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1.(1) The powers and duties transferred from..., the Commissioners of the
Royal Hospital for Soldiers at Chelsea,... to the Minister by the
Ministry of Pensions Act, 1916, shall, except in so far as those powers and
duties relate to pensions or grants to which the War Pensions Acts as amended
by this Act apply, or to pensions or grants awarded in respect of wounds,
disabilities, or other matters suffered, incurred, or happening in any war
which occurred before the fourth day of August, nineteen hundred and fourteen,
be re-transferred to..., the Commissioners,..., and the expressions "the
present war," "the great war," or "the war" in any Warrants or Orders in
Council relating to pensions, grants or allowances administered by
the Minister shall have the same meaning as by virtue of this Act the
expression "the present war" has in the War Pensions Acts, and all such
Warrants and Orders in Council shall be construed and have effect accordingly.

(2) The expression "pension"... in subsection (3) of section two of the
Air Force (Constitution) Act, 1917, shall, in relation to officers, include a
wounds pension awarded to an officer who is at any time after the date on
which this subsection comes into operation in receipt of retired pay, or in
the case of a naval warrant officer of a pension, granted under a Warrant or
Order in Council administered by the Minister.

(3) If any question arises as to whether any pension, grant or allowance is a
pension, grant, or allowance to which the War Pensions Acts as amended by
this Act apply, that question shall be referred to the Minister, and the
decision of the Minister thereon shall be conclusive.

Subs.(4) rep. by SLR 1953

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