CG v General Social Care Counsel [2007] EWCST 1282(SWSUS) (2 September 2008)
Hearing took place on 22nd August 2008 at the Care Standards Tribunal, 18 Pocock Street, London SE1 0BW.
The Background facts:
The Parties' Submissions:
(i) The Appellant had repeatedly asserted that he had no intention of ever working again within Social Care. He had returned his qualification certificate and had actively sought to de-register himself before the GSCC's involvement in the matter.
(ii) He had rigorously pursued another career as a plumber.
(iii) He had never actually invoked his registration as a Social Worker. He had sought to comply with the new registration procedure but it was not relevant to the employment he was actually doing.
(iv) The Appellant had given oral evidence that he was 'not cut out' for social work.
(v) Because he was training to be a plumber and had no intention to pursue a career in social work, the risk to the public was diminished or even removed. It appeared that the Council's decision was based on the fact that his intentions might change. The Respondent placed weight upon the fact that the Appellant's livelihood would not be affected, a basis for distinguishing the Appellant's case and that of the Appellant in XY -v- General Social Care Council [2006] 855 SW-SUS, [2007] EWCST 855(SW). There the Appellant could show a financial detriment because an ISO order was imposed, albeit he intended to leave social work and had taken up a course in mental health nursing. The Appellant pointed out that his new career intention would not bring him into contact with vulnerable users whereas it was arguable that a new career in mental health would.
(vi) An Interim Suspension Order could only be made for the protection of the public if it was necessary. The alternative here was that the Appellant could be removed from the Register in accordance with his wishes or indeed his registration would lapse on 31 March 2008 and he would be prevented from re-joining the Register on the grounds that his admitted misconduct made him illegible within the meaning of Section 58 (i) (a) of the Care Standards Act 2000.
Accordingly, our Unanimous decision for the reasons set out above is that is that the decision of the Respondent dated 12 March 2008 imposing a further Interim Suspension Order for a period of 9 months on the Appellant shall stand.
Ms Melanie Lewis
Mr Paul Thompson
Miss L Redford
Date: 2nd September 2008