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The written reasons are being distributed on the strict understanding that in any report, no person may be identified by name or location (Other than a person identified by name in the reasons themselves) and that in particular the anonymity of the children and the adult members of their family must be strictly preserved
[2011] EWCC 1 (Fam)
Re: N (Minors)
1. THE JUDGE: X Metropolitan Borough Council applies for care orders in respect of four children: A, born on (date given); B, born on (date given); C, born on (date given); and D, born on (date given). These proceedings were started in 2009 and were listed before me today and tomorrow for final hearing.
2. I am pleased to be able to say that the matter comes before me today on an agreed basis, the agreement being that the mother accepts the local authority’s final care plans for all four children, which are that there should be full care orders on the basis that the children should remain in foster care, and that they should have some ongoing contact with their mother; and also, because they are in different placements, with each other.
3. There is a very full report from the children’s guardian, JP, which fully supports the orders that I am being asked to make this afternoon and the proposals set out in the final care plans. I am sure it has not been an easy decision for the mother to agree to these orders being made, and I give her due credit for her agreement today without the need for there having to be a full hearing before the court. I am satisfied that the care orders and the final care plans do represent an outcome for each child that is in the best interests of that child’s welfare, and I am satisfied that it is appropriate that I should approve those care plans and make the orders that are sought.
4. I approve the draft order.