11 January 2001 (1)
(Agriculture - Farmer practising farming as his main occupation - Concept - Private limited company)
In Case C-403/98,
REFERENCE to the Court under Article 177 of the EC Treaty (now Article 234 EC) by the Tribunale Civile e Penale di Cagliari, Italy, for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that court between
Azienda Agricola Monte Arcosu Srl
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna,
Organismo Comprensoriale No 24 della Sardegna,
Ente Regionale per l'Assistenza Tecnica in Agricoltura (ERSAT),
on the interpretation of Article 2(5) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 of 12 March 1985 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures (OJ 1985 L 93, p. 1) and of Article 5(5) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2328/91 of 15 July 1991 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures (OJ 1991 L 218, p. 1),
THE COURT (Sixth Chamber),
composed of: C. Gulmann, President of the Chamber, V. Skouris and F. Macken (Rapporteur), Judges,
Advocate General: J. Mischo,
Registrar: H.A. Rühl, Principal Administrator,
after considering the written observations submitted on behalf of:
- Azienda Agricola Monte Arcosu Srl, by C. Ribolzi and E. Ribolzi, Avvocati,
- the Commission of the European Communities, by F.P. Ruggeri Laderchi, acting as Agent,
having regard to the Report for the Hearing,
after hearing the oral observations of Azienda Agricola Monte Arcosu Srl and of the Commission at the hearing on 20 January 2000,
after hearing the Opinion of the Advocate General at the sitting on 30 March 2000,
gives the following
Community law
'Member States shall, for the purposes of this regulation, define what is meant by the expression farmer practising farming as his main occupation.
This definition shall, in the case of a natural person, include at least the condition that the proportion of income derived from the agricultural holding must be 50% or more of the farmer's total income and that the working time devoted to work unconnected with the holding must be less than half of the farmer's total working time.
On the basis of the criteria referred to in the foregoing subparagraph, the Member States shall define what is meant by this same expression in the case of persons other than natural persons.
National law
1. The following farmers shall qualify for the intervention measures referred to in Title I of the abovementioned regulation in so far as they satisfy the subjective criteria set out in Article 2(1) of that regulation:
(a) farmers who cultivate their own land, whether they are owners or tenants, share-croppers and tenant-farmers, whether without the agreement of the lessor or together with the lessor, perpetual lease-holders, family members helping the farmer on a regular and permanent basis;
(b) owners, usufructuaries and tenants;
(c) agricultural cooperatives established in accordance with the legislation in force on cooperation;
(d) associations of farmers who cultivate their own land, perpetual lease-holders, tenant-farmers, family members helping the farmer on a regular and permanent basis, owners, usufructuaries and tenants;
(e) partnerships which directly manage agricultural holdings which they own or of which they have the use in whatever form. The regions and autonomous provinces shall define, within the limits set in Article 6 of the Regulation, the conditions as to eligibility.
2. The criterion of being a farmer practising farming as his main occupation and that relating to occupational skill and competence, which are laid down in Article 2(1)(a) and (b) of the abovementioned regulation, shall be defined on the basis of the regional legislative provisions adopted pursuant to Directive72/159/EEC. Failing that, Articles 12 and 13 of Law No 153 of 9 May 1975 shall apply.
3. The cooperatives referred to under (c) above, whose sole object is the management of agricultural holdings, may seek to obtain the investment aid provided for under Title I of the Regulation even if only 20% of their members satisfy the subjective criteria prescribed.
The main proceedings
'(1) Despite the silence of the Italian legislature, is it in any event possible to apply the Community provisions in question to persons other than natural persons, and in particular to companies having legal personality?
(2) If an affirmative answer is given to the first question, what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for conferring the status of farmers practising farming as their main occupation on persons other than natural persons and, in particular, on companies with legal personality?
Admissibility of the questions referred for a preliminary ruling
The questions referred for a preliminary ruling
30. The costs incurred by the Commission, which has submitted observations to the Court, are not recoverable. Since these proceedings are, for the parties to the main action, a step in the proceedings pending before the national court, the decision on costs is a matter for that court.
On those grounds,
THE COURT (Sixth Chamber),
in answer to the questions referred to it by the Tribunale Civile e Penale di Cagliari by order of 26 March 1998, hereby rules:
The last subparagraph of Article 2(5) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 797/85 of 12 March 1985 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures and the last subparagraph of Article 5(5) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2328/91 of 15 July 1991 on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures may not be relied on before a national court by limited companies seeking to obtain the status of farmers practising farming as their main occupation where the legislature of a Member State has not adopted the provisions necessary for their implementation in the national legal system.
Delivered in open court in Luxembourg on 11 January 2001.
R. Grass C. Gulmann
Registrar President of the Sixth Chamber
1: Language of the case: Italian.