JUDGMENT OF THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE (Second Chamber, Extended Composition)
15 December 1999 (1)
(Anti-dumping duties - Seamless pipes and tubes of iron or non-alloy steel - Europe agreement with Romania - Normal value - Dumping margin - Injury - Procedural rights of exporters)
In Joined Cases T-33/98 and T-34/98,
Petrotub SA, a company incorporated under Romanian law, established in Roman, Romania,
Republica SA, a company incorporated under Romanian law, established in Bucharest, Romania,
represented by Alfred L. Merckx, of the Brussels Bar, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the Chambers of Duro & Lorang, 4 Boulevard Royal,
Council of the European Union, represented by Stephan Marquardt, of its Legal Service, acting as Agent, assisted by Hans-Jürgen Rabe, Rechtsanwält, Hamburg, and Georg M. Berrisch, of the Brussels Bar, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the office of Alessandro Morbilli, Director of Legal Affairs at the European Investment Bank, 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer,
supported by
Commission of the European Communities, represented by Nicholas Khan and Viktor Kreuschitz, of its Legal Service, acting as Agents, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the office of Carlos Gómez de la Cruz, of its Legal Service, Wagner Centre, Kirchberg,
APPLICATION for the annulment of Council Regulation (EC) No 2320/97 of 17 November 1997 imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or non-alloy steel originating in Hungary, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, Romania and the Slovak Republic, repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1189/93 and terminating the proceeding in respect of such imports originating in the Republic of Croatia (OJ 1997 L 322, p. 1), to the extent to which that regulation affects the applicants,
OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (Second Chamber, Extended Composition),
composed of: A. Potocki, President, K. Lenaerts, C.W. Bellamy, J. Azizi and A.W.H. Meij, Judges,
Registrar: B. Pastor, Principal Administrator,
having regard to the written procedure and further to the hearing on 7 July 1999,
gives the following
Forms of order sought by the parties
- annul Article 1 of the contested regulation in so far as it concerns them;
- annul Article 2 of the contested regulation in so far as it concerns them, inasmuch as that article imposes illegal conditions for the exemption of the applicants' imports from the anti-dumping duties;
- order the defendant to pay the costs.
- dismiss the applications;
- order the applicants to pay the costs.
I - First plea: infringement of Article 34 of the Europe Agreement and lack of a statement of reasons
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
'2. ... before taking ... measures [against dumping] ... the Community or Romania as the case may be shall supply the Association Council with all relevant information, with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the two parties.
3. For the implementation of paragraph 2, the following provisions shall apply:
(b) ... the Association Council shall be informed of the dumping case as soon as the authorities of the importing party have initiated an investigation. When no end has been put to the dumping or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the matter being referred to the Association Council, the importing party may adopt the appropriate measures;
(d) where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make prior information or examination, as the case may be, impossible, the Community or Romania ... may ... apply forthwith the precautionary and provisional measures strictly necessary to deal with the situation, and the Association Council will be informed immediately.'
II - Second and third pleas: infringement of Article 2(1) and (4) of the basic regulation in the determination of normal value and lack of an adequate statement of reasons
The second plea: infringement of Article 2(1) of the basic regulation and lack of an adequate statement of reasons (Case T-34/98)
The first part of the plea: the inclusion of domestic stock sales
- Summary of the parties' arguments
- Findings of the Court
The second part: the inclusion of domestic sales in the form of compensatory arrangements
- Summary of the parties' arguments
- Findings of the Court
Third plea: infringement of Article 2(4) of the basic regulation and inadequacy of the statement of reasons (Case T-33/98)
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
III - Fourth plea: infringement of Article 2(11) of the basic regulation (Case T-33/98)
'Subject to the relevant provisions governing fair comparison, the existence of margins of dumping during the investigation period shall normally be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all export transactions to the Community, or by a comparison of individual normal values and individual export prices to the Community on a transaction-to-transaction basis. However, a normal value established on a weighted average basis may be compared to prices of all individual export transactions to the Community, if there is a pattern of export prices which differs significantly among different purchasers, regions or time periods, and if the methods specified in the first sentence of this paragraph would not reflect the full degree of dumping beingpractised. This paragraph shall not preclude the use of sampling in accordance with Article 17.'
The alleged lack of justification for the method chosen for determining the dumping margin
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
'The weighted average normal value for each product group was compared with the adjusted individual export prices in accordance with Article 2 (11) of the basic regulation. This was necessary in order to reflect the full degree of dumping being practised and because there was a pattern of export prices which differed significantly between different customers and regions.'
It maintained that view in the provisional disclosure of 2 June 1997.
'One company claimed that the calculation of the dumping margin should not be made on the basis of a comparison of weighted average normal values with the adjusted export price of each corresponding group on a transaction-by-transaction basis, but on a weighted average to weighted average basis.
This claim was rejected after the methodology used for all Romanian companies was reconsidered and it was found that:
- for one company, there was no difference in dumping margin between both methods as all export transactions were made at dumped prices;
- for three companies, a pattern of export prices which differed significantly by destination or time period was found.
In view of the above, and in accordance with Article 2 (11) of the basic regulation, the method comparing the weighted average normal value by time period to individual adjusted export prices on a transaction-by-transaction basis was retained for the purposes of the definitive determination.'
The allegation that factors outside the investigation period were taken into account
The allegation that there is no evidence of a pattern of export prices which differed as between different purchasers, regions or periods
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
IV - Fifth plea: infringement of Article 3(2) and (5) to (7) of the basic regulation
The first part: infringement of Article 3(2), (5) and (6) of the basic regulation
Summary of the parties' arguments
'It must be demonstrated, from all the relevant evidence presented in relation to paragraph 2, that the dumped imports are causing injury within the meaning of this regulation. Specifically, this shall entail a demonstration that the volume and/or price levels identified pursuant to paragraph 3 are responsible for an impact on the Community industry as provided for in paragraph 5, and that this impact exists to a degree which enables it to be classified as material.'
Findings of the Court
The second part: infringement of Article 3(7) of the basic regulation
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
V - Sixth plea: infringement of Article 20(2) of the basic regulation and of the right to be heard, and inadequacy of the statement of reasons
Summary of the parties' arguments
Findings of the Court
1. The complainants, importers and exporters and their representative associations, and representatives of the exporting country, may request disclosure of the details underlying the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which provisional measures have been imposed. Requests for such disclosure shall be made in writing immediately following the imposition of provisional measures, and the disclosure shall be made in writing as soon as possible thereafter.
2. The parties mentioned in paragraph 1 may request final disclosure of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which it is intended to recommend the imposition of definitive measures, or the termination of an investigation or proceedings without the imposition of measures, particular attention being paid to the disclosure of any facts or considerations which are different from those used for any provisional measures.
3. Requests for final disclosure, as defined in paragraph 2, shall be addressed to the Commission in writing and be received, in cases where a provisional duty has been applied, not later than one month after publication of the imposition of that duty ... .
4. Final disclosure shall be given in writing. It shall be made ... as soon as possible and, normally, not later than one month prior to a definitive decision or the submission by the Commission of any proposal for final action pursuant to Article 9 ...'.
'Community interest
1. A determination as to whether the Community interest calls for intervention shall be based on an appreciation of all the various interests taken as a whole, including the interests of the domestic industry and users and consumers; and a determination pursuant to this article shall only be made where all parties have been given the opportunity to make their views known pursuant to paragraph 2. In such an examination, the need to eliminate the trade distorting effects of injurious dumping and to restore effective competition shall be given special consideration. Measures, as determined on the basis of the dumping and injury found, may not be applied where the authorities, on the basis of all the information submitted, can clearly conclude that it is not in the Community interest to apply such measures.
2. In order to provide a sound basis on which the authorities can take account of all views and information in the decision as to whether or not the imposition of measures is in the Community interest, the complainants, importers and theirrepresentative associations, representative users and representative consumer organisations may, within the time limits specified in the notice of initiation of the anti-dumping investigation, make themselves known and provide information to the Commission. Such information, or appropriate summaries thereof, shall be made available to the other parties specified in this article, and they shall be entitled to respond to such information.
3. The parties which have acted in conformity with paragraph 2 may request a hearing. Such requests shall be granted when they are submitted within the time limits set in paragraph 2, and when they set out the reasons, in terms of the Community interest, why the parties should be heard.
4. The parties which have acted in conformity with paragraph 2 may provide comments on the application of any provisional duties imposed ... .
6. The parties which have acted in conformity with paragraph 2 may request the facts and considerations on which final decisions are likely to be taken to be made available to them ...'.
immediately after the imposition of provisional measures (Article 20(1)) and again before the imposition of definitive measures or the closure of an investigation or procedure without measures being imposed (Article 20(2)).
218. Since the applicants withdrew their claim for the annulment of Article 2 of the contested regulation and have been unsuccessful in their claim for the annulment of Article 1 of that regulation, they must be ordered to pay the costs of the Council, as applied for by that institution.
On those grounds,
THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE (Second Chamber, Extended Composition)
1. Dismisses the application;
2. Orders the applicants to pay the costs;
3. Orders the Commission to bear its own costs.
Delivered in open court in Luxembourg on 15 December 1999.
H. Jung A. Potocki
Registrar President
1: Language of the case: English.