Strand, London, WC2A 2LL |
B e f o r e :
Claimant |
- and - |
Defendants |
Daniel Kolinsky (instructed by Treasury Solicitor) for the 1st Defendant
Jeremy Pike (instructed by Butcher Andrews Solicitors) for the 2nd Defendant
Hearing dates: 21 January 2014
Crown Copyright ©
Robin Purchas QC sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge:
The Grounds
i) that the inspector failed to attach proper weight to the development plan as required by Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ("the 2004 Act") or failed to give any or any adequate reasons for departing from it (the Development Ground); andii) that the inspector failed to have special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting of listed buildings, contrary to Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ("the LBA 1990") (the Listed Building ground).
Statutory Framework
"... in dealing with such an application, the authority shall have regard to
(a) the provisions of the development plan so far as material to the application;
(b) any local finance considerations so far as material to the application; and
(c) any other material considerations."
"If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the Planning Acts, the determination must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise."
"In considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, the local planning authority or, as the case may be, the Secretary of State shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses."
Policy Context
i) Policy EN2, which required development proposals to demonstrate that their location, scale, design and materials will protect, conserve and where possible, enhance, inter alia, 'the special qualities and local distinctiveness of the area (including its historical, biodiversity and cultural character),' 'visually sensitive skylines, hillsides' and 'the setting of and views from historic parks and gardens.'
ii) Policy EN8 which provided that development proposals should preserve or enhance the character and appearance of designated assets and their settings and that development which would have an adverse impact on their special historic or architectural interest would not be permitted.
iii) Policy EN7, which dealt with renewable energy. As it is in issue in this application, I will set out the relevant part in full.
"Renewable energy proposals will be supported and considered in the context of sustainable development and climate change, taking account of the wide environmental, social and economic benefits for renewable energy gain and their contribution to overcoming energy supply problems in parts of the district.
Proposals for renewable energy technology, associated infrastructure and integration of renewable technology on existing or proposed structures will be permitted where individually, or cumulatively, there are no significant adverse effects on:
- the surrounding landscape, townscape and historical features/areas;
- residential amenity (noise, fumes, odour, shadow flicker, traffic, broadcast interference); and
- specific highway safety, designated nature conservation or biodiversity considerations.
"3.3.34. Policy EN7 is intended to increase the supply of renewable energy production in North Norfolk and contribute to regional targets. The production of renewable energy could also help alleviate energy supply problems in parts of the District.
3.3.35 There is, however, a need to ensure sufficient protection for the distinctive and sensitive landscape and environment in North Norfolk ... All proposals should compliment the particular characteristics of the surrounding landscape and the Landscape Character Assessment will assist in assessing the impact of individual proposals."
"131. In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should take account of:
- the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation; ....
132. When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset's conservation. The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting. As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification."
The NPPF then sets out the approach to be taken where a proposed development would cause substantial harm to or total loss of the significance of a designated heritage asset. It continues at paragraph 134:
"Where a development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal, including securing its optimum viable use…."
The NPPF defines a designated heritage asset as including listed buildings and registered parks and gardens.
The decision letter
"? The effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the landscape.
? The effect of the proposal on the settings of historic assets.
? Other matters, including the effect of the proposal on living conditions, ecology, television and telecoms, and the local economy.
? The balance of public benefit and harm."
"10. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that the basic characteristics of the landscape will be altered by the proposal, nor would there be a cumulative effect since no turbines exist or have been granted planning permission in the vicinity. The landscape's main vulnerability lies in the effect of the turbine on the skyline, thrown into prominence by the characteristic landscape feature of churches seen on the horizon. Here, although already subject to some disturbance by transmission lines, ... an accepted subtle and much appreciated focus of attention will be disrupted to a certain extent.
11. This is an aspect discussed in relation to the settings of heritage assets, but harm would also arise to the character and appearance of the landscape, contrary to the intentions of CS policy EN2 ... and CS policy EN7 ... . The aims of these policies accord with the core principles of the NPPF. The harm to the landscape, alongside other harm, is balanced against the public benefits of the proposal in the final issue."
"The harm identified would not meet the intentions of CS policy EN8 ... or CS policy EN7, which are consistent with the aims of Section 12 of the NPPF. Overall, I find the proposal would not preserve the setting of the listed building. However I agree with the officer's opinion in their report to committee that it would lead to less than substantial harm, engaging paragraph 134 of the NPPF. The harm will be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal in the final issue."
"However the opportunities for experiencing the juxtaposition are relatively limited. VP46 catches it through a relatively small gap in the tree screen, with more glimpses further to the west, harming the significance of the church and the landscape, but there are few other instances where the turbine and the church would be seen together. Views of the turbine from the church will be masked by dense mature foliage. The harm identified would be less than substantial. It would not be consistent with the development plan policies referred to above. The setting of St Peter's Church would not be preserved."
"Although, at the distances involved, a relatively small scale intrusion, often masked by tree screening, the turbine would make its presence felt probably most critically on the southern approach to the house. Here it might be glimpsed early on, pre-empting intimations of the house before the fully revealed view. This and other views of the turbine would be harmful to the landscape and architectural significance of the registered park and listed buildings, whose setting would not be preserved. The harm identified would not be consistent with the development plan policy indicated above but, in my view, lead to less than substantial harm."
"Overall, the setting of the historic assets would not be preserved, and the harm arising will not be consistent with the development plan policy indicated above. However, the harm identified will be less than substantial."
"In these and other cases the harm would be quite small but may have cumulative influence in the balance. In all cases, it would be less than substantial."
"However I agree with the Council that overall the proposal would not result in overbearing effects. In this respect it would therefore accord with the criteria of CS policy EN7."
"Overall therefore the proposal complies with, inter alia, policy EN7."
"However the site would still provide a very good output of usable electricity compared to most other possible sites in North Norfolk."
"57. This would represent a valuable contribution towards national targets for the reduction of carbon emissions, and accord with the sustainability aims of the NPPF. It would also meet the aims of local policy and CS policy EN7, which is consistent with Section 10 of the NPPF. Policy EN7 supports renewable energy proposals in the context of sustainable development and climate change, and its contribution to overcoming energy supply problems in parts of the district.
58. The harm identified includes that to the settings of heritage assets. Paragraph 134 of the NPPF tells us that where a proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset, as is the case here, it should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal. The combined effect of the proposal on all of the heritage assets would remain less than substantial in my view. The public benefit of the renewable energy arising from the proposal is large, there are few sites in North Norfolk which could make an equivalent contribution.
59. The combined effect on the significance of the heritage assets identified through the proposal's intrusion into their settings, is an important consideration. However, the turbine will be seen with the assets in limited views, and would not be a constant presence associated with any of them. Moreover, its proximity to heritage assets would be no less than some 1.5 kilometres. In these circumstances, having regard to the analysis made in this decision, I find that the public benefits of the proposal would outweigh the harm to their significance, subject to conditions described below."
"The harm to the landscape is certainly material, albeit the effect of the turbine on the skyline, an important consideration, would not be extensive. However, with the mitigation in place, subject to the conditions described, I find that the renewable energy benefits arising through CS policy EN7 would also outweigh the harm to the character and appearance of the countryside."
"The proposal accords with the aims of the development plan and national policy overall. Subject to the conditions attached the second schedule of the unilateral undertaking, the proposal is acceptable. "
He allowed the appeal.
The Development Plan ground
Legal principles
i) While the meaning of a Development Plan policy is a question of law to be determined by the court, its application is a matter for planning judgment for the decision maker, subject to review on normal administrative law principles: Tesco Stores v. Dundee CC 2012 UK SC paragraph 21;
ii) In applying section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, while the section creates a presumption in favour of the development plan, the weight to be attached to it and to other material considerations is for the decision maker to determine, subject only to the review on normal principles in this court: City of Edinburgh Council v. Secretary of State for Scotland 1997 1 WLR 1447 per Lord Hope at pages 149H-1450H.
iii) Where different parts of the development plan point in different directions, it is for the decision maker to decide which policy should be given greater weight in relation to a particular decision and overall in the conclusion whether the decision would be in accordance with the development plan: R oao TW Logistics v. Tendring DC 2013 EWCA Civ 9 per Lewison LJ at paragraph 18 confirming the approach of Ouseley J in R oao Cummins v. Camden LBC 2001 EWHC 1116 Admin at paragraph 164.
"The reasons must be intelligible and they must be adequate. They must enable the reader to understand why the matter was decided as it was and what conclusions were reached on the principal important controversial issues, disclosing how any issue of law or fact was resolved. Reasons can be briefly stated, the degree of particularity required depending entirely on the nature of the issues falling for decision. The reasoning must not give rise to a substantial doubt as to whether the decision-maker erred in law, for example, by misunderstanding some relevant policy or some other important matter or by failing to reach a rational decision on relevant grounds. But such adverse inferences will not readily be drawn. Decision letters must be read in a straightforward manner, recognising that they are addressed to parties well aware of the issues involved and the arguments advanced."
South Bucks BC v. Porter (No. 2) 2004 1 WLR 1953 per Lord Brown at paragraph 36.
i) The inspector made clear findings as to the breach of polices EN2 and EN8 in his decision letter; both policies should clearly have been given full weight as restraint policies.
ii) He also concluded that the proposed development was in breach of policy EN7 so far as its effect on the landscape and heritage assets were concerned.
iii) In concluding at paragraph 57 of the decision letter as part of the balance that the energy output of the proposed turbine would meet the aims of policy EN7 the inspector misapplied the policy; read as a whole, it is plain that the support expressed in general terms in the first paragraph is subject to the conditions set out in the second paragraph and only applies where individually or cumulatively there are no significant adverse effects on landscape and historical features or otherwise. Thus the inspector misdirected himself in concluding, as he did, that permission for the proposal would accord with policy EN7.
iv) It is plain that policies EN2, EN7 and EN8 are mutually consistent and provide a coherent approach that seeks to support renewable energy proposals except where there is significant adverse effect on landscape and historical features, among other considerations.
v) In the circumstances, while it is a matter for the inspector's judgment what weight to attach to individual policies, it was not open to him rationally to conclude that the proposal accorded with the aims of the development plans in circumstances where it was plainly in conflict with the policies to which he referred.
vi) Given the particular importance of Section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, the inspector had to determine the application in accordance with the development plan unless he concluded that material considerations indicated otherwise; there was no indication that he addressed that fundamental issue in that his conclusion was that the proposal in fact accorded with the aims of the Development Plan and therefore was to be determined in accordance with its provisions.
vii) Alternatively, if he carried out that exercise, the reasons which he gave were wholly inadequate in failing to describe reasoning in this respect so as to leave substantial doubt whether the decision he reached was lawful.
viii) In any event, his consideration was flawed in that in considering the harm to the landscape as part of the planning balance he did not ascribe any weight to the breach of the development plan policy CS2 which should have been expressly addressed as part of the weighting in the balance in respect of landscape. His treatment of cumulative effects on the heritage assets was also unreasonable and inadequate.
The Listed Building Ground
Legal Framework
"In my opinion in a conservation area the requirement under Section 277(8) to pay special attention should be the first consideration for the decision maker. It is true that desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area is in formal terms a material consideration within Section 29(1). Since however it is a consideration to which special attention is to be paid is a matter of statutory duty, it must be regarded as having considerable importance and weight."
"There is no dispute that the intention of Section 277(8) is that planning decisions in respect of development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area must give a high priority to the objective of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area. If any proposed development would conflict with that objective, there will be a strong presumption against the grant of planning permission, though no doubt in exceptional cases the presumption may be overridden in favour of development which is desirable on the ground of some other public interest. But if a development would not conflict with that objective the special attention required to be paid to that objective will no longer stand in its way and the development will be permitted or refused on the application of ordinary planning criteria."
"Neither Respondent sought to argue that Section 54A in the development plan policy in some way overrode Section 66(1) of the Listed Buildings Act. Clearly that cannot be the case. They are separate statutory duties. Nor can Section 66(1) be ignored simply because the approach it embodies does not accord with the policy in the statutory development plan. Section 54A has given added emphasis to the development plan in development control decisions. It is of course not the end of the process of consideration. Any decision maker still has to consider whether material considerations indicate otherwise. At its lowest such material considerations must include the statutory obligation have special regard to the desirability of preserving a listed building, its setting or its relevant features. That objective thus remains one to which considerable weight should be attached as was noted in the Bath Society case. If it points to a different outcome from that indicated by the development plan, it will be for the decision maker to weigh these matters and to arrive at a judgment."
"It is common ground that the same approach should be adopted to the desirability of preserving a listed building or its setting when applying Section 66(1) of the 1990 Act. The development which leaves the setting of a listed building unharmed will preserve that setting. Having cited an earlier passage ... from the speech of Lord Bridge, Ouseley J summarised the position as follows in paragraph 8 of the judgment. "Section 66 does not permit a local planning authority to treat the desirability of preserving the setting of a listed building as a mere material consideration to which it can simply attach the weight it sees fit in its judgment. The statutory language goes beyond that and treats the preservation of the setting of a listed building as presumptively desirable. So if a development would harm the setting of a listed building there has to be something of sufficient strength in the merits of the development to outweigh that harm. The language of presumption against permission or strong countervailing reasons for its grant is appropriate. It is an obvious consequence of the statutory language rather than an illegitimate substitute for it."
Lord Justice Sullivan went on at paragraph 38 to add:
"I do not accept that in order to show that it had complied with the duty under Section 66(1) the respondent had to pass through a particular series of legal hoops first to decide A and then, if not A, to decide B etc. The need to comply with Section 66(1) did not place the respondent in such a legal straightjacket when it comes to giving a summary of the reasons for its decision. "
"In my judgment in order to give effect to the statutory duty under Section 66(1) a decision maker should accord considerable importance and weight to the desirability preserving the setting of a listed building when weighing this factor in the balance with other material considerations which have not been given this special statutory status. Thus where the Section 66(1) duty is in play it is necessary to qualify Lord Hoffmann's statement in Tesco Stores v. Secretary of State for the Environment ... that the weight to be given to a material consideration was a question of planning judgment for the planning authority."
She continued at paragraph 45:
"Although harm is not the test in Section 66(1), one of the meanings of preservation is to keep safe from harm and so the concepts are closely linked (see South Lakeland District Council v. SSE 1992 2 AC 141 per Lord Bridge at 150.) However in my view the addition of the word "desirability" in Section 66(1) signals that "preservation" of setting is to be treated as a desired or sought after objective to which an inspector ought to accord "special regard". This goes beyond mere assessment of harm.
46. In my judgment the inspector did not at any stage in the balancing exercise accord "special weight" or considerable importance to "the desirability of preserving the setting". He treated the "harm" to the setting and the wider benefit of the wind farm proposal as if those two factors were of equal importance. Instead he downplayed "the desirability preserving the setting" by adopting key principle (i) of PPS 22 as a "clear indication that the threshold of acceptability for a proposal like the one at issue in this appeal is not such that all harm must be avoided". In so doing he applied the policy without giving effect to the Section 66(1) duty which applies to all listed buildings whether the harm has been assessed as substantial or less than substantial."
I should note that that decision is under appeal to the Court of Appeal.
"Can it be said that the inspector failed to do what Section 66(1) required? In my view it cannot. I do not think the scope and intensity of the inspector's assessment can conceivably be said to fall below what was required of him by the special regard duty. On the contrary it was in my view exemplary. It shows that he attached great importance to the desirability of preserving the setting of the listed buildings. He described the statutory test as "a high hurdle" ... and when one reads the relevant parts of the letter one is left in no doubt that he gave the requirements of Section 66(1) a "high priority" – Lord Bridge's expression in South Lakeland – and "considerable importance and weight" – Glidewell LJ's in Bath Society."
He continued at paragraph 51:
"51. Of course, in assessing the effects the development would have on the setting of the listed buildings the inspector could not avoid making a visual and aesthetic judgment on each of the two proposals before him having regard to the history and change of physical state of the buildings and their surroundings. This is the kind of exercise a decision maker will normally need to undertake when having special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting of a listed building. Where visual or aesthetic considerations are involved in the planning decision, the range of reasonable judgment is wide. The court will not interfere with a reasonable planning judgment exercised in accordance with the relevant statutory scheme (see Tesco Stores Limited v. Secretary of State). That general principle is not excluded in the case where a Section 66(1) duty applies. I do not believe Lang J was seeking to suggest otherwise in paragraph 39 of her judgment in East Northamptonshire District Council.
52. In this case it cannot be said that the inspector failed to give "special weight" – as Lang J described it – to any of the considerations relevant to the duty in Section 66(1). He came to a reasonable conclusion on the issue that Section 66(1) required him to face, in the light of all the factors bearing on the judgment he had to make."
"That conclusion has of course to be read against the detailed findings that, apart from All Angels, insofar as there was any harm at all, it was "minimal" or "minor". It is also notable that the inspector concluded that the overall harm that would arise from the development was "limited" ... In my view, the inspector did give in this case "special regard" to the consideration referred to in Section 66(1) of the (LBA 1990). He did so by carrying out a careful and detailed assessment of the impact on the setting of the listed buildings in question. In all instances but one there was no such impact or the impact was such that it could in effect be discounted in the decision making. The inspector did have real concern about one listed building and found the impact was significant. However he was then required first to evaluate the extent of that impact and to weigh the negative impact against the substantial benefits of the development in accordance with the NPPF. The impact on the one building was less than substantial and, even if special weight were attached to that impact, the overall negative effects were limited and could not outweigh the benefits of the development. "
"Mr Cosgrove accepted that "special" in this context did not mean that special or heightened weight needed to be given to setting etc but there had to be evidence that the inspector's regard to it was special."
"Mr Newcombe's forceful submission was that special regard and special weight are incongruent concepts and I agree. The focus is on the regard, not on the according weight pursuant to that regard. Special regard may lead to the giving of special weight but it does not necessarily do so. The treating of factors as being of equal importance may be evidence that an inspector has not had special regard but this does not inevitably follow.
37. Mr Newcombe submits that the correct formulation of the law is to be found in the judgment of Mr David Keene QC as he then was in Heatherington ... and Kenneth Parker J in Colman ... ".
"It is true that the decision of Kenneth Parker J which post dated the decision given by Lang J did not comment adversely on the latter. In my judgment his approach and that of Mr David Keene as he then was in Heatherington is slightly different and to be preferred."
(i) The authorities are clear that to have special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting requires more than simply having regard to it; it requires the decision maker to apply the statutory presumption against development which does not respect that statutory desirability unless it is overridden by other factors; she submits that that approach is consistent with the summary of Mr Justice Ouseley which was confirmed in Garner and with the approach taken in Heatherington, Bath Society, South Lakeland and East Northamptonshire. It is also consonant with the tests applied by Mr Justice Lindblom at paragraph 49 of the Forest of Dean case. In Bedford Borough Council it is not clear that the particular application of the presumption was in fact in issue before Mr Justice Jay. In any event, as can be seen from the extracts of the decision letter at paragraph 41 of the judgment, that inspector specifically referred to the Section 66(1) duty on at least two occasions in his decision letter.
(ii) Ms Dehon further submits that paragraph 134 of the NPPF is not a substitute for the discharge of the Section 66(1) duty; the paragraph invites a straight balancing of public benefit against harm which does not have regard to the statutory duty to have special regard to the desirability of preservation in carrying out that balancing exercise; she accepts that those aspects are addressed to an extent in paragraph 132 of the NPPF, which advises that great weight should be given to the heritage asset's conservation and that any harm should require clear and convincing justification but that again is not a substitute to the application of the statutory duty as part of the assessment;
(iii) Ms Dehon accepts that the decision letter is not required specifically to mention Section 66(1) and submits that the question is one of substance rather than form as to whether on the face of the reasons it is clear that the inspector did in fact have special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting in accordance with Section 66(1) of the LBA 1990;
(iv) In that respect she submits that in this decision letter not only is there no reference to Section 66(1) but it is plain that what the inspector actually did was carry out a straight balance under paragraph 134 of the NPPF without any regard to the statutory presumption under section 66(1); his conclusion that the proposals would be contrary to Core Strategy policy EN8 was consistent with that approach, particularly given his finding that there would be less than substantial harm "engaging paragraph 134 of the NPPF", see paragraph 17 of the decision letter;
(v) Moreover the issue stated by the inspector is itself simply stated as the balance of public benefit and harm;
(vi) She notes that at paragraph 58, having identified the benefits of energy generation, the Inspector turns to harm, which includes harm to the settings of heritage assets but then only refers to the balance in paragraph 134 of the NPPF; moreover, the language used in paragraphs 58 and 59 is entirely consistent with a straight balancing exercise under that paragraph; and
(vii) She submits that there is no hint of the application of the statutory presumption in favour of the desirability of preserving the setting and nothing to indicate that the approach has been in accordance with Section 66(1) of the LBA 1990.
(i) The evidence on behalf of the Second Defendant referred to Section 66(1) in two places where it was set out; therefore the inspector had his statutory duty expressly put before him;
(ii) The main issue formulated in respect of historic assets used language reflecting Section 66(1) in referring to the effect of the proposal on the setting of historic assets;
(iii) The careful analysis of each of the historic heritage assets in respect of their settings and the evaluation of harm was effectively the discharge of the duty to have special regard to the desirability of preservation for the purposes of Section 66(1);
(iv) Paragraph 58 of the decision letter starts the application of the relevant NPPF guidance; it is clear, he submits, that the NPPF is consistent with section 66(1) in setting out the general approach in paragraphs 131 and 132, which included giving great weight to the conservation of heritage assets and requiring clear and convincing justification for any harm or loss. It is inconceivable that this inspector applied the balance under paragraph 134 without at the same time, taking into account the totality of the relevant advice in the same section of the NPPF;
(v) The consistency between that advice and the statutory duty is self-evidentas accepted by Mr Justice Lindblom in the Forest of Dean case, where at
paragraph 48 he supported the inspector's conclusion that there was no
intentional conflict between the statutory duty in Section 66(1) and the
relevant policy in the NPPF;
(vi) Moreover, he submits, it is entirely clear that in considering the relationship between harm to the setting of the heritage assets and the public benefit within the context of paragraph 134 of the NPPF, the inspector expressly recognised that the effect on the heritage assets was an important consideration, thus giving that consideration special regard and high priority;
(vii) Having then established the particular importance of the preservation ofthe heritage assets, the inspector went on to assess whether, having regard
to his assessment of the actual degree of harm, that important
consideration was outweighed by the public benefit; that was an approach
which was entirely in accord with the approach endorsed in the Bath
Society and South Lakeland cases;
(viii) Thus, while the inspector does not specifically refer to Section 66(1), it is clear that he in fact had special regard to the effect on the preservation of the setting of the heritage assets and specifically attached to that consideration weight as an important consideration; beyond that, the actual degree of harm and the weight to be attached to it was a matter for the inspector; and
(ix) Accordingly it is plain that he complied with his statutory duty in giving special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting of the heritage assets and that his decision is not to be faulted on that account.