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S. AND MARPER v. THE UNITED KINGDOM - 30562/04 [2008] ECHR 1581 (4 December 2008)
Cite as:
[2008] ECHR 1581,
[2009] Crim LR 355,
25 BHRC 557,
48 EHRR 50,
(2009) 48 EHRR 50
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nos. 30562/04 and 30566/04)
4 December
judgment is final but may be subject to editorial revision.
In the case of S. and Marper v. the United Kingdom,
European Court of Human Rights, sitting as a Grand Chamber composed
Bianku, judges,
Michael O'Boyle, Deputy
deliberated in private on 27 February 2008 and on 12 November 2008,
the following judgment, which was adopted on the last mentioned date:
case originated in two applications (nos. 30562/04 and 30566/04)
against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the
Convention”) by two British nationals, Mr S. (“the first
applicant”) and Mr Michael Marper (“the second
applicant”), on 16 August 2004. The President of the Grand
Chamber acceded to the first applicant's request not to have his name
disclosed (Rule 47 § 3 of the Rules of Court).
applicants, who were granted legal aid, were represented by Mr P.
Mahy of Messrs Howells, a solicitor practicing in Sheffield. The
United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were
represented by their Agent, Mr J. Grainger, Foreign and Commonwealth
applicants complained under Articles 8 and 14 that the authorities
had continued to retain their fingerprints and cellular samples and
DNA profiles after the criminal proceedings against them had ended
with an acquittal or had been discontinued.
applications were allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court
(Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 16 January
2007 they were declared admissible by a Chamber of that Section
composed of the following judges: Josep Casadevall, President,
Nicolas Bratza, Giovanni Bonello, Kristaq Traja, Stanislav
Pavlovschi, Ján Šikuta, Päivi Hirvelä, and
also of Lawrence Early, Section Registrar.
10 July 2007 the Chamber relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the
Grand Chamber, neither party having objected to relinquishment
(Article 30 of the Convention and Rule 72).
composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the
provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and
Rule 24 of the Rules of Court.
applicants and the Government each filed written memorials on the
merits. In addition, third-party submissions were received from Ms
Anna Fairclough on behalf of Liberty (the National Council for Civil
Liberties) and from Covington and Burling LLP on behalf of Privacy
International, who had been granted leave by the President to
intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the
Convention and Rule 44 § 2). Both parties replied to Liberty's
submissions and the Government also replied to the comments by
Privacy International (Rule 44 § 5).
hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building,
Strasbourg, on 27 February 2008 (Rule 59 § 3).
appeared before the Court:
(a) for the Government
Mrs E. Willmott,
Mr Rabinder Singh QC,
Mr J. Strachan,
Mr N. Fussell,
Ms P. Mcfarlane,
Mr M.
Mr S. Bramble,
Ms E. Rees,
Mr S. Sen,
Mr D. Gourley,
Mr D. Loveday, Observers;
(b) for the applicants
Mr S. Cragg,
Mr A. Suterwalla, Counsel,
Mr P. Mahy,
Court heard addresses by Mr S. Cragg and Mr Rabinder Singh QC as well
as their answers to questions put by the Court.
The applicants were born in 1989 and 1963 respectively
and live in Sheffield.
first applicant, Mr S., was arrested on 19 January 2001 at the age of
eleven and charged with attempted robbery. His fingerprints and DNA
were taken. He was acquitted on 14 June 2001.
second applicant, Mr Michael Marper, was arrested on 13 March
2001 and charged with harassment of his partner. His fingerprints and
DNA samples were taken. Before a pre-trial review took place, he and
his partner had become reconciled, and the charge was not pressed. On
11 June 2001, the Crown Prosecution Service served a notice of
discontinuance on the applicant's solicitors, and on 14 June the case
was formally discontinued.
applicants asked for their fingerprints and DNA samples to be
destroyed, but in both cases the police refused. The applicants
applied for judicial review of the police decisions not to destroy
the fingerprints and samples. On 22 March 2002 the Administrative
Court (Rose LJ and Leveson J) rejected the application [[2002] EWHC 478 (Admin)].
12 September 2002 the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the
Administrative Court by a majority of two (Lord Woolf CJ and Waller
LJ) to one (Sedley LJ) ( [2002] EWCA Civ 1275 ). As regards the
necessity of retaining DNA samples, Lord Justice Waller stated:
“... [F]ingerprints and DNA profiles reveal
only limited personal information. The physical samples potentially
contain very much greater and more personal and detailed information.
The anxiety is that science may one day enable analysis of samples to
go so far as to obtain information in relation to an individual's
propensity to commit certain crime and be used for that purpose
within the language of the present section [Section 82 of the
Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001]. It might also be said that the
law might be changed in order to allow the samples to be used for
purposes other than those identified by the section. It might also be
said that while samples are retained there is even now a risk that
they will be used in a way that the law does not allow. So, it is
said, the aims could be achieved in a less restrictive manner... Why
cannot the aim be achieved by retention of the profiles without
retention of the samples?
The answer to [these] points is as I see it as follows.
First the retention of samples permits (a) the checking of the
integrity and future utility of the DNA database system; (b) a
reanalysis for the upgrading of DNA profiles where new technology can
improve the discriminating power of the DNA matching process; (c)
reanalysis and thus an ability to extract other DNA markers and thus
offer benefits in terms of speed, sensitivity and cost of searches of
the database; (d) further analysis in investigations of alleged
miscarriages of justice; and (e) further analysis so as to be able to
identify any analytical or process errors. It is these benefits which
must be balanced against the risks identified by Liberty. In relation
to those risks, the position in any event is first that any change in
the law will have to be itself Convention compliant; second any
change in practice would have to be Convention compliant; and third
unlawfulness must not be assumed. In my view thus the risks
identified are not great, and such as they are they are outweighed by
the benefits in achieving the aim of prosecuting and preventing
Justice Sedley considered that the power of a Chief Constable to
destroy data which he would ordinarily retain had to be exercised in
every case, however rare such cases might be, where he or she was
satisfied on conscientious consideration that the individual was free
of any taint of suspicion. He also noted that the difference between
the retention of samples and DNA profiles was that the retention of
samples would enable more information to be derived than had
previously been possible.
22 July 2004 the House of Lords dismissed an appeal by the
applicants. Lord Steyn, giving the lead judgment, noted the
legislative history of section 64 (1A) of the Police and Criminal
Evidence Act 1984 (“the PACE”), in particular the way in
which it had been introduced by Parliament following public disquiet
about the previous law, which had provided that where a person was
not prosecuted or was acquitted of offences, the sample had to be
destroyed and the information could not be used. In two cases,
compelling DNA evidence linking one suspect to a rape and another to
a murder had not been able to be used, as at the time the matches
were made both defendants had either been acquitted or a decision
made not to proceed for the offences for which the profiles had been
obtained: as a result it had not been possible to convict either
Steyn noted that the value of retained fingerprints and samples taken
from suspects was considerable. He gave the example of a case in
1999, in which DNA information from the perpetrator of a crime was
matched with that of “I” in a search of the national
database. The sample from “I” should have been destroyed,
but had not been. “I” had pleaded guilty to rape and was
sentenced. If the sample had not been wrongly detained, the offender
might have escaped detection.
Steyn also referred to statistical evidence from which it appeared
that almost 6,000 DNA profiles had been linked with crime-scene stain
profiles which would have been destroyed under the former provisions.
The offences involved included 53 murders, 33 attempted murders, 94
rapes, 38 sexual offences, 63 aggravated burglaries and 56 cases
involving the supply of controlled drugs. On the basis of the
existing records, the Home Office statistics estimated that there was
a 40% chance that a crime-scene sample would be matched immediately
with an individual's profile on the database. This showed that the
fingerprints and samples which could now be retained had in the
previous three years played a major role in the detection and
prosecution of serious crime.
Steyn also noted that the PACE dealt separately with the taking of
fingerprints and samples, their retention and their use.
to the Convention analysis, Lord Steyn inclined to the view that the
mere retention of fingerprints and DNA samples did not constitute an
interference with the right to respect for private life but stated
that, if he were wrong in that view, he regarded any interference as
very modest indeed. Questions of whether in the future retained
samples could be misused were not relevant in respect of contemporary
use of retained samples in connection with the detection and
prosecution of crime. If future scientific developments required it,
judicial decisions could be made, when the need occurred, to ensure
compatibility with the Convention. The provision limiting the
permissible use of retained material to “purposes related to
the prevention or detection of crime ...” did not broaden the
permitted use unduly, because it was limited by its context.
the need to justify the modest interference with private life arose,
Lord Steyn agreed with Lord Justice Sedley in the Court of Appeal
that the purposes of retention – the prevention of crime and
the protection of the right of others to be free from crime –
were “provided for by law”, as required by Article 8.
to the justification for any interference, the applicants had argued
that the retention of fingerprints and DNA samples created suspicion
in respect of persons who had been acquitted. Counsel for the Home
Secretary had contended that the aim of the retention had nothing to
do with the past, that is, with the offence of which a person was
acquitted, but that it was to assist in the investigation of offences
in the future. The applicants would only be affected by the retention
of the DNA samples if their profiles matched those found at the scene
of a future crime. Lord Steyn saw five factors which led to the
conclusion that the interference was proportionate to the aim: (i)
the fingerprints and samples were kept only for the limited purpose
of the detection, investigation and prosecution of crime; (ii) the
fingerprints and samples were not of any use without a comparator
fingerprint or sample from the crime scene; (iii) the fingerprints
would not be made public; (iv) a person was not identifiable from the
retained material to the untutored eye, and (v) the resultant
expansion of the database by the retention conferred enormous
advantages in the fight against serious crime.
reply to the contention that the same legislative aim could be
obtained by less intrusive means, namely by a case-by-case
consideration of whether or not to retain fingerprints and samples,
Lord Steyn referred to Lord Justice Waller's comments in the Court of
Appeal that “[i]f justification for retention is in any degree
to be by reference to the view of the police on the degree of
innocence, then persons who have been acquitted and have their
samples retained can justifiably say this stigmatises or
discriminates against me – I am part of a pool of acquitted
persons presumed to be innocent, but I am treated as though I was
not. It is not in fact in any way stigmatising someone who has been
acquitted to say simply that samples lawfully obtained are retained
as the norm, and it is in the public interest in its fight against
crime for the police to have as large a database as possible”.
Steyn did not accept that the difference between samples and DNA
profiles affected the position.
House of Lords further rejected the applicants' complaint that the
retention of their fingerprints and samples subjected them to
discriminatory treatment in breach of Article 14 of the Convention
when compared to the general body of persons who had not had their
fingerprints and samples taken by the police in the course of a
criminal investigation. Lord Steyn held that, even assuming that the
retention of fingerprints and samples fell within the ambit of
Article 8 so as to trigger the application of Article 14, the
difference of treatment relied on by the applicants was not one based
on “status” for the purposes of Article 14: the
difference simply reflected the historical fact, unrelated to any
personal characteristic, that the authorities already held the
fingerprints and samples of the individuals concerned which had been
lawfully taken. The applicants and their suggested comparators could
not in any event be said to be in an analogous situation. Even if,
contrary to his view, it was necessary to consider the justification
for any difference in treatment, Lord Steyn held that such objective
justification had been established: first, the element of legitimate
aim was plainly present, as the increase in the database of
fingerprints and samples promoted the public interest by the
detection and prosecution of serious crime and by exculpating the
innocent; secondly, the requirement of proportionality was satisfied,
section 64 (1A) of the PACE objectively representing a measured and
proportionate response to the legislative aim of dealing with serious
Hale of Richmond disagreed with the majority considering that the
retention of both fingerprint and DNA data constituted an
interference by the State in a person's right to respect for his
private life and thus required justification under the Convention. In
her opinion, this was an aspect of what had been called informational
privacy and there could be little, if anything, more private to the
individual than the knowledge of his genetic make-up. She further
considered that the difference between fingerprint and DNA data
became more important when it came to justify their retention as the
justifications for each of these might be very different. She agreed
with the majority that such justifications had been readily
established in the applicants' cases.
A. England and Wales
1. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (the PACE) contains powers for
the taking of fingerprints (principally section 61) and samples
(principally section 63). By section 61, fingerprints may only be
taken without consent if an officer of at least the rank of
superintendent authorises the taking, or if the person has been
charged with a recordable offence or has been informed that he will
be reported for such an offence. Before fingerprints are taken, the
person must be informed that the prints may be the subject of a
speculative search, and the fact of the informing must be recorded as
soon as possible. The reason for the taking of the fingerprints is
recorded in the custody record. Parallel provisions relate to the
taking of samples (section 63).
to the retention of such fingerprints and samples (and the records
thereof), section 64 (1A) of the PACE was substituted by Section 82
of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. It provides as follows:
“Where - (a) fingerprints or samples are taken
from a person in connection with the investigation of an offence, and
(b) subsection (3) below does not require them to be destroyed, the
fingerprints or samples may be retained after they have fulfilled the
purposes for which they were taken but shall not be used by any
person except for purposes related to the prevention or detection of
crime, the investigation of an offence, or the conduct of a
prosecution. ...
(3) If - (a) fingerprints or samples are taken from a
person in connection with the investigation of an offence; and (b)
that person is not suspected of having committed the offence, they
must except as provided in the following provisions of this Section
be destroyed as soon as they have fulfilled the purpose for which
they were taken.
(3AA) Samples and fingerprints are not required to be
destroyed under subsection (3) above if (a) they were taken for the
purposes of the investigation of an offence of which a person has
been convicted; and (b) a sample or, as the case may be, fingerprint
was also taken from the convicted person for the purposes of that
64 in its earlier form had included a requirement that if the person
from whom the fingerprints or samples were taken in connection with
the investigation was acquitted of that offence, the fingerprints and
samples, subject to certain exceptions, were to be destroyed “as
soon as practicable after the conclusion of the proceedings”.
subsequent use of materials retained under section 64 (1A) is not
regulated by statute, other than the limitation on use contained in
that provision. In Attorney General's Reference (No 3 of 1999)
[2001] 2 AC 91, the House of Lords had to consider whether it was
permissible to use in evidence a sample which should have been
destroyed under the then text of section 64 the PACE. The House
considered that the prohibition on the use of an unlawfully retained
sample “for the purposes of any investigation” did not
amount to a mandatory exclusion of evidence obtained as a result of a
failure to comply with the prohibition, but left the question of
admissibility to the discretion of the trial judge.
2. Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection Act was adopted on 16 July 1998 to give effect to the
Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
dated 24 October 1995 (see paragraph 50 below). Under the Data
Protection Act “personal data” means data which relate to
a living individual who can be identified – (a) from those
data, or (b) from those data and other information which is in the
possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data
controller, and includes any expression of opinion about the
individual and any indication of the intentions of the data
controller or any other person in respect of the individual (section
1). “Sensitive personal data” means
personal data consisting, inter alia,
of information as to the racial or ethnic origin of the data subject,
the commission or alleged commission by him of any offence, or any
proceedings for any offence committed or alleged to have been
committed by him, the disposal of such proceedings or the sentence of
any court in such proceedings (section 2).
31. The
Act stipulates that the processing of personal data is subject to
eight data protection principles listed in Schedule 1. Under the
first principle personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully
and, in particular shall not be processed unless – (a) at least
one of the conditions in Schedule 2 is met, and (b) in case of
sensitive personal data, at least one of the conditions in Schedule 3
is also met. Schedule 2 contains a detailed list of conditions, and
provides inter alia
that the processing of any personal data is necessary for the
administration of justice or for the exercise of any other functions
of a public nature exercised in the public interest by any person
(§5(a) and (d)). Schedule 3 contains a more detailed list of
conditions, including that the processing of sensitive personal data
is necessary for the purpose of, or in connection with, any legal
proceedings (§6(a)), or for the administration of justice
(§7(a)), and is carried out with appropriate safeguards for the
rights and freedoms of data subjects (§4(b)). Section 29 notably
provides that personal data processed for the prevention or detection
of crime are exempt from the first principle except to the extent to
which it requires compliance with the conditions in Schedules 2 and
3. The fifth principle stipulates that personal data processed for
any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is
necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
Information Commissioner created pursuant to the Act (as amended) has
an independent duty to promote the following of good practice by data
controllers and has power to make orders (“enforcement
notices”) in this respect (section 40). The Act makes it a
criminal offence not to comply with an enforcement notice (section
47) or to obtain or disclose personal data or information contained
therein without the consent of the data controller (section 55).
Section 13 affords a right to claim damages in the domestic courts in
respect of contraventions of the Act.
3. Retention Guidelines for Nominal Records on the
Police National Computer 2006
33. A
set of guidelines for the retention of fingerprint and DNA
information is contained in the Retention Guidelines for
Nominal Records on the Police National Computer 2006
drawn up by the Association of Chief Police
Officers in England and Wales. The Guidelines are based on a format
of restricting access to the Police National Computer (PNC)
data, rather than the deletion of that data. They recognise that
their introduction may thus have implications for the business of the
non-police agencies with which the police currently share PNC data.
34. The
Guidelines set various degrees of access to the information contained
on the PNC through a process of “stepping down”
access. Access to information concerning persons who
have not been convicted of an offence is automatically “stepped
down” so that this information is only open to inspection by
the police. Access to information about convicted persons is likewise
“stepped down” after the expiry of certain periods of
time ranging from 5 to 35 years, depending on the gravity of the
offence, the age of the suspect and the sentence imposed. For certain
convictions the access will never be “stepped down”.
35. Chief
Police Officers are the Data Controllers of all PNC records created
by their force. They have the discretion in exceptional circumstances
to authorise the deletion of any conviction, penalty notice for
disorder, acquittal or arrest histories “owned” by them.
An “exceptional case procedure” to assist Chief Officers
in relation to the exercise of this discretion is set out in Appendix
2. It is suggested that exceptional cases are rare by definition and
include those where the original arrest or sampling was unlawful or
where it is established beyond doubt that no offence existed. Before
deciding whether a case is exceptional, the Chief Officer is
instructed to seek advice from the DNA and Fingerprint Retention
B. Scotland
the 1995 Criminal Procedure Act of Scotland, as subsequently amended,
the DNA samples and resulting profiles must be destroyed if the
individual is not convicted or is granted an absolute discharge. A
recent qualification provides that biological samples and profiles
may be retained for three years, if the arrestee is suspected of
certain sexual or violent offences even if a person is not convicted
(section 83 of the 2006 Act, adding section 18A to the 1995 Act.).
Thereafter, samples and information are required to be destroyed
unless a Chief Constable applies to a Sheriff for a two-year
C. Northern Ireland
37. The
Police and Criminal Evidence Order of Northern Ireland 1989 was
amended in 2001 in the same way as the PACE applicable in England and
Wales. The relevant provisions currently governing the retention of
fingerprint and DNA data in Northern Ireland are identical to those
in force in England and Wales (see paragraph 27 above).
D. Nuffield
Council on Bioethics' report
38. According
to a recent report by the Nuffield Council on
Bioethics, the retention of fingerprints, DNA
profiles and biological samples is generally more controversial than
the taking of such bioinformation, and the retention of biological
samples raises greater ethical concerns than digitised DNA profiles
and fingerprints, given the differences in the level of information
that could be revealed. The report referred in particular to the lack
of satisfactory empirical evidence to justify the present practice of
retaining indefinitely fingerprints, samples and DNA profiles from
all those arrested for a recordable offence, irrespective of whether
they were subsequently charged or convicted. The report voiced
particular concerns at the policy of permanently retaining the
bioinformation of minors, having regard to the requirements of the
1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
39. The
report also expressed concerns at the increasing use of the DNA data
for familial searching, inferring ethnicity and non-operational
research. Familial searching is the process of comparing a DNA
profile from a crime scene with profiles stored on the national
database, and prioritising them in terms of 'closeness' to a match.
This allowed identifying possible genetic relatives
of an offender. Familial searching might thus lead to revealing
previously unknown or concealed genetic relationships. The report
considered the use of the DNA data base in searching for relatives as
particularly sensitive.
40. The
particular combination of alleles
in a DNA profile can furthermore be used to assess the most likely
ethnic origin of the donor. Ethnic inferring through DNA profiles was
possible as the individual “ethnic appearance” was
systematically recorded on the data base: when taking biological
samples, police officers routinely classified suspects into one of
seven “ethnical appearance” categories. Ethnicity tests
on the data base might thus provide inferences for use during a
police investigation in order for example to help reduce a 'suspect
pool' and to inform police priorities. The report noted that social
factors and policing practices lead to a disproportionate number of
people from black and ethnic minority groups being stopped, searched
and arrested by the police, and hence having their DNA profiles
recorded; it therefore voiced concerns that inferring ethnic identity
from biological samples might reinforce racist views of propensity to
A. Council of Europe texts
Council of Europe Convention of 1981 for the protection of
individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data
(“the Data Protection Convention”), which entered into
force for the United Kingdom on 1 December 1987, defines “personal
data” as any information relating to an identified or
identifiable individual (“data subject”). The Convention
provides inter alia:
“Article 5 – Quality of data
Personal data undergoing automatic processing shall be:
b. stored for specified and legitimate purposes and not
used in a way incompatible with those purposes;
c. adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to
the purposes for which they are stored;
e. preserved in a form which permits identification of
the data subjects for no longer than is required for the purpose for
which those data are stored.
Article 6 – Special categories of data
Personal data revealing racial origin, political
opinions or religious or other beliefs, as well as personal data
concerning health or sexual life, may not be processed automatically
unless domestic law provides appropriate safeguards. (...)
Article 7 – Data security
Appropriate security measures shall be taken for the
protection of personal data stored in automated data files against
accidental or unauthorised destruction or accidental loss as well as
against unauthorised access, alteration or dissemination.”
No. R(87)15 regulating the use of personal data in the police
sector (adopted on 17 September 1987) states, inter alia:
“Principle 2 – Collection of data
2.1 The collection of personal data for police purposes
should be limited to such as is necessary for the prevention of a
real danger or the suppression of a specific criminal offence. Any
exception to this provision should be the subject of specific
national legislation. ...
Principle 3 - Storage of data
3.1. As far as possible, the storage of personal data
for police purposes should be limited to accurate data and to such
data as are necessary to allow police bodies to perform their lawful
tasks within the framework of national law and their obligations
arising from international law....
Principle 7 - Length of storage and updating of data
7.1. Measures should be taken so that personal data kept
for police purposes are deleted if they are no longer necessary for
the purposes for which they were stored.
For this purpose, consideration shall in particular be
given to the following criteria: the need to retain data in the light
of the conclusion of an inquiry into a particular case; a final
judicial decision, in particular an acquittal; rehabilitation; spent
convictions; amnesties; the age of the data subject, particular
categories of data.”
No. R(92)1 on the use of analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
within the framework of the criminal justice system (adopted on 10
February 1992) states, inter alia:
“3. Use of samples and information derived
Samples collected for DNA analysis and the information
derived from such analysis for the purpose of the investigation and
prosecution of criminal offences must not be used for other purposes.
Samples taken for DNA analysis and the information so
derived may be needed for research and statistical purposes. Such
uses are acceptable provided the identity of the individual cannot be
ascertained. Names or other identifying references must therefore be
removed prior to their use for these purposes.
4. Taking of samples for DNA analysis
The taking of samples for DNA analysis should only be
carried out in circumstances determined by the domestic law; it being
understood that in some states this may necessitate specific
authorisation from a judicial authority...
8. Storage of samples and data
Samples or other body tissue taken from individuals for
DNA analysis should not be kept after the rendering of the final
decision in the case for which they were used, unless it is necessary
for purposes directly linked to those for which they were collected.
Measures should be taken to ensure that the results of
DNA analysis are deleted when it is no longer necessary to keep it
for the purposes for which it was used. The results of DNA analysis
and the information so derived may, however, be retained where the
individual concerned has been convicted of serious offences against
the life, integrity or security of persons. In such cases strict
storage periods should be defined by domestic law.
Samples and other body tissues, or the information
derived from them, may be stored for longer periods:
- when the person so requests; or
- when the sample cannot be attributed to an
individual, for example when it is found at the scene of a crime;
Where the security of the state is involved, the
domestic law of the member state may permit retention of the samples,
the results of DNA analysis and the information so derived even
though the individual concerned has not been charged or convicted of
an offence. In such cases strict storage periods should be defined by
domestic law. ...”
Explanatory Memorandum to the Recommendation stated, as regards item
“47. The working party was well aware that the
drafting of Recommendation 8 was a delicate matter, involving
different protected interests of a very difficult nature. It was
necessary to strike the right balance between these interests. Both
the European Convention on Human Rights and the Data Protection
Convention provide exceptions for the interests of the suppression of
criminal offences and the protection of the rights and freedoms of
third parties. However, the exceptions are only allowed to the extent
that they are compatible with what is necessary in a democratic
society. ...
49. Since the primary aim of the collection of samples
and the carrying out of DNA analysis on such samples is the
identification of offenders and the exoneration of suspected
offenders, the data should be deleted once persons have been cleared
of suspicion. The issue then arises as to how long the DNA findings
and the samples on which they were based can be stored in the case of
a finding of guilt.
50. The general rule should be that the data are deleted
when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they
were collected and used. This would in general be the case when a
final decision has been rendered as to the culpability of the
offender. By 'final decision' the CAHBI thought that this would
normally, under domestic law, refer to a judicial decision. However,
the working party recognised that there was a need to set up data
bases in certain cases and for specific categories of offences which
could be considered to constitute circumstances warranting another
solution, because of the seriousness of the offences. The working
party came to this conclusion after a thorough analysis of the
relevant provisions in the European Convention on Human Rights, the
Data Protection Convention and other legal instruments drafted within
the framework of the Council of Europe. In addition, the working
party took into consideration that all member states keep a criminal
record and that such record may be used for the purposes of the
criminal justice system... It took into account that such an
exception would be permissible under certain strict conditions:
- when there has been a conviction;
- when the conviction concerns a serious criminal
offence against the life, integrity and security of a person;
- the storage period is limited strictly;
- the storage is defined and regulated by law;
- the storage is subject to control by Parliament or an
independent supervisory body...”
B. Law and practice in the Council of Europe member
to the information provided by the parties or otherwise available to
the Court, a majority of the Council of Europe member States allow
the compulsory taking of fingerprints and cellular samples in the
context of criminal proceedings. At least 20 member States make
provision for the taking of DNA information and storing it on
national data bases or in other forms (Austria, Belgium, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Ireland,
Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden
and Switzerland). This number is steadily increasing.
most of these countries (including Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Spain and Sweden), the taking of DNA information in
the context of criminal proceedings is not systematic but limited to
some specific circumstances and/or to more serious crimes, notably
those punishable by certain terms of imprisonment.
United Kingdom is the only member State expressly to permit the
systematic and indefinite retention of DNA profiles and cellular
samples of persons who have been acquitted or in respect of whom
criminal proceedings have been discontinued. Five States (Belgium,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy and Sweden) require such information to be
destroyed ex officio upon acquittal or the discontinuance of
the criminal proceedings. Ten other States apply the same general
rule with certain very limited exceptions: Germany, Luxembourg and
the Netherlands allow such information to be retained where
suspicions remain about the person or if further investigations are
needed in a separate case; Austria permits its retention where there
is a risk that the suspect will commit a dangerous offence and Poland
does likewise in relation to certain serious crimes; Norway and Spain
allow the retention of profiles if the defendant is acquitted for
lack of criminal accountability; Finland and Denmark allow retention
for 1 and 10 years respectively in the event of an acquittal and
Switzerland for 1 year when proceedings have been discontinued. In
France DNA profiles can be retained for 25 years after an acquittal
or discharge; during this period the public prosecutor may order
their earlier deletion, either on his or her own motion or upon
request, if their retention has ceased to be required for the
purposes of identification in connection with a criminal
investigation. Estonia and Latvia also appear to allow the retention
of DNA profiles of suspects for certain periods after acquittal.
retention of DNA profiles of convicted persons is allowed, as a
general rule, for limited periods of time after the conviction or
after the convicted person's death. The United Kingdom thus also
appears to be the only member State expressly to allow the systematic
and indefinite retention of both profiles and samples of convicted
mechanisms before data-protection monitoring bodies and/or before
courts are available in most of the member States with regard to
decisions to take celular samples or retain samples or DNA profiles.
C. European Union
95/46/EC of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with
regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data provides that the object of national laws on the processing
of personal data is notably to protect the right to privacy as
recognised both in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human
Rights and in the general principles of Community law. The Directive
sets out a number of principles in order to give substance to and
amplify those contained in the Data Protection Convention of the
Council of Europe. It allows Member States to adopt legislative
measures to restrict the scope of certain obligations and rights
provided for in the Directive when such a restriction constitutes
notably a necessary measure for the prevention, investigation,
detection and prosecution of criminal offences (Article 13).
Prüm Convention on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation,
particularly in combating terrorism, cross-border crime and illegal
migration, which was signed by several members of the European Union
on 27 May 2005, sets out rules for the supply of fingerprinting and
DNA data to other Contracting Parties and their automated checking
against their relevant data bases. The Convention provides inter
“Article 35 – Purpose
2. ... The Contracting Party administering the file may
process the data supplied (...) solely where this is necessary for
the purposes of comparison, providing automated replies to searches
or recording... The supplied data shall be deleted immediately
following data comparison or automated replies to searches unless
further processing is necessary for the purposes mentioned [above].”
34 guarantees a level of protection of personal data at least equal
to that resulting from the Data Protection Convention and requires
the Contracting Parties to take into account Recommendation R (87) 15
of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
Council framework decision of 24 June 2008 on the protection of
personal data processed in the framework of police and judicial
cooperation in criminal matters states inter alia:
“Article 5
Establishment of time-limits for erasure and review
Appropriate time-limits shall be established for the
erasure of personal data or for a periodic review of the need for the
storage of the data. Procedural measures shall ensure that these
time-limits are observed.”
D. Case-law in other jurisdictions
the case of R v. RC ( [2005] 3 SCR 99, 2005 SCC 61 )
the Supreme Court of Canada considered the issue of retaining a
juvenile first-time offender's DNA sample on the national data bank.
The court upheld the decision by a trial judge who had found, in the
light of the principles and objects of youth criminal justice
legislation, that the impact of the DNA retention would be grossly
disproportionate. In his opinion, Fish J. observed:
“Of more concern, however, is the impact of an
order on an individual's informational privacy interests. In R. v.
Plant, [1993] 3 SCR 281, at p. 293, the Court found that s. 8 of
the Charter protected the 'biographical core of personal information
which individuals in a free and democratic society would wish to
maintain and control from dissemination to the state'. An
individual's DNA contains the 'highest level of personal and private
information': S.A.B., at para. 48. Unlike a fingerprint, it is
capable of revealing the most intimate details of a person's
biological makeup. ... The taking and retention of a DNA sample is
not a trivial matter and, absent a compelling public interest, would
inherently constitute a grave intrusion on the subject's right to
personal and informational privacy.”
E. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989
40 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November
1989 states the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or
recognised as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a
manner consistent with the promotion of the child's sense of dignity
and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the human rights
and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the
child's age and the desirability of promoting the child's
reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in
National Council for Civil Liberties (“Liberty”)
submitted case-law and scientific material highlighting, inter
alia, the highly sensitive nature of cellular samples and DNA
profiles and the impact on private life arising from their retention
by the authorities.
International referred to certain core data-protection rules and
principles developed by the Council of Europe and insisted on their
high relevance for the interpretation of the proportionality
requirement enshrined in Article 8 of the Convention. It emphasised
in particular the “strict periods” recommended by
Recommendation R (92) 1 for the storage of cellular samples
and DNA profiles. It further pointed out a disproportionate
representation on the United Kingdom national DNA data base of
certain groups of population, notably youth, and the unfairness that
situation might create. The use of data for familial testing and
additional research purposes was also of concern. Privacy
International also provided a summary of comparative data on the law
and practice of different countries with regard to DNA storage and
stressed the numerous restrictions and safeguards which existed in
that respect.
applicants complained under Article 8 of the Convention about the
retention of their fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA profiles
pursuant to section 64 (1A) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act
1984 (“the PACE”). Article 8 provides, so far as
relevant, as follows:
“1. Everyone has the right to respect
for his private ... life ...
2. There shall be no interference by a public
authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in
accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society ...
for the prevention of disorder or crime...”
A. Existence of an interference with private life
Court will first consider whether the retention by the authorities of
the applicants' fingerprints, DNA profiles and cellular samples
constitutes an interference in their private life.
1. The parties' submissions
(a) The applicants
applicants submitted that the retention of their fingerprints,
cellular samples and DNA profiles interfered with their right to
respect for private life as they were crucially linked to their
individual identity and concerned a type of personal information that
they were entitled to keep within their control. They recalled that
the initial taking of such bio-information had consistently been held
to engage Article 8 and submitted that their retention was more
controversial given the wealth of private information that became
permanently available to others and thus came out of the control of
the person concerned. They stressed in particular the social stigma
and psychological implications provoked by such retention in the case
of children, which made the interference with the right to private
life all the more pressing in respect of the first applicant.
considered that the Convention organs' case-law supported this
contention, as did a recent domestic decision of the Information
Tribunal (Chief Constables of West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and
North Wales Police v. the Information Commissioner, [2005] UKIT DA_05_0010 (12 October 2005), 173). The latter decision relied
on the speech of Baroness Hale of Richmond in the House of Lords (see
paragraph 25 above) and followed in substance her finding when
deciding a similar question about the application of Article 8 to the
retention of conviction data.
further emphasised that retention of cellular samples involved an
even greater degree of interference with Article 8 rights as they
contained full genetic information about a person including genetic
information about his or her relatives. It was of no significance
whether information was actually extracted from the samples or caused
a detriment in a particular case as an individual was entitled to a
guarantee that such information which fundamentally belonged to him
would remain private and not be communicated or accessible without
his permission.
(b) The Government
Government accepted that fingerprints, DNA profiles and samples were
“personal data” within the meaning of the Data Protection
Act in the hands of those who can identify the individual. They
considered, however, that the mere retention of fingerprints, DNA
profiles and samples for the limited use permitted under section 64
of the PACE did not fall within the ambit of the right to respect for
private life under Article 8 § 1 of the Convention. Unlike the
initial taking of this data, their retention did not interfere with
the physical and psychological integrity of the persons; nor did it
breach their right to personal development, to establish and develop
relationships with other human beings or the right to
Government submitted that the applicants' real concerns related to
fears about the future uses of stored samples, to anticipated methods
of analysis of DNA material and to potential intervention with the
private life of individuals through active surveillance. It
emphasised in this connection that the permitted extent of the use of
the material was clearly and expressly limited by the legislation,
the technological processes of DNA profiling and the nature of the
DNA profile extracted.
profile was merely a sequence of numbers which provided a means of
identifying a person against bodily tissue, containing no materially
intrusive information about an individual or his personality. The DNA
database was a collection of such profiles which could be searched
using material from a crime scene and a person would be identified
only if and to the extent that a match was obtained against the
sample. Familial searching through partial matches only occurred in
very rare cases and was subject to very strict controls.
Fingerprints, DNA profiles and samples were neither susceptible to
any subjective commentary nor provided any information about a
person's activities and thus presented no risk to affect the
perception of an individual or affect his or her reputation. Even if
such retention were capable of falling within the ambit of Article 8
§ 1 the extremely limited nature of any adverse effects rendered
the retention not sufficiently serious to constitute an interference.
2. The Court's assessment
(a) General principles
The Court recalls that the concept of “private
life” is a broad term not susceptible to exhaustive definition.
It covers the physical and psychological integrity of a person (see
Pretty v. the United Kingdom, no. 2346/02, § 61,
ECHR 2002 III, 35 EHRR 1, and Y.F. v. Turkey, no. 24209/94,
§ 33, ECHR 2003 IX, 39 EHRR 34 ). It can therefore embrace multiple
aspects of the person's physical and social identity (see Mikulić
v. Croatia, no. 53176/99, § 53, ECHR 2002-I, BAILII: [2002] ECHR 27 ). Elements such
as, for example, gender identification, name and sexual orientation
and sexual life fall within the personal sphere protected by Article
8 (see, among other authorities, Bensaid v. the United Kingdom,
no. 44599/98, § 47, ECHR 2001, 33 EHRR 10, I with further
references, and Peck v. the United Kingdom, no. 44647/98,
§ 57, ECHR 2003 I, 36 EHRR 41 ). Beyond a person's name, his or her
private and family life may include other means of personal
identification and of linking to a family (see mutatis mutandis
Burghartz v. Switzerland, 22 February 1994, § 24,
Series A no. 280 B; and Ünal Tekeli v. Turkey,
no. 29865/96, § 42, ECHR 2004 X (extracts), 42 EHRR 53 ).
Information about the person's health is an important element of
private life (see Z. v. Finland, 25 February 1997, § 71,
Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997 I, 25 EHRR 371). The Court
furthermore considers that an individual's ethnic identity must be
regarded as another such element (see in particular Article 6 of the
Data Protection Convention quoted in paragraph 41 above, which lists
personal data revealing racial origin as a special category of data
along with other sensitive information about an individual). Article
8 protects in addition a right to personal development, and the right
to establish and develop relationships with other human beings and
the outside world (see, for example, Burghartz, cited above,
opinion of the Commission, p. 37, § 47, and Friedl v.
Austria, judgment of 31 January 1995, Series A no. 305-B, opinion
of the Commission, p. 20, § 45, 21 EHRR 83). The concept of private
life moreover includes elements relating to a person's right to their
image (Sciacca v. Italy, no. 50774/99, § 29,
ECHR 2005-I, 43 EHRR 20).
mere storing of data relating to the private life of an individual
amounts to an interference within the meaning of Article 8 (see
Leander v. Sweden, 26 March 1987, § 48, Series A no.
116, 9 EHRR 433). The subsequent use of the stored information has no bearing on
that finding (Amann v. Switzerland [GC], no. 27798/95,
§ 69, ECHR 2000-II, 30 EHRR 843). However, in determining whether the
personal information retained by the authorities involves any of the
private-life aspects mentioned above, the Court will have due regard
to the specific context in which the information at issue has been
recorded and retained, the nature of the records, the way in which
these records are used and processed and the results that may be
obtained (see, mutatis mutandis, Friedl, cited above,
§§49-51, and Peck v. the United Kingdom, cited
above, § 59).
(b) Application of the principles to the
present case
Court notes at the outset that all three categories of the personal
information retained by the authorities in the present cases, namely
fingerprints, DNA profiles and cellular samples, constitute personal
data within the meaning of the Data Protection Convention as they
relate to identified or identifiable individuals. The Government
accepted that all three categories are “personal data”
within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998 in the hands of
those who are able to identify the individual.
Convention organs have already considered in various circumstances
questions relating to the retention of such personal data by the
authorities in the context of criminal proceedings. As regards the
nature and scope of the information contained in each of these three
categories of data, the Court has distinguished in the past between
the retention of fingerprints and the retention of cellular samples
and DNA profiles in view of the stronger potential for future use of
the personal information contained in the latter (see Van der
Velden v. the Netherlands (dec.), no. 29514/05, ECHR
2006-..., BAILII: [2006] ECHR 1174 ). The Court considers it appropriate to examine separately
the question of interference with the applicants' right to respect
for their private lives by the retention of their cellular samples
and DNA profiles on the one hand, and of their fingerprints on the
(i) Cellular samples and DNA profiles
Van der Velden,
the Court considered that, given the use to which cellular
material in particular could conceivably be put in the future, the
systematic retention of that material was sufficiently intrusive to
disclose interference with the right to respect for private life (see
Van der Velden cited above). The Government criticised that
conclusion on the ground that it speculated on the theoretical future
use of samples and that there was no such interference at present.
Court maintains its view that an individual's concern about the
possible future use of private information retained by the
authorities is legitimate and relevant to a determination of the
issue of whether there has been an interference. Indeed, bearing in
mind the rapid pace of developments in the field of genetics and
information technology, the Court cannot discount the possibility
that in the future the private-life interests bound up with genetic
information may be adversely affected in novel ways or in a manner
which cannot be anticipated with precision today. Accordingly, the
Court does not find any sufficient reason to depart from its finding
in the Van der Velden case.
concerns about the conceivable use of cellular material in the future
are not, however, the only element to be taken into account in the
determination of the present issue. In addition to the highly
personal nature of cellular samples, the Court notes that they
contain much sensitive information about an individual, including
information about his or her health. Moreover, samples contain a
unique genetic code of great relevance to both the individual and his
relatives. In this respect the Court concurs with the opinion
expressed by Baroness Hale in the House of Lords (see paragraph 25
the nature and the amount of personal information contained in
cellular samples, their retention per se must be regarded as
interfering with the right to respect for the private lives of the
individuals concerned. That only a limited part of this information
is actually extracted or used by the authorities through DNA
profiling and that no immediate detriment is caused in a particular
case does not change this conclusion (see Amann cited above,
§ 69).
regards DNA profiles themselves, the Court notes that they contain a
more limited amount of personal information extracted from cellular
samples in a coded form. The Government submitted that a DNA profile
is nothing more than a sequence of numbers or a bar-code containing
information of a purely objective and irrefutable character and that
the identification of a subject only occurs in case of a match with
another profile in the database. They also submitted that, being in
coded form, computer technology is required to render the information
intelligible and that only a limited number of persons would be able
to interpret the data in question.
Court observes, nonetheless, that the profiles contain substantial
amounts of unique personal data. While the information contained in
the profiles may be considered objective and irrefutable in the sense
submitted by the Government, their processing through automated means
allows the authorities to go well beyond neutral identification. The
Court notes in this regard that the Government accepted that DNA
profiles could be, and indeed had in some cases been, used for
familial searching with a view to identifying a possible genetic
relationship between individuals. They also accepted the highly
sensitive nature of such searching and the need for very strict
controls in this respect. In the Court's view, the DNA profiles'
capacity to provide a means of identifying genetic relationships
between individuals (see paragraph 39 above) is in itself sufficient
to conclude that their retention interferes with the right to the
private life of the individuals concerned. The frequency of familial
searches, the safeguards attached thereto and the likelihood of
detriment in a particular case are immaterial in this respect (see
Amann cited above, § 69). This conclusion is
similarly not affected by the fact that, since the information is in
coded form, it is intelligible only with the use of computer
technology and capable of being interpreted only by a limited number
of persons.
Court further notes that it is not disputed by the Government that
the processing of DNA profiles allows the authorities to assess the
likely ethnic origin of the donor and that such techniques are in
fact used in police investigations (see paragraph 40 above). The
possibility the DNA profiles create for inferences to be drawn as to
ethnic origin makes their retention all the more sensitive and
susceptible of affecting the right to private life. This conclusion
is consistent with the principle laid down in the Data Protection
Convention and reflected in the Data Protection Act that both list
personal data revealing ethnic origin among the special categories of
sensitive data attracting a heightened level of protection (see
paragraphs 30-31 and 41 above).
view of the foregoing, the Court concludes that the retention of both
cellular samples and DNA profiles discloses an interference with the
applicants' right to respect for their private lives, within the
meaning of Article 8 § 1 of the Convention.
(ii) Fingerprints
is common ground that fingerprints do not contain as much information
as either cellular samples or DNA profiles. The issue of alleged
interference with the right to respect for private life caused by
their retention by the authorities has already been considered by the
Convention organs.
McVeigh, the Commission first examined the issue of the taking
and retention of fingerprints as part of a series of investigative
measures. It accepted that at least some of the measures disclosed an
interference with the applicants' private life, while leaving open
the question of whether the retention of fingerprints alone would
amount to such interference (McVeigh, O'Neill and Evans (no.
8022/77, 8025/77 and 8027/77, Report of the Commission of 18 March
1981, DR 25, p.15, § 224).
Kinnunen, the Commission considered that fingerprints and
photographs retained following the applicant's arrest did not
constitute an interference with his private life as they did not
contain any subjective appreciations which called for refutation. The
Commission noted, however, that the data at issue had been destroyed
nine years later at the applicant's request (Kinnunen v. Finland,
no. 24950/94, Commission decision of 15 May 1996, BAILII: [1996] ECHR 104).
regard to these findings and the questions raised in the present
case, the Court considers it appropriate to review this issue. It
notes at the outset that the applicants' fingerprint records
constitute their personal data (see paragraph 68 above) which contain
certain external identification features much in the same way as, for
example, personal photographs or voice samples.
Friedl, the Commission considered that the retention of
anonymous photographs that have been taken at a public demonstration
did not interfere with the right to respect for private life. In so
deciding, it attached special weight to the fact that the photographs
concerned had not been entered in a data-processing system and that
the authorities had taken no steps to identify the persons
photographed by means of data processing (see Friedl cited
above, §§ 49-51).
P.G. and J.H., the Court considered that the recording of data
and the systematic or permanent nature of the record could give rise
to private-life considerations even though the data in question may
have been available in the public domain or otherwise. The Court
noted that a permanent record of a person's voice for further
analysis was of direct relevance to identifying that person when
considered in conjunction with other personal data. It accordingly
regarded the recording of the applicants' voices for such further
analysis as amounting to interference with their right to respect for
their private lives (see P.G. and J.H. v. the United Kingdom,
no. 44787/98, § 59-60, ECHR 2001 IX, BAILII: [2001] ECHR 550 ).
Court is of the view that the general approach taken by the
Convention organs in respect of photographs and voice samples should
also be followed in respect of fingerprints. The Government
distinguished the latter by arguing that they constituted neutral,
objective and irrefutable material and, unlike photographs, were
unintelligible to the untutored eye and without a comparator
fingerprint. While true, this consideration cannot alter the fact
that fingerprints objectively contain unique information about the
individual concerned allowing his or her identification with
precision in a wide range of circumstances. They are thus capable of
affecting his or her private life and retention of this information
without the consent of the individual concerned cannot be regarded as
neutral or insignificant.
Court accordingly considers that the retention of fingerprints on the
authorities' records in connection with an identified or identifiable
individual may in itself give rise, notwithstanding their objective
and irrefutable character, to important private-life concerns.
the instant case, the Court notes furthermore that the applicants'
fingerprints were initially taken in criminal proceedings and
subsequently recorded on a nationwide database with the aim of being
permanently kept and regularly processed by automated means for
criminal-identification purposes. It is accepted in this regard that,
because of the information they contain, the retention of cellular
samples and DNA profiles has a more important impact on private life
than the retention of fingerprints. However, the Court, like Baroness
Hale (see paragraph 25 above), considers that, while it may be
necessary to distinguish between the taking, use and storage of
fingerprints, on the one hand, and samples and profiles, on the
other, in determining the question of justification, the retention of
fingerprints constitutes an interference with the right to respect
for private life.
B. Justification for the interference
1. The parties' submissions
(a) The applicants
applicants argued that the retention of fingerprints, cellular
samples and DNA profiles was not justified under the second paragraph
of Article 8. The Government were given a very wide remit to use
samples and DNA profiles notably for “purposes related to the
prevention or detection of crime”, “the investigation of
an offence” or “the conduct of a prosecution”.
These purposes were vague and open to abuse as they might in
particular lead to the collation of detailed personal information
outside the immediate context of the investigation of a particular
offence. The applicants further submitted that there were
insufficient procedural safeguards against misuse or abuse of the
information. Records on the PNC were not only accessible to the
police, but also to 56 non-police bodies, including Government
agencies and departments, private groups such as British Telecom and
the Association of British Insurers, and even certain employers.
Furthermore, the PNC was linked to the Europe-wide “Schengen
Information System”. Consequently, their case involved a very
substantial and controversial interference with the right to private
life, as notably illustrated by ongoing public debate and
disagreement about the subject in the United Kingdom. Contrary to the
assertion of the Government, the applicants concluded that the issue
of the retention of this material was of great individual concern and
the State had a narrow margin of appreciation in this field.
applicants contended that the indefinite retention of fingerprints,
cellular samples and DNA profiles of unconvicted persons could not be
regarded as “necessary in a democratic society” for the
purpose of preventing crime. In particular, there was no
justification at all for the retention of cellular samples following
the original generation of the DNA profile; nor had the efficacy of
the profiles' retention been convincingly demonstrated since the high
number of DNA matches relied upon by the Government was not shown to
have led to successful prosecutions. Likewise, in most of the
specific examples provided by the Government the successful
prosecution had not been contingent on the retention of the records
and in certain others the successful outcome could have been achieved
through more limited retention in time and scope.
applicants further submitted that the retention was disproportionate
because of its blanket nature irrespective of the offences involved,
the unlimited period, the failure to take account of the applicants'
circumstances and the lack of an independent decision-making process
or scrutiny when considering whether or not to order retention. They
further considered the retention regime to be inconsistent with the
Council of Europe's guidance on the subject. They emphasised,
finally, that retention of the records cast suspicion on persons who
had been acquitted or discharged of crimes, thus implying that they
were not wholly innocent. The retention thus resulted in stigma which
was particularly detrimental to children as in the case of S. and to
members of certain ethnic groups over-represented on the database.
(b) The Government
Government submitted that any interference resulting from the
retention of the applicants' fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA
profiles was justified under the second paragraph of Article 8. It
was in accordance with the law as expressly provided for, and
governed by section 64 of the PACE, which set out detailed powers and
restrictions on the taking of fingerprints and samples and clearly
stated that they would be retained by the authorities regardless of
the outcome of the proceedings in respect of which they were taken.
The exercise of the discretion to retain fingerprints and samples was
also, in any event, subject to the normal principles of law
regulating discretionary power and to judicial review.
Government further stated that the interference was necessary and
proportionate for the legitimate purpose of the prevention of
disorder or crime and/or the protection of the rights and freedoms of
others. It was of vital importance that law enforcement agencies took
full advantage of available techniques of modern technology and
forensic science in the prevention, investigation and detection of
crime for the interests of society generally. They submitted that the
retained material was of inestimable value in the fight against crime
and terrorism and the detection of the guilty and provided statistics
in support of this view. They emphasised that the benefits to the
criminal-justice system were enormous, not only permitting the
detection of the guilty but also eliminating the innocent from
inquiries and correcting and preventing miscarriages of justice.
at 30 September 2005, the National DNA database held 181,000 profiles
from individuals who would have been entitled to have those profiles
destroyed before the 2001 amendments. 8,251 of those were
subsequently linked with crime-scene stains which involved 13,079
offences, including 109 murders, 55 attempted murders, 116 rapes,
67 sexual offences, 105 aggravated burglaries and 126 offences
of the supply of controlled drugs.
Government also submitted specific examples of use of DNA material
for successful investigation and prosecution in some eighteen
specific cases. In ten of these cases the DNA profiles of suspects
matched some earlier unrelated crime-scene stains retained on the
database, thus allowing successful prosecution for those earlier
crimes. In another case, two suspects arrested for rape were
eliminated from the investigation as their DNA profiles did not match
the crime-scene stain. In two other cases the retention of DNA
profiles of the persons found guilty of certain minor offences
(disorder and theft) led to establishing their involvement in other
crimes committed later. In one case the retention of a suspect's DNA
profile following an alleged immigration offence helped his
extradition to the United Kingdom a year later when he was identified
by one of his victims as having committed rape and murder. Finally,
in four cases DNA profiles retained from four persons suspected but
not convicted of certain offences (possession of offensive weapons,
violent disorder and assault) matched the crime-scene stains
collected from victims of rape up to two years later.
Government contended that the retention of fingerprints, cellular
samples and DNA profiles could not be regarded as excessive since
they were kept for specific limited statutory purposes and stored
securely and subject to the safeguards identified. Their retention
was neither warranted by any degree of suspicion of the applicants'
involvement in a crime or propensity to crime nor directed at
retaining records in respect of investigated alleged offences in the
past. The records were retained because the police had already been
lawfully in possession of them, and their retention would assist in
the future prevention and detection of crime in general by increasing
the size of the database. Retention resulted in no stigma and
produced no practical consequence for the applicants unless the
records matched a crime-scene profile. A fair balance was thus struck
between individual rights and the general interest of the community
and fell within the State's margin of appreciation.
2. The Court's assessment
(a) In accordance with the law
Court recalls its well established case-law that the wording “in
accordance with the law” requires the impugned measure both to
have some basis in domestic law and to be compatible with the rule of
law, which is expressly mentioned in the preamble to the Convention
and inherent in the object and purpose of Article 8. The law must
thus be adequately accessible and foreseeable, that is, formulated
with sufficient precision to enable the individual – if need be
with appropriate advice – to regulate his conduct. For domestic
law to meet these requirements, it must afford adequate legal
protection against arbitrariness and accordingly indicate with
sufficient clarity the scope of discretion conferred on the competent
authorities and the manner of its exercise (see Malone v. the
United Kingdom, 2 August 1984, §§ 66-68, Series A
no. 82, BAILII: [1984] ECHR 10; Rotaru v. Romania [GC], no. 28341/95, § 55,
ECHR 2000-V, BAILII: [2000] ECHR 192 ; and Amann cited above, § 56).
level of precision required of domestic legislation – which
cannot in any case provide for every eventuality – depends to a
considerable degree on the content of the instrument in question, the
field it is designed to cover and the number and status of those to
whom it is addressed (Hasan and Chaush v. Bulgaria [GC],
no. 30985/96, § 84, ECHR 2000-XI, with further
references, 34 EHRR 55 ).
Court notes that section 64 of the PACE provides that the
fingerprints or samples taken from a person in connection with the
investigation of an offence may be retained after they have fulfilled
the purposes for which they were taken (see paragraph 27 above). The
Court agrees with the Government that the retention of the
applicants' fingerprint and DNA records had a clear basis in the
domestic law. There is also clear evidence that these records are
retained in practice save in exceptional circumstances. The fact that
chief police officers have power to destroy them in such rare cases
does not make the law insufficiently certain from the point of view
of the Convention.
regards the conditions attached to and arrangements for the storing
and use of this personal information, section 64 is far less precise.
It provides that retained samples and fingerprints must not be used
by any person except for purposes related to the prevention or
detection of crime, the investigation of an offence or the conduct of
a prosecution.
Court agrees with the applicants that at least the first of these
purposes is worded in rather general terms and may give rise to
extensive interpretation. It
reiterates that it is as essential, in this context, as in telephone
tapping, secret surveillance and covert intelligence-gathering, to
have clear, detailed rules governing the scope and application of
measures, as well as minimum safeguards concerning, inter
duration, storage, usage, access of third parties, procedures for
preserving the integrity and confidentiality of data and procedures
for its destruction, thus providing sufficient guarantees against the
risk of abuse and arbitrariness (see, mutatis
mutandis, Kruslin v. France, 24 April 1990, §§ 33
and 35, Series A no. 176 A, BAILII: [1990] ECHR 10 ; Rotaru, cited
above, § 57-59; Weber and Saravia v. Germany
(dec.), no. 54934/00, ECHR 2006 ..., BAILII: [2006] ECHR 1173;
Association for European Integration and Human Rights and Ekimdzhiev
v. Bulgaria,
no. 62540/00, §§ 75-77, 28 June 2007, BAILII: [2007] ECHR 533 ;
Liberty and Others v. the United Kingdom, no.
58243/00, § 62-63, 1 July 2008, BAILII: [2008] ECHR 568 ). The Court notes,
however, that these questions are in this case closely related to the
broader issue of whether the interference was necessary in a
democratic society. In view of its analysis in paragraphs 105-126
below, the Court does not find it necessary to decide whether the
wording of section 64 meets the “quality of law”
requirements within the meaning of Article 8 § 2 of the
(b) Legitimate aim
Court agrees with the Government that the retention of fingerprint
and DNA information pursues the legitimate purpose of the detection,
and therefore, prevention of crime. While the original taking of this
information pursues the aim of linking a particular person to the
particular crime of which he or she is suspected, its retention
pursues the broader purpose of assisting in the identification of
future offenders.
(c) Necessary in a democratic society
(i) General principles
interference will be considered “necessary in a democratic
society” for a legitimate aim if it answers a “pressing
social need” and, in particular, if it is proportionate to the
legitimate aim pursued and if the reasons adduced by the national
authorities to justify it are "relevant and sufficient".
While it is for the national authorities to make the initial
assessment in all these respects, the final evaluation of whether the
interference is necessary remains subject to review by the Court for
conformity with the requirements of the Convention (see Coster v.
the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24876/94, § 104, 18
January 2001, with further references, 33 EHRR 20 ).
margin of appreciation must be left to the competent national
authorities in this assessment. The breadth of this margin varies and
depends on a number of factors including
the nature of the Convention right in issue, its importance for the
individual, the nature of the interference and the object pursued by
the interference. The margin will tend to be narrower where the right
at stake is crucial to the individual's effective enjoyment of
intimate or key rights (see Connors v. the United Kingdom,
no. 66746/01, § 82, 27 May 2004, with further
references, 40 EHRR 9 ). Where a particularly important
facet of an individual's existence or identity is at stake, the
margin allowed to the State will be restricted (see Evans
v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 6339/05, § 77, ECHR
2007 ..., 46 EHRR 34 ). Where, however, there is no
consensus within the Member States of the Council of Europe, either
as to the relative importance of the interest at stake or as to how
best to protect it, the margin will be wider (see Dickson
v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 44362/04, § 78,
ECHR 2007-..., BAILII: [2007] ECHR 1050 ).
protection of personal data is of fundamental importance to a
person's enjoyment of his or her right to respect for private and
family life, as guaranteed by Article 8 of the Convention. The
domestic law must afford appropriate safeguards to prevent any such
use of personal data as may be inconsistent with the guarantees of
this Article (see, mutatis mutandis, Z., cited above,
§ 95). The need for such safeguards is all the greater
where the protection of personal data undergoing automatic processing
is concerned, not least when such data are used for police purposes.
The domestic law should notably ensure that such data are relevant
and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are
stored; and preserved in a form which permits identification of the
data subjects for no longer than is required for the purpose for
which those data are stored (see Article 5 of the Data Protection
Convention and the preamble thereto and Principle 7 of Recommendation
R(87)15 of the Committee of Ministers regulating the use of personal
data in the police sector). The domestic law must also afford
adequate guarantees that retained personal data was efficiently
protected from misuse and abuse (see notably Article 7 of the Data
Protection Convention). The above considerations are especially valid
as regards the protection of special categories of more sensitive
data (see Article 6 of the Data Protection Convention) and more
particularly of DNA information, which contains the person's genetic
make-up of great importance to both the person concerned and his or
her family (see Recommendation No. R(92)1 of the Committee of
Ministers on the use of analysis of DNA within the framework of the
criminal justice system).
interests of the data subjects and the community as a whole in
protecting the personal data, including fingerprint and DNA
information, may be outweighed by the legitimate interest in the
prevention of crime (see Article 9 of the Data Protection
Convention). However, the intrinsically private character of this
information calls for the Court to exercise careful scrutiny of any
State measure authorising its retention and use by the authorities
without the consent of the person concerned (see, mutatis
mutandis, Z. cited above, § 96).
(ii) Application of these principles to
the present case
Court finds it to be beyond dispute that the fight against crime, and
in particular against organised crime and terrorism, which is one of
the challenges faced by today's European societies, depends to a
great extent on the use of modern scientific techniques of
investigation and identification. The techniques of DNA analysis were
acknowledged by the Council of Europe more than fifteen years ago as
offering advantages to the criminal-justice system (see
Recommendation R(92)1 of the Committee of Ministers, paragraphs 43-44
above). Nor is it disputed that the member States have since that
time made rapid and marked progress in using DNA information in the
determination of innocence or guilt.
while it recognises the importance of such information in the
detection of crime, the Court must delimit the scope of its
examination. The question is not whether the retention of
fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA profiles may in general be
regarded as justified under the Convention. The only issue to be
considered by the Court is whether the retention of the fingerprint
and DNA data of the applicants, as persons who had been suspected,
but not convicted, of certain criminal offences, was justified under
Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Convention.
Court will consider this issue with due regard to the relevant
instruments of the Council of Europe and the law and practice of the
other Contracting States. The core principles of data protection
require the retention of data to be proportionate in relation to the
purpose of collection and insist on limited periods of storage (see
paragraphs 41-44 above). These principles appear to have been
consistently applied by the Contracting States in the police sector
in accordance with the Data Protection Convention and subsequent
Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers (see paragraphs 45-49
regards, more particularly, cellular samples, most of the Contracting
States allow these materials to be taken in criminal proceedings only
from individuals suspected of having committed offences of a certain
minimum gravity. In the great majority of the Contracting States with
functioning DNA databases, samples and DNA profiles derived from
those samples are required to be removed or destroyed either
immediately or within a certain limited time after acquittal or
discharge. A restricted number of exceptions to this principle are
allowed by some Contracting States (see paragraphs 47-48 above).
current position of Scotland, as a part of the United Kingdom itself,
is of particular significance in this regard. As noted above (see
paragraph 36), the Scottish Parliament voted to allow retention of
the DNA of unconvicted persons only in the case of adults charged
with violent or sexual offences and even then, for three years only,
with the possibility of an extension to keep the DNA sample and data
for a further two years with the consent of a sheriff.
position is notably consistent with Committee of Ministers'
Recommendation R(92)1, which stresses the need for an approach which
discriminates between different kinds of cases and for the
application of strictly defined storage periods for data, even in
more serious cases (see paragraphs 43-44 above). Against this
background, England, Wales and Northern Ireland appear to be the only
jurisdictions within the Council of Europe to allow the indefinite
retention of fingerprint and DNA material of any person of any age
suspected of any recordable offence.
Government lay emphasis on the fact that the United Kingdom is in the
vanguard of the development of the use of DNA samples in the
detection of crime and that other States have not yet achieved the
same maturity in terms of the size and resources of DNA databases. It
is argued that the comparative analysis of the law and practice in
other States with less advanced systems is accordingly of limited
Court cannot, however, disregard the fact that, notwithstanding the
advantages provided by comprehensive extension of the DNA database,
other Contracting States have chosen to set limits on the retention
and use of such data with a view to achieving a proper balance with
the competing interests of preserving respect for private life. The
Court observes that the protection afforded by Article 8 of the
Convention would be unacceptably weakened if the use of modern
scientific techniques in the criminal-justice system were allowed at
any cost and without carefully balancing the potential benefits of
the extensive use of such techniques against important private-life
interests. In the Court's view, the strong consensus existing among
the Contracting States in this respect is of considerable importance
and narrows the margin of appreciation left to the respondent State
in the assessment of the permissible limits of the interference with
private life in this sphere. The Court considers that any State
claiming a pioneer role in the development of new technologies bears
special responsibility for striking the right balance in this regard.
the present case, the applicants' fingerprints and cellular samples
were taken and DNA profiles obtained in the context of criminal
proceedings brought on suspicion of attempted robbery in the case of
the first applicant and harassment of his partner in the case of the
second applicant. The data were retained on the basis of legislation
allowing for their indefinite retention, despite the acquittal of the
former and the discontinuance of the criminal proceedings against the
Court must consider whether the permanent retention of fingerprint
and DNA data of all suspected but unconvicted people is based on
relevant and sufficient reasons.
the power to retain fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA profiles
of unconvicted persons has only existed in England and Wales since
2001, the Government argue that their retention has been shown to be
indispensable in the fight against crime. Certainly, the statistical
and other evidence, which was before the House of Lords and is
included in the material supplied by the Government (see paragraph 92
above) appears impressive, indicating that DNA profiles that would
have been previously destroyed were linked with crime-scene stains in
a high number of cases.
applicants, however, assert that the statistics are misleading, a
view supported in the Nuffield Report. It is true, as pointed out by
the applicants, that the figures do not reveal the extent to which
this "link" with crime scenes resulted in convictions of
the persons concerned or the number of convictions that were
contingent on the retention of the samples of unconvicted persons.
Nor do they demonstrate that the high number of successful matches
with crime-scene stains was only made possible through indefinite
retention of DNA records of all such persons. At the same time, in
the majority of the specific cases quoted by the Government (see
paragraph 93 above), the DNA records taken from the suspects produced
successful matches only with earlier crime-scene stains retained on
the data base. Yet such matches could have been made even in the
absence of the present scheme, which permits the indefinite retention
of DNA records of all suspected but unconvicted persons.
neither the statistics nor the examples provided by the Government in
themselves establish that the successful identification and
prosecution of offenders could not have been achieved without the
permanent and indiscriminate retention of the fingerprint and DNA
records of all persons in the applicants' position, the Court accepts
that the extension of the database has nonetheless contributed to the
detection and prevention of crime.
question, however, remains whether such retention is proportionate
and strikes a fair balance between the competing public and private
this respect, the Court is struck by the blanket and indiscriminate
nature of the power of retention in England and Wales. The material
may be retained irrespective of the nature or gravity of the offence
with which the individual was originally suspected or of the age of
the suspected offender; fingerprints and samples may be taken –
and retained – from a person of any age, arrested in connection
with a recordable offence, which includes minor or non-imprisonable
offences. The retention is not time-limited; the material is retained
indefinitely whatever the nature or seriousness of the offence of
which the person was suspected. Moreover, there exist only limited
possibilities for an acquitted individual to have the data removed
from the nationwide database or the materials destroyed (see
paragraph 35 above); in particular, there is no provision for
independent review of the justification for the retention according
to defined criteria, including such factors as the seriousness of the
offence, previous arrests, the strength of the suspicion against the
person and any other special circumstances.
Court acknowledges that the level of interference with the
applicants' right to private life may be different for each of the
three different categories of personal data retained. The retention
of cellular samples is particularly intrusive given the wealth of
genetic and health information contained therein. However, such an
indiscriminate and open-ended retention regime as the one in issue
calls for careful scrutiny regardless of these differences.
Government contend that the retention could not be considered as
having any direct or significant effect on the applicants unless
matches in the database were to implicate them in the commission of
offences on a future occasion. The Court is unable to accept this
argument and reiterates that the mere retention and storing of
personal data by public authorities, however obtained, are to be
regarded as having direct impact on the private-life interest of an
individual concerned, irrespective of whether subsequent use is made
of the data (see paragraph 67 above).
particular concern in the present context is the risk of
stigmatisation, stemming from the fact that persons in the position
of the applicants, who have not been convicted of any offence and are
entitled to the presumption of innocence, are treated in the same way
as convicted persons. In this respect, the Court must bear in mind
that the right of every person under the Convention to be presumed
innocent includes the general rule that no suspicion regarding an
accused's innocence may be voiced after his acquittal (see Asan
Rushiti v. Austria, no. 28389/95, § 31, 21
March 2000, with further references, 33 EHRR 56 ). It is true that the retention
of the applicants' private data cannot be equated with the voicing of
suspicions. Nonetheless, their perception that they are not being
treated as innocent is heightened by the fact that their data are
retained indefinitely in the same way as the data of convicted
persons, while the data of those who have never been suspected of an
offence are required to be destroyed.
Government argue that the power of retention applies to all
fingerprints and samples taken from a person in connection with the
investigation of an offence and does not depend on innocence or
guilt. It is further submitted that the fingerprints and samples have
been lawfully taken and that their retention is not related to the
fact that they were originally suspected of committing a crime, the
sole reason for their retention being to increase the size and,
therefore, the use of the database in the identification of offenders
in the future. The Court, however, finds this argument difficult to
reconcile with the obligation imposed by section 64(3) of the PACE to
destroy the fingerprints and samples of volunteers at their request,
despite the similar value of the material in increasing the size and
utility of the database. Weighty reasons would have to be put forward
by the Government before the Court could regard as justified such a
difference in treatment of the applicants' private data compared to
that of other unconvicted people.
Court further considers that the retention of the unconvicted
persons' data may be especially harmful in the case of minors such as
the first applicant, given their special situation and the importance
of their development and integration in society. The Court has
already emphasised, drawing on the provisions of Article 40 of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989, the special position
of minors in the criminal-justice sphere and has noted in particular
the need for the protection of their privacy at criminal trials (see
T. v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 24724/94, §§ 75
and 85, 16 December 1999, 30 EHRR 121 ). In the same way, the Court considers that
particular attention should be paid to the protection of juveniles
from any detriment that may result from the retention by the
authorities of their private data following acquittals of a criminal
offence. The Court shares the view of the Nuffield Council as to the
impact on young persons of the indefinite retention of their DNA
material and notes the Council's concerns that the policies applied
have led to the over-representation in the database of young persons
and ethnic minorities, who have not been convicted of any crime (see
paragraphs 38-40 above).
conclusion, the Court finds that the blanket and indiscriminate
nature of the powers of retention of the fingerprints, cellular
samples and DNA profiles of persons suspected but not convicted of
offences, as applied in the case of the present applicants, fails to
strike a fair balance between the competing public and private
interests and that the respondent State has overstepped any
acceptable margin of appreciation in this regard. Accordingly, the
retention at issue constitutes a disproportionate interference with
the applicants' right to respect for private life and cannot be
regarded as necessary in a democratic society. This conclusion
obviates the need for the Court to consider the applicants' criticism
regarding the adequacy of certain particular safeguards, such as too
broad an access to the personal data concerned and insufficient
protection against the misuse or abuse of such data.
there has been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention in the
present case.
applicants submitted that they had been subjected to discriminatory
treatment as compared to others in an analogous situation, namely
other unconvicted persons whose samples had still to be destroyed
under the legislation. This treatment related to their status and
fell within the ambit of Article 14, which had always been liberally
interpreted. For the reasons set out in their submissions under
Article 8, there was no reasonable or objective justification for the
treatment, nor any legitimate aim or reasonable relationship of
proportionality to the purported aim of crime prevention, in
particular as regards the samples which played no role in crime
detection or prevention. It was an entirely improper and prejudicial
differentiation to retain materials of persons who should be presumed
to be innocent.
Government submitted that as Article 8 was not engaged Article 14 of
the Convention was not applicable. Even if it were, there was no
difference of treatment as all those in an analogous situation to the
applicants were treated the same and the applicants could not compare
themselves with those who had not had samples taken by the police or
those who consented to give samples voluntarily. In any event, any
difference in treatment complained of was not based on “status”
or a personal characteristic but on historical fact. If there was any
difference in treatment, it was objectively justified and within the
State's margin of appreciation.
Court refers to its conclusion above that the retention of the
applicants' fingerprints, cellular samples and DNA profiles was in
violation of Article 8 of the Convention. In the light of the
reasoning that has led to this conclusion, the Court considers that
it is not necessary to examine separately the applicants' complaint
under Article 14 of the Convention.
Article 41 of the Convention provides:
“If the Court finds that there has been a
violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the
internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only
partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford
just satisfaction to the injured party.”
applicants requested the Court to award them just satisfaction for
non-pecuniary damage and for costs and expenses.
A. Non-pecuniary damage
applicants claimed compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the sum
of GBP 5,000 each for distress and anxiety caused by the
knowledge that intimate information about each of them had been
unjustifiably retained by the State, and in relation to anxiety and
stress caused by the need to pursue this matter through the courts.
Government, referring to the Court's case-law (in particular, Amann
v. Switzerland, cited above), submitted that a finding of a
violation would in itself constitute just satisfaction for both
applicants and distinguished the present case from those cases where
violations had been found as a result of the use or disclosure of the
personal information (in particular, Rotaru v. Romania, cited
Court recalls that it has found that the retention of the applicants'
fingerprint and DNA data violates their rights under Article 8. In
accordance with Article 46 of the Convention, it will be for the
respondent State to implement, under the supervision of the Committee
of Ministers, appropriate general and/or individual measures to
fulfil its obligations to secure the right of the applicants and
other persons in their position to respect for their private life
(see Scozzari and Giunta v. Italy [GC], nos. 39221/98 and
41963/98, § 249, ECHR 2000 VIII, 35 EHRR 12 , and Christine
Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 28957/95, § 120,
ECHR 2002 VI, 35 EHRR 18 ). In these circumstances, the Court considers that
the finding of a violation, with the consequences which will ensue
for the future, may be regarded as constituting sufficient just
satisfaction in this respect. The Court accordingly rejects the
applicants' claim for non-pecuniary damage.
B. Costs and expenses
applicants also requested the Court to award GBP 52,066.25 for
costs and expenses incurred before the Court and attached detailed
documentation in support of their claim. These included the costs of
the solicitor (GBP 15,083.12) and the fees of three counsel
(GBP 21,267.50, GBP 2,937.50 and GBP 12,778.13
respectively). The hourly rates charged by the lawyers were as
follows: GBP 140 in respect of the applicants' solicitor
(increased to GBP 183 as from June 2007) and GBP 150,
GBP 250 and GBP 125 respectively in respect of the three
Government qualified the applicants' claim as entirely unreasonable.
They submitted in particular that the rates charged by the lawyers
were excessive and should be reduced to no more than two-thirds of
the level claimed. They also argued that no award should be made in
respect of the applicants' decision to instruct a fourth lawyer at a
late stage of the proceedings as it had led to the duplication of
work. The Government concluded that any cost award should be limited
to GBP 15,000 and in any event, to no more than GBP 20,000.
Court reiterates that only legal costs and
expenses found to have been actually and necessarily incurred and
which are reasonable as to quantum are recoverable under Article 41
of the Convention (see, among other authorities, Roche v.
the United Kingdom [GC], no. 32555/96, § 182, ECHR
2005 X, 42 EHRR 30 ).
the one hand, the present
applications were of some complexity as they required examination in
a Chamber and in the Grand Chamber, including several rounds of
observations and an oral hearing. The application also
raised important legal issues and questions of principle requiring a
large amount of work. It notably required an in-depth examination of
the current debate on the issue of retention of fingerprint and DNA
records in the United Kingdom and a comprehensive comparative
research of the law and practice of other Contracting States and of
the relevant texts and documents of the Council of Europe.
the other hand, the Court considers that the overall sum of
GBP 52,066.25 claimed by the applicants is excessive as to
quantum. In particular, the Court agrees with the Government that the
appointment of the fourth lawyer in the later stages of the
proceedings may have led to a certain amount of duplication of work.
its assessment on an equitable basis and in the light of its practice
in comparable cases, the Court awards the sum of EUR 42,000 in
respect of costs and expenses, less the amount of EUR 2,613.07
already paid by the Council of Europe in legal
C. Default interest
Court considers it appropriate that the default interest should be
based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to
which should be added three percentage points.
Holds that there has been a violation of
Article 8 of the Convention;
Holds that it is not necessary to examine
separately the complaint under Article 14 of the Convention;
Holds that the finding of a violation
constitutes in itself sufficient just satisfaction for the
non-pecuniary damage sustained by the applicants;
(a) that
the respondent State is to pay the applicants, within three months,
EUR 42,000 (forty two thousand euros) in respect of costs and
expenses (inclusive of any VAT which may be chargeable to the
applicants), to be converted into pounds sterling
at the rate applicable at the date of settlement, less EUR 2,613.07
already paid to the applicants in respect of legal aid;
(b) that
from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement
simple interest shall be payable on the above amount at a rate equal
to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the
default period plus three percentage points;
Dismisses the remainder of the applicants' claim
for just satisfaction.
Done in English and in French, and delivered at a public hearing in
the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 4 December 2008.
Michael O'Boyle Jean-Paul Costa
Deputy Registrar President