McNish v Secretary of State for Health & Anor [2006] EWCST 646(PVA) (06 December 2006)
Heard on the 27 and 28 November 2006 at the Care Standards Tribunal, 18 Pocock Street, London.
The Appellant appeared in person. We heard evidence from the Appellant.
The Respondent was represented by Mr. Robert Palmer of Counsel instructed by Ms Helen Mc Connell of the Treasury Solicitor. The Respondent called four witnesses, Ms Jeanette Moore the Deputy Manager at Stafford Road Residential Care Home (Stafford Road), Ms Rhoda Bailey a care assistant at Stafford Road, Mrs. C the mother of one of the clients cared for by the Appellant and Ms Penny Streeter the managing director of the company, Ambition 24 a nursing agency that provides registered nurses and care assistant staff for temporary placement and which employed the Appellant.
The decision
The background
The law
" if on an appeal or determination under this section the tribunal is not satisfied of either of the following namely:
a. That the individual was guilty of misconduct (whether or not in the course of his duty) which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult; and
b. that the individual is unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults,
The tribunal shall allow the appeal or determine the issue in the individual's favour and (in either case) direct his removal from the list; otherwise it shall dismiss the appeal or direct the individual's inclusion in the list.
The Evidence
The allegation of a sexual assault by the Appellant on M.F.
The allegation of a sexual assault by the Appellant on S.T.
Non disclosure of convictions prior to 1998, the conviction of 2001 and the investigation into the ST allegation: a copy of the Appellant's convictions dated 26/05/05 is attached at the appendix to this decision
The appeals are dismissed.
Miss Maureen Roberts Chairman
Miss Marilyn Adolphe
Mr. Paul Thompson
6th December 2006