++++ 1 . Officials - Actions - Act adversely affecting the official - Candidate placed in a favourable position at the end of the competition procedure - Decision not to make an appointment ( Staff Regulations of Officials, Arts 90 and 91 ) 2 . Procedure - Raising of fresh issues in the course of proceedings - Conditions - Fresh issue - Concept ( Rules of Procedure, Art . 42(2 ) ) 3 . Officials - Actions - Submissions - Inadequacy of the statement of reasons - To be considered of the Court' s own motion 4 . Officials - Decision adversely affecting them - Obligation to state the reasons on which the decision is based - Failure to do so - Correction during the procedure before the Court - Limits ( Staff Regulations of Officials, Art . 25(2 ) ) 5 . Officials - Recruitment - Competition - Obligation to choose one of the candidates who had been successful in the competition if the post is to be filled - Limits - Refusal to make use of a list of suitable candidates part of which is irregular - Unlawful 6 . Officials - Recruitment - Competition - Obligation to make appointments in accordance with the order of merit of the list of suitable candidates - Limits - Interest of the service 7 . Officials - Actions - Annulment by the Court - Court' s power to order the institution to act - None ( Staff Regulations of Officials, Art . 91 ) 8 . Officials - Actions - Action for damages - Extent of the damage not specified - Inadmissible ( Staff Regulations of Officials, Art . 91; Rules of Procedure, Art . 38(1 ) ) 9 . Officials - Actions - Action for damages - Annulment of the contested unlawful act - Appropriate reparation for non-material damage ( Staff Regulations of Officials, Art . 91 )