++++ 1 . Aid granted by States - Assessment of an aid scheme in the light of Community rules other than the rules under Article 92 of the Treaty - Infringement of the rules on a common organization of the agricultural markets - Use of the procedure under Article 169 - Permissible ( EEC Treaty, Arts 92, 93(2 ) and 169 ) 2 . Agriculture - Common organization of the markets - Price formation -National measures - Incompatible with Community legislation 3 . Aid granted by States - Plans to grant or alter aid - Notification to the Commission - Obligation - Non-compliance - Use of the procedure under Article 169 - Permissible ( EEC Treaty, Arts 93(3 ) and 169 ) 4 . Member States - Obligations - Cooperation in investigations into failure to fulfil obligations ( EEC Treaty, Arts 5 and 169 )