Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendants |
Tim Buley (instructed by the Government Legal Department) for the First Defendant
Jonathan Easton (instructed by Irwin Mitchell) for the Second Defendant
Hearing date: 17 November 2016
Crown Copyright ©
Mrs Justice Lang :
i) The proposal represented unacceptable encroachment into the open countryside and the loss of an extensive area of high quality agricultural land and would adversely affect the character and appearance of the area which has historic and sensitive value. Accordingly, the proposal was contrary to adopted Core Strategy (CS) Policies CS1, CS3, CS7, CS11, CS12, CS13 and CS14, saved Policies H9, OL6 and HE24 of the Wrekin Local Plan (WLP) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
ii) The proposal would adversely affect the setting of the adjacent listed park at Orleton Hall and the impact upon this heritage asset would adversely affect the character and appearance of the area. Accordingly, the proposal was contrary to adopted CS Policies CS1, CS3, CS7, CS11, CS12 and CS14, saved WLP Policies OL6 and HE24 and the NPPF.
i) The weight to be given to relevant policies for the supply of housing, and whether the Council could demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing land.
ii) The effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, and on the setting of Orleton Hall Registered Park and Gardens.
iii) Whether the appeal proposal should be seen as representing sustainable development, in terms of the NPPF.
"137. In accordance with guidance contained in the Framework, there are 2 separate balancing exercises which need to be undertaken in this case, both of which have to take account of benefits which would arise from the appeal proposal. The first is the balance relating to paragraph 134 of the Framework, which requires any "less than substantial" harm to the significance of a designated asset to be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal.
141. Weighing these benefits against the harm to the designated heritage asset is, in my assessment, a fine balance, with clear and distinct differences between the 2 proposals. Although I am satisfied that the harm to the setting of the Park should be classed as less than substantial in the case of both the 330 dwelling and the 290 dwelling schemes, I consider it very important to retain some open views of the Park from Haygate Road to retain the significance of this aspect of its setting, and this increases the weight I feel I need to ascribe to the harm in the case of the 330 dwelling scheme. Because of this I am drawn to conclude that the harm to the significance of the Park would be outweighed by the public benefits in the case of the 290 dwelling scheme, but not in the case of the scheme for a maximum of 330 dwellings. In other words the proposal passes the "paragraph 134" test in the up to 290 dwelling scheme, but not in the up to 330 dwelling scheme.
142. Referring back to paragraphs 126 and 127 of this decision, I therefore conclude that the scheme for up to 330 dwellings would not satisfy the environmental role of sustainable development, whereas the scheme for up to 290 dwellings would. Accordingly, I further conclude that the proposed development can be considered as representing sustainable development, but only if the maximum number of dwellings is restricted to 290, and the development proceeds in general accordance with Development Framework Plan reference 5644-L-03-Rev N.
143. I now turn to the second balancing exercise which needs to be undertaken, In view of my earlier conclusions that development plan policies referred to in the putative reasons for refusal are out-of-date and should carry less than full weight because of inconsistencies with Framework policies, this is the weighted balance set out in the second bullet point of the decision-taking section of the Framework paragraph 14. This indicates, under its first limb, that planning permission should be granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole. The second limb of this bullet point relates to the situation where specific policies in the Framework indicate development should be restricted, such as where designated heritage assets are concerned, and I have already addressed this matter, above.
144. From the conclusions I have already reached on the main issues I consider that the proposed development would result in some adverse impacts, but that these would be limited. My reasoning is set out fully in the appropriate paragraphs, above, but in summary there would firstly be a loss of just over 15 ha of BMV agricultural land. But as much of the agricultural land surrounding Telford is of BMV status, and as it is clear that this has not prevented the Council from recently granting planning permission for a scheme at Priorslee which will result in a much greater loss of BMV land than here, I can only give this impact a modest amount of weight.
145. Insofar as impact on the Registered Park is concerned, by not seeking to provide development on the southernmost part of the site, adjacent to Haygate Road, the scheme for a maximum of 290 dwellings would only result in a low level of "less than substantial" harm to weigh against the proposal.
147. Turning then to the benefits of this proposal, I have already detailed, above, that there would be substantial benefits arising from the provision of up to 290 new dwellings, including up to 73 new affordable homes. I give significant weight to this provision of both market and affordable housing. I also accord significant weight to the economic and social benefits which the scheme would give rise to, and which have already been detailed above. In addition, I have concluded that modest weight should be given to the gains arising from increased public access to the appeal site, and to the highway improvements which would arise from the proposal.
Overall conclusion
148. I am required to determine this proposal in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations (which include the Framework), indicate otherwise. I have identified some conflict with development plan policies under both the first and second main issues, but have concluded that these policies are out-of-date and should carry less than full weight because of inconsistencies with policies in the Framework. Because of this, and having regard to my findings on all 3 main issues, my overall conclusion is that the adverse impacts of the proposal would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the substantial benefits which would arise from this development."
Legal framework
Section 288 TCPA 1990
"An application under section 288 is not an opportunity for a review of the planning merits of an Inspector's decision."
Determining an application for planning permission
"… many of the provisions of development plans are framed in language whose application to a given set of facts requires the exercise of judgment. Such matters fall within the jurisdiction of planning authorities, and their exercise of their judgment can only be challenged on the ground that it is irrational or perverse (Tesco Stores Ltd v. Secretary of State for the Environment [1995] 1 WLR 659, 780 per Lord Hoffmann)."
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
"9. The Government's commitment to a "plan led" planning system is apparent throughout the NPPF. Paragraph 2 in the "Introduction" acknowledges the statutory presumption in favour of the development plan in s.38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and the status of the NPPF as another material consideration:
"Planning law requires that applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The [NPPF] must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. … ."
There are several other references to the "plan-led" system: for example, in para.17, which sets out 12 "core land-use planning principles" that "should underpin both plan-making and decision-taking". The first of these "core" principles is that planning should be "… genuinely plan-led, empowering local people to shape their surroundings, with succinct local and neighbourhood plans setting out a positive vision for the future of the area". It adds that "[plans] should be kept up-to-date …" and "should provide a practical framework within which decisions on planning applications can be made with a high degree of predictability and efficiency".
12. Under the heading "The presumption in favour of sustainable development", para.12 acknowledges that the NPPF "does not change the statutory status of the development plan as the starting point for decision making". It says that "[proposed] development that accords with an up-to-date Local Plan should be approved, and proposed development that conflicts should be refused unless other material considerations indicate otherwise". It adds that "[it] is highly desirable that local planning authorities should have an up-to-date plan in place". Paragraph 13 confirms that the NPPF "constitutes guidance for local planning authorities and decision-takers both in drawing up plans and as a material consideration in determining applications". Paragraph 14 explains how the "presumption in favour of sustainable development" is to be applied:
"At the heart of [the NPPF] is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking.
For plan-making this means that:
• local planning authorities should positively seek opportunities to meet the development needs of their area;
• Local Plans should meet objectively assessed needs, with sufficient flexibility to adapt to rapid change, unless:
– any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in [the NPPF] taken as a whole; or
– specific policies in [the NPPF] indicate development should be restricted. [Here there is a footnote, footnote 9, which states: "For example, those policies relating to sites protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives … and/or designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest; land designated as Green Belt, Local Green Space, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Heritage Coast or within a National Park (or the Broads Authority); designated heritage assets; and locations at risk of flooding or coastal erosion."]
For decision-taking this means [Here there is a footnote, fn.10, which says: "Unless material considerations indicate otherwise"]:
• approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and
• where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting permission unless:
– any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in [the NPPF] taken as a whole; or
– specific policies in [the NPPF] indicate development should be restricted. [Here footnote 9 is repeated.]"
39. …..Footnote 9 explains the concept of specific policies in the NPPF indicating that development should be restricted. The NPPF policies it gives as examples relate to protected birds and habitats, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, the Green Belt, Local Green Space, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Heritage Coasts, National Parks, the Broads, heritage assets and locations at risk of flooding or coastal erosion (see [12] above). For all of these interests of acknowledged importance—some of them also subject to statutory protection—the NPPF has specific policies. The purpose of the footnote, we believe, is to underscore the continuing relevance and importance of these NPPF policies where they apply. In the context of decision-taking, such policies will continue to be relevant even "where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date". This does not mean that development plan policies that are out-of-date are rendered up-to-date by the continuing relevance of the restrictive policies to which the footnote refers. Both the restrictive policies of the NPPF, where they are relevant to a development control decision, and out-of-date policies in the development plan will continue to command such weight as the decision-maker reasonably finds they should have in the making of the decision. There is nothing illogical or difficult about this, as a matter of principle.
40. …..Paragraph 215 is one of a series of paragraphs in Annex 1 to the NPPF dealing with the implementation of the policies it contains. These are, essentially, transitional provisions. They do not affect the substance of the policies themselves. Under para.214 there was a period of 12 months from the publication of the NPPF—until 27 March 2013—within which decision-takers "may" continue to give full weight to policies adopted since 2004 even if they conflicted with the policies in the NPPF. After that, under para.215, "due weight" was to be given to relevant plan policies, "according to their degree of consistency" with the policies in the NPPF. These provisions for the implementation of NPPF policy do not touch the interpretation of such policy, including the policies for the delivery of housing in paras 47 to 55 and the policy explaining the "presumption in favour of sustainable development" in para.14…."
42. The NPPF is a policy document. It ought not to be treated as if it had the force of statute. It does not, and could not, displace the statutory "presumption in favour of the development plan", as Lord Hope described it in Edinburgh City Council v Secretary of State for Scotland [1997] 1 WLR 1447 (at 1450B–G). Under s.70(2) of the 1990 Act and s.38(6) of the 2004 Act , government policy in the NPPF is a material consideration external to the development plan. Policies in the NPPF, including those relating to the "presumption in favour of sustainable development", do not modify the statutory framework for the making of decisions on applications for planning permission. They operate within that framework—as the NPPF itself acknowledges, for example, in para.12 (see [12] above). It is for the decision-maker to decide what weight should be given to NPPF policies in so far as they are relevant to the proposal. Because this is government policy, it is likely always to merit significant weight. But the court will not intervene unless the weight given to it by the decision-maker can be said to be unreasonable in the Wednesbury sense.
46. We must emphasise here that the policies in paras 14 and 49 of the NPPF do not make "out-of-date" policies for the supply of housing irrelevant in the determination of a planning application or appeal. Nor do they prescribe how much weight should be given to such policies in the decision. Weight is, as ever, a matter for the decision-maker (see the speech of Lord Hoffmann in Tesco Stores Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment [1995] 1 WLR 759 at 780F-H). Neither of those paragraphs of the NPPF says that a development plan policy for the supply of housing that is "out-of-date" should be given no weight, or minimal weight, or, indeed, any specific amount of weight. They do not say that such a policy should simply be ignored or dis-applied. That idea appears to have found favour in some of the first instance judgments where this question has arisen. It is incorrect.
47. One may, of course, infer from para.49 of the NPPF that in the Government's view the weight to be given to out-of-date policies for the supply of housing will normally be less than the weight due to policies that provide fully for the requisite supply. The weight to be given to such policies is not dictated by government policy in the NPPF. Nor is it, nor could it be, fixed by the court. It will vary according to the circumstances, including, for example, the extent to which relevant policies fall short of providing for the five-year supply of housing land, the action being taken by the local planning authority to address it, or the particular purpose of a restrictive policy—such as the protection of a "green wedge" or of a gap between settlements. There will be many cases, no doubt, in which restrictive policies, whether general or specific in nature, are given sufficient weight to justify the refusal of planning permission despite their not being up-to-date under the policy in para.49 in the absence of a five-year supply of housing land. Such an outcome is clearly contemplated by government policy in the NPPF. It will always be for the decision-maker to judge, in the particular circumstances of the case in hand, how much weight should be given to conflict with policies for the supply of housing that are out-of-date. This is not a matter of law; it is a matter of planning judgment (see [70]–[75] of Lindblom J's judgment in Crane, at [71] and [74] of Lindblom J's judgment in Phides, and [87], [105], [108] and [115] of Holgate J's judgment in Woodcock Holdings Ltd v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Mid-Sussex DC [2015] EWHC 1173 (Admin))."
Ground 1
"25. There is no firm evidence before me to indicate that the settlement boundaries applicable in 2006 are still appropriate today and are consistent with the Framework's objective of boosting significantly the supply of housing. Indeed, as became apparent at the inquiry, the Council's current 5 year housing land supply contains a number of sites which fall outside existing settlement boundaries. Moreover, the Council has recently granted planning permission for a major, mixed-use development which includes the provision of some 1,100 houses on a site outside the existing boundary of Telford at Priorslee, a matter to which I return shortly. These points indicate to me that the former settlement boundaries cannot be viewed as inviolable and that this policy does not reflect Framework guidance."
"34. The Council clearly recognises that development will have to take place outside existing settlement boundaries, as referred to in paragraph 25 above and as evidenced by its recent grant of planning permission at Priorslee, also referred to above. The Priorslee site lies outside the existing boundary of Telford and this indicates to me that Policy CS3 cannot be considered up-to-date. It is also the case that the Priorslee proposal is in conflict with TWCS Policy CS7, but whilst I understand that this area is being promoted as a Sustainable Urban Extension in the emerging TWLP, I have already noted that only limited weight can be given to this emerging plan at this stage. It appears that the sustainable nature of the development at Priorslee and its good connectivity to the major services at Telford weighed in its favour in that case, and overcame any conflict with Policy CS7. It seems to me that similar circumstances exist in the case of the appeal proposal."
Ground 2
"65. Saved WLP Policy OL6, dealing with Open Land, is cited in both putative reasons for refusal, although I note that it did not feature at all in the original Officer's Report to Committee of May 2014. This policy seeks to protect from development "locally important incidental open land within or adjacent to built-up areas" where that land contributes to the character and amenity of the area, has value as a recreational space or importance as a natural habitat. The Council contends that this policy applies in the current case, and would be breached by the appeal proposal.
66. However, whilst there is no specific definition of "locally important incidental open land" within the policy or its supporting text, I find it very difficult to accept that the original purpose of this policy was to provide protection for large areas of agricultural land in the countryside, such as the appeal site. If that had been the case, there would clearly have been no need for WLP Policy OL7, which dealt specifically with Development in the Open Countryside and which, amongst other matters, stated that the Council will protect the open countryside from any development that is likely to have an adverse effect on its character or quality.
68. I share the appellant's view that it is unreasonable and unacceptable to seek to reintroduce a blanket protection of open countryside through use of Policy OL6, as appears to be the Council's intention here. With these points in mind, I am not persuaded that WLP Policy OL6 is applicable or relevant in this case. In these circumstances there can be no breach of this policy by the appeal proposal. Albeit for a different site, I note that Inspector Hand reached a similar conclusion in the Muxton appeal."
Throughout the District, the Council will protect from development locally important incidental open land within or adjacent to built-up areas where that land contributes to the character and amenity of the area, has value as a recreational space or importance as a natural habitat.
8.3.21 Open land without any special designation can often make a valuable and important contribution to the character of an area and can help to define the setting of surrounding development and adjacent buildings. It can relieve the sense of congestion and pressure that might be felt, particularly in the older traditional urban areas of the District. These areas can provide green space, visual variety and very local recreational opportunities. The Council considers the retention of these sites to be most important.
8.3.22 Many of the sites to which the above policy will apply are within Newport. Important area of open land within Newport, including those marked on the proposals map, need protecting from inappropriate development. The Council may seek, through negotiation, planning benefits in order to fulfil the potential of open land where that land is an important and integral part of a development.
8.2.23 The character of many of the villages within the District is defined by the open land and spaces between and around individual properties. Playing fields and children's play areas are also important features in a number of villages and once lost to development may be difficult to replace in the locality."
The Council will protect the open countryside from any development that is likely to have an adverse effect on its character or quality and will protect the rural setting of settlements, buildings or features within the open countryside. In particular, the Council will not permit development which would contribute to the amalgamation of settlements.
8.3.24 …..
8.3.25 National advice, currently set out in PPG7, is that the countryside should be safeguarded for its own sake. Therefore as Telford, and to a lesser extent the other settlements around Telford, continue to develop, it is important that the undeveloped, rural 'gaps' between them are protected. Any development that could result ultimately in the coalescence of settlements will be strenuously resisted in order to help preserve the individual character that they each display.
8.3.26 The land around Telford is generally of good visual and agricultural quality. Some of the surrounding settlements are relatively close, and, although development will be directed towards the reuse of brownfield sites within urban areas, there is still likely to be pressure for development in fringe areas and in the "gaps" between settlements. Any proposals will be considered with great care."
Ground 3
"Local planning authorities should take into account the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land. Where significant development of agricultural land is demonstrated to be necessary, local planning authorities should seek to use areas of poorer quality land in preference to that of a higher quality."
"85. …. there is no internal balancing exercise required by paragraph 112, nor is there any suggestion that planning permission should be refused if BMV land is to be lost. Rather, the loss of agricultural land is just one of the matters which has to be taken into the overall planning balance when a proposal for development is being considered.
86. That is how the Council approached this matter when it recently granted planning permission for the aforementioned major development at Priorslee, involving the loss of over 60 ha of agricultural land, some 24.5 ha of which is classed as high quality BMV agricultural land. Presumably the Council also adopted this approach insofar as TWCS Policy CS13 is concerned, as the loss of BMV agricultural land did not prevent the grant of planning permission. I have regard to this matter in undertaking the planning balance, later in this decision, but in view of the points detailed above I do not share the Council's view that loss of BMV land is a matter covered by footnote 9 to Framework paragraph 14."
Ground 5
"CS7 Rural Area
Development within the rural area will be limited to that necessary to meet the needs of the area. It will be focused on the settlements of High Ercall, Tibberton and Waters Upton. New housing development will be expected to deliver affordable housing to the level of 40% of all such development. Outside of these settlements development will be limited and within the open countryside will be strictly controlled."
"32. It is against this backdrop that I have to consider whether TWCS Policies CS1, CS3 and CS7 can be considered up-to-date and, if not, what weight should reasonably be given to them. I agree with the main parties that Policy CS1 is out of date as it refers to housing figures which were based on now-revoked Regional Guidance. The relevance of Policies CS3 and CS7 to the current proposal is that they seek to restrict development to existing urban areas, in particular Telford. Policy CS7 deals explicitly with the rural area, stating that development within that area will be focussed on the same 3 settlements which feature in saved WLP Policy H9, but goes on to say that outside these settlements development will be limited and, within the open countryside, will be strictly controlled.
33. However, this latter point, in itself, demonstrates that this policy is not up-to-date and in conformity with the more recent planning policy context established by the Framework, where there is no blanket protection of the open countryside and where there is a requirement to boost significantly the supply of housing. I consider it also of relevance that although the appeal site does lie outside the current settlement boundary, there was general agreement between the parties that, if allowed, the proposed development would function as an urban extension to Telford, and would not be considered as a rural settlement…
35. In view of all the above points, and notwithstanding the fact that the TWCS remains part of the statutory Development Plan, I have to conclude that Policies CS1, CS3 and CS7 are out-of-date, and should not be given full weight in this appeal, when assessed alongside the guidance in paragraph 215 of the Framework. Insofar as this conclusion differs to that reached by Inspector Hand, I have set out my reasons, above. Overall, these matters lead me to conclude that the appeal proposal should be assessed using the approach set out in the second bullet point of the decision-taking section of paragraph 14 of the Framework, regardless of whether the Council is able to demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing land."
Note 1 “134. Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use.”
[Back] Note 2 “114. Local planning authorities should ….maintain the character of the undeveloped coast, protecting and enhancing its distinctive landscapes, particularly in areas defined as Heritage Coast, and improve public access to an enjoyment of the coast.” [Back]