 was bought by Mr Lloyd himself. By reference to the prices achieved for Nos. 5 and 8 Mr Lloyd considered that a fair price would be about £252,000. He needed a 100% mortgage from a sub-prime lender. On the advice of brokers, in order to achieve the lender's 85% LTV ratio the transaction was structured with a headline price of £315,000 but with a "deposit gift" of 5% and a 10% "cash back". It should be said that Mr Lloyd was given to understand that this was an entirely proper arrangement well understood by his lenders. It was put into effect. Mr Sutcliffe is concerned that Mr Lloyd has obtained some unfair advantage. I expressly acquit him of any such thing. He has paid £267,500 for Flat 2. There is not the slightest hint in the evidence that this is an undervalue, the higher figures having been achieved for ground floor flats which No. 2 is not. What Mr Lloyd has done is, in effect, to ease MGL's cash flow by purchasing one of its flats using his personal credit, and thereby taken upon himself borrowing that was otherwise borne by MGL.
(l) The financial state of MGL on the latest figures available at trial is that it is on the margins of solvency. On the footing that its remaining apartments are valued at £1.15 million pounds and its current bank borrowing is taken at £858,000 then (on the rather uninformative statement of affairs used at trial) MGL has net assets of £223,900. This figure may, however, be regarded as in some doubt because it takes no account of MGL's exposure to liability in costs under orders already made in this litigation and it slightly overvalues the remaining flats. The profit on the entire development itself would appear to be slightly under £100,000.
(m) Because he was not involved in Willes Road Mr Sutcliffe was able to undertake other work during the nine-month build period, work which he told me was profitable. He did not suggest in his evidence that the Willes Road project would have brought him an exceptionally high return, but I assume from his entry into the joint venture arrangement that it had some attraction over simply doing solo development or building contract work.
(a) the agreement recited the intention of Nimega to exercise the option on the Dunchurch Road site and to develop the property in accordance with a business plan appended to the Agreement ("the Business Plan"):(b) Clause 3 of the Agreement provided that notwithstanding anything contained in the Articles Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd would exercise all voting rights and all other powers and discretions available to them as directors or members of Nimega so as to procure (i) that board meetings should be convened at not less than seven days notice in writing accompanied by an agenda specifying the business to be transacted; and (ii) that the company was operated in accordance with the Business Plan "as updated from time to time by the unanimous agreement of the shareholders" :
(c) Clause 4 provided that the shareholders should exercise all voting rights and other powers and discretions so as to procure that (except as set out in the Business Plan) Nimega would not without the prior written consent of each of Mr Lloyd and Mr Sutcliffe sell or otherwise dispose of any material part of the property of the Company otherwise than in the ordinary course of its business or change the nature or scope of its business as set out in the Business Plan;
(d) Clause 5.1 provided that in the event that any resolution proposed at the directors' meeting was not passed as the result of the operation of clause 4 then any director could convene a General Meeting for the purpose of resolving the matter in issue;
(e) Clause 5.2 then provided that if that General Meeting was inquorate because of non attendance by either Mr Lloyd or Mr Sutcliffe or if the General Meeting was itself unable to arrive at a decision then "a deadlock" should be deemed to have occurred;
(f) Clause 5.3 then provided that whenever "a deadlock" occurred either party could within 30 days serve a notice requiring that Nimega be wound up "whereupon the shareholders shall be bound to take all such steps as may be necessary to wind up the company forthwith". (I interpose to observe that "winding up" is not, of course the only method of resolving deadlock: the parties could have chosen to provide for the dissenter to be bought out at a valuation - but they did not). A simple machinery was set out for the identification of an acceptable liquidator;
(g) Clause 11 provided that each of the shareholders was to make a loan to the company in the sum of £50,000 shortly before completion of the Dunchurch Road purchase;
(h) Clause 16.2 said that the Shareholders Agreement could not be varied or cancelled except with the agreement of Mr Lloyd and Mr Sutcliffe in writing;
(j) The Business Plan annexed to the Shareholders Agreement ascribed certain primary roles to each of the parties (Mr Sutcliffe's being development viability analysis and operational matters, Mr Lloyd's being administration, management and financial) and set out the accepted principle that in the event of dispute "the view of the director covering the area of responsibility concerned be accepted as the overriding view", and that if this was not followed then it was probable that the relationship had broken down and "the company should be dissolved in some previously agreed manner".
(k) The Business Plan identified the first project for Nimega as being "the acquisition and development of [Dunchurch Road]" and provided:-
" .the initial objective and understanding being that [Mr Lloyd] acquired the site and [Mr Sutcliffe] would develop it through his business Milverton Construction. Both parties would charge reasonable expenses, with the net profit being split equally within the framework of the company .".But (as was common ground at trial) the Business Plan could be amended.(l) It was provided that if Nimega did not give a 10% return on the net value of the balance sheet then consideration should be given to liquidating the company. But otherwise the Business Plan contemplated that Nimega would continue in being for 5 years, reinvesting the proceeds of the Dunchurch Road development in further projects.
(a) The Shareholders Agreement recited the intention to exercise the Dunchurch Road option and to develop the property. It had already been ascertained by Mr Sutcliffe that the planning authority would favour a residential development of the site.(b) Mr Lloyd knew that development was not inevitable, and that the transfer of the shares and the entry of the Shareholders' Agreement might have to be given effect even if development did not occur. This appears from the following exchange in his re-examination by Mr Taylor at the trial of the action (when both parties were notably less partisan):-
Mr Taylor: Now you've described your understanding of what would have happened if Mr Sutcliffe had developed Dunchurch Road. What was your understanding of what the position would be if he had not developed Dunchurch Road?Mr Lloyd: I was cautioned and counselled on this at the time, and it would have been that he would have legally been entitled to half of whatever the value of the property was.Mr Taylor: Through his shares in Nimega?Mr Lloyd: That's correct(c) Mr Sutcliffe and Mr Lloyd each contributed £50,000 to Nimega to facilitate the completion of the option with additional funding provided by HSBC by way of a £100,000 loan secured on Dunchurch Road and an overdraft of £30,000. The option price was £193,875 inclusive of VAT;
(d) At the time of entering the Shareholders' Agreement Dunchurch Road had an open market value of £335,000 (that being the opinion of Mr Parsley the single joint expert) though neither Mr Lloyd Moore Mr Sutcliffe was aware of that figure; it gave the option an inherent value of £170,000.
(e) On 29th May 2002 at a meeting of the board of Nimega it was agreed that Dunchurch Road would be "parked up for a year" whilst other projects were explored. This represented a modification to the Business Plan.
(f) During this lull an unsolicited approach was received offering £650,000 for the site. Mr Lloyd and Mr Sutcliffe decided to see whether a formal bid process would elicit a higher offer. It did not. Mr Lloyd told the estate agent on the 22nd of October 2002 that he and Mr Sutcliffe had discussed the matter, decided that there was no point in pursuing the bidders any further and "with this in mind and given immediate commitments we can park the scheme up either for the short or long term". This confirmed the modification to the Business Plan that the project be "parked up".
(g) On 10th December 2002 at a meeting of the board of Nimega it was agreed that "as a result of changing market conditions and the circumstances it was confirmed the Dunchurch Road should be sold for £650,000 .[to Parker Lake Homes]". This transaction did not proceed though an alternative purchasers emerged (David Wilson Homes and Kings Oak). This was, strictly construed, the adoption of a specific transaction though (as the subsequent negotiations with Kings Oak demonstrated) it was in substance the adoption of an alternative strategy viz a sale of the bare site (hence the reference to "changing market conditions" and general "circumstances"). This represented a further modification of the Business Plan. The project was "parked up" in the sense that building the development out was not being actively pursued: but now a sale of the bare site was also within the Business Plan.
(h) Although a sale of the site was regarded as one alternative, development by Nimega had not been completely abandoned (plans for two-bedroom flats were being informally commissioned, and desultory discussions about funding were being undertaken with HSBC). Either a sale of the site or "a build-out" would have been within the Business Plan as at February 2003: and a positive decision would have to be made as to which was to be followed either during or at the end of the period for which the project was "parked up".
(i) The split over Willes Road in March 2003 effectively put an end to the prospect of building out Dunchurch Road. Mr Sutcliffe thereafter wanted Dunchurch Road sold (prompted in part by renewed interest from Kings Oak and another offer at £650,000 that had emerged): though he did not pursue a sale on any terms, on three occasions terminating negotiations with Kings Oak. Mr Lloyd (whilst apparently agreeing to negotiations with Kings Oak) insisted that Mr Sutcliffe was subject to a contractual obligation to build (contained in the Shareholders Agreement and the Business Plan). The Willes Road proceedings were begun in August 2003 which made the prospect of a resolution of the Dunchurch Road dispute remote.
(j) On 8th Oct 2003 Mr Sutcliffe convened a board meeting: he threatened that if Mr Lloyd did not attend he would apply to wind up Nimega. Mr Lloyd did attend. There was discussion of Mr Lloyd's claim that Mr Sutcliffe's business was bound to "build-out", of Mr Lloyd's earlier agreement to a sale of the site to Kings Oak, and of Mr Sutcliffe's desire to resurrect a sale.
(k) Mr Sutcliffe then called a General meeting of the company for 28th October 2003. Mr Lloyd said he could not do so unilaterally save under clause 5 of the Shareholders' Agreement: and that clause 5 was not operative because no resolution had been put at the preceding board meeting.
(l) Mr Sutcliffe refused to accept this: and in turn he invoked clause 5.2 of the Shareholders Agreement together with that part of the Business Plan which provided that if the responsible director's view did not prevail then the parties should wind up the company.
(m) Mr Lloyd did not attend the General Meeting. On 29th October 2003 Mr Sutcliffe invoked the deadlock provisions and required the company to be wound up. This appears to have resulted in a stalemate.
(n) The issue appears to have revived about a year later (following a failed attempt by Mr Lloyd to "buy-out" Mr Sutcliffe at a substantial discount) when Mr Sutcliffe (on 4th November 2004) gave notice convening a board meeting to consider resolutions proposing the immediate sale of Dunchurch Road and proposing that on receipt of such proceeds of sale the company be wound up. The original meeting was convened for 12th November 2004, but Mr Lloyd had a hospital appointment on that day (and no-one suggested at trial that this was not genuine). It was re-scheduled for 19th November 2004. Immediately before the adjourned meeting Mr Lloyd said neither resolution could lawfully be considered, and he declined to attend the meeting.
(o) Mr Sutcliffe therefore convened an Extraordinary General Meeting of the company for 10th December 2004 to consider those same resolutions and a board meeting for 29th of November to reconsider those and other resolutions. (The correspondence also refers to a board meeting on 1st December which I take to be a re-scheduling of that for which notice was apparently given). Mr Lloyd said he could not do so, asking "How do you propose that a resolution to sell the property can be taken without breaching your contract?" and "How [can] the resolutions which you propose be voted upon without a breach of the shareholders agreement?". Mr Lloyd wrote: "There is no good reason why the development of the property at [Dunchurch Road] cannot be completed to the significant financial benefit of [Nimega Ltd] and the achievement of its purpose and objectives". He therefore did not attend either meeting. He would not at that time have done anything to facilitate the winding up of Nimega and the distribution to Mr Sutcliffe of anything in respect of his shareholding.
(p) Mr Sutcliffe presented this petition in May 2005 shortly before the commencement of the trial of the Willes Road action.
(q) The deadlock lasted until on the 5th June 2006 Mr Lloyd convened a meeting for the 12th of June 2006 to sanction the sale of Dunchurch Road. It was now Mr Sutcliffe's turn to object to this proposal, because he now took the view that the market was on the rise. Mr Lloyd was worried that the current planning permission was about to lapse and that any new permission would impose a requirement for the incorporation of affordable housing; and he drew attention to the existence on offer of £950,000.
(r) By August 2006 (and as a direct result of an ultimatum delivered by the bank) good sense prevailed and the parties were able to agree up on the sale. They also agreed in principle upon repayment of directors' loans and the winding up of the company.
(s) In October 2006 Mr Lloyd made the Part 20 claim on his own and Ms Wakelin Lloyd's behalf.
(t) In November 2006 Dunchurch Road was sold for £1 million pounds to Benfield Construction.
(u) The parties were thereafter regrettably unable to agree instructions to Nimega's bankers as to the repayment of the directors' loans or upon the identity of a voluntary liquidator. Mr Sutcliffe wanted the director's loans repaid (as had been agreed in principle) before he would agree to a winding up, and he wanted the Part 20 claim disposed of. As to the liquidation process, he objected to the liquidators proposed by Mr Lloyd, expressing a preference for a compulsory liquidation despite the extra £165,000 costs thereby incurred.
26 May 2008
Mr Justice Norris .16 June 2008