Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendants |
Richard Turney (instructed by the Government Legal Department) for the First Defendant
Andrew Byass (instructed by Legal Services) for the Second Defendant
Hearing date: 15 January 2020
Crown Copyright ©
Mrs Justice Lang :
Planning history
i) affordable housing and viability;
ii) harm to the setting of the listed Albion Yard Brewery and the Whitechapel Market Conservation Area in views from Whitechapel Road;
iii) unacceptable impact on daylight and sunlight to surrounding properties;
iv) the absence of a legal agreement.
i) whether the proposals would preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Whitechapel Market Conservation Area ("CA");
ii) the effects of the proposals on the significance of the Grade II listed Albion Yard Brewery Entrance provided by its setting;
iii) the effect of the proposals on the setting of the non-designated heritage assets of the former Working Lads Institute ("WLI");
iv) the effect of the proposals on the living conditions of adjacent residents with particular regard to the daylight and sunlight received by the surrounding properties;
v) whether the public benefits of the proposals would outweigh the harm identified and the overall planning balances.
Heritage assets
"… although there would be harm to the CA, which should be given considerable importance and weight, the impact on both its character and appearance should be given only slight to moderate weight."
"To put this degree of harm at the lower end of the scale is to slightly underestimate the weight that should be given to the harm to the significance of the building as a designated heritage asset as a result of development in its immediate setting."
"conflict with CLP Policy 7.8 and CS Policy SP 10; and with MDD policies DM 26 and DM 27. Again, this conflict would need to be considered against other relevant policies in order to determine compliance or otherwise with the development plan as a whole."
Amenity - daylight and sunlight
"11.15 It was a joint matter in dispute as to whether the proposals would result in unacceptable harm to the amenity of surrounding residents in terms of adverse impacts on the levels of daylight and sunlight. This acknowledges that the disagreement was about more than just a reduction in natural light levels. Indeed, there was no dispute that there would be adverse impacts on daylight and sunlight as the Appellant's own figures demonstrate this.
11.16 Planning policy with regard to daylight and sunlight falls under CLP Policy 7.6 B (d) and MDD Policy DM 25, both for amenity. As these suggest, daylight and sunlight should not be considered in isolation from other factors affecting living conditions. The Mayor's Housing SPG also refers to amenity and expects flexibility when using BRE guidelines. NPPF 123 (c) expects a flexible approach… (as long as the resulting scheme would provide acceptable living standards). For all these policies it is not just a simple question of whether or not daylight would be acceptable but a matter which needs to be considered in the overall amenity balance."
"11.26 It follows that a balance is to be struck in determining what might or might not be unacceptable before concluding whether or not a scheme would be policy compliant. This applies to CLP Policies 3.5 A and 7.6 B (d); CS Policy SP 02 (6); and MDD Policy DM 25 (1) parts (c) and (d). In each case the balance should tip in favour of the proposals. Given compliance with the other criteria in CLP Policy 7.7, including with the plan-led approach in 7.7 A, the degree of overshadowing with regard to 7.7 (D) (a) would not be such as to breach this policy as a whole.
11.27 With regard to CS SP 10(4) (a), in the context of a development which would need to satisfy the CS vision for Whitechapel, the proposed development would protect amenity and promote well-being in terms of preventing loss of privacy although there would be a loss of daylight and sunlight.
11.28 NPPF 123 (c) falls under the chapter; Achieving appropriate densities. Where land for housing is limited, it seeks optimal use of each site's potential. For housing applications, NPPF 123 (c) expects a flexible approach to applying daylight and sunlight policies or guidance where they would otherwise inhibit an efficient use of the site (as long as the resulting scheme would provide acceptable living standards). Given the quality of design, and so the overall balance with regard to living conditions, the scheme would comply with NPPF 123."
Affordable housing and other benefits
"11.33 Nonetheless, with regard to the weight to the benefits of AH, the Council argued that the mix of affordable unit sizes would be sub-optimal, with insufficient larger units. In describing the main entrance to the AH as poor doors, it drew attention not only to the simple design but also to the position of these at the north end of the scheme. Unlike the private units, this would put them at the greatest walking distances from public transport, shops and services. The podium barrier would not only divide the types of tenure, but also separate the amenity and play space areas as well as extend walking distances (although access to these could be addressed through condition 43). Although more than one witness was questioned on this, no persuasive explanation was given as to why the units were separated in this way. If the SoS shares these concerns then he should seek an alternative arrangement through a further s106 Agreement.
11.34 To a very small extent this concern was addressed by the revised s106 Agreement which would include a few shared ownership units on the other side of the proposed barrier. Nevertheless, the location of vast majority of the AH, including all the rented housing, would be both at the far end of the site altogether rather than integrated, and this counts heavily against the benefits of the AH. …."
"Moreover, as above, the less than ideal mix of AH unit sizes, the segregation, the division of the podium spaces and the longer routes through less attractively positioned entrances would reduce the quality of the AH. Consequently, the weight to be given to the benefits of AH should be no more than moderate."
Planning balances
"11.48 The closing statements summarise the position for the surrounding properties. In very many cases, there would be an appreciable reduction in daylight and some significant loss of sunlight. However, in very few cases would this amount to a considerable loss and, for these, many are ground floor rooms which are covered by blinds or curtains for reasons of privacy. Many other windows which would suffer a loss are already under balconies and electric lighting is likely to be in use during the day in any event. Daylight is one of many factors when considering living conditions and should not be looked at in isolation. Of comparable importance is outlook. The distances between neighbouring buildings and the taller buildings proposed would be significant. At the moment, many surrounding windows look out on the generally blank façades to the superstore or its delivery yard. The proposals would provide a more interesting and attractive outlook with good separating distances to the taller elements. The public realm improvements should also lift the quality of the environment as a whole and so indirectly improve living standards for the residents of surrounding buildings."
"11.49 For the above reasons, the public benefits would outweigh the harm to the designated heritage assets such that it would be acceptable under NPPF 196. It follows that NPPF 11 (c) applies and the starting point is whether or not the scheme would comply with the development plan, taken as a whole.
11.50 For all the reasons set out above, on balance the scheme would comply with CLP Policies 3.4, 3.5, 3.8, 3.11, 3.12, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 and 7.7. It would accord with CS Policies SP 02 (6), SP 10 and SP 12; and with MDD policies DM 24, DM 26 and DM 27…….
11.51 There would remain conflict with CLP policy 7.8, CS policy SP 10 and MDD policies DM 26 and 27 regarding heritage, and CS SP 10 (4) (a) for daylight and sunlight. There would be a conflict with aspects of CLP policies 3.5 A, 7.6B (d), and 7.7 (D) (a); CS policy SP 02 (6); and MDD Policy DM 25 (1) parts (c) and (d) although in each case there is a balance to be struck.
11.52 Overall the limited tension with the policies identified above would be significantly outweighed by the extent to which the benefits would accord with policies. Consequently, on balance, the proposals would comply with the development plan as a whole and should be allowed unless material considerations indicate otherwise…..
11.54 The balance from the NPPF is also a material consideration. Overall, this also indicates that planning permission should be granted. Even if the above conflict with the development plan were assessed as non-compliant, as above, there would be benefits from additional housing, AH, increased retail provision, public realm enhancement and design quality in particular which together warrant substantial weight. These benefits, and the broad support from policies in the NPPF, would outweigh any conflict with the development plan in any event.
11.55 For the reasons set out above, and having regard to all other matters raised, the development should be allowed."
Heritage assets
Amenity – daylight and sunlight
"16. The Secretary of State notes that the BRE guidelines recommend a vertical sky component (VSC) of 27%. However, the guidelines, the Mayor's Housing SPG and paragraph 123(c) of the Framework all expect a flexible approach. The Secretary of State notes that the appellant aimed for retained levels of VSC of at least 15%, while achieving a high density (IR5.3). It is a matter of common ground that 19% of windows in the surrounding blocks (243 windows) would suffer a significant loss of VSC (being left with a VSC of less than 15%), while the majority of those (175 windows) would be left with a VSC of less than 10% (IR5.3 and ID7). The Secretary of State agrees with the Inspector's assessment that very many existing neighbours would experience a gloomier outlook than they do at present, and that a large number of windows would be affected, many quite significantly (IR11.17). He considers that this harmful impact on neighbouring properties carries substantial weight against the proposal, and is in conflict with CS policy SP10(4)(a), which seeks to prevent loss of access to daylight and sunlight.
17. The Secretary of State further agrees with the Inspector that concerns raised in respect of the impact on Swanlea School should be given limited weight (IR11.24). He also agrees that it is likely that a number of future residents would experience less than ideal, if not poor levels of sunlight and daylight (IR11.25).
18. The Secretary of State has gone on to consider the overall amenity balance. He agrees with the inspector at IR11.18 that occupiers should not feel overlooked or have the sense of an overbearing outlook. He further agrees that there would be marked improvements to the appearance of the street scene, and greatly improved public realm (IR11.18 and IR11.21). He considers that these significant improvements in the living conditions of neighbouring residents weigh in the amenity balance and agrees with the Inspector at IR11.28 that, overall, the scheme would comply with paragraph 123(c) of the Framework. The Secretary of State considers, in line with the Inspector at IR11.51, that there is a conflict with aspects of CLP Policies 3.5 A, 7.6B (d) and 7.7 (D) (a), CS Policy SP02(6) and MDD Policy DM25(1)(c) and (d), but in the light of his conclusions on amenity in the evidence before him in this case concludes that there is no overall conflict with these policies."
Affordable housing
"22 The Secretary of State has further considered the fact that the social rented housing is positioned at the north end of the scheme, at the greatest walking distance from public transport, shops and services, and that the podium barrier would not only divide the types of tenure, but also separate the amenity and play space areas. He notes the Inspector's comment that no persuasive explanation was given as to why the units were separated in this way (IR11.33). He agrees with the Inspector that to a very small extent this would be addressed by the inclusion of the few shared ownership units on the other side of the proposed barrier, and has taken into account that condition 43 requires the measures for providing access to be approved. Nonetheless the location of the vast majority of the affordable housing, including all the rented housing, would be both at the far end of the site and altogether rather than integrated (IR11.34).
23 In assessing the implications of this, the Secretary of State has taken into account that the Framework aims not just to deliver raw housing numbers, but to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places (paragraph 91). He considers that the separation of the affordable housing, amenity and play space areas is not in keeping with the aims of paragraph 91 (a) to achieve inclusive places that promote social interaction, including opportunities for meetings between people who would not otherwise come into contact with each other. The Secretary of State considers that this carries substantial weight against the proposal."
"24 The Secretary of State has considered the Inspector's comments at IR11.33 that if the Secretary of State shares his concerns, then he should seek an alternative arrangement through a further s. 106 agreement. However the Secretary of State notes that previous concerns about this matter which were addressed by a revised s. 106 agreement only resulted in the inclusion of the few shared ownership units on the other side of the proposed barrier (IR11.34). He therefore considers that a seeking more fundamental changes via further revisions to the s. 106 agreement is unlikely to be successful. He has also taken into account that other matters also weigh against the grant of permission. Overall he does not consider that a 'minded to allow' letter would be an appropriate approach in this case."
Planning balance and overall conclusion
"29 For the reasons given above the Secretary of State considers that the appeal scheme is in conflict with CLP Policy 7.8, CS Policy SP10 and MDD Policies DM26 and DM27 regrading [sic] heritage and is also in conflict with CS Policy SP10(4)(a) regarding daylight and sunlight. He further considers that there are clear conflicts with these policies, which are of central importance to the proposal. Given the great weight attaching to harm to heritage assets, and the substantial weight attaching to the harm from loss of daylight and sunlight, he disagrees with the Inspector that there is 'limited tension' with these policies (IR11.52), and considers that the proposal is not in accordance with the development plan overall. He has gone on to consider whether there are other material considerations which indicate that the proposal should be determined other than in accordance with the development plan.
30 The Secretary of State considers that the proposal fails to meet the Framework's aims of creating an inclusive place, and that this attracts substantial weight against the proposal. The harm from loss of daylight and sunlight attracts substantial weight against the proposal. The harm to heritage assets attracts great weight against the proposal while the impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area carries slight to moderate weight against the proposal.
31 The Secretary of state considers that the housing benefits attract substantial weight in favour of the proposal, well the affordable housing element attracts moderate weight in favour. The quality of design and the public realm improvements attracts substantial weight in favour of the proposal, while the increased retail provision attracts limited weight and the provision of a new learning facility carries a little weight in favour of the proposal.
32 The Secretary of State has considered whether the identified 'less than substantial' harm to the significance of the designated heritage assets are outweighed by the public benefits of the proposal. He agrees with the Inspector at IR11.47 that the benefits of the appeal scheme are collectively sufficient to outbalance the identified 'less than substantial' harm to the significance of the above heritage assets and considers that the balancing exercise under paragraph 196 of the Framework is therefore favourable to the proposal. He further considers that with respect to the non-designated Former Working Lads Institute, paragraph 197 is also favourable to the proposal."
33 The Secretary of State concludes that there are no material considerations which indicate that the proposal should be determined other than in accordance with the development plan. He therefore concludes that the appeal should be dismissed and planning permission refused."
Statutory and policy framework
(i) Applications under section 288 TCPA 1990
"An application under section 288 is not an opportunity for a review of the planning merits….."
"I hope I am not over-simplifying unduly by suggesting that the central issue in this case is whether the decision of the Secretary of State leaves room for genuine as opposed to forensic doubt as to what he has decided and why. This is an issue to be resolved as the parties agree on a straightforward down-to-earth reading of his decision letter without excessive legalism or exegetical sophistication."
"36. The reasons for a decision must be intelligible and they must be adequate. They must enable the reader to understand why the matter was decided as it was and what conclusions were reached on the 'principal important controversial issues', disclosing how any issue of law or fact was resolved. Reasons can be briefly stated, the degree of particularity required depending entirely on the nature of the issues falling for decision. The reasoning must not give rise to a substantial doubt as to whether the decision-maker erred in law, for example by misunderstanding some relevant policy or some other important matter or by failing to reach a rational decision on relevant grounds. But such adverse inference will not readily be drawn. The reasons need refer only to the main issues in the dispute, not to every material consideration. They should enable disappointed developers to assess their prospects of obtaining some alternative development permission, or, as the case may be, their unsuccessful opponents to understand how the policy or approach underlying the grant of permission may impact upon future such applications. Decision letters must be read in a straightforward manner, recognising that they are addressed to parties well aware of the issues involved and the arguments advanced. A reasons challenge will only succeed if the party aggrieved can satisfy the court that he has genuinely been substantially prejudiced by the failure to provide an adequately reasoned decision."
"The single indivisible question, in my opinion, which the court must ask itself whenever a planning decision is challenged on the ground of a failure to give reasons is whether the interests of the applicant have been substantially prejudiced by the deficiency of the reasons given."
"Where the Secretary of State disagrees with an inspector, as he did in this case, it will of course be necessary for him to explain why he disagrees, and to do so in sufficiently clear terms. He must explain why he rejects the inspector's view. He must do so fully, and clearly. But there is no heightened standard for "proper, adequate and intelligible" reasons in such a case. Whether the reasons given are "proper, adequate and intelligible" will always depend on the circumstances of the case, and in a case where the Secretary of State differs from his inspector this will depend on the particular circumstances in which he does so (see, for example, the decision of this court in Horada and others v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2016] EWCA Civ 169, in particular the judgment of Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd C.J., at paragraphs 57 to 59, and the judgment of Lewison L.J. at paragraphs 34 to 40). It is a truism that the Secretary of State does not have to give reasons for his reasons. What he has to do is to make sure that his decision letter shows why the outcome of the appeal was as it was, bearing in mind that the parties to the appeal know well what the issues were. In this case he did that."
(ii) Decision-making
"If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the planning Acts, the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise."
"Section 18A [the parallel provision in Scotland] has introduced a priority to be given to the development plan in the determination of planning matters….
By virtue of section 18A the development plan is no longer simply one of the material considerations. Its provisions, provided that they are relevant to the particular application, are to govern the decision unless there are material considerations which indicate that in the particular case the provisions of the plan should not be followed. If it is thought to be useful to talk of presumptions in this field, it can be said that there is now a presumption that the development plan is to govern the decision on an application for planning permission….. By virtue of section 18A if the application accords with the development plan and there are no material considerations indicating that it should be refused, permission should be granted. If the application does not accord with the development plan it will be refused unless there are material considerations indicating that it should be granted. One example of such a case may be where a particular policy in the plan can be seen to be outdated and superseded by more recent guidance. Thus the priority given to the development plan is not a mere mechanical preference for it. There remains a valuable element of flexibility. If there are material considerations indicating that it should not be followed then a decision contrary to its provisions can properly be given.
Moreover the section has not touched the well-established distinction in principle between those matters which are properly within the jurisdiction of the decision-maker and those matters in which the court can properly intervene. It has introduced a requirement with which the decision-maker must comply, namely the recognition of the priority to be given to the development plan. It has thus introduced a potential ground on which the decision-maker could be faulted were he to fail to give effect to that requirement. But beyond that it still leaves the assessment of the facts and the weighing of the considerations in the hands of the decision-maker. It is for him to assess the relative weight to be given to all the material considerations. It is for him to decide what weight is to be given to the development plan, recognising the priority to be given to it. As Glidewell L.J. observed in Loup v. Secretary of State for the Environment (1995) 71 P. & C.R. 175 , 186:
"What section 54A does not do is to tell the decision-maker what weight to accord either to the development plan or to other material considerations."
Those matters are left to the decision-maker to determine in the light of the whole material before him both in the factual circumstances and in any guidance in policy which is relevant to the particular issues.
In the practical application of section 18A it will obviously be necessary for the decision-maker to consider the development plan, identify any provisions in it which are relevant to the question before him and make a proper interpretation of them. His decision will be open to challenge if he fails to have regard to a policy in the development plan which is relevant to the application or fails properly to interpret it. He will also have to consider whether the development proposed in the application before him does or does not accord with the development plan. There may be some points in the plan which support the proposal but there may be some considerations pointing in the opposite direction. He will require to assess all of these and then decide whether in light of the whole plan the proposal does or does not accord with it. He will also have to identify all the other material considerations which are relevant to the application and to which he should have regard. He will then have to note which of them support the application and which of them do not, and he will have to assess the weight to be given to all of these considerations. He will have to decide whether there are considerations of such weight as to indicate that the development plan should not be accorded the priority which the statute has given to it. And having weighed these considerations and determined these matters he will require to form his opinion on the disposal of the application. If he fails to take account of some material consideration or takes account of some consideration which is irrelevant to the application his decision will be open to challenge. But the assessment of the considerations can only be challenged on the ground that it is irrational or perverse.
Counsel for the Secretary of State suggested in the course of his submissions that in the practical application of the section two distinct stages should be identified. In the first the decision-maker should decide whether the development plan should or should not be accorded its statutory priority; and in the second, if he decides that it should not be given that priority it should be put aside and attention concentrated upon the material factors which remain for consideration. But in my view it is undesirable to devise any universal prescription for the method to be adopted by the decision-maker, provided always of course that he does not act outwith his powers. Different cases will invite different methods in the detail of the approach to be taken and it should be left to the good sense of the decision-maker, acting within his powers, to decide how to go about the task before him in the particular circumstances of each case. In the particular circumstances of the present case the ground on which the reporter decided to make an exception to the development plan was the existence of more recent policy statements which he considered had overtaken the policy in the plan. In such a case as that it may well be appropriate to adopt the two-stage approach suggested by counsel. But even there that should not be taken to be the only proper course. In many cases it would be perfectly proper for the decision-maker to assemble all the relevant material including the provisions of the development plan and proceed at once to the process of assessment, paying of course all due regard to the priority of the latter, but reaching his decision after a general study of all the material before him. The precise procedure followed by any decision-maker is so much a matter of personal preference or inclination in light of the nature and detail of the particular case that neither universal prescription nor even general guidance are useful or appropriate."
"The law has always made a clear distinction between the question of whether something is a material consideration and the weight which it should be given. The former is a question of law and the latter is a question of planning judgment, which is entirely a matter for the planning authority. Provided that the planning authority has regard to all material considerations, it is at liberty (provided that it does not lapse into Wednesbury irrationality) to give them whatever weight the planning authority thinks fit or no weight at all. The fact that the law regards something as a material consideration therefore involves no view about the part, if any, which it should play in the decision-making process.
The distinction between whether something is a material consideration and the weight which it should be given is only one aspect of a fundamental principle of British planning law, namely that the courts are concerned only with the legality of the decision-making process and not with the merits of the decision. If there is one principle of planning law more firmly settled than any other, it is that matters of planning judgment are within the exclusive province of the planning authority or the Secretary of State."
"28.…. It is up to the decision-maker how precisely to go about the task, but if he is to act within his powers and in particular to comply with the statutory duty to make the determination in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise, he must as a general rule decide at some stage in the exercise whether the proposed development does or does not accord with the development plan. …."
"19. The section 38(6) duty is the essential component of the "plan-led" system of development control. It embodies a "presumption in favour of the development plan", as Lord Hope of Craighead described it in his speech in City of Edinburgh Council v Secretary of State for Scotland [1997] 1 WLR 1447 (at p.1449H), and, as Lord Clyde said in the same case (at p.1458B), "a priority to be given to the development plan in the determination of planning matters". The nature of the duty and the force of the presumption are already the subject of much authority, which need not be enlarged in this case.
20. Without seeking to be exhaustive, I think there are five things one can fairly say in the light of the authorities.
21. First, the section 38(6) duty is a duty to make a decision (or "determination") by giving the development plan priority, but weighing all other material considerations in the balance to establish whether the decision should be made, as the statute presumes, in accordance with the plan (see Lord Clyde's speech in City of Edinburgh Council, at p.1458D to p.1459A, and p.1459D-G). Secondly, therefore, the decision-maker must understand the relevant provisions of the plan, recognizing that they may sometimes pull in different directions (see Lord Clyde's speech in City of Edinburgh Council , at p.1459D-F, the judgments of Lord Reed and Lord Hope in Tesco Stores Ltd. v Dundee City Council [2012] UKSC 13, respectively at paragraphs 19 and 34, and the judgment of Sullivan J., as he then was, in R. v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, ex p. Milne [2001] JPL 470, at paragraphs 48 to 50). Thirdly, section 38(6) does not prescribe the way in which the decision-maker is to go about discharging the duty. It does not specify, for all cases, a two-stage exercise, in which, first, the decision-maker decides "whether the development plan should or should not be accorded its statutory priority", and secondly, "if he decides that it should not be given that priority it should be put aside and attention concentrated upon the material factors which remain for consideration" (see Lord Clyde's speech in City of Edinburgh Council, at p.1459H to p.1460D). Fourthly, however, the duty can only be properly performed if the decision-maker, in the course of making the decision, establishes whether or not the proposal accords with the development plan as a whole (see the judgment of Richards L.J. in R. (on the application of Hampton Bishop Parish Council) v Herefordshire Council [2014] EWCA Civ 878, at paragraph 28, and the judgment of Patterson J. in Tiviot Way Investments Ltd. v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2015] EWHC 2489 (Admin), at paragraphs 27 to 36). And fifthly, the duty under section 38(6) is not displaced or modified by government policy in the NPPF. Such policy does not have the force of statute. Nor does it have the same status in the statutory scheme as the development plan. Under section 70(2) of the 1990 Act and section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, its relevance to a planning decision is as one of the other material considerations to be weighed in the balance (see the judgment of Richards L.J. in Hampton Bishop Parish Council, at paragraph 30)."
(iii) The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the PLBCAA 1990")
"66. General duty as respects listed buildings in exercise of planning functions
(1) In considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses."
"72. General duty as respects conservation areas in exercise of planning functions
(1) In the exercise, with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area, of any [functions under or by virtue of] any of the provisions mentioned in subsection (2), special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area."
(iv) National Planning Policy Framework
"Planning policies and decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places which:
a) promote social interaction, including opportunities for meetings between people who might not otherwise come into contact with each other – for example through mixed-use developments, strong neighbourhood centres, street layouts that allow for easy pedestrian and cycle connections within and between neighbourhoods, and active street frontages;
b) are safe and accessible, so that crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion – for example through the use of clear and legible pedestrian routes, and high quality public space, which encourage the active and continual use of public areas; and
c) enable and support healthy lifestyles, especially where this would address identified local health and well-being needs – for example through the provision of safe and accessible green infrastructure, sports facilities, local shops, access to healthier food, allotments and layouts that encourage walking and cycling."
"Where there is an existing or anticipated shortage of land for meeting identified housing needs, it is especially important that planning policies and decisions avoid homes being built at low densities, and ensure that developments make optimal use of the potential of each site. In these circumstances:
(c) Local planning authorities should refuse applications which they consider fail to make efficient use of land, taking into account the policies in this Framework. In this context, when considering applications for housing, authorities should take a flexible approach in applying policies or guidance relating to daylight and sunlight, where they would otherwise inhibit making efficient use of the site (as long as the resulting scheme would provide acceptable living standards)."
"Considering potential impacts
193. When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset's conservation (and the more important the asset, the greater the weight should be). This is irrespective of whether any potential harm amounts to substantial harm, total loss or less than substantial harm to its significance.
194. Any harm to, or loss of, the significance of a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction, or from development within its setting), should require clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of:
a) grade II listed buildings, or grade II registered parks or gardens, should be exceptional;
b) assets of the highest significance, notably scheduled monuments, protected wreck sites, registered battlefields, grade I and II* listed buildings, grade I and II* registered parks and gardens, and World Heritage Sites, should be wholly exceptional.
195. Where a proposed development will lead to substantial harm to (or total loss of significance of) a designated heritage asset, local planning authorities should refuse consent, unless it can be demonstrated that the substantial harm or total loss is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh that harm or loss, or all of the following apply….
196. Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where appropriate, securing its optimum viable use.
197. The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications that directly or indirectly affect non-designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of the heritage asset."
(v) Development plan policies
A Housing developments should be of the highest quality internally, externally and in relation to their context and to the wider environment, taking account of strategic policies in this Plan to protect and enhance London's residential environment and attractiveness as a place to live … … ."
Planning decisions
B Buildings and structures should
(d) not cause unacceptable harm to the amenity of surrounding land and buildings, particularly residential buildings, in relation to privacy, overshadowing, wind and microclimate. This is particularly important for tall buildings."
Planning decisions
D Tall buildings:
a. should not affect their surroundings adversely in terms of microclimate, wind turbulence, overshadowing, noise, reflected glare, aviation, navigation and telecommunication interference."
Planning decisions
D Development affecting heritage assets and their settings should conserve their significance, by being sympathetic to their form, scale, materials and architectural detail."
"6 Ensuring all housing is appropriate, high-quality, well-designed and sustainable. This will be achieved by:
(a) Setting housing design standards.
(b) Working with housing partners to facilitate existing homes to be brought up to at least the Decent Homes standard.
(c) Requiring new developments to comply with accessibility standards, including 'Lifetime Homes' requirements.
(d) Requiring adequate provision of housing amenity space for new homes… including private amenity space in every development and communal amenity space for developments providing 10 units or more.
(e) Requiring sites that are providing family homes to provide adequate space for play space for children.
(f) Requiring new homes to respond to climate change…"
"2 Protect and enhance the following heritage assets and their settings:
Statutory Listed Buildings..
Conservation Areas..
Locally Listed Buildings….
4 Ensure that buildings and neighbourhoods promote good design principles to create buildings, spaces and places that are high-quality, sustainable, accessible, attractive, durable and well-integrated with their surrounds. This will be achieved through ensuring development:
(a) Protects amenity, and promotes well-being (including preventing loss of privacy and access to daylight and sunlight)…"
"1 Development should seek to protect, and where possible improve, the amenity of surrounding existing and future residents and building occupants, as well as the amenity of the surrounding public realm by
a. not resulting in an unacceptable loss of privacy, nor enable a reasonable level of overlooking or unacceptable increase in the sense of enclosure;
b. not resulting in the unacceptable loss of outlook;
c. ensuring adequate levels of daylight and sunlight for new residential development;
d. not resulting in an unacceptable material deterioration of the sunlighting and daylighting conditions of surrounding development including habitable rooms of residential dwellings, schools, community uses and offices and not result in an unacceptable level of overshadowing to surrounding open space; and
e. not creating unacceptable levels of noise, vibration, artificial light, odour, fume or dust pollution during the construction and life of the development."
2. Proposals for tall buildings will be required to satisfy the criteria listed below:
e. Not adversely impact on heritage assets or strategic and local views, including their settings and backdrops…"
"1. Development will be required to protect and enhance the borough's heritage assets, their setting and their significance as key elements of developing the sense of place of the boroughs distinctive 'Places'."
Grounds of challenge
i) Ground 1: Having concluded he was not content with the location of the affordable housing, the First Defendant's decision not to revert to the Claimant (as the Inspector recommended) and provide it with the opportunity to offer an alternative location for the proposed affordable housing, through a revised section 106 TCPA 1990 agreement, was irrational and/or unintelligible and/or he gave insufficient reasons for his decision.
ii) Ground 2: In determining the planning balance and overall conclusion, the First Defendant (a) failed to take account of relevant considerations and/or reached an irrational and/or unintelligible decision and/or failed to give sufficient reasons for his decision; and (b) failed to have regard to relevant considerations in concluding that there were no material considerations which indicated that the proposal should be determined otherwise than in accordance with the development plan.
Ground 2
"4 Ensure that buildings and neighbourhoods promote good design principles to create buildings, spaces and places that are high-quality, sustainable, accessible, attractive, durable and well-integrated with their surrounds. This will be achieved through ensuring development:
a. Protects amenity, and promotes well-being (including preventing loss of privacy and access to daylight and sunlight);…"
"this harmful impact on neighbouring properties carries substantial weight against the proposal, and is in conflict with CS policy SP10(4)(a) which seeks to prevent loss of access to daylight and sunlight."
Ground 1
"11.33 Nonetheless, with regard to the weight to the benefits of AH, the Council argued that the mix of affordable unit sizes would be sub-optimal, with insufficient larger units. In describing the main entrance to the AH as poor doors, it drew attention not only to the simple design but also to the position of these at the north end of the scheme. Unlike the private units, this would put them at the greatest walking distances from public transport, shops and services. The podium barrier would not only divide the types of tenure, but also separate the amenity and play space areas as well as extend walking distances (although access to these could be addressed through condition 43). Although more than one witness was questioned on this, no persuasive explanation was given as to why the units were separated in this way. If the SoS shares these concerns then he should seek an alternative arrangement through a further s106 Agreement.
11.34 To a very small extent this concern was addressed by the revised s106 Agreement which would include a few shared ownership units on the other side of the proposed barrier. Nevertheless, the location of vast majority of the AH, including all the rented housing, would be both at the far end of the site altogether rather than integrated, and this counts heavily against the benefits of the AH. …."
"24. The Secretary of State has considered the Inspector's comments at IR11.33 that if the Secretary of State shares his concerns, then he should seek an alternative arrangement through a further s.106 agreement. However the Secretary of State notes that previous concerns about this matter which were addressed by a revised s.106 agreement only resulted in the inclusion of the few shared ownership units on the other side of the proposed barrier (IR11.34). He therefore considers that a seeking more fundamental changes via further revisions to the s. 106 agreement is unlikely to be successful. He has also taken into account that other matters also weigh against the grant of permission. Overall he does not consider that a 'minded to allow' letter would be an appropriate approach in this case."
"7. It is exceptional for "minded to" letters to be issued. Over the last 10 years, fewer than one a year have been issued, out of more than 600 cases decided by the Secretary of State (as opposed to by an Inspector). As decision-maker, the Secretary of State's job is to decide on the recovered appeal or called-in planning application which is before him. He is not required or expected to work with parties to improve proposals, or allow them further opportunities to make an unacceptable proposal acceptable. The fact that he has done so in a very small number of cases does not mean there is any expectation or policy that he will do so in all cases where it is suggested.
8. Planning practitioners familiar with the system would understand that the use of "minded to" decisions is exceptional and very unlikely to be the outcome in any given case."
Final conclusion