1 . Action for annulment - Natural or legal persons - Measures concerning them directly and individually - Council decision appointing members of the Economic and Social Committee - Application by a trade union not representing, at national level, the whole of a category of social and economic activity - Inadmissible - Application by a candidate put forward by a Member State - Admissible ( EEC Treaty, Art . 173, second paragraph, Art . 193 and Art . 195 ) 2 . Economic and Social Committee - Composition - Council' s discretion - Representation of all the constituent elements of each category of economic and social activity by nationals of each Member State - Impossible ( EEC Treaty, Art . 195 ( 1 ) ) 3 . Economic and Social Committee - Procedure for the appointment of members - Council' s obligation to consider the representative character of all candidates on national lists and to consult the Commission on the proposed appointments - Scope ( EEC Treaty, Arts 194 and 195 )