Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
(sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court)
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendants Interested Party |
for the Claimant
Stephen Whale (instructed by the Government Legal Department) for the First Defendant
Hearing dates: 11 and 12 July 2017
Crown Copyright ©
Robin Purchas QC:
i) That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring self-build housing as part of the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision;
ii) That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring training and employment measures as part of the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision;
iii) That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring local building firms to be used for the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision;
iv) That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring local procurement as part of the proposed development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision;
v) Ground 5 was not pursued at the hearing
vi) That the First Defendant wrongly failed to take account of the fact that the housing figure in the Winsford Neighbourhood Plan (the WNP) was not intended to be a cap on the number of dwellings to be provided;
vii) Alternatively to ground 6, that the First Defendant erred in failing to take account of the fact that the WNP was not in conformity with the Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies (the CWACLP);
viii) That the First Defendant had a closed mind in determining not to permit residential development on sites not allocated in the WNP;
ix) That the First Defendant unlawfully delayed his decision on the appeal, causing prejudice to the Claimant;
x) That the First Defendant unlawfully failed to make any finding as to whether the proposed development was sustainable;
xi) That the First Defendant acted unlawfully in allowing himself to be lobbied by local MPs; and
xii) That the First Defendant unlawfully failed to consult the Claimant on another appeal which he took into account in relation to the available housing supply.
i) Increasing the level of affordable housing from 30% (as required under the relevant policy) to 40%;
ii) Proposing a condition that 10% of the proposed housing should comprise self-build plots;
iii) Proposing a condition that the remaining market housing should be constructed by small to medium local businesses (SMEs);
iv) Proposing a condition that not less than 50% of the workforce should come from Cheshire and not less than 20% from Cheshire West; and
v) Proposing a condition that 20% of the gross construction costs should be secured by local procurement.
The Decision
"Although policy H1 should not be seen as a cap on housing development, the effect of policy H1 in particular is to make provision for housing to a level close to the minimum requirements of policy STRAT6 of the CWACLP and to guide the location of development in accordance with the vision of the WNP … Additional sites could come forward that are not allocated or are on PDL, but they would need to fit with the WNP vision to comply with the plan."
"There would be compliance with a number of relevant policies in the development plan … These include those used to assess the proposal against specific matters such as transport (STRAT10), affordable housing (SOC1), housing mix (SOC3), and environment (ENV2, ENV4 and ENV6). But there would be conflict with Policy GS5 of the VRBLP, Policy STRAT9 of the CWACLP and to a lesser extent Policy STRAT1 of the CWACLP. Policy GS5 still has considerable weight in the context of Winsford. There would also be conflict with Policy H1 of the WNP. The housing supply policies GS5, STRAT9 and H1 are the dominant polices for assessing proposals for development outside the Winsford settlement boundary. I conclude that the proposal would be contrary to the development plan overall."
"(261) The economic benefits set out in OR147 still apply. In addition the housing offer, whereby up to 92 new homes would be built by local SMEs, supports the Government's objective of boosting that sector of the economy. The self-build plots and elements of local training, employment and procurement would also add value to the local economy.
(262) The weight to be given to the benefit of the additional market housing needs to be seen in the context of the Council's response to the need to boost significantly the supply of housing. That is what has been achieved by providing a 5 year supply of housing land. That said, the fact that the market housing will be delivered by SMEs takes up the weight a notch. This along with the other elements of the housing offer means that the economic benefits of the appeal proposal are likely to be able to be distinguished from many other housing proposals in the Borough or indeed other proposals on non-allocated sites on the edge of Winsford.
(264) Overall there are significant economic benefits from the proposal."
"(270) The self-build element would carry some social benefits in helping to respond to the needs of a particular group identified by the SHMA and the Government who wish to build their own homes. The proposals do not follow the approach advocated by Policy SOC3 of the CWACLP as a Community Land Trust is not involved. Therefore there are questions over the affordability of the plots (SR 183). That said, the scheme for self-build would allow an input by the Council into the open market value of the plots and the PPG does not refer specifically to affordability in discussing this element of demand."
"(183) Each of these matters is a benefit which can point to national policy support. However, the self-build element still has serious issues attached to it. Policy SOC3 of the CWACLP refers to working with organisations such as Community Land Trusts to help bring forward schemes for self-build groups and individuals. The supporting text to the policy explains that that is because such bodies can acquire land cheaply. The mechanism for provision of the self-build units would appear to do nothing for the affordability of that as a method of construction (a separate issue from the affordability of the dwelling in perpetuity). That is because the land for the self-build units would include the necessary services and then be sold at market value. There is no evidence to show that take up of self build land at market value would be at all likely. The only evidence of demand for self-build is the reference to the SHMA survey which records people's interest in self building as, it appears, a matter of principle without a real consideration of costs. There would, on the conditions offered, be no mechanism to prevent self-build plots lying undeveloped whilst the rest of the development went ahead."
"(271) The local training, employment and procurement elements would bring some social benefits to the Borough as a whole and Winsford on particular where there are relatively high levels of deprivation and joblessness including in the ward adjacent to the appeal site. There would be spin off benefits for the town centre, local shops and other services in the settlement from the greater trade. These spin-offs bring social as well as economic benefits.
(273) Overall there are very substantial social benefits from the proposal."
"The Framework requires that the economic, social and environmental roles of sustainable development should not be assessed in isolation. In this instance the significant economic benefits and the very substantial social benefits of the development clearly outweigh the moderate environmental harm. However, that is not an end of the matter. The conflict with the up-to-date development plan is a key component of the final balancing exercise which I deal with in my final conclusions. In this respect Policy STRAT 1 of the CWACLP indicates that sustainable development would not be achieved if a proposal would fundamentally conflict with the Local Plan."
"(278) There is a need to update the recommended conditions to give effect to the housing offer. The provision of affordable housing above the policy target and the facilitating of self-build are all significant benefits which I have taken into account in the planning balance. Therefore, conditions are necessary to ensure those elements would be implemented should the development go ahead … I have amended the self-build condition so that the scheme for the provision of such units includes reference to the period that houses would need to be occupied by those who carried out the project.
(279) The support for the local economy and SMEs that would be secured by requiring small and medium sized Cheshire-based builders to be involved in the open market housing and a percentage of procurement undertaken locally are needed to ensure that the economic benefits of the scheme would be realised. I have amended the local procurement condition to refer to businesses based in the Borough. The revisions to the local labour strategy condition are warranted to provide more precision."
"(282) The proposal is contrary to Policy STRAT1 of the CWACLP and Policy GS5 of the VRBLP which is still a 'saved' policy post adoption of the CWACLP, albeit not carrying full weight. There is also a degree of conflict with STRAT 9 of the CWACLP and policy H1 of the WNP. Although a number of development plan policies support the proposal, particularly SOC1 of the CWACLP, and the relevant policies of the WNP are not explicit in forming a basis to resist the development, there is conflict with the development plan overall. The development plan is not to be lightly set aside. A failure to comply with the development plan could give an indication that the development would not be sustainable overall.
(283) Permission would undermine the credibility of the plan-led system and the status of neighbourhood plans promoted by the Framework even though paragraph 198 of the Framework should not be interpreted as giving NPs enhanced status over other components of the development plan. There are adverse impacts through the loss of open countryside which represents moderate harm. The Council has not alleged any other harm given that the other material impacts could be made acceptable by the use of conditions.
(284) I have concluded that there is now a 5 year supply of housing which is a significant change in circumstances since the original report. As a result the second sentence of paragraph 49 of the Framework does not take effect and relevant policies for the supply of housing can be considered up-to-date. Given that policies STRAT1, STRAT2, STRAT6 and STRAT9 of the CWACLP have recently been found sound and have only just been adopted it is unsurprising that they should be considered up to date. Similar status can be afforded to policies H1 and H2 of the WNP.
(285) The test within paragraph 14 of the Framework … does not now come into play. It is a matter of balancing the harm, conflict with the development plan and the adverse impacts through the loss of countryside against the economic and social benefits arising from the provision of new homes. In this case there are substantial economic and social benefits arising, particularly the significant proportion of affordable homes and the other 'novel' elements of the housing offer. Whilst this type of offer could be repeated, the circumstances are unlikely to be commonplace because the position of the appellant as landowner as set out in detail in the 'Local Approach' document.
(286) Development that conflicts with the development plan should be refused unless other material considerations indicate otherwise. But it does not necessarily follow that a proposal which conflicts with the development plan cannot comprise sustainable development as illustrated by many appeal decisions. I conclude that the conflict with the development plan, the starting point for decision making, and the adverse impacts on the countryside are outweighed by other material considerations, namely the significant economic and very substantial social benefits arising from additional housing, particularly from the affordable homes.
(287) In arriving at this conclusion I have taken into account that the Council, putting to one side the conflict with the development plan and the 'in principle' objection to the loss of countryside, agree that the grant of permission will not result in any specific adverse impacts and that the site is in a sustainable and accessible location. For these reasons in terms of the second main consideration, the proposal would accord with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, having regard to the development plan and the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development considered in the round."
"(17) In the Secretary of State's judgement, the condition entitled 'Training and Employment' would not be necessary to make the application acceptable in planning terms. Though the requirements could be defined further in the Training and Management Plan, he considers that this condition as drafted is not sufficiently precise and would be difficult to enforce, partly because it would be difficult to detect a breach.
(18) In the Secretary of State's judgement, the condition entitled 'Self Build Housing' is not necessary to make the scheme acceptable in planning terms. Moreover, though it does support SOC 3 of the CWACLP, there are still concerns raised by the Council (SR183) as to the effect on affordability which leads the Secretary of State to find that this condition is not reasonable in all other respects.
(19) In the Secretary of State's judgement, the condition entitled 'Local Builders' would not be necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms and would not be strictly relevant to planning policy. Dependent on the builders or companies available through the build out of the development the condition would be difficult to enforce, neither would it be precise, or reasonable in all other respects, so cannot be imposed.
(20) In the Secretary of State's judgement, the condition entitled 'Local procurement' would not be necessary to make the application acceptable in planning terms. Neither is it strictly related to planning. The condition wold be difficult to enforce, in part because it could prove difficult to detect a breach. The Secretary of State also considers that it is unclear what the position is in relation to the availability of businesses within the specified area to meet the criteria and therefore whether this condition would be reasonable in all other respects.
(21) For the reasons given in paragraphs 16-20 above the Secretary of State finds these conditions would not satisfy all the relevant policy tests in paragraph 203 of the Framework and the Guidance and therefore should not be attached to any planning permission. This reduces the economic benefits of the development identified by the inspector in his SR. Consequently the Secretary of State does not agree with the inspector that the appellant's revision to the housing offer , whereby up to 92 new homes would be built by small and medium sized local house builders 'takes up the weight a notch'. Nor does the Secretary of State agree with the inspector that the economic benefits of the appeal proposal are likely to be able to be distinguished from many other housing proposals in the Borough including other proposals on non-allocated sites on the edge of Winsford. Rather the Secretary of State considers that the situation effectively reverts to the position at the time of the original inquiry as set out in the OR where the inspector concluded that the proposal would result in a number of economic benefits including the New Homes Bonus Scheme, construction jobs, additional local spend and employment arising from the additional expenditure.
(22) … Overall the Secretary of State notes that the inspector finds significant economic benefits. However for the reasons given above he considers that the economic benefits are less significant than the inspector concludes and they attract just about moderate weight in the planning balance."
"(23) The Secretary of State agrees with the inspector that for the reasons given at SR 265-269 substantial weight should be given to the provision of affordable housing on the site. The inspector apportions weight to the social benefits outlined at SR270-271. However for the reasons given above the Secretary of State finds that the conditions that would incorporate the provisions for training and employment, self-build housing, local builders or local procurement should not be attached to a planning permission. This reduces the social benefits of the redevelopment identified by the inspector in the SR. However the Secretary of State agrees that the other social dimensions of the proposal set out at OR 150-152 have not materially changed. Overall the Secretary of State considers that the social benefits fall short of 'very substantial', as the inspector suggests at SR273, but nevertheless attract substantial weight in the planning balance."
"(25) The Secretary of State has carefully considered the inspector's conclusions on the three dimensions of sustainable development set out at paragraph 7 of the Framework. As outlined above, the Secretary of State has found that there are social and economic benefits of the proposal but also environmental harm. He has weighed these factors in the overall planning balance below. He agrees with the inspector that the conflict with the up to date development plan is also a key component of the final balancing exercise."
"With the exception of the affordable housing condition, for the reasons at paragraphs 16-20 above he does not consider that the other conditions at SR Appendix C should attract any weight in the planning balance."
"(28) Section 38(6) of the (2004Act) requires that proposals be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For the reasons signposted by paragraph 14 above the Secretary of State finds that the proposal conflicts with the development plan overall. He has therefore gone on to consider whether there are any material considerations sufficient to outweigh the conflict with the development plan.
(29) As discussed in consideration of the development plan at paragraph 14 above, and in line with the inspector the Secretary of State finds conflict with the WNP. Paragraph 198 of the Framework states that where a planning application conflicts with a made neighbourhood plan, planning permission should not normally be granted and conflict with WNP policy H1 means that the proposal cannot be said to comply with the neighbourhood plan overall.
(30) The Secretary of State gives substantial weight to the social benefits of the scheme, including the affordable housing, and moderate weight to the economic benefits. However he does not consider that the benefits outweigh the clear conflict with the up to date development plan and the moderate harm to the environmental dimension of sustainable development from the adverse impact of the loss of open fields."
Legal Framework and Authorities
"(19) The relevant law is not controversial. It comprises seven familiar principles:
i. Decisions of the Secretary of State and his inspectors in appeals against the refusal of planning permission are to be construed in a reasonably flexible way. Decision letters are written principally for parties who know what the issues between them are and what evidence and argument has been deployed on those issues. An inspector does not need to "rehearse every argument relating to each matter in every paragraph" (see the judgment of Forbes J. in Seddon Properties v Secretary of State for the Environment [1981] 42 P. & C.R. 26, at p.28).
ii. The reasons for an appeal decision must be intelligible and adequate, enabling one to understand why the appeal was decided as it was and what conclusions were reached on the "principal important controversial issues". An inspector's reasoning must not give rise to a substantial doubt as to whether he went wrong in law, for example by misunderstanding a relevant policy or by failing to reach a rational decision on relevant grounds. But the reasons need refer only to the main issues in the dispute, not to every material consideration (see the speech of Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood in South Bucks District Council and another v Porter (No. 2) [2004] 1 WLR 1953 , at p.1964 B-G).
iii. The weight to be attached to any material consideration and all matters of planning judgment are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the decision-maker. They are not for the court. A local planning authority determining an application for planning permission is free, "provided that it does not lapse into Wednesbury irrationality" to give material considerations "whatever weight [it] thinks fit or no weight at all" (see the speech of Lord Hoffmann in Tesco Stores Limited v Secretary of State for the Environment [1995] 1 WLR 759, at p.780 F-H). And, essentially for that reason, an application under section 288 of the 1990 Act does not afford an opportunity for a review of the planning merits of an inspector's decision (see the judgment of Sullivan J., as he then was, in Newsmith v Secretary of State for [2001] EWHC Admin 74 , at paragraph 6).
iv. Planning policies are not statutory or contractual provisions and should not be construed as if they were. The proper interpretation of planning policy is ultimately a matter of law for the court. The application of relevant policy is for the decision-maker. But statements of policy are to be interpreted objectively by the court in accordance with the language used and in its proper context. A failure properly to understand and apply relevant policy will constitute a failure to have regard to a material consideration, or will amount to having regard to an immaterial consideration (see the judgment of Lord Reed in Tesco Stores v Dundee City Council [2012] PTSR 983 , at paragraphs 17 to 22).
v. When it is suggested that an inspector has failed to grasp a relevant policy one must look at what he thought the important planning issues were and decide whether it appears from the way he dealt with them that he must have misunderstood the policy in question (see the judgment of Hoffmann L.J., as he then was, South Somerset District Council v The Secretary of State for the Environment [1993] 66 P. & C.R. 80, at p.83 E-H).
vi. Because it is reasonable to assume that national planning policy is familiar to the Secretary of State and his inspectors, the fact that a particular policy is not mentioned in the decision letter does not necessarily mean that it has been ignored (see, for example, the judgment of Lang J. in Sea Land Power & Energy Limited v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2012] EWHC 1419 (QB), at paragraph 58).
vii. Consistency in decision-making is important both to developers and local planning authorities, because it serves to maintain public confidence in the operation of the development control system. But it is not a principle of law that like cases must always be decided alike. An inspector must exercise his own judgment on this question, if it arises (see, for example, the judgment of Pill L.J. Fox Strategic Land and Property Ltd. v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2013] 1 P. & C.R. 6, at paragraphs 12 to 14, citing the judgment of Mann L.J. in North Wiltshire District Council v Secretary of State for the Environment [1992] 65 P. & C.R. 137, at p.145).
"The reasons for a decision must be intelligible and they must be adequate. They must enable the reader to understand why the matter was decided as it was and what conclusions were reached on the principal important controversial issues, disclosing how any issue of law or fact was resolved. Reasons can be briefly stated, the degree of particularity required depending entirely on the nature of the issues falling for decision. The reasoning must not give rise to a substantial doubt as to whether the decision-maker erred in law, for example by misunderstanding some relevant policy or some other important matter or by failing to reach a rational decision on relevant grounds. But such adverse inference will not readily be drawn. The reasons need refer only to the main issues in the dispute, not to every material consideration. They should enable disappointed developers to assess their prospects of obtaining some alternative development permission, or, as the case may be, their unsuccessful opponents to understand how the policy or approach underlying the grant of permission may impact upon future such applications. Decision letters must be read in a straightforward manner, recognising that they are addressed to parties well aware of the issues involved and the arguments advanced. A reasons challenge will only succeed if the party aggrieved can satisfy the court that he has genuinely been substantially prejudiced by the failure to provide an adequately reasoned decision."
"In this case the asserted material consideration is a previous appeal decision. It was not disputed in argument that a previous appeal decision is capable of being a material consideration. The proposition is in my judgment indisputable. One important reason why previous decisions are capable of being material is that like cases should be decided in a like manner so that there is consistency in the appellate process. Consistency is self-evidently important to both developers and development control authorities. But it is also important for the purpose of securing public confidence in the operation of the development control system. I do not suggest and it would be wrong to do so, that like cases must be decided alike. An inspector must always exercise his own judgment. He is therefore free upon consideration to disagree with the judgment of another but before doing so he ought to have regard to the importance of consistency and to give his reasons for departure from the previous decision.
To state that like cases should be decided alike presupposes that the earlier case is alike and is not distinguishable in some relevant respect. If it is distinguishable then it usually will lack materiality by reference to consistency although it may be material in some other way. Where it is indistinguishable then ordinarily it must be a material consideration. A practical test for the inspector is to ask himself whether, if I decide this case in a particular way am I necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with some critical aspect of the decision in the previous case. The areas for possible agreement or disagreement cannot be defined but they would include interpretation of policies, aesthetic judgments and assessment of need. Where there is disagreement then the inspector must weigh the previous decision and give his reasons for departure from it. These can on occasion be short, for example in the case of disagreement on aesthetics. On other occasions they may have to be elaborate."
"(37) Mr Warren submitted that a decision maker was entitled to regard another decision as material, but then give it no weight. In my judgement that is to misunderstand the purpose of the passages in North Wiltshire cited above. The rationale of the principle is that, if a decision is to be reached which is not ad idem with the approach followed in another, then the importance of achieving consistency and of the maintenance of confidence in the development control system require that reasons are given for departures from conclusions reached in another decision. I would refer to this passage from Dunster at paragraph 23 per Lloyd LJ: (My italics)
"Mr Mead's last sentence in paragraph 8 suggests that he has not grasped the intellectual nettle of the disagreement, which is what is needed if he is to have had proper regard to the previous decision. Either he did not have a proper regard to it, in which case he has failed to fulfil the duty to do so, or he has done so but has not explained his reasons, in which case he has not discharged the obligation to give his reasons." "
The decision was quashed.
"(20) I note that the two decisions were taken within a short time of each other; they were both signed by the same official acting for the Secretary of State. Mr Warren submits that the stark difference present in Gallagher was not present in the situation under consideration. The situation was a complex one and, on the facts, the Secretary of State was entitled to ignore it. It appears to me that, even on that approach, an explanation along the lines of the submissions made by Mr Warren in this appeal should have been given."
The appeal was dismissed.
"(25) There was in this case no breach of the Rules. Mr Hopkins did not differ from the inspector on any question of fact material to the inspector's conclusion nor did he take into account any new evidence or new matter of fact. The obligation imposed by r.17(5) to notify any such difference or new evidence and permit fresh representations did not therefore arise. To the extent that para.4 of the Planning Propriety Guidance reflects, the requirement of r.17(5), it was not contravened either. Paragraph 4 does, however, also say that privately made representations should not be entertained unless other parties have been given the chance to consider them and comment on them. This is a fundamental principle of the common law which requires a decision-maker to listen to and take into account both sides of an argument, encapsulated in the Latin phrase "audi alteram partem". One famous example is Errington v Minister of Health [1935] 1 K.B. 249 in which a slum clearance order was confirmed by the Minister after he had privately consulted the officials of the relevant Town Council about its perceived need to demolish the buildings rather than reach an agreement with the owner of the property about repairing them. The explanation given by the officials was that the buildings had defective foundations and were thus effectively unrepairable. This explanation satisfied the Minister but the owner never had any opportunity to make any representation about the officials' explanation and the order was therefore quashed.
(26) To a 21st century public lawyer this is a stark and obvious application of the principle that a decision-maker must not entertain representations from one party without finding out what other parties have to say on the matter. Nevertheless, the principle has to be applied sensibly. If a party to an inquiry or an objector seeks to bombard a minister with post-inquiry representations which are merely repetitive of the representations made at the inquiry itself and every time that happened the Minister was obliged to circulate the representations for comment, the decision-making process could easily be subverted. That is effectively what has happened in this case so far as the written correspondence and representations are concerned. In these circumstances, the Minister has not "entertained" privately made representations; he has merely made his decision in the light of all the evidence given and representations made to the inspector which were known to all parties. Although it could be said that there was a technical breach of para.4 of the Guidance, there was no breach of the rules of natural justice, see Fox Land v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2014] EWHC 15 (Admin) at [22]–[25] per Blake J. No doubt that is the reason why Mr Pike concentrated on the fact that Mrs Leadsom had the advantage of face-to-face meetings with Mr Hopkins in the House of Commons tea room and the lobby. It is those occasions which are said to be unfair since Broadview had no comparable advantage."
On the facts of the case the appeal was dismissed and the Secretary of State's decision was upheld.
Policy and Guidance
"(7) There are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. These dimensions give rise to the need for the planning system to perform a number of roles:
i) an economic role – contributing to building a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right type is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth and innovation; and by identifying and coordinating development requirements, including the provision of infrastructure
ii) a social role – supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by providing the supply of housing required to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by creating a high quality built environment, with accessible local services that reflect the community's needs and support its health, social and cultural well-being
iii) an environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; and, as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy.
(14) At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking.
For decision-taking this means:
i) approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay (footnote 10 adds 'unless material considerations indicate otherwise) and
ii) where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting permission unless:
iii) any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole or
iv) specific policies in this Framework indicate development should be restricted."
"(198) … Where a planning application conflicts with a neighbourhood plan that has been brought into force, planning permission should not normally be granted."
"(203) Local planning authorities should consider whether otherwise unacceptable development could be made acceptable through the use of conditions or planning obligations. Planning obligations should only be used where it is not possible to address unacceptable impacts through a planning condition.
(206) Planning conditions should only be imposed where they are necessary, relevant to planning and to the development to be permitted, enforceable, precise and reasonable in all other respects."
"How does the Local Planning Authority ensure that the 6 tests in paragraph 206 of the National Planning Policy Framework have been met? Whether it is appropriate for the Local Planning Authority to impose a condition on a grant of planning permission will depend on the specifics of the case. Conditions should help to deliver development plan policy and accord with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework, including satisfying the 6 tests for conditions. The 6 tests must all be satisfied each time a decision to grant planning permission subject to conditions is made. The tests are set out in the following table, alongside key considerations: …"
That includes:
i) in respect of the test of necessity: "will it be appropriate to refuse planning permission without the requirements imposed by the condition? A condition must not be imposed unless there is a definite planning reason for it i.e. is it needed to make the development acceptable in planning terms?"
ii) In respect of the test of relevant to planning; "does the condition relate to planning objectives and is it within the scope of the permission to which it is to be attached?"
iii) In respect of the test of relevance to the development to be permitted; "does the condition fairly and reasonably relate to the development to be permitted? It is not sufficient that a condition is related to planning objectives: it must also be justified by the nature or impact of the development permitted."
iv) In respect of the test of enforceability; "Would it be practicably possible to enforce the condition? Unenforceable conditions include those for which it would, in practice, be impossible to detect a contravention or remedy any breach of the condition, or those concerned with persons over which the applicant has no control."
v) For the test of precision; "Is the condition written in a way that it makes clear to the applicant and others what must be done to comply with it? Poorly worded conditions are those that do not clearly state what is required and when must not be used."
vi) In respect of the test of reasonableness; "is the condition reasonable? Conditions which place unjustifiable and disproportionate burdens on an applicant will fail the test of reasonableness. Unreasonable conditions cannot be used to make development that is unacceptable in planning terms acceptable."
"Are there any circumstances where planning conditions should not be used? Any proposed condition that fails to meet any of the 6 tests should not be used. This applies even if the applicant suggests it or agrees on its terms or it is suggested by the members of a planning committee or a third party. Every condition must always be justified by the local planning authority on its own planning merits on a case by case basis."
"Conditions which unreasonably impact on the deliverability of a development: Conditions which place unjustifiable and disproportionate financial burdens on an applicant will fail the test of reasonableness. In considering issues around viability, local planning authorities should consider policies in the National Planning Policy Framework and supporting guidance on viability."
Ground 1: That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring self-build housing as part of the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision
"Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for the provision of self-build plots shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The self-build plots shall be 10% of the total number of the dwellings to be provided on the site and shall be provided in accordance with the approved scheme. The scheme shall specify:
i) The number, location and size of the plots that would be reserved for self-build;
ii) That the dwelling that is built is first occupied by the person or family that purchases the plot;
iii) The period that the person or family that purchases the plot shall remain in occupation;
iv) The roads and services shall be provided to service each self-build plot and the phasing thereof; and
v) A programme for the marketing of the self-build plots specifying the open market values at which they will be offered.
All parts of the approved scheme for the provision of the self-build plots shall be implemented in full."
Ground 2: That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring training and employment measures as part of the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision
"The development hereby permitted shall not commence until details of a Training and Employment Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The plan shall aim to promote training and employment opportunities during the construction phase for local people by undertaking to meet a target of not less than 50% of the total workforce on the site being resident in Cheshire West and Chester, Chester East or Warrington Borough Council areas, of which not less than 20% is either
i) Resident in the Borough of Cheshire West and Chester; or
ii) Resident within a 15 mile radius of the site.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan."
"The condition relating to training and development would contribute to reducing exclusion and achieving sustainable development."
Ground 3: That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring local building firms to be used for the development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision
"No dwelling which is not an affordable or self-build unit shall be constructed other than by a builder or company that:
i) has a main office or registered office that was within the Cheshire West and Chester, Chester East or Warrington Borough Council areas at the date of this permission; and
ii) Builds a total of not more than 500 residential units in any one year."
Ground 4: That the First Defendant wrongly rejected a proposed condition requiring local procurement as part of the proposed development; alternatively he failed to give adequate reasons for his decision
"Prior to the commencement of development a Local Procurement Strategy shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The Strategy shall include:
i) Details of the initiatives to ensure that 20% of the gross construction costs of the development are delivered by businesses based in the Borough of Cheshire West and Chester;
ii) The timing and arrangements for the implementation of these initiatives; and
iii) Suitable mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of these initiatives.
All parts of the approved Local Procurement Strategy shall be implemented in full."
Ground 6: That the First Defendant wrongly failed to take account of the fact that the housing figure in the Winsford Neighbourhood Plan (the WNP) was not intended to be a cap on the number of dwellings to be provided
Ground 7: Alternatively to Ground 6, that the First Defendant erred in failing to take account of the fact that the WNP was not in conformity with the Chester West and Chester Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies (the CWACLP)
Ground 8: That the First Defendant had a closed mind in determination not to permit residential development not on sites allocated in the WNP
Ground 9: That the First Defendant unlawfully delayed his decision on the appeal, causing prejudice to the Claimant
"In terms of where that leaves us, my sense is that the case may prove to be arguable either way. Although the Council and the appellant have copied their reps to each other, I think that at this stage it would be reasonable (rather than unavoidable) for CLG to do a formal ref back exercise (several people spoke at the inquiry including a local opposition group which is not a rule 6 party). That will inevitably take us beyond the point at which the NP referendum will have been held and may also take us beyond the point at which the LP examiner's report is available. I do not think that we should put up a sub to Ministers until we have done the ref back."
The email concluded by asking whether the other officer agreed with that view.
Ground 10: That the First Defendant unlawfully failed to make any finding as to whether the proposed development was sustainable
Ground 11: That the First Defendant acted unlawfully in allowing himself to be lobbied by local members of parliament
Ground 12: That the First Defendant unlawfully failed to consult the Claimant on another appeal which he took into account in relation to the available housing supply
Overall conclusion