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30 September 2003 (1)
(State aid - Compensation for the economic disadvantages caused by the division of Germany - Serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State - Regional economic development - Community framework for State aid in the motor vehicle industry)
In Joined Cases C-57/00 P and C-61/00 P,
Freistaat Sachsen, represented by J. Sedemund, Rechtsanwalt, with an address for service in Luxembourg (C-57/00 P),
Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH, represented by M. Schütte, Rechtsanwalt, with an address for service in Luxembourg (C-61/00 P),
APPEALS against the judgment of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities (Second Chamber, Extended Composition) of 15 December 1999 in Joined Cases T-132/96 and T-143/96 Freistaat Sachsen and Others v Commission [1999] ECR II-3663, seeking to have that judgment set aside,
the other parties to the proceedings being:
Commission of the European Communities, represented by K.-D. Borchardt, acting as Agent, and M. Núñez-Müller, Rechtsanwalt, with an address for service in Luxembourg,
defendant at first instance,
Federal Republic of Germany, represented by T. Oppermann, acting as Agent,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
interveners at first instance,
composed of: G.C. Rodríguez Iglesias, President, J.-P. Puissochet, M. Wathelet, R. Schintgen and C.W.A. Timmermans (Presidents of Chambers), D.A.O. Edward, P. Jann, V. Skouris, F. Macken (Rapporteur), S. von Bahr and J.N. Cunha Rodrigues, Judges,
Advocate General: J. Mischo,
Registrar: H.A. Rühl, Principal Administrator,
having regard to the Report for the Hearing,
after hearing oral argument from the parties at the hearing on 26 February 2002, at which the Freistaat Sachsen was represented by T. Lübbig, Rechtsanwalt, Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH by M. Schütte, the Commission by K.-D. Borchardt and M. Núñez-Müller, and the Federal Republic of Germany by T. Oppermann and W.-D. Plessing, acting as Agent,
after hearing the Opinion of the Advocate General at the sitting on 28 May 2002,
gives the following
1 By letter of 31 December 1988, the Commission informed Member States that, during its meeting of 22 December 1988 and following its decision of 19 July 1988 to establish a Community framework on State aid to the motor vehicle industry (Community framework), based on Article 93(1) of the EC Treaty (now Article 88(1) EC), it had laid down the conditions for implementing that framework, reproduced in a document attached to the letter. It asked Member States to inform it of their acceptance of that framework within one month.
2 The Community framework was the subject of a notice (89/C 123/03) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ 1989 C 123, p. 3). Point 2.5 thereof provided that it was to enter into force on 1 January 1989 and to be valid for two years.
3 According to the fourth paragraph of Point 1, a major objective of the framework was to impose stricter discipline on the granting of aid in the motor vehicle industry in order to ensure that the competitiveness of the Community industry was not distorted by unfair competition. The Commission stated that it could operate an effective policy only if it were able to take a position on individual cases before aid was granted.
4 Under the first paragraph of Point 2.2 of the Community framework:
All aid measures to be granted by public authorities within the scope of an approved aid scheme to (an) undertaking(s) operating in the motor vehicle sector as defined above, where the cost of the project to be aided exceeds ECU 12 million are subject to prior notification on the basis of Article 93(3) of the EEC Treaty. As regards aid to be granted outside the scope of an approved aid scheme, any such project, whatever its cost and aid intensity, is of course subject without exception to the obligation of notification pursuant to Article 93(3) of the EEC Treaty. Where aid is not directly linked to a particular project, all proposed aid must be notified, even if paid under schemes already approved by the Commission. Member States shall inform the Commission, in sufficient time to enable it to submit its comments, of any plan to grant or alter aid.
5 In Point 3 of the Community framework, concerning guidelines for the assessment of aid cases, the Commission stated, inter alia, as follows:
- Regional Aid
The Commission acknowledges the valuable contribution to regional development which can be made by the implantation of new motor vehicle and component production facilities and/or the expansion of such existing activities in disadvantaged regions. For this reason the Commission has a generally positive attitude towards investment aid granted in order to help overcome structural handicaps in disadvantaged parts of the Community.
[Such] aid is usually granted automatically in accordance with [detailed rules] previously approved by the Commission. By requiring prior notification of such aids in future, the Commission should give itself an opportunity to assess the regional development benefits (i.e. the promotion of a lasting development of the region by creating viable jobs, linkages into [the] local and Community economy) against possible adverse effects on the sector as a whole (such as the creation of [significant] overcapacity). Such an evaluation does not seek to deny the central importance of regional aid for the achievement of cohesion within the Community but rather to ensure that other aspects of Community interest such as the development of the Community's industry are also taken into account.
6 Since the German Government indicated to the Commission that it had decided not to apply the Community framework, the Commission adopted, in accordance with Article 93(2) of the Treaty, Decision 90/381/EEC of 21 February 1990 [amending] German aid schemes for the motor vehicle industry (OJ 1990 L 188, p. 55). Article 1 of that decision provides:
1. From 1 May 1990, the Federal Republic of Germany shall notify to the Commission pursuant to Article 93(3) of the EEC Treaty all aid measures to be granted for projects costing more than ECU 12 million under the aid schemes set out in the Annex hereto to undertakings operating in the motor vehicle sector as defined in sub-section 2.1 of the Community framework for State aid to the motor vehicle industry. Such notification shall be effected in conformity with the requirements laid down in sub-sections 2.2 and 2.3. The Federal Republic of Germany shall, moreover, provide annual reports as required by the framework.
2. Further to the list of aid schemes set out in the Annex to this Decision (which list is not exhaustive), the Federal Republic of Germany shall also comply with the obligations of Article 1(1) with regard to all other aid schemes capable of benefiting the motor vehicle industry.
3. Aid to undertakings in the motor vehicle industry operating in Berlin which are granted under the Berlin Förderungsgesetz are excluded from the prior notification obligation provided for in the framework but shall be included in the annual reports required by that framework.
7 By letter of 2 October 1990 addressed to the German Government, the Commission approved the regional aid scheme laid down for 1991 by the Nineteenth Outline Plan adopted pursuant to the German Law of 6 October 1969 on the Joint Task [between the Federal Government and the Länder] of Improving the regional economic structure (Gesetz über die Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur; hereinafter the Joint Task Law), whilst at the same time issuing a reminder of the need, when implementing the measures envisaged, to take account of the Community framework existing in certain sectors of industry. The Nineteenth Outline Plan itself indicates (Part I, point 9.3, p. 43) that the Commission:
has taken decisions which prohibit the implementation of State aid granted in certain sectors even if it were granted in the context of approved programmes (regional aid for example), or which make its implementation subject to the need for prior authorisation of each of the projects which it is intended to benefit ...
Such rules exist in the following areas:
(a) ...
- the motor-vehicle industry, in so far as the cost of an operation which it is intended to benefit exceeds 12 million ecus.
8 The political reunification of Germany was declared on 3 October 1990, entailing the accession to the Federal Republic of Germany of five new Länder from the former German Democratic Republic, including the Freistaat Sachsen (Free State of Saxony).
9 By letter of 31 December 1990, the Commission informed Member States that it considered it necessary to extend the Community framework.
10 That Commission decision also formed the subject-matter of a notice (91/C 81/05) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ 1991 C 81, p. 4). That notice stated, inter alia, as follows:
[...] the Commission believes it necessary to renew the framework on State aid to the motor vehicle industry [...]. The only modification which the Commission has decided extends the prior notification obligation for the Federal Republic of Germany to Berlin (West) and the territory of the former GDR (Article 1(3) of the Commission's Decision of 21 February 1990, as published in OJ No L 188 of 20 July 1990, is no longer valid as from 1 January 1991).
After two years the framework shall be reviewed by the Commission. If modifications appear necessary (or the possible repeal of the framework) these shall be decided upon by the Commission following consultation with the Member States.
11 By letters to the German Government of 5 December 1990 and 11 April 1991, the Commission approved the application of the Joint Task Law to the new Länder, whilst reiterating the need, when implementing the measures in question, to take account of the Community framework existing in certain sectors of industry. Similarly, by letter of 9 January 1991, it approved the extension of existing regional aid schemes to the new Länder, stating that the provisions of the Community framework had to be complied with.
12 On 23 December 1992, the Commission decided that the [Community] framework will not be modified, and that it would remain valid until a subsequent review to be organised by the Commission. That decision formed the subject-matter of a notice (93/C 36/06) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ 1993 C 36, p. 17).
13 In its judgment of 29 June 1995 in Case C-135/93 Spain v Commission [1995] ECR I-1651, at paragraph 39, the Court of Justice held that that decision should be interpreted as having extended the framework only until its next review, which, like the previous ones, had to take place at the end of a further period of application of two years, expiring on 31 December 1994.
14 Following the delivery of that judgment, by letter of 6 July 1995, the Commission informed Member States that, in the Community interest, it had decided on 5 July 1995 to prolong retroactively from 1 January 1995 its decision of 23 December 1992, thereby making the Community framework apply without interruption. The Commission stated that that prolongation would come to an end once the procedure under Article 93(1) of the Treaty, which it had simultaneously decided to open, had concluded (see paragraph 15 below). That decision, which formed the subject-matter of a notice (95/C 284/03) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities (OJ 1995 C 284, p. 3), was annulled by the judgment of the Court of Justice of 15 April 1997 in Case C-292/95 Spain v Commission [1997] ECR I-1931.
15 By a second letter of 6 July 1995, the Commission further informed the Member States of its decision of 5 July 1995 to propose to them, in the light of the judgment in Spain v Commission, to reintroduce the Community framework for a period of two years whilst making a number of amendments thereto, in particular the raising of the notification threshold to 17 million ecus (see Notice 95/C 284/03, cited above). The new text of the proposed Community framework provided, at Point 2.5, that: The appropriate measures shall enter into force when all Member States have signalled their agreement or at the latest by 1 January 1996. All aid projects, which have not yet received a final approval by the competent authority by that date, shall be subject to prior notification. The German Government gave its approval to that reintroduction of the Community framework by letter of 15 August 1995.
16 The entry into force of the economic, monetary and social union between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic on 1 July 1990 brought with it the collapse of demand for, and production of, Trabant vehicles in Saxony. In order to safeguard the motor-vehicle industry in that region, Volkswagen AG ... entered into negotiations with the Treuhandanstalt (THA), the public-law body entrusted with restructuring the businesses of the former German Democratic Republic, which led to an agreement in principle in October 1990. That agreement provided, inter alia:
- for the joint creation of Sächsische Automobilbau GmbH (SAB), a company entrusted with the responsibility for maintaining jobs (Beschäftigungsgesellschaft), 87.5% of whose capital was initially held by the THA and 12.5% by Volkswagen;
- for the [takeover] by SAB of the existing paint workshop (then under construction) and the final assembly workshop on the Mosel site (Mosel I);
- for the [takeover] by Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH ..., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen, of an existing [engine] production plant on the Chemnitz site (Chemnitz I);
- for the [takeover] by VW Sachsen of cylinder-head production at the Eisenach site; and
- for the creation by VW Sachsen of a new motor vehicle construction plant in Mosel, comprising the four main activities of manufacture, namely metal pressing, skeleton bodywork, painting and final assembly (Mosel II) and a new [engine] production plant in Chemnitz (Chemnitz II).
17 It was initially agreed that the reopening and restructuring of Mosel I and Chemnitz I constituted a temporary solution, designed to avoid unemployment of the existing workforce, pending the entry into service of Mosel II and Chemnitz II, scheduled for 1994.
18 By letter of 19 September 1990, the Commission asked the German Government to notify it, in accordance with the Community framework, of State aid for those investment projects. By letters of 14 December 1990 and 14 March 1991, the Commission insisted that that aid could not be put into effect without having been notified to the Commission and received its approval. That question was also entered on the agenda of two bilateral meetings held in Bonn on 31 January and 7 February 1991.
19 On 22 March 1991, on the basis of the Joint Task Law, the Saxon Ministry of the Economy and Employment adopted two [decisions] providing for the grant of certain investment grants to VW Sachsen in relation to Mosel II and Chemnitz II (the 1991 [decisions]). The amount envisaged for those grants totalled DEM 757 million for Mosel II, with payments spread out between 1991 and 1994, and DEM 147 million for Chemnitz II, with payments spread out between 1991 and 1996.
20 On 18 March 1991, the Finanzamt (Tax Office) Zwickau-Land addressed a decision to VW Sachsen providing for the grant of certain investment allowances in accordance with the German law on investment allowances (Investitionszulagengesetz) of 1991.
21 The Volkswagen group also sought the possibility of making special depreciation write-offs, in accordance with the German Assisted Areas Law (Fördergebietsgesetz) of 1991.
22 By letter of 25 March 1991, the German authorities supplied the Commission with certain information concerning the aid referred to in paragraphs 19 to 21 above, whilst indicating that they did not yet have more precise information and that it was intended to grant it in the context of the aid schemes approved by the Commission for the new Länder. By letter of 17 April 1991, the Commission indicated that the letter from the German authorities of 25 March 1991 constituted a notification pursuant to Article 93(3) of the Treaty, but that further information was necessary.
23 By letter of 29 May 1991, the German authorities argued, inter alia, that the Community framework was not applicable to the new Länder between 1 January and 31 March 1991. In the submission of those authorities, since the aid in question had been approved before 31 March 1991, the various files related thereto could henceforth be examined by the Commission only by reference to the regional aids scheme (see paragraph 7 above). The Commission rejected the arguments of the German authorities at a meeting on 10 July 1991 and requested further detailed information by letter of 16 July 1991. Following the reply of the German Government of 17 September 1991, the Commission raised a new series of questions by letter of 27 November 1991.
24 In October and December 1991, the Volkswagen group received investment grants amounting to DEM 360.8 million and investment allowances amounting to DEM 10.6 million in relation to Mosel II and Chemnitz II.
25 By decision of 18 December 1991 (OJ 1992 C 68, p. 14 ...), notified to the German Government on 14 January 1992, the Commission opened the procedure under Article 93(2) of the Treaty for reviewing the compatibility of the various aids for financing the investments in Mosel I and II, Chemnitz I and II and the Eisenach factory with the common market.
26 In that decision, the Commission concluded, inter alia:
[...] the aids proposed by [the German] authorities give rise to major concern for the following reasons.
- they have not been properly notified to the Commission according to the procedure of Article 93(3) of the EEC Treaty;
- the apparent high aid intensity proposed to a plan involving significant expansion of capacity within the European car market could give rise to unfair distortion of competition;
- not enough evidence has been presented to date which justifies the combination of the relatively high intensity of regional aid, the granting of indirect investment aid by the THA and the granting of a temporary operating aid also by THA by reference to the structural and economic problems which VW undoubtedly faces in the new Länder; on the contrary, the global aid intensity could be disproportionately high and incompatible with the criteria of the Community framework on State aid to the sector.
27 By letter of 29 January 1992, the German Government declared itself willing to suspend all aid payments until the review procedure was terminated.
28 By letter of 24 April 1992, the Commission asked the German authorities, the THA and Volkswagen for further information. Further to a meeting of 28 April 1992 and the Commission's letters of 14 May, 5 June, 21 August and 17 November 1992, the German authorities provided additional information by letters of 20 May, 3 and 12 June, 20 and 29 July, 8 and 25 September, 16 and 21 October, and 4 and 25 November 1992; Volkswagen gave additional information by letters of 15 June and 30 October 1992, and 12 and 20 June 1993. The parties also met on 16 June, 9 September, 12 and 16 October and 3 December 1992, and on 8 and 11 June 1993.
29 On 13 January 1993, Volkswagen decided to postpone a large part of the investments initially intended for the Mosel and Chemnitz factories. The paint workshop and final assembly line of Mosel II were henceforth to become operational only in 1997, and the [engine] production unit at Chemnitz II was not to enter into service until 1996. The Commission agreed to review its assessment on the basis of Volkswagen's new investment projects.
30 On 30 March 1993, the Saxon Ministry of the Economy and Employment adopted two [decisions] amending the 1991 [decisions] (the 1993 [decisions]). The total amount of the investment grants thenceforth envisaged amounted to DEM 708 million for Mosel II, with payments spread between 1991 and 1997, and DEM 195 million for Chemnitz II, with payments spread between 1992 and 1997.
31 Certain details of Volkswagen's new investment projects were submitted to the Commission during an interview which took place on 5 May 1993. By letter of 6 June 1993, Germany also communicated certain information on those projects, which Volkswagen supplemented by letters of 24 June and 6 July 1993 and a fax message of 10 November 1993. That new information was also examined during interviews which took place on 18 May, 10 June, 2 and 22 July 1993. Fresh information [on] the production capacities envisaged by Volkswagen was supplied in a letter from the German Government of 15 February and a fax message of 25 February 1994.
32 The Commission also collected new information on those projects on a visit to the sites at the beginning of April 1994 and during interviews which took place on 11 May and 2, 7 and 24 June 1994. In addition, documents were submitted to it on the occasion of those interviews and others were sent to it by the German authorities and by Volkswagen on 10 May, 30 June and 4 and 12 July 1994.
33 On 24 May 1994, the Saxon Ministry of the Economy and Employment adopted two [decisions] amending the 1991 and 1993 [decisions] (the 1994 [decisions]). The total amount of the investment grants thenceforth envisaged amounted to DEM 648 million for Mosel II, with payments spread between 1991 and 1997, and DEM 167 million for Chemnitz II, with payments spread between 1992 and 1997.
34 By an agreement of 21 June 1994, supplemented by an annex of 1 November 1994, Volkswagen acquired from the THA the 87.5% of the shares in SAB which it did not already own.
35 On 27 July 1994, the Commission adopted Decision 94/1068/EC of 27 July 1994 concerning aid granted to the Volkswagen Group for investments in the new German Länder (OJ 1994 L 385, p. 1; the Mosel I decision). In that decision, the Commission found, inter alia, as follows (Point IV, fourth paragraph, of the recitals):
On opening the procedure the Commission had regarded all Volkswagen's investment plans in Saxony as a single project and therefore intended to decide on all elements of State aid together. Even after its decision in 1993 to postpone investment in the new plants, Volkswagen initially argued that this did not affect the production technology, the labour input and other crucial variables. This year, however, on the basis of information collected during a site visit and through new expert advice, it became obvious that this view could no longer be maintained. Volkswagen also acknowledged to the Commission that their former plans had become obsolete and that they were being reworked. The new plans for the new car and engine plants Mosel II and Chemnitz II will now be closely linked to the development of the Golf A4 that will be put into production at the same time as Mosel II is now planned to come on stream, i.e. in 1997. A final version of the new plans will only be available at the end of 1994. On the basis of current information these new plans will include significant changes in technology and production structure. Under these circumstances it is obvious that the original link between the investment projects in the existing former THA plants and the new greenfield projects has been severed. The Commission has therefore decided to limit its current decision to the restructuring aid for the existing plants, on which it can form a clear opinion on the basis of the available information, and to postpone the decision on the aid to the greenfield projects until Volkswagen and Germany are able to present their definitive investment and aid plans.
36 The Mosel I decision shows that the paint and final assembly workshops of Mosel I were modernised and altered in accordance with the agreement concluded with the THA (see paragraph 16 above). In an initial period to 1992, Mosel I was used for the final assembly of the VW Polo and Golf A2 models, the parts for which were manufactured elsewhere by other plants of the Volkswagen group and delivered to Mosel in separate pieces. From July 1992, the combined use of the paint and final assembly workshops of Mosel I, the alteration of which had just been completed, and of the new body workshop of Mosel II, which had just come into service, allowed the production launch of the Golf A3 model at Mosel, pressing work being carried out elsewhere. As a result, logistics were transferred from the Wolfsburg site to Mosel I in January 1993, and new supplier undertakings, capable of supplying the necessary parts to Mosel I and Chemnitz I, were established in the proximity. The new press shop of Mosel II started to function in March 1994, close to Mosel I.
37 It was in those circumstances that, in Article 1 of the Mosel I decision, the Commission declared various aids granted up to the end of 1993 (the date on which the restructuring was to be completed), and amounting to DEM 487.3 million for Mosel I and DEM 84.8 million for Chemnitz I, compatible with the common market. However, certain aid granted subsequently was declared incompatible with the common market, particularly that categorised as aid for replacement and modernisation investments, which according to the Mosel I decision could not be authorised under the Community framework (see the Mosel I decision, Points IX and X).
38 Subsequently, the German Government verbally informed the Commission, a number of times, of delays occurring in the creation of Mosel II and Chemnitz II. In a letter of 12 April 1995, the Commission reminded the German authorities that they were required to notify it of Volkswagen's projects for those new plants, so that it could carry out a review of the aids concerned. That letter received no reply. By letter of 4 August 1995, the Commission requested that the necessary information be communicated to it as soon as possible, stating that, if Germany did not comply with that request, it would adopt a provisional decision, followed by a definitive one, on the basis of the information it already had. In reply to that letter, the German Government informed the Commission, by letter of 22 August 1995, that Volkswagen's investment projects were still not finalised.
39 On 31 October 1995, the Commission adopted Decision 96/179/EC, enjoining the German Government to provide all documentation, information and data on the new investment projects of the Volkswagen Group in the new German Länder and on the aid to be granted to them (OJ 1996 L 53, p. 50).
40 Following that decision, certain information concerning those projects and on the subject of production capacity was communicated to the Commission during an interview on 20 November 1995. That information was confirmed by letter of 13 December 1995 and clarified on a visit to the sites on 21 and 22 December 1995. On 15 January 1996, the Commission put other questions to the German authorities. After an interview on 23 January 1996, most of the missing information was communicated to the Commission by letters of 1 and 12 February 1996.
41 On 21 February 1996, the Saxon Ministry of the Economy and Employment adopted two [decisions] amending the 1991, 1993 and 1994 [decisions] (the 1996 [decisions]). The total amount of the investment grants thenceforth envisaged amounted to DEM 499 million for Mosel II, with payments spread between 1991 and 1997, and DEM 109 million for Chemnitz II, with payments spread between 1992 and 1997.
42 By letter of 23 February 1996, the Commission reminded the German authorities that it still lacked certain information. That information was communicated to it at an interview on 25 March 1996 and was subsequently discussed on 2 and 11 April 1996. A further interview took place on 29 May 1996.
43 On 26 June 1996, the Commission adopted [the contested decision], the operative part of which reads as follows:
Article 1
The following aid proposed by Germany for the various investment projects of Volkswagen ... in Saxony is compatible with Article 92(3)(c) of the EC Treaty and Article 61(3)(c) of the [Agreement on the European Economic Area of 2 May 1992 (OJ 1994 L 1, p. 3, the EEA Agreement)]:
- aid granted by Germany to [the Volkswagen group] for [its] investment projects in Mosel (Mosel II) and Chemnitz (Chemnitz II) in the form of investment grants (Investitionszuschüsse) of up to DEM 418.7 million,
- aid granted by Germany to [the Volkswagen group] for [its] investment projects in Mosel (Mosel II) and Chemnitz (Chemnitz II) in the form of investment allowances (Investitionszulagen) of up to DEM 120.4 million.
Article 2
The following aid proposed by Germany for the various investment projects of Volkswagen ... in Saxony is incompatible with Article 92(3)(c) of the EC Treaty and Article 61(3)(c) of the EEA Agreement and may not be granted:
- the proposed investment aid for [the Volkswagen group] for [its] investment projects in Mosel II and Chemnitz II in the form of special depreciation on investment under the Assisted Areas Law (Fördergebietsgesetz) with a nominal value of DEM 51.67 million,
- the proposed investment aid to [the Volkswagen group] for [its] investment project in Mosel II in the form of investment grants (Investitionszuschüsse) in excess of the amount specified in the first indent of Article 1 and constituting an additional DEM 189.1 million.
Article 3
Germany shall ensure that the capacity of the Mosel plants in 1997 does not exceed a level of 432 units per day [...]
Furthermore, Germany shall send to, and discuss with, the Commission an annual report on the realisation on the DEM 2 654.1 million of eligible investments in Mosel II and Chemnitz II and the actual payments of aid so as to ensure that the combined effective aid intensity expressed in gross grant equivalent does not exceed 22.3% for Mosel II and 20.8% for Chemnitz II [...]
Article 4
Germany shall inform the Commission within one month of the notification of this Decision of the measures taken to comply herewith.
Article 5
This Decision is addressed to the Federal Republic of Germany.
44 Following a letter sent by the chairman of Volkswagen to the first minister of the Free State of Saxony on 8 July 1996, the Free State of Saxony paid Volkswagen, in July 1996, DEM 90.7 million in investment grants which the Commission had declared in [the contested decision] to be incompatible with the common market.
The contested judgment
First plea in law: breach of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty
129 Under Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty, aid compatible with the common market includes aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany affected by the division of Germany, in so far as such aid is required in order to compensate for the economic disadvantages caused by that division.
130 Far from being implicitly repealed following German reunification, that provision was retained by both the Maastricht Treaty concluded on 7 February 1992 and the Amsterdam Treaty concluded on 2 October 1997. Moreover, an identical provision was inserted into Article 61(2)(c) of the [EEA Agreement].
131 Having regard to the objective scope of the rules of Community law, the authority and effectiveness of which must be preserved, it cannot therefore be assumed that that provision has become devoid of purpose since the reunification of Germany, as the Commission maintained at the hearing, contradicting its own administrative practice (see, in particular, the Daimler-Benz and Tettau decisions).
132 It should, nevertheless, be emphasised that, since it is a derogation from the general principle laid down in Article 92(1) of the Treaty that State aid is incompatible with the common market, Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty must be interpreted narrowly.
133 Moreover, as the Court of Justice has emphasised, in interpreting a provision of Community law it is necessary to consider not only its wording but also the context in which it occurs and the aims of the rules of which it forms part (Case 292/[82]Merck v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Jonas [1983] ECR 3781, 3792; Case 337/82 St. Nikolaus Brennerei v Hauptzollamt Krefeld [1984] ECR 1051, 1062).
134 In this case, the phrase division of Germany refers historically to the establishment of the dividing line between the two zones in 1948. Therefore, the economic disadvantages caused by that division can only mean the economic disadvantages caused by the isolation which the establishment or maintenance of that frontier entailed, such as, for example, the encirclement of certain areas (see the Daimler-Benz decision), the breaking of communication links (see the Tettau decision), or the loss of the natural markets of certain undertakings, which therefore need support, either to be able to adapt to new conditions or to be able to survive that disadvantage (on that point, but in relation to the fourth paragraph of Article 70 of the ECSC Treaty, see [Joined Cases 3/58 to 18/58, 25/58 and 26/58 Barbara Erzbergbau and Others [1960] ECR 173, at p. 195]).
135 By contrast, the conception of the applicants and the German Government, according to which Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty permits full compensation for the undeniable economic backwardness suffered by the new Länder, until such time as they reach a level of development comparable with that of the original Länder, disregards both the nature of that provision as a derogation and its context and aims.
136 The economic disadvantages suffered by the new Länder as a whole have not been caused by the division of Germany within the meaning of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty. As such, the division of Germany has had only marginal consequences on the economic development of either zone, which, moreover, it affected equally at the outset, and it has not prevented the economies of the original Länder from developing favourably thereafter.
137 It follows that the differences in development between the original and the new Länder are explained by causes other than the division of Germany as such, and in particular by the different politico-economic systems established in each State on either side of the frontier.
138 It also follows from the above that the Commission did not make any error of law by stating generally, in the third paragraph of Point X of the [contested decision], that the derogation laid down in Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty should not be applied to regional aid for new investment projects and that the derogations provided for in Article 92(3)(a) and (c) of the Treaty and the Community framework were sufficient to deal with the problems faced by the new Länder.
139 In that respect, the applicants are wrong to accuse the Commission of contradictory reasoning in its description of the disputed investments at other points in the [contested decision] as extensions of existing capacity. The expression regional aid for new investment projects is used in reply to a general argument raised by the German Government (see Point V, first paragraph, subparagraph 1 of the [contested decision]) and thus concerns not aid to Volkswagen's investment plans at Mosel II and Chemnitz II specifically, but the whole of the aid intended to promote general economic development of the new Länder.
140 Moreover, as regards the question whether, apart from its character as aid for the economic development of the Free State of Saxony, the aid in question is specifically designed to compensate for the disadvantages caused by the division of Germany, it should be borne in mind that a Member State which seeks to be allowed to grant aid by way of derogation from the Treaty rules has a duty to collaborate with the Commission, requiring it in particular to provide all the information to enable the Commission to verify that the conditions for the derogation sought are fulfilled ([Case C-364/90 Italy v Commission [1993] ECR I-2097], paragraph 20).
141 On that point, there is nothing in the documents before the Court to show that the German Government or the applicants put forward specific arguments during the administrative procedure in order to prove a causal link between the situation of the motor-vehicle industry in Saxony after German reunification and the division of Germany.
142 The Commission is therefore right in maintaining that the parties have not put forward specific evidence capable of justifying the application of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty to this case.
143 Before the Court, the applicants, and the German Government, which refers on those questions to its written submissions in Case C-301/96, have argued that proof of the economic disadvantages caused to Saxony by the division of Germany arose from a comparison between German motor-vehicle production carried on in that region before 1939 and that achieved in 1990. According to those parties, the relative decline of the motor-vehicle industry in Saxony, compared with that of West Germany in general, was caused in particular by the partition of the German market and the corresponding loss of that industry's traditional outlets to the West, following that partition.
144 In so far as that argument is capable of being raised before the Court of First Instance, given that it was not raised during the administrative procedure (see Joined Cases C-278/92, C-279/[92] and C-280/[92] Spain v Commission [1994] ECR I-4103, paragraph 31; Case T-37/97 Forges de Clabecq v Commission [1999] ECR II-859, paragraph 93), it must be rejected.
145 Even if there were obstacles to inter-German trade, entailing the loss of traditional outlets for the motor-vehicle industry in Saxony, that would not automatically mean that the poor economic situation of that industry in 1990 was a direct consequence of that loss of outlets caused, ex hypothesi, by the division of Germany in 1948. The difficulties referred to by the applicants are primarily the result of the different economic organisation of the East German regime itself, which was not caused by the division of Germany within the meaning of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty.
146 A comparison between the position of the motor-vehicle industry in Saxony before 1939 and that in 1990 is not therefore in itself enough to establish the existence of a sufficiently direct link between the economic disadvantages suffered by that industry at the time of the granting of the aid in dispute and the division of Germany within the meaning of Article 92(2)(c).
147 As for [the Commission decision of 11 December 1964 concerning aids designed to facilitate the integration of the Saarland into the economy of the Federal Republic of Germany (Bulletin of the European Economic Community No 2-1965, p. 33, the Saarland decision)], none of the parties have produced or requested it in these proceedings. The applicants have failed to show that the latter decision reflected a different approach by the Commission in the past and that such an approach, if it were established, would call into question the validity of the legal assessments made in 1996.
148 In those circumstances, the applicants and the Federal Republic of Germany have not adduced sufficient evidence to support the conclusion that the Commission exceeded the limits of its discretion by holding that the aid in question did not comply with the conditions for benefiting from the derogation laid down in Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty.
First part of the plea
The wording of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty
- Arguments of the parties
- Findings of the Court
The history and effectiveness of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty
- Arguments of the parties
- Findings of the Court
The scheme of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty
- Arguments of the parties
- Findings of the Court
Second part of the plea
Arguments of the parties
Findings of the Court
Second plea: breach of Article 190 of the Treaty
149 As for the complaint of insufficient reasoning, it should be recalled that the statement of reasons required by Article 190 of the ... Treaty ... must clearly and unequivocally show the reasoning of the institution which adopted the measure, so as to enable the Community judicature to exercise its power of review and the persons concerned to know the grounds on which the measure was adopted (see, for example, Case T-84/96 Cipeke v Commission [1997] ECR II-2081, paragraph 46).
150 In this case, the [contested decision] contains only a brief summary of the grounds for the Commission's refusal to apply the derogation in Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty to the facts of the case.
151 Nevertheless, the [contested decision] was adopted in a context that was well known to the German Government and the applicants and forms part of a consistent line of decision-making practice, particularly in relation to those parties. Such a decision may be supported by a summary statement of reasons (Case 73/74 Papiers Peints v Commission [1975] ECR 1491, paragraph 31; Case T-34/92 Fiatagri and New Holland Ford v Commission [1994] ECR II-905, paragraph 35).
152 Since 1990, in its relations with the Commission, the German Government has referred many times to Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty, insisting on the importance of that provision for the recovery of the former East Germany (see, in particular, the letter from Chancellor Kohl to President Delors of 9 December 1992 ...).
153 The arguments put forward by the German Government in that regard were rejected in various letters or decisions of the Commission [see, in particular, the Commission notice pursuant to Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty to other Member States and other parties concerned regarding the proposal by the German Government to award State aid to the Opel group in support of its investment plans in the new Länder (OJ 1993 C 43, p. 14); the Commission notice pursuant to Article 93(2) of the EEC Treaty to other Member States and interested parties concerning aid which Germany proposes to grant Rhône-Poulenc Rhotex GmbH (OJ 1993 C 210, p. 11); Commission Decision 94/266/EC of 21 December 1993 on the proposal to award aid to SST-Garngesellschaft mbH, Thüringen (OJ 1994 L 114, p. 21); the Mosel I decision; and Commission Decision 94/1074/EC of 5 December 1994 on the German authorities' proposal to award aid to Textilwerke Deggendorf GmbH, Thüringen (OJ 1994 L 386, p. 13)].
154 In that respect, particular importance should be accorded to the Mosel I decision, in which the Commission declared some of the aid in question, amounting to DEM 125.2 million, incompatible with the common market after excluding, on grounds identical to those used in the [contested decision], the possibility that that aid might be covered by Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty. It should be noted, moreover, that neither the applicants nor the German authorities have brought any action against that earlier decision.
155 Even though, between the adoption of the Mosel I decision and the adoption of the [contested decision], the Commission, the German authorities and the applicants have had numerous contacts revealing their continuing differences of opinion concerning the applicability of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty to the aid in question (see Points V and VI of the [contested decision]), it should also be noted that no specific or new argument has been put forward in that context, particularly as to the existence of a causal link between the position of the motor-vehicle industry in Saxony after German reunification and the division of Germany (see paragraph 141 above).
156 In those circumstances, the Court finds that the applicants and the Federal Republic of Germany were sufficiently informed of the grounds for the [contested decision] and that, in the absence of more specific arguments, the Commission was not obliged to state the grounds for it more extensively.
157 It follows from the above considerations as a whole that the complaints alleging infringement of Article 92(2)(c) of the Treaty and an insufficient statement of reasons must be rejected.
Arguments of the parties
Findings of the Court
Third plea in law: breach of Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty
166 Under Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty, aid may be considered to be compatible with the common market if it is [...] to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State.
167 It follows from the context and general scheme of that provision that the disturbance in question must affect the whole of the economy of the Member State concerned, and not merely that of one of its regions or parts of its territory. This, moreover, is in conformity with the need to interpret strictly a derogating provision such as Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty. The judgment in [Case 730/79 Philip Morris v Commission [1980] ECR 2671], relied on by the applicants in support of their argument, makes no comment of any kind on the point at issue here.
168 The applicants' argument must therefore be rejected as inoperative since they merely refer to the state of the economy of the Free State of Saxony, without even alleging that this caused a serious disturbance of the economy in the Federal Republic of Germany as a whole.
169 Moreover, the question whether German reunification has caused a serious disturbance in the economy of the Federal Republic of Germany involves complex assessments of an economic and social nature, to be made within a Community context, which fall within the exercise of the wide discretion which the Commission enjoys under Article 92(3) of the Treaty (see, by analogy, Case C-355/95 P TWD v Commission [1997] ECR I-2549, paragraph 26). In that context, judicial review must be limited to verifying whether the rules on procedure and the statement of reasons have been complied with, that the facts are materially accurate, and that there has been no manifest error of assessment and no misuse of powers. In particular, it is not for the Community judicature to substitute its economic assessment for that of the Commission (Case T-380/94 AIUFFASS and AKT v Commission [1996] ECR II-2169, paragraph 56; Case T-149/95 Ducros v Commission [1997] ECR II-2031, paragraph 63).
170 In this case, the applicants have not put forward any concrete evidence capable of establishing that the Commission made a manifest error of assessment in taking the view that the unfavourable repercussions of the reunification of Germany on the German economy, however real, did not in themselves constitute a ground for applying Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty to an aid scheme.
171 As for the statement of reasons for the [contested decision], although brief, it appears to be sufficient having regard to the context of the case, to its antecedents, especially the Mosel I decision, and to the absence of specific arguments raised during the administrative procedure. In that regard, the considerations set out in paragraphs 140 to 142 and 149 to 156 above apply, mutatis mutandis, as regards the statement of reasons for the Commission's refusal to apply in this case the derogation laid down in Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty.
172 It follows from the above that the complaints alleging infringement of Article 92(3)(b) of the Treaty and an insufficient statement of reasons must be rejected.
Arguments of the parties
Findings of the Court
Fourth plea in law: breach of Articles 92(3) and 93 of the Treaty
203 Contrary to what the applicants maintain, the aid measures in dispute cannot be regarded as falling within a regional aid programme already approved by the Commission and thus exempt from the duty of prior notification.
204 By referring, in the Nineteenth Outline Plan adopted pursuant to the Joint Task Law, to a number of specific sectors in which each of the projects to be supported remained subject to the need for prior authorisation from the Commission (see paragraph 7 above), Germany acknowledged that approval of the regional aid envisaged by that outline plan did not extend to the sectors in question and, in particular, the motor-vehicle industry, to the extent that the cost of a support operation exceeded 12 million ecus.
205 That is confirmed, in particular, by the Commission's letter of 2 October 1990 approving the regional aid scheme laid down for 1991 by the Nineteenth Outline Plan (see paragraph 7 above) and by its letter of 5 December 1990 approving the application of the Joint Task Law to the new Länder (see paragraph 11 above), in which the Commission expressly drew the attention of the German Government to the need to take account, when implementing the measures contemplated, of the Community framework existing in certain sectors of industry; by its letters of 14 December 1990 and 14 March 1991, insisting that the aid for Volkswagen's new investments could not be implemented without having first been notified to the Commission and having received its approval (see paragraph 18 above); and by the fact that each of the 1991 [decisions] states that it is subject to the authorisation of the Commission. The applicants are wrong in arguing that such a reference is devoid of purpose having regard to the authorisation already obtained by virtue of the approval of the Nineteenth Outline Plan; that approval does not extend to the motor-vehicle industry, as has just been pointed out in paragraph 204 above. The applicants are also incorrect in arguing that the production of the letters referred to above, in an annex to the rejoinder, was out of time and inadmissible. In the first place, those letters are cited both in Point II of the [contested decision] and in the decision to initiate the investigation procedure. Moreover, they were produced in response to an assertion made for the first time in the reply.
206 In the light of the factors described above, the fact that application of the Community framework was suspended between January and April 1991, even if established, cannot have the legal consequence that the aid to the motor-vehicle industry is to be regarded as covered by the approval of the Nineteenth Outline Plan. On the contrary, if that fact were established, it would have to be held that Article 93(3) of the Treaty remained fully applicable to the aid in question.
207 It follows from the above that, in any event, the aid in dispute was subject to the duty of prior notification to the Commission, and that it could not be implemented before the procedure had led to a final decision.
208 By contrast, the question whether or not the Community framework had binding force vis-à-vis Germany in March 1991 is of no relevance for the purposes of these proceedings.
209 In that respect, it should be emphasised that, although the rules of the Community framework, as appropriate measures proposed by the Commission to the Member States on the basis of Article 93(1) of the Treaty, are entirely devoid of binding force and bind Member States only if the latter have consented to them (Case C-292/95 Spain v Commission, paragraphs 30 to 33), there is nothing to prevent the Commission from examining the aid which must be notified to it in the light of those rules when exercising the wide discretion which it enjoys for the purposes of applying Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty.
210 It should, nevertheless, be added that the applicants' argument that the investigation, in 1996, of the compatibility of the aid at issue with the common market could be based only on assessment criteria which existed in 1991 finds no support in the case-law of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. Thus, in Case 234/84 Belgium v Commission [1986] ECR 2263, paragraph 16, and Case C-241/94 France v Commission [1996] ECR I-4551, paragraph 33, the Court of Justice stated that the legality of a decision concerning aid is to be assessed in the light of the information available to the Commission when the decision was adopted. The Court of First Instance did the same in Joined Cases T-371/94 and T-394/94 British Airways and Others and British Midland Airways v Commission [1998] ECR II-2405, paragraph 81.
211 Moreover, Article 92(1) of the Treaty prohibits, in so far as it affects trade between Member States, any aid which distorts or threatens to distort competition. It follows that, when it establishes the existence of an aid within the meaning of that provision, the Commission is not strictly bound by the conditions of competition existing at the date on which its decision is adopted. It must carry out an assessment in a dynamic perspective and take account of the foreseeable development of competition and the effects which the aid in question will have upon it.
212 The Commission cannot therefore be criticised for having taken account of factors arising after the adoption of a plan to grant or alter aid. The fact that the Member State concerned implemented the proposed measures before the investigation procedure resulted in a final decision, in breach of its obligations under Article 93(3) of the Treaty, is of no relevance to that question.
213 The applicants' argument that such a practice is incompatible with the principle of legal certainty cannot be accepted. Whilst the preliminary investigation procedure under Article 93(3) of the Treaty is intended to allow the Commission sufficient time, the Commission must, nevertheless, act diligently and take account of the interest of the Member States of being informed of the position quickly in spheres where the need to intervene may be urgent by reason of the effect that the Member States expect from the planned incentive measures. The Commission must therefore take a position within a reasonable period, which the Court of Justice has assessed at two months [Case 120/73 Lorenz [1973] ECR 1471, paragraph 4; see also Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 659/1999 of 22 March 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 93 of the EC Treaty (OJ 1999 L 83, p. 1)]. Moreover, the Commission is bound by the same general duty of diligence where it decides to initiate the inter partes investigation procedure laid down by Article 93(2) of the Treaty, and its failure to act in the matter may in appropriate cases be condemned by the Community judicature in proceedings under Article 175 of the EC Treaty (now Article 232 EC).
214 Moreover, the question of a possible infringement of the principle of legal certainty does not arise in this case. The length of time which elapsed between the date on which the first [decisions] granting aid were adopted (March 1991) and the date of the [contested decision] (26 June 1996) was due, first, to the absence of complete notification of the measures in question; secondly, to the successive amendments which the applicants made to their plans, which in turn entailed successive amendments to the [decisions] granting the aid; and, thirdly, to the considerable difficulties which the Commission encountered in obtaining from the German Government and the applicants the information which it needed in order to take a decision (see paragraphs 16 to 42 above).
215 In particular, the Mosel I decision shows that, at the beginning of 1993, the Commission was in a position to take a decision on the whole of Volkswagen's investment plans, as initially submitted to it. It was at the express request of Volkswagen, submitted on 31 January 1993, that the Commission limited its assessment to the aid concerning Mosel I and Chemnitz I. It was then necessary to wait until 1995, when the Commission threatened the German authorities that it would adopt a decision on the basis of the incomplete file in its possession, for the information which it needed to be finally communicated to it. In short, it was not until 1996 that the Commission was placed in a position to take a decision with full knowledge of the facts.
216 In the meantime, the applicants' initial plans had been changed three times and, in consequence, the 1991 [decisions] had been amended by the 1993, 1994 and 1996 [decisions]. Although the parties disagree as to the extent of those successive amendments, it is undisputed that, at the very least, they involved a significant reduction in the scale of the plans and, above all, the postponement by three to four years of the entry into service of the paint and final assembly workshops of Mosel II and Chemnitz II.
217 In those circumstances, the applicants are wrong when they maintain that the Commission was required to examine plans that were successively devised in 1993, 1994 or 1996 solely in the light of the information at its disposal in 1991. On the contrary, the Commission was right to take account in its assessment of the changes that were subsequently made.
218 Moreover, even if it had initially approved the aid granted by the 1991 [decisions], the Commission would have been entitled to re-examine it at the time of its amendment, in accordance with Article 93(3) of the Treaty, under which the Commission is to be informed, in sufficient time to enable it to submit its comments, of any plans to alter the aid. Thus, while acknowledging that there was no surplus capacity in the motor-vehicle industry in 1991, the Commission would in principle have been entitled to take account of surplus capacity which became apparent from 1993 onwards.
219 It follows from the above that the applicants' arguments concerning, first, the need for an investigation ex ante and, secondly, the inapplicability of the Community framework, must be rejected in their entirety.
Arguments of the parties
Findings of the Court
Fifth plea in law: the consequences of the partial discontinuance taken note of by the Court of First Instance
At the hearing on 30 June 1999, [Volkswagen and VW Sachsen] asked the Court to hold that the action had become devoid of subject-matter in so far as it sought the annulment of the first indent of Article 2 of the [contested decision], declaring investment aid in the form of special depreciation on investment incompatible with the common market, and to apply Article 87(6) of the Rules of Procedure in that respect. The Court also took formal notice of the fact that, in the Commission's submission, that request must be interpreted as a partial discontinuance and entail the application of Article 87(5) of the Rules of Procedure.
Under Article 87(2) of the Rules of Procedure, an unsuccessful party is to be ordered to pay the costs if they have been applied for in the successful party's pleadings. Under Article 87(5) of the Rules of Procedure, a party who discontinues or withdraws from proceedings is to be ordered to pay the costs if they have been applied for in the other party's pleadings ...
[The Court of First Instance] takes formal notice that [Volkswagen and VW Sachsen] discontinue their action in Case T-143/96 in so far as it seeks the annulment of the first indent of Article 2 of [the contested decision.]
Arguments of the parties
Findings of the Court
128. The first subparagraph of Article 69(4) of the Rules of Procedure, which also applies to the procedure on appeal by virtue of Article 118, provides that Member States and institutions which intervene in the proceedings are to bear their own costs. The Federal Republic of Germany must therefore be ordered to bear its own costs.
On those grounds,
1. Dismisses the appeals;
2. Orders the Freistaat Sachsen to pay the costs in Case C-57/00 P;
3. Orders Volkswagen AG and Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH to pay the costs in Case C-61/00 P;
4. Orders the Federal Republic of Germany to bear its own costs.
Rodríguez Iglesias
von BahrCunha Rodrigues
Delivered in open court in Luxembourg on 30 September 2003.
R. Grass G.C. Rodríguez Iglesias
Registrar President
1: Language of the case: German.