++++ 1. Officials - Actions - Prior administrative complaint - Decision in a complex procedure - Decision not contested - No effect on the right of appeal against subsequent measures (Staff Regulations, Arts 90 and 91) 2. Officials - Compensation for accidents and occupational diseases - Invalidity pension - Different benefits - Different procedures - Finding that a disease has an occupational origin - Finding made in the invalidity procedure (Staff Regulations, Arts 73 and 78) 3. Officials - Invalidity - Invalidity Committee - Forwarding of its conclusions to the appointing authority and to the official concerned - Obligation - Scope (Staff Regulations, Annex II, Art. 9) 4. Officials - Insurance against accidents and occupational diseases - Invalidity - Medical Committee and Invalidity Committee - Judicial review - Scope - Limits (Staff Regulations, Arts 73 and 78) 5. Officials - Social security - Insurance against accidents and occupational diseases - Finding that a disease has an occupational origin - Expert medical report - Discretion of the administration - Limits (Staff Regulations, Art. 73; Rules on the Insurance of Officials against the Risk of Accident and Occupational Disease, Arts 18 and 19) 6. Officials - Actions - Action for damages - Annulment of contested measure not providing adequate compensation for the non-material damage suffered - Award of damages (Staff Regulations, Art. 91)