Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
Sitting as a judge of the High Court
R (on the application of MR ALAN PEARCE) |
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendant |
-and- |
Interested Party |
Mr Matthew Fraser (instructed by defendant)
The interested party did not appear and was not represented
Hearing date 19 January 2023
Crown Copyright ©
Factual background
"… we are jointly supporting the development of proposals at Newbury Rugby Club as an enhanced replacement to meet the community's needs for Faraday Road Stadium, in line with the Playing Pitch Strategy. …
The new Sports Hub at Newbury Rugby Club will be co-joined with a planning condition for WBC to deliver a new grass pitch within 2 years of the completion of Newbury Rugby club development. This is to offset the loss of a pitch at the Rugby Club to accommodate the sports hub proposals. West Berkshire Council confirm that a re-development of the Faraday Road Stadium will not commence until the completion of the proposed facilities at Newbury Rugby Club.
"'The proposed development is for an indoor or outdoor facility for sport, the provision of which would be of sufficient benefit to the development of sport as to outweigh the detriment caused by the loss, or prejudice to the use, of the area of playing field.'"
"6.20 In a submitted joint statement, West Berkshire Council and Sport England outlined that they were jointly supporting the development of proposals at Newbury Rugby Club as an enhanced replacement to meet the community's needs for Faraday Road Stadium, in line with the Playing Pitch Strategy. The Council would be required to deliver a new grass pitch within 2 years of the completion of Newbury Rugby club development. This is to offset the loss of the grass pitch at the Rugby Club to accommodate the sports hub proposals, a matter directed by the [strategy]. West Berkshire Council also confirmed that a re-development of the Faraday Road Stadium will not commence until the completion of the proposed facilities at Newbury Rugby Club."
"…in planning terms the application was not to be linked to Faraday Road. Should proposals come forward for a change of use of the Faraday Road site, at that point the requirements of the [strategy] would be material considerations for that change of use. This application was not for a change of use of the Faraday Road stadium and, as objectors had mentioned, there was a live planning permission for the redevelopment of the Faraday Road stadium for continued use for sports purposes."
"…matters that had been raised in terms of funding being used by the Council to provide alternative sports pitches were not material planning considerations. The viability of the proposed facility was a material planning consideration but only in as much as the business plan associated with the ongoing viability of the facility was a consideration of Sport England in terms of their representations on the application."
"…Sport England had not indicated this would be a requirement. The reason for this was because the current existing grass pitch which was to be lost was not used for rugby matches but was used for training purposes only and the replacement [artificial grass pitch] could still be used for training for rugby as well as for football training and matches. Therefore, no condition to source a replacement grass pitch would be necessary."
"It is recommended that the applicant secures a replacement rugby grass pitch at the same standard as the rugby grass pitch being lost as a result of the proposed development. The applicant should seek to ensure that any new or replacement playing field is fit for its intended purpose and should be provided in consultation with the Newbury Rugby Club."
Legal principles
"When the adequacy of a planning officer's report to committee is called into question, the court does not expect to find a flawless discussion of every planning issue. The principles are well known (see Mansell, at paragraph 42 in my judgment and paragraph 63 in the judgment of the Chancellor of the High Court). The court must ask itself whether the officer's advice is "significantly or seriously misleading – misleading in a material way", such as "where the officer has simply failed to deal with a matter on which the committee ought to receive explicit advice if the local planning authority is to be seen to have performed its decision-making duties in accordance with the law". Only if there is "some distinct and material defect" in that advice will the court intervene (paragraph 42(3))."
Ground 1
Ground 2
Conclusion and other points