NJ v The Secretary of State for Health [2006] EWCST 727(PVA) (27 March 2008)
Secretary of State for Health
[2006] 727.PVA
[2006] 728.PC
Mr A Lindqvist (Nominated Chairman)
Mrs C Trencher MBE
Mr T Greenacre
Heard on the 4th, 5th and 6th March 2008
For the Appellant: Mr. David Pittaway Q.C. with Mr. Jamie Carpenter, instructed by Mrs. Susan Hotchin, Royal College of Nursing,
For the Respondent: Mr. Alexander Ruck Keene instructed by Mona Fawaz, Treasury Solicitor.
A restricted reporting order was made on the 25th October 2006 to preclude identification of any vulnerable adult or of the appellant, such order to be reconsidered by the Tribunal at the conclusion of the hearing.
Burden and Standard of Proof
The Law
A's previous history
The events of March 2004
The events of Saturday 27th March 2004
The police interview
The police surgeon's examination
The appellant's evidence
The Tribunal's conclusions
The second is that the unmistakeable gesture used by A in the past to indicate penetration (fingers of one hand through a circle formed by the thumb and finger/s of the other) was totally absent both from his revelations to S and T and from his interview with the police officers. It seemed probable to the Tribunal that if that is what A was trying to communicate, that gesture would have appeared at some stage.
Andrew Lindqvist
Claire Trencher
Timothy Greenacre
Date: 27th March 2008