++++ 1 . Officials - Actions - Action against the decision of a selection board for a competition - Pleas based on an irregularity in the notice of competition not contested in good time - Inadmissibility - Limits - Irregularity appearing when the competition was being conducted ( Staff Regulations, Art . 91 ) 2 . Officials - Recruitment - Competition - Competition based on qualifications and tests - Conditions for admission and arrangements - Discretion of the appointing authority - Arrangements for and content of the tests - Discretion of the selection board - Judicial review - Limits ( Staff Regulations, Annex III ) 3 . Officials - Recruitment - Competition - Selection board - Recourse to examiners - Whether permissible - Conditions ( Staff Regulations, Annex III, Art . 3, paragraph 2 ) 4 . Officials - Recruitment - Competition - Competition based on qualifications and tests - Equal treatment of candidates in an open competition - Translation of certain of the candidates' papers before marking - Different dates and content for oral tests - Discrimination - None