1 Actions for annulment - Actionable measures - Measure open to challenge by the author of a complaint alleging State aid - Commission letter informing the complainant of its refusal to initiate the procedure provided for in Article 93(2)of the Treaty (now Article 88(2)EC)- Not an actionable measure - Inadmissible (EC Treaty, Art. 93(2)(now Art. 88(2)EC)and Art. 173 (now, after amendment, Art. 230 EC)) 2 Actions for annulment - Actionable measures - Meaning - Measures producing binding legal effects - Holding letter addressed to the author of a complaint alleging State aid - Not an actionable measure - Inadmissible (EC Treaty, Art. 93 (now Art. 88 EC)and Art. 173 (now, after amendment, Art. 230 EC))