11 July 2002 (1)
(Failure by a Member State to fulfil its obligations - Directive 89/369/EEC - Atmospheric pollution - Municipal waste incineration plants on the island of La Palma)
In Case C-139/00,
Commission of the European Communities, represented by G. Valero Jordana, acting as Agent, with an address for service in Luxembourg,
Kingdom of Spain, represented by N. Díaz Abad, acting as Agent, with an address for service in Luxembourg,
APPLICATION for a declaration that, by failing to take the measures necessary in order to ensure, as regards the three incineration furnaces installed at Mazo and Barlovento on the island of La Palma (Spain), the application of:
- Article 2 of Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants (OJ 1989 L 163, p. 32), inasmuch as those furnaces are operating without the required prior authorisation:
- Article 6 of that directive, inasmuch as, with regard to those furnaces, the competent authorities
- have not taken periodic measurements in respect of the parameters prescribed by that article;
- have not given prior approval for the sampling and measurement procedures and have not determined the location of the measurement points concerned;
- have not laid down any measurement programme;
- Article 7 of that directive, inasmuch as those furnaces are not equipped with auxiliary burners, which would make it possible to maintain the minimum combustion temperature of 850°C, particularly during start-up and shut-down operations,
the Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations under that directive,
THE COURT (Fifth Chamber),
composed of: P. Jann, President of the Chamber, D.A.O. Edward and C.W.A. Timmermans (Rapporteur), Judges,
Advocate General: P. Léger,
Registrar: H. von Holstein, Deputy Registrar,
having regard to the Report for the Hearing,
after hearing oral argument from the parties at the hearing on 29 November 2001,
after hearing the Opinion of the Advocate General at the sitting on 21 February 2002,
gives the following
- Article 2 of Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants (OJ 1989 L 163, p. 32), inasmuch as those furnaces are operating without the required prior authorisation:
- Article 6 of that directive, inasmuch as, with regard to those furnaces, the competent authorities
- have not taken periodic measurements in respect of the parameters prescribed by that article;
- have not given prior approval for the sampling and measurement procedures and have not determined the location of the measurement points concerned;
- have not laid down any measurement programme;
- Article 7 of that directive, inasmuch as those furnaces are not equipped with auxiliary burners, which would make it possible to maintain the minimum combustion temperature of 850°C, particularly during start-up and shut-down operations,
the Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations under that directive.
Community law
'Without prejudice to Article 4 of Directive 84/360/EEC, Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the conditions laid down in Articles 3 to 10 of this Directive are attached to the prior authorisation required to operate all new municipal waste incineration plants under Article 3 of Directive 84/360/EEC and under Article 8 of Directive 75/442/EEC.'
'1. The following measurements shall be taken at new municipal waste-incineration plants:
(a) concentrations of certain substances in the combustion gases:
(i) concentrations of total dust, CO, oxygen and HCl shall be continuously measured, and recorded in the case of plants of a nominal capacity equal to, or greater than, 1 tonne/h;
(ii) the following shall be measured periodically:
- concentrations of the heavy metals referred to in Article 3(1), of HF, and of SO2, in the case of plants of a nominal capacity equal to, or greater than, 1 tonne/h,
- concentrations of total dust, of HCl, of CO and of oxygen in the case of plants of a nominal capacity of less than 1 tonne/h,
- concentrations of organic compounds (expressed as total carbon) in general;
(b) operating parameters:
(i) the temperatures of the gases in the area where the conditions imposed by Article 4(1) are satisfied and the water vapour content of the combustion gases shall be continuously measured and recorded. Continuous measurement of the water vapour content shall not be necessary provided that the combustion gas is dried before the emissions are analysed;
(ii) the residence time of the combustion gases at the minimum temperature of 850°C specified in Article 4(1) must be the subject of appropriate verifications at least once when the incineration plant is first brought into service and under the most unfavourable operating conditions envisaged.
2. The results of the measurements referred to in paragraph 1 shall be standardised at the following conditions:
- temperature 273 K, pressure 101.3 kPa, 11% oxygen or 9% CO2, dry gas.
Where Article 3(2) is applied, however, they may be standardised at the following conditions:
- temperature 273 K, pressure 101.3 kPa, 17% oxygen, dry gas.
3. All the measurement results shall be recorded, processed and presented in an appropriate fashion so that the competent authorities can verify compliance with the conditions laid down, in accordance with procedures to be decided upon by those authorities.
4. The sampling and measurement procedures used to satisfy the obligations imposed by paragraph 1 and the location of the sampling or measurement points shall require the prior approval of the competent authorities.
5. For the periodic measurements, the competent authorities shall lay down appropriate measurement programmes to ensure that the results are representative of the normal level of emissions of the substances concerned.
The results obtained must be suitable for verifying that the limit values applicable have been observed.'
'All new municipal waste incineration plants shall be equipped with auxiliary burners. These burners must be switched on automatically when the temperature of the combustion gases falls below 850°C. They shall also be used during plant start-up and shut-down operations in order to ensure that the abovementioned minimum temperature is maintained at all times during these operations and as long as the waste is in the combustion chamber.'
The pre-litigation procedure
Article 2 of Directive 89/369
Articles 6 and 7 of Directive 89/369
- Article 6 of Directive 89/369, inasmuch as, with regard to those furnaces, the competent authorities
- have not taken periodic measurements in respect of the parameters prescribed by that article;
- have not given prior approval for the sampling and measurement procedures and have not determined the location of the measurement points concerned;
- have not laid down any measurement programme;
- Article 7 of that directive, inasmuch as those furnaces are not equipped with auxiliary burners, which would make it possible to maintain the minimum combustion temperature of 850°C, particularly during start-up and shut-down operations,
the Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations under that directive. The remainder of the action is dismissed.
53. Under Article 69(3) of the Rules of Procedure, the Court may, inter alia, order that the costs be shared where each party succeeds on some and fails on other heads. Since the Commission has failed on one head, it must be ordered to pay one third of the costs and the Kingdom of Spain two thirds of the costs.
On those grounds,
THE COURT (Fifth Chamber)
1. Declares that, by failing to adopt the measures necessary in order to ensure, as regards the three incineration furnaces installed at Mazo and Barlovento on the island of La Palma, the application of:
- Article 6 of Council Directive 89/369/EEC of 8 June 1989 on the prevention of air pollution from new municipal waste incineration plants, inasmuch as, with regard to those furnaces, the competent authorities
- have not taken periodic measurements in respect of the parameters prescribed by that article;
- have not given prior approval for the sampling and measurement procedures and have not determined the location of the measurement points concerned;
- have not laid down any measurement programme;
- Article 7 of that directive, inasmuch as those furnaces are not equipped with auxiliary burners, which would make it possible to maintain the minimum combustion temperature of 850°C, particularly during start-up and shut-down operations,
the Kingdom of Spain has failed to fulfil its obligations under that directive;
2. Dismisses the remainder of the action;
3. Orders the Commission of the European Communities to pay one third of the costs and the Kingdom of Spain two thirds of the costs.
Delivered in open court in Luxembourg on 11 July 2002.
R. Grass P. Jann
Registrar President of the Fifth Chamber
1: Language of the case: Spanish.