BP v Secretary Of State for Health [2007] EWCST 1127(PC) (04 February 2008)
B.P. (Applicant)
The Secretary of State for Health
and Secretary for State for Children, Schools and Families (Respondents)
[2007] 1127.PC
[2007] 1128.PVA
Decision on an application to strike out
Before Maureen Roberts (Nominated Chairman)
A hearing held on the 1st February 2008 at the Social Security Tribunal Appeals Centre, Auchinleck House, Birmingham.
The Applicant appeared in person.
The Respondent was represented by Mr P Ozin of Counsel instructed by Mr. T Jones of the Treasury Solicitors.
1. The Applicant is appealing against the two decisions of the Respondent contained in a letter to the Applicant dated the 14th August 2007 (the decision letter); firstly (the first appeal) to confirm him on the Protection of Children Act List (the PoCA List), and secondly (the second appeal) to confirm him on the Protection of Vulnerable Adult's List (the PoVA List)
3. Having received the appeals the Respondent applied, by a letter dated the 24th October 2007 under Regulation 4A paragraphs 1 (b) (c) and (d) of the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Care Standards Tribunal regulations 2002 (the Tribunal regulations) to have the appeals struck out on the grounds that they were misconceived, frivolous and had no reasonable prospect of success.
Maureen Roberts
Nominated Chairman
4 February 2008