JGD v Secretary of State for Education and Skills [2007] EWCST 1122 (PVA) (16 April 2008)
On 1 April 2008 sitting in Bridgend Law Courts.
JGD in person.
Mr Dunlop of counsel instructed by the Treasury Solicitor for the Secretary of State
"…keep a list of individuals who are considered unsuitable to work with vulnerable Adults"
"(2)(a) that the provider has dismissed the worker on the grounds of misconduct …………which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult."
"S86(3) If on an appeal or determination under this section the Tribunal is not satisfied of either of the following, namely-
(a) that the individual was guilty of misconduct (whether or not in the course of his duties) which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult; and
(b) that the individual is unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults,
the Tribunal shall allow the appeal or determine the issue in the individuals favour and (in either case) direct his removal from the list; otherwise it shall dismiss the appeal or direct the individual's inclusion in the list"
"Where an individual has been convicted of an offence involving misconduct (whether or not in the course of employment) which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult, no finding of fact on which the conviction must be taken to have been based shall be challenged on an appeal or determination"
"We consider that the caution satisfies the first two limbs that we have to consider on Appeal. Furthermore we consider that given the presence of the caution the onus in the case switches and it is for Mr Kalchev to satisfy us in the circumstances that he is a suitable person to work with Vulnerable People (and Children in the case of the POCA listing). "
Both the Appeal against inclusion in the Protection of Vulnerable Adults List and the Appeal against inclusion in the Protection of Children Act List are allowed.
This is the unanimous decision of the Tribunal.
Mr I Robertson
Mr J Williams
Mrs M Williams
Dated: 16th April 2008