P v Secretary of State [2005] EWCST 562(PVA) (26 May 2006)
On 2, 3 and 4 May 2006 sitting in Oxford.
Mr I Robertson Chairman
Mr B Cairns
Mrs C Wiggin
Mrs P in person
Ms Busch of counsel instructed by the Treasury Solicitor for the Secretary of State
1) Going on holiday twice with Miss R but Miss R only paid for herself
2) Bought with Miss R's money a new carpet made up of carpet tiles and laid by her husband
3) Bought for her two new armchairs
4) Bought for her a new bed
5) Arranged for Mr P to do occasional gardening work at a rate of £10 a session
6) Arranged via the social worker for Mr P to redecorate at a cost of £400
7) Arranged for Mr P to clean her carpets monthly at a cost of £20
8) Took up to £35 a week to put in a Christmas club (all of which was accounted for)
It was against this background that this matter came before the Tribunal.
"Having regard to all the available evidence, including any written representations made by the parties consider whether it would prejudice the vulnerable adults welfare to give oral evidence to the Tribunal –
(i) in any circumstances
(ii) otherwise than in accordance with paragraph (5)"
Paragraph 5 states as follows;
"If he directs that this paragraph shall apply in relation to the vulnerable adult, the President or Chairman shall –
(a) secure that any arrangements he considers appropriate (such as the use of video link) are made to safeguard the welfare of the vulnerable adult; and
(b) appoint for the purpose of the hearing a person with appropriate skills or experience in facilitating the giving of evidence by vulnerable adults"
a) The Secretary of State's primary case was based upon Mrs P's own admissions;
b) The Secretary of State accepted that Miss R was in any event an unreliable witness and;
c) It would adversely effect Miss R's welfare for her to give evidence even through an intermediary
"…keep a list of individuals who are considered unsuitable to work with vulnerable Adults"
"(2)(a) that the provider has dismissed the worker on the grounds of misconduct …………which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult."
"S86(3) If on an appeal or determination under this section the Tribunal is not satisfied of either of the following, namely-
(a) that the individual was guilty of misconduct (whether or not in the course of his duties) which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult; and
(b) that the individual is unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults,
the Tribunal shall allow the appeal or determine the issue in the individuals favour and (in either case) direct his removal from the list; otherwise it shall dismiss the appeal or direct the individual's inclusion in the list"
Mr I Robertson Chairman
Mr B Cairns
Mrs C Wiggin
26 May 2006