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11 Westferry Circus, LONDON E14 4HD |
B e f o r e :
Applicants |
- and - |
Mother |
Respondents |
AK (a child) by her Guardian-ad-litem |
Ms Garvey for the Mother
Ms Collins for the Guardian
Also in attendance – Ms G, in person and the IRO, represented pro-bono by the duty solicitor, Ms Alpa
Crown Copyright ©
The role of the IRO
a. the duties of the local authority to appoint an IRO;
b. the circumstances in which the local authority must consult with the IRO;
c. the functions of the IRO both in relation to the reviewing and monitoring of each child's case; and
d. the actions that the IRO must take if the local authority is failing to comply with the Regulations or is in breach of its duties to the child in any material way, including making a referral to Cafcass.
Essential background
a. The LA had failed to put together a SG package upon which the SG would have been able to take legal advice.
b. On the evening before the hearing, at 10.50pm the G received a "Level 3" alert from the IRO with a complaint that the plan for a SGO was one on which he had not been consulted and further that the plan itself was not something that he could support as being in AK's best interests.
Threshold and welfare
AK – her age, gender, circumstances and her wishes and feelings
Capability of her mother
Capability of the foster carer
Harm suffered
Impact on her of any change in her circumstances
Discussion and analysis
"The positive outcome of [AK] remaining in her current placement is that she will continue to have a direct link to her birth family, life story and heritage. [AK] will not have to make a further placement move and form attachments to new carers."